Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1889: Is this over?

Although aura pills are easy to refine, it does not mean that the success rate of refining aura pills is very high.

Lingguang Pill is just a very common pill, specially used to supplement consumption.

A low-grade aura pill can completely restore all the aura that has been consumed by an early cultivator in the Qihai realm who has exhausted aura.

Even a cultivator in the concentrating state, taking a low-grade aura pill can restore part of the aura.

The middle-grade aura pill can even make the Concentration Realm monks replenish all the consumed aura, and it can also restore 30% aura to the Concentration Realm monks.

As for the high-grade aura pill, the recovery effect is even better. It can restore all the auras of the cultivators of the gods, and the cultivators of the gods can also restore 30% of the aura.

As long as the disciple of the Tianyinmen knows the recipe and method of this aura pill, and I am afraid that after becoming a monk, he can refine the pill.

Qin Shaofeng also knew the refining formula and method of this Lingguang Pill from the inheritance memory of the Nine Spirits True Person.

But for Qin Shaofeng, the recovery ability of Lingguang Pill was really not suitable for him.

Given the situation of the acupuncture points in his body, I am afraid that a low-grade aura pill can only restore the spiritual energy of the gods and demons in one acupoint in his body.

But this can only be said that the threshold for refining the aura pill is not high, and it does not mean that the aura pill is easy to refine.

Even the low-grade aura pill, in the alchemy hall of the Tianyinmen, only some elite disciples can guarantee a 100% success rate.

And this time, it was still a hundred pieces at a time. If it were only thirty or fifty pieces in one furnace, it would be easier, but one hundred pieces!

All alchemists know that even the simplest pill, once the number of refining is too much, it is very easy to fail.

The first assessment proposed by Elder Xu was very difficult.

But this is a very normal assessment. Is it difficult to make 100% lower-grade Lingguang Pills?

Aren’t you deliberately arranged to join the alchemy hall?

Don't say that my alchemy hall does not give you a chance. For such a simple assessment, you will be allowed to join the alchemy hall if you pass.

This is the attitude of Elder Xu and the attitude of the Alchemy Hall!

Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything, just nodded, and didn't care about the sound of gloating, and soon began to refine alchemy.

When Elder Xu spoke the last sentence, he directly took out a piece of incense, and after lighting it, he continued to sit cross-legged on his cushion, his eyes closed, and he looked calm.

However, he didn't hear Qin Shaofeng's complaint or anything else, which surprised him, but he didn't open his eyes either, just sitting cross-legged quietly.

Qin Shaofeng has started!


Ha ha, it's not Qin Shaofeng's boasting.

In terms of alchemy, I am afraid that the entire Tianyinmen combined, they are not his opponents!

In terms of alchemy, Qin Shaofeng dare not say that he has reached the highest level, but he is confident that in the current world of the earth, no one can compare him!


With a gentle pat, Qin Shaofeng patted the lid of the huge alchemy furnace, and then, taking advantage of this moment, swiping with his right hand, he put all the medicinal materials next to him into the alchemy furnace. .


With the furnace lid down, Qin Shaofeng pressed his hands against the furnace wall, input his aura into the alchemy furnace, and began to refine this lower-grade aura pill.

"it has started!"

Suddenly, there was another cautious whisper around.

However, these disciples in the alchemy hall are quite qualified, knowing that they can't disturb the other person when they are watching the alchemy, and they deliberately lowered their voices.

"Hey, it really started!"

"Tsk tusk, how long do you think Qin Shaofeng can last?"

"Ha, I think I can only hold on to it for a minute!"

"You can't say that. After all, it is the elite disciple who was introduced by the refining hall, so you can hold on for three minutes!"

"Hahaha, I think it's almost the same!"


The crowd talked a lot, and no one was optimistic about Qin Shaofeng.

But the next moment, Elder Xu, who had closed his eyes and calmed his mind, suddenly opened his eyes, looking at Qin Shaofeng who was making alchemy and the alchemy furnace in front of Qin Shaofeng, a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

how can that be?

Elder Xu's face moved, and he wanted to say something.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng stopped and no longer continued alchemy.

This made the whispering crowd suddenly unable to understand.

"Huh? How did Qin Shaofeng stop?"

"Uh, this is not a failure, right?"

"Damn, no, it's just barely a minute before he exploded?"

"Tsk tsk, overestimated, overestimated! It seems that Qin Shaofeng is only a one-minute product!"

"One minute! This is really drunk!"

"Cut, at this level, are you embarrassed to join our alchemy hall?"


But in the disdain of everyone, Qin Shaofeng raised his head to look at Elder Xu, and said faintly: "Elder, I'm done!"


Qin Shaofeng's opening made the disciples in the alchemy hall instantly quiet, and then there was a burst of noise!

"Ha, what did he say? Is it done?"

"Fart, it should be broken!"

"Tsk tsk, the standard is not good, and the character is not good. As expected, the people from the alchemy hall are not good people!"

"Finished? This is really a shame that Qin Shaofeng can tell, it's really funny!"

"Is this Qin Shaofeng come to make fun?"


Refining one hundred low-grade aura pills in one minute at a time is simply impossible in the eyes of the disciples in the alchemy hall present.

Because of this level, I can't believe it.

In the alchemy hall, I am afraid that only those extremely outstanding elite disciples can have enough confidence to refine one hundred low-grade aura pills at once.

But no matter how outstanding an elite disciple is, it is impossible to achieve this step in just one minute.

Therefore, no one here believed Qin Shaofeng's words.


Nonsense, talk nonsense!

But just when someone was going to question Qin Shaofeng directly, the elder Xu flashed a little, and came to Qin Shaofeng at a speed no one could see clearly.

So fast!

The moment before, Elder Xu still closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, and the next moment, he suddenly appeared in front of him.

At this speed, Qin Shaofeng was very surprised.

Worthy of being an elder of the Void Refining Realm, it is not easy!

Elder Xu ignored Qin Shaofeng. He came to Qin Shaofeng. To be precise, he came to the alchemy furnace and made a big move.

Then, under the unbelievable gazes of the surrounding disciples, a large amount of pills slowly flew out of the alchemy furnace!

Just returned a hundred!


The scene is quiet again!

Really...refiningly successful?

But how is this possible?

For a while, no one of those disciples said anything.

After observing for a while, Elder Xu just swallowed a low-grade aura pill, and after feeling it slightly, a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes.


Looking at the one hundred pills in front of him, uh, now there are only ninety-nine pills left, Elder Xu sighed in his heart.

Because the ninety-nine low-grade aura pills in front of him, no matter the color, quality, or even the effect, in the eyes of Elder Xu, they are extremely perfect.

Although a low-grade aura pill can enable a cultivator of the Qihai realm to restore all aura after taking it.

But this is only the most perfect low-grade aura pill!

Even if a pill is refined, there will be a certain difference even if it is successful.

Under normal circumstances, a low-grade aura pill can help a cultivator in the early stage of the Qi Sea realm to directly restore 80% of the aura, which is already good.

And even if it can restore all the aura, it is not enough to call it perfect!

It takes time to restore aura after taking Lingguang Pill.

Generally speaking, the aura will be restored within twenty breaths.

But this is just a general aura pill, and the shorter the recovery time, the better the quality.

A slightly better aura pill can recover within ten breaths.

The better ones only need five breaths, and an excellent three breaths time will do.

Recovering the consumed aura within three breaths, this can play a significant role in battle.

But the truly perfect aura pill can recover in a flash.

Taking the Lingguang Pill, the pill is poured into the stomach, and the powerful medicinal effect bursts out instantly, replenishing the consumed aura.

This is the perfect level of aura pill!

This kind of pill is generally of great value, because it is likely to be in a fatal crisis, equivalent to a life!

However, the hundred low-grade aura pills refined by Qin Shaofeng had reached perfect quality.

Refining one hundred perfect level pills in one minute?

Although this is only a low-grade aura pill, even if Elder Xu asked himself, he might not be able to do this step.

A perfect-level pill requires a lot of effort. Even if it is a low-grade aura pill, it will take at least three minutes for Elder Xu to refine one hundred perfect-level pills at a time.

Of course, it would be more than a loss for Elder Xu to consume such effort to refine such a perfect level pill.

Therefore, after seeing these low-grade aura pills, Elder Xu had a decision in his heart.

Looking up at Qin Shaofeng, Elder Xu smiled and said, "Yes, not only are they all successfully refined, but they are all of perfect quality. I'm in charge. You don't need to pass the remaining two assessments. You are now in the alchemy hall. Disciple!"


Elder Xu's words shocked the disciples in the alchemy hall.

No need for the next assessment?


There is nothing to say!

Because Elder Xu had already spoken out as soon as he opened his mouth, the pills Qin Shaofeng refined were all successful.

And not only are they successful, they are also perfect.

This is so exciting!

Is this Qin Shaofeng a monster?

For a time, everyone looked at Qin Shaofeng with strange eyes.

Is this done?

Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised by what Elder Xu said.

To be honest, this kind of refined medicine is not really a challenge to Qin Shaofeng.

If it were before, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't be so fast.

But since the acupuncture points in his body oscillated, the inner qi of the gods and demons was transformed into the inner qi of the gods and demons. After Qin Shaofeng found that although he possessed the spirits of the gods and demons, he did not seem to have much improved combat effectiveness. .

Even if the inner energy of the gods and demons evolved into the spirit energy of the gods and demons, Qin Shaofeng felt that there was no big difference.

But Qin Shaofeng quickly discovered that after possessing the spirit of the gods and demons, it was easier to refine the pill.

The reason why he was able to refine one hundred aura pills that reached the perfect level in one minute was because of the spirit of the gods and demons.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that it would take at least a few minutes if it were to change to the previous spirit of the gods and demons!

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