Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1888: Assessment

This directly became an elite disciple, which was somewhat beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectations.

But Qin Shaofeng did not refuse, nor could he refuse, because this is a good thing!

However, Zhou Shuokun told him that because he himself was only the cultivation base of the mid-Qihai realm, that is, he barely met the requirements of the inner disciple of the Tianyinmen.

But he has the status of an elite disciple, which will cause some inconveniences.

Simply put, Qin Shaofeng now has the status of an elite disciple, but in terms of treatment, it is only treated as an inner disciple.

You must know that elite disciples in Tianyinmen can get 10,000 spiritual stones for free every month.

The spiritual stone in Tianyinmen, but the spiritual stone with ample aura, compared to the spiritual stone in the underground space, the aura is stronger.

In fact, this is the real spirit stone!

Even with this level of Lingshi, even Qin Shaofeng, who had already stimulated 180 acupuncture points, could once again stimulate ten acupuncture points with a thousand dollars.

At 10,000 yuan, it can basically stimulate dozens of acupuncture points.

But helplessly, as Zhou Shuokun said, although he now has the status of an elite disciple, he still cannot enjoy this level of treatment.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng can only be like an inner disciple now, getting one hundred spiritual stones for free every month.

One hundred and ten thousand, a hundred times the gap, this is the gap between the inner disciples and the elite disciples.

Only when Qin Shaofeng has made a certain contribution can he fully realize his status as an elite disciple, and then enjoy the treatment of an elite disciple.

However, before that, he had to join the alchemy hall!

Although Zhou Shuran had already told Zhou Shuokun, let Qin Shaofeng join the alchemy hall instead of the refining hall.

But Zhou Shuran just said that. He didn't order anything. He just gave Qin Shaofeng the status of an elite disciple for the sake of that Yujian as the seventh elder, and he still didn't enjoy this treatment.

Then it's gone!

Therefore, the person who brought Qin Shaofeng into the alchemy hall could only fall on Zhou Shuokun.

But for Zhou Shuokun, a disciple who belongs to the refining hall, led people to join the alchemy hall, the alchemy hall was extremely resistant.

When do the disciples of my alchemy hall need people from your alchemy hall to intervene?

Obviously, Qin Shaofeng had already been labelled by the Pill Refining Hall without authorization.

Even if it weren't for the Seventh Elder's order, the Alchemy Hall would have refused Qin Shaofeng's participation.

But even if they agreed, the alchemy hall still told Zhou Shuokun that if Qin Shaofeng wanted to join the alchemy hall, that was all right!

But it must pass the examination of the alchemy hall, otherwise, even with the order of the seventh elders, they would not let Qin Shaofeng join the alchemy hall.

In the words of the alchemy hall, that is, ‘their alchemy hall will not collect waste.’

Faced with such a situation, Zhou Shuokun once felt that it was better to let Qin Shaofeng join the refining hall.

Although he had his father's order, the Seventh Elder did not necessarily allow Qin Shaofeng to join the alchemy hall, so Zhou Shuokun also mentioned this matter to Qin Shaofeng.

However, Qin Shaofeng refused, and chose to pass the assessment to join the alchemy hall.

Zhou Shuokun didn't care either. Since Qin Shaofeng agreed with him, there was nothing to do with him.

He didn't want to go to the Pill Alchemy Hall to be ridiculed, and Zhou Shuokun couldn't wait to practice the so-called "Nine Transformations into Gods Decision".

Therefore, after instructing Qin Shaofeng to pay attention to some situations, he left directly.

In Zhou Shuokun's view, he had already loved Qin Shaofeng.

As for whether Qin Shaofeng can join the alchemy hall, that is Qin Shaofeng's own business.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about it either, but quietly waited for the alchemy hall to notify him to take the assessment.

In this matter, the Pill Refining Hall did not delay or wanted to see the jokes of the Pill Refining Hall. After Qin Shaofeng failed in the examination, he planned to make a mockery of the Pill Refining Hall.

For example, if Qin Shaofeng fails the assessment, they can sneer at the disciples in the refining hall: ‘Look, this is the person recommended by your Seventh Elders to join our alchemy hall, but they have not passed the most basic assessment of our alchemy hall. ’

Therefore, the Alchemy Hall notified Qin Shaofeng to accept the assessment on the second day.


The Tianyin Gate is very large, and Qin Shaofeng doesn't know how big it occupies.

However, Qin Shaofeng knew about the branch areas of the three divisions in Tianyinmen's Refining Hall, Alchemy Hall, and Mission Hall, as well as the locations of their headquarters.

Of course, the assessment that Alchemy Hall arranged for him was not the headquarters location.

Whether it is the Refining Hall, the Alchemy Hall, and the Mission Hall, the headquarters of these three departments, even among the elite disciples, very few can enter.

This time Qin Shaofeng's assessment was only arranged in a branch location under the Alchemy Hall.

"Are you the elite disciple Qin Shaofeng who came to accept the assessment?"

As soon as Qin Shaofeng came to the examination place, he was asked by a disciple.

The other party clearly recognized him, but at this moment they deliberately asked this question, and when it came to Qin Shaofeng's status as an elite disciple, he added an extra tone with a hint of irony.

But Qin Shaofeng obeyed from it, the other party's tone of envy.

Although Qin Shaofeng's status as an elite disciple who is somewhat'unworthy of the name' seems a bit embarrassing, in fact, there will be a special kind of elite disciple in Tianyinmen.

That is to have enough potential, and to make enough credit, to be additionally promoted to the rank of elite disciple.

Although they don't enjoy the treatment of elite disciples, it is only in the spiritual stone resources. In fact, in many other places, they still enjoy much higher benefits than inner disciples.

For example, when you go to the mission hall to hand over tasks, you don't need to queue at the ordinary window like a large number of inner disciples, and you can enter the reception room belonging to the elite disciples.

And when it comes to task selection, elite disciples have additional priority to choose over inner disciples.

Even purchasing pills and magical items in Tianyinmen has certain discounts.

There are also many benefits when posting tasks.

In short, the spirit stone is only one hundred yuan a month, and the rest is a lot of benefits.

This is naturally enviable!

Qin Shaofeng knew this very well in his heart, so he didn't have general knowledge with the other party. He just nodded slightly and said, "Hello, brother, I'm here for the assessment!"

The younger brother made that person's face look very unsightly, but he couldn't refute it, because he was only an inner disciple, and Qin Shaofeng called him a younger brother, but it was normal.

"It's just you, come with me!"

Saying this coldly, the disciple walked straight inside regardless of Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng shrugged slightly and followed the other side in one step.

Soon, under the leadership of the other party, Qin Shaofeng came to a hall.

At this moment, there were already people waiting here in this hall, and there were still a lot of people, crowded with a large group of inner disciples in the alchemy hall and a few elite disciples.

These disciples were originally talking in low voices, but when Qin Shaofeng appeared, their discussions became even louder.

However, their comments did not arouse Qin Shaofeng's attention, and even Qin Shaofeng heard them all talking about him and ridiculing him, he didn't care much.

Because besides these people, the person who asked Qin Shaofeng extra attention was an old man.

Elder Xu was very depressed at the moment, he still didn't understand it.

Why did the seventh elder from the alchemy hall introduce a disciple to them, and also give them the status of an elite disciple?

Then, just because the other party has the status of an elite disciple, if the assessment is to be conducted, an elder must be present in the alchemy hall.

Although he is very helpless, this is also impossible.

Why did this assessment be pushed around by the elders of the alchemy hall, and finally fell to the branch he was in charge of!

Forget it, it's just a simple assessment anyway, if you finish it earlier, he can continue to study alchemy.

"Ah, be quiet!"

Thinking of this, Elder Xu suddenly said.

Although this elder Xu was just an ordinary elder of Tianyinmen, he was an elder after all, and he still had a very high place in Tianyinmen.

With his utterance, the scene instantly became quiet, and no one had a life in a whisper.

Elder Xu's gaze fell on Qin Shaofeng, and he said: "Qin Shaofeng, right, do you know what happened here today?"

"If you go back to the elder, the disciple knows!" Qin Shaofeng replied.

"Well, it's okay to be clear!" Elder Xu nodded, Qin Shaofeng's attitude made him feel good.

"In view of some circumstances, our Alchemy Hall agrees to let you join, but you must pass the assessment!"

With that, Elder Xu waved his hand, and Qin Shaofeng had an extra huge alchemy furnace.

"As for your assessment, there are three. Let's take it step by step without any delay. Let's start now!"

"The disciple understands!" Qin Shaofeng said.

"Yeah!" Elder Xu nodded, "Just understand. First of all, the first assessment is to refine a hundred low-grade aura pills in a stick of incense!"

What aura?

When Elder Xu's voice fell off, it caused many disciples present to cry in exclamation.

"My grass, I heard it right, it's actually a low-grade aura?"

"Is it because Elder Xu made a mistake, it's not a low-grade aura pill, but a high-grade aura pill?"

"Is this a test? It's too simple to actually refine a lower-grade aura pill!"

"One stick of incense makes one hundred low-grade aura pills, this is simply a sub-topic!"


The disciples at the scene all became lively.

Because this low-grade Lingguang Pill is too easy to refine, any inner disciple in their Pill Refining Hall can refine it.

It's not talking, is it a problem for the refining hall this time?

But why is there such a simple assessment now?

But the next moment, everyone knew, things really weren't that simple.

"These are medicinal materials!"

Seeing Elder Xu waved his hand again, there were a lot of medicinal materials beside the huge alchemy furnace that were used to refine Lingguang Pill.

However, the disciples present instantly realized that there were not many medicinal materials in it, but it was not exactly one hundred.

One hundred refining one hundred aura pills?

Isn't this a 100% success rate?

My dear, these are the best inner disciples in their alchemy hall, and it's also a little difficult!

Sure enough, Elder Xu did not practice favoritism!

Many disciples felt at ease.

However, at this moment, the elder Xu seemed to suddenly remember something and suddenly added another sentence.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot what you said, because it is easier to refine the lower-grade aura pill, so you just need to refine it all at once."


Refined in one go?


Suddenly, many disciples in the alchemy hall at the scene looked at Elder Xu at the same time, and suddenly found in their hearts that Elder Xu, who originally existed as a peacemaker in their eyes, was so black-bellied!

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