Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1885: Go to Tianyinmen

Bloody flash?

Qin Shaofeng's stomach was cramping with laughter.

I circled a cross because it was so hard not to laugh!

As long as this **** spirit flashes, it's just a damaging move that Qin Shaofeng might have created when he used the Flying Feather Knife by himself.

Yes, it is indeed a negative loss!

Qin Shaofeng used the silver blade light that was hit with the flying feather knife, it was only responsible for injecting power into the flying feather knife, and then attacked with the flying feather knife itself.

Therefore, apart from consuming one's own strength, there is no harm to Qin Shaofeng.

But this **** flash is different!

The Blood Spirit Flash just didn't rely on any foreign objects at all, and it displayed some similar moves when attacking with a flying feather knife.

This can be difficult without resorting to foreign objects.

Qin Shaofeng encountered some troubles when he created it, and he originally planned to give up. Suddenly, he thought of using the player's own blood as a substitute for a flying feather knife.

It turned out to be a success!

Using blood as the carrier, it burst out like a flying feather knife attack, which is like a silver light knife attack.

This is the flash of blood!

Well, an attack combining blood and aura!

However, Qin Shaofeng had to admit that this trick was indeed quite good.

Because it is completely able to explode an attack that exceeds his current realm at the cost of a large amount of his own aura and then consume his own blood.

Just now Zhou Shuokun used part of the blood in his body as a price, and then consumed a lot of spiritual energy, and displayed a **** flash.

Perhaps this is a bit tasteless to Qin Shaofeng, and he has a tendency to abuse himself. Even if he uses it more often, it will have some impact on his body.

But in Zhou Shuokun's eyes, it was another matter.

Because in Zhou Shuokun’s view, there is only one word to describe this **** flash, that is strong!

Not only Zhou Shuokun thought so, but everyone present at the moment thought so.

The power of that giant python is obvious to all, but Zhou Shuokun can kill it with one move. How could such a move not be powerful?

At the same time, Feng Yihe was also extremely surprised.

What kind of attack is that, so powerful?

At that moment, Feng Yihe realized that it belonged to the power of God Refining Realm.

Even at that moment, he thought that Zhou Shuokun had already broken through and promoted to the God Refining Realm!

This made him even more jealous of Zhou Shuokun.

At the same time, he also made up his mind. After he returned, he explained the situation to his own forces. The Tianyinmen possessed a state of concentrating the spirit to complete the realm, and the attack of the refining state broke out.

This must be noted!

But Feng Yihe didn't know that at this moment, the three Tianyinmen guardians at the initial stage of concentration were all staring at Zhou Shuokun in a daze, and a thought appeared in their hearts.

Why did you never hear of this **** flash?

Could it be the newly cultivated move by the elder Zhou Da?

If they don't understand, they can only guess from Zhou Shuokun's old father.

Zhou Shuokun didn't pay much attention to it. Although the power of that move was amazing, it was also extremely costly for him.

Even his combat power at the moment, I am afraid it is only half of the period of the victory.

However, Zhou Shuokun was disapproving, thinking that he hadn't fully mastered the Blood Spirit Flash, which caused such a consumption too much.

After all, he hasn't officially started practicing "Nine Revolutions into Gods Jue" yet!

Therefore, after the genetically modified organisms have been resolved, things will be easy to handle, and now we will officially start to investigate the situation in this place.

Seeing that there is no entrance to the secret realm of the spiritual world.

However, I don't know why, after the giant python was killed, Qin Shaofeng always felt that something was not right in his heart, and even had a faint premonition in his heart.

This made Qin Shaofeng vigilant, secretly winking at the evil blood Taoist, and approaching the upper pothole without leaving a trace.

Since they began to explore the entire underground space, no one felt that Qin Shaofeng was different from the evil blood daoist.

not good!

Suddenly, at a certain moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart jumped fiercely, giving birth to a great crisis, as if something bad was about to happen, and his hair exploded instantly!

At the same time, Zhou Shuokun seemed to have noticed something, his face changed drastically, and he wanted to open his mouth to shout something.

But the next moment, as if there was an earthquake, a strange roar came from everyone's feet.


This voice is...

The moment Qin Shaofeng's face changed when he heard this voice, a word came out in his heart.


I circled a cross, there are dragons in this place?


At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng hurriedly shouted to the evil-blood Taoist, and then, without even thinking about it, flew upward with a flash.

Without Qin Shaofeng's reminder, the evil-blooded Taoist immediately noticed something and flew up instantly.

At the same time, Zhou Shuokun, Feng Yihe and others also got up and flew right away.

After taking this lead, the rest of the people also reacted. They all shook their bodies, fleeing like crazy.

The lowest here are all monks in the Qihai Realm, all of them escaping fast, but at this moment there is no fastest, only faster.

Because at the same time, somewhere deeper in the underground space, a powerful breath rose.

This breath was so powerful that Zhou Shuokun couldn't even think of resistance.

too frightening!

However, what surprised Qin Shaofeng and others was that after the aura appeared, the master who exuded the aura did not appear, as if a dragon groaned, just a warning.

Not long after, Qin Shaofeng and others returned to the ground.

Because it seemed to be aware of it, Qin Shaofeng slowed down after only a warning, and returned to the ground after Zhou Shuokun and Feng Yihe.

But even so, Feng Yihe looked at Qin Shaofeng extra.

Because from Feng Yihe's point of view, Qin Shaofeng is only a mere Qihai Realm cultivation base, even if he reacts faster, the first one to run, then this speed is too fast!

Zhou Shuokun didn't think anything, because Qin Shaofeng's jade slip didn't have any powerful attacks, but there were many ways to save his life.

Even one of the escape techniques surprised Zhou Shuokun.

Therefore, he was not surprised that Qin Shaofeng had such a speed.

When everyone returned to the ground, Zhou Shuokun and Feng Yihe glanced at each other, and there was a hint of surprise.

Nothing hasn't come out?

Not sure if it is a dragon, but the other party's breath is indeed strong.

But why didn't the other party show up, it was really just a warning to them?

"Why don't you go down and have a look?"

Finally, after a moment of silence, Feng Yihe suddenly suggested.

Hearing that Zhou Shuokun immediately raised his head, looked at Feng Yihe like a fool, and sneered: "Okay, then you go down and take a look!"

In fact, Feng Yihe regretted that sentence.

In such a special situation, that stupid will go down and take a look!

Sure enough, Feng Yihe was embarrassed when he heard Zhou Shuokun's words.

"Then what should I do now?" Feng Yihe asked.

Zhou Shuokun ignored him. Instead, he turned to two of the three masters of concentration and said: "Zhou Yun and Zhou Peng, you two will take some people here to guard. I will go back and compare the situation here. Elder report!"


Zhou Yun and Zhou Peng nodded their heads, and then under Zhou Shuokun's gesture, ten masters of the gods and eighty cultivators of the sea realm were arranged.

After Zhou Shuokun gave the order, he directly said to the evil blood Taoist and Qin Shaofeng: "Okay, now you go back with me!"

"My lord, where are we going back?" Qin Shaofeng asked subconsciously.

Out of satisfaction with the power of the Blood Spirit Flash, Zhou Shuokun explained to Qin Shaofeng with a smile: "Of course it is back to our Tianyinmen!"

After all, Zhou Shuokun waved his big hand, and a burst of spiritual energy gushed out, including this Qin Shaofeng, the evil blood Taoist and some other Tianyinmen, and flew directly into the air.

Seeing Zhou Shuokun taking people away, Feng Yihe was a little dumbfounded.

What's the situation?

Shuokun left like this this week?

Is this underground space no longer explored?

Feng Yihe was a little confused, but soon he also woke up.


What a fart to explore!

Just by feeling that breath, I already knew that the owner of that breath was definitely beyond the Qi transformation stage and reached the state of Void Returning Stage.

And at least most of them are still transforming virtual realm, even a powerful existence above it.

For an existence of this level, Feng Yihe didn't think that he could discover something by being a little monk in the late stage of concentration.

It will even die directly!

At this moment, Feng Yihe finally understood that this underground space seemed more important than imagined.

Then, Feng Yihe did not delay, organized a team, and after leaving a group of people, he also planned to return to the secret realm of the spiritual world for the first time.

Such an important matter must be reported immediately!


It was the space below that building that Qin Shaofeng saw for the first time, the spatial passage leading to the secret realm of the spiritual world.

Although the matter was a little urgent, this time, the evil blood Taoist existed as He Zilin, Zhou Shuokun's big disciple, and Zhou Shuokun arranged it here as a contact person.

In fact, this is a relatively important task, and Zhou Shuokun will naturally hand it over to his own people.

Therefore, even though the time is a bit rush, but there are evil-blooded Taoists left, then Qin Shaofeng is relieved at Fengya Villa.

In fact, before leaving Fengya Villa, Qin Shaofeng had a premonition in his heart.

Therefore, it was the first time that the Nine Spirit Palace covering Fengya Villa was closed.

Then, with the exception of the old Xie and a few Wu Wang's subordinates, Qin Shaofeng's two brothers, the Black Tiger brothers and his subordinates who possessed the realm of the Wu King, have all been admitted to the Nine Spirit Palace.

Liu Ya and Tang Xin'er are also in the Nine Spirit Palace!

The reason why the old scorpion was left behind was because Qin Shaofeng also took a fancy to the ordinary people on the earth, there are many geniuses with good cultivating talents, and he let the old scorpion slowly search for it.

Let Xie Lao continue to train his subordinates, and even for this, Qin Shaofeng left all the spirit stones for Xie Lao, along with a large number of martial arts pills, one to three-star nine-layer spirit pills, and a few four-star nine-layer spirit pills. Dan.

And Qin Shaofeng was also worried, because before leaving, he had arranged 108 spiritual stones in Fengya Villa, a large formation that could withstand Zhou Shuokun's full blow.

Now that there are evil-blooded Taoists secretly taking care of, there will be no danger there.

With this mood, and at the same time with some expectations for the secret realm of the spirit world and the Tianyinmen, Qin Shaofeng stepped into the space passage and headed to the Tianyinmen.

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