Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1890: Excited Elder Xu

"The elder meant to say that I am already a disciple of the alchemy hall?"

Although surprised in his heart, Qin Shaofeng calmed down and asked Elder Xu.

"Yes! You are a disciple of my alchemy hall from now on, I said!"

Elder Xu nodded, then turned around and said: "However, I think your alchemy talent is good. Are you interested in continuing to be tested?"


Qin Shaofeng was confused by Elder Xu's sudden sentence.

"Yes, it's a test!"

Elder Xu nodded and smiled: "Don't worry, this is a test, not an assessment. If you can pass, this elder will give you a reward!"

Elder Xu's words moved Qin Shaofeng's heart.

As the elder of Tianyinmen, he is his own ordinary elder. This reward promised in front of everyone is naturally not bad!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't think much about it, but just nodded: "Okay, I accept your test, the elder!"

"Okay, sure enough!"

Elder Xu laughed, and then took out a storage bag and said to Qin Shaofeng: "My test is very simple. Here are five medicinal materials for refining Concentration Pill, as long as you refining three, and at least one of them If the quality is perfect, then I will even pass the test!"

After a pause, Elder Xu smiled and said: "Even if you fail, it doesn't matter, you are a disciple of the Alchemy Hall. If you pass, I will naturally give you a reward that satisfies you!"

What, concentration pill?

When the people around heard this, the hearts of all the inner disciples became hot.

As the name suggests, Concentration Pill is a medicine that corresponds to the Concentration Realm.

A Concentration Realm is enough to allow a monk who is in the Consummation Realm of Qi Sea Realm to directly enter the Concentration Realm.

Of course, there are certain differences based on quality.

Basically, after a kind of pill is refined, although it seems that there is not much difference, there are actually several quality levels.

Generally speaking, there are five grades: ordinary, good, excellent, super and perfect.

Of course, in addition to these five, there is also a defective product and a defective product, which are all substandard pill.

A low-grade Lingguang Pill of residual quality may take a minute to fully exert its efficacy, and its efficacy is still greatly reduced.

The inferior grade needs more than 20 breaths to fully exert its effect.

This is nothing, like this kind of restorative pill, even if it is defective or defective, it can still be used normally.

For example, after the battle is over, you can use these pills to recover.

However, a pill of this level that is specifically used for breakthroughs, can't be sloppy.

The broken-grade Concentrating Pill can make Qi Hai Realm complete the cultivator, and the chance of a successful breakthrough is no more than 30%.

If it is inferior, the success rate will not exceed 50%!

And whether the item is a broken product or a broken-grade concentrating pill, used to break through, even if it succeeds, there are more or less problems.

There is nothing wrong with the ordinary grade concentrating pill, but the success rate is only 50%.

Good products have an 80% success rate, and excellent products have a 90% success rate.

Basically, if there is no accident, a cultivator with a Qi-Sea Realm of Consummation can successfully be promoted by taking a good-grade Concentration Pill.

However, only alchemists like Elder Xu will know that even if they take the Excellent Grade Concentration Pill, breakthrough and promotion to the Concentration Realm, there will be no problems.

However, this kind of breakthrough in the concentrating state cannot be compared with one's own breakthrough, and the strength it possesses will be inferior to the strength possessed by breaking through to the concentrating state with its own strength.

Only the highest-grade Concentration Pill can make up for this, and it may even exist, having a stronger strength than its own breakthrough.

As for the perfect concentration pill, it is a real perfect breakthrough, there will be no problems, and the strength after the upgrade is much stronger than that of self-cultivation.

It is even possible to directly break through to the mid-concentration realm, and it is also possible to use the perfect level of concentrating pill with the cultivation base of the late Qihai realm, and this can still be smoothly promoted to the concentrating realm.

This is the power of the perfect pill.

At this moment, Elder Xu said something like this, which naturally attracted the attention of the inner disciples who were only in the Qihai Realm.

Qin Shaofeng also understands the concentration pill, and knows the refining technique.

Therefore, in the face of the test proposed by Elder Xu, he did not hesitate to nod his head, and then he took up the storage bag and prepared to start refining.

Now that this is already there, it would be better to... just make a big move!

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed slightly, and the next moment, with Elder Xu dumbfounded, he put all the medicinal materials in the storage bag into the alchemy furnace.

Refining five concentrating pills at once?

Elder Xu was a little surprised, this concentration pill was not an aura pill, and the difficulty of refining was much higher.

Five Concentration Pills were refined together, and the effort required to concentrate and consume was probably ten times that of the previous 100 low-grade Lingguang Pills.

Moreover, what made Elder Xu have a faintly surprising guess is that he has already stated clearly that only by refining a perfect concentrating pill can be considered a success.

He took out five medicinal materials, and based on this consideration, he refined Qin Shaofeng's perfect concentration pill several times.

Well, his original intention was to let Qin Shaofeng refine them one by one.

But now Qin Shaofeng's actions caused a somewhat absurd idea in his mind.

Is this kid planning to refine five perfect concentration pills at once?

Is this impossible?

Even an elder like him can't guarantee this. With three coins, he is sure.

But five...

Shaking his head slightly, Elder Xu looked at Qin Shaofeng with a little disappointment.

I thought I had met a good genius, but now it seems that this kid named Qin Shaofeng still feels a little impulsive!

Not only that, the disciples of the alchemy hall nearby also shook their heads in disdain.

"Heh, this Qin Shaofeng is really arrogant. Refining five Concentration Pills at once?"

"In other words, he thought it was refining low-grade aura pills?"

"Haha, let's not say it so absolute, maybe people have such a level, they can refine five perfect-level concentration pills!"

"Fart, he can still refine five perfect-level concentration pills at one time, I will directly show the pill swallowing furnace!"

"Tsk tusk, I've taken these words down, but I guess Qin Shaofeng will not give you this opportunity to perform."

"Huh, it's so arrogant!"


Ignoring the ridicule around him, Qin Shaofeng was still making alchemy.

Is it difficult to refine five perfect-level concentration pills at once?

Qin Shaofeng was disdainful in his heart. He was really a group of ignorant guys. If it weren't for the limited spirit of the gods and demons in my current body, I could directly refine five hundred perfect-level Concentration Pills in one furnace, and there would be no problem at all.

This is true, Qin Shaofeng's alchemy technique was originally high, but now it is limited by his current cultivation level, and many alchemy methods cannot be displayed.

Even if he were not worried that his appearance was too shocking, he could also directly refine five perfect-level concentration pills in one minute.

But his current cultivation base of Qi Hai Realm, even if his performance is astonishing, it has to be within a reasonable range, if it is too prominent, it will probably cause very troublesome things.

Therefore, in the end Qin Shaofeng spent ten minutes ‘dragging’ before he refined the five concentration pills.

Looking at the five Perfect Grade Concentration Pills in his hand, Elder Xu was completely speechless.

perfect! perfect! perfect! perfect! perfect!

What is special is the perfect quality!

If it weren't for Elder Xu's good self-cultivation, he would want to see the curse right now.

What's the special situation?

What an evildoer!

What was difficult for him to do, was actually done by a junior in the air and sea?

Ten minutes, five perfect-level concentration pills!

At this point in time, Elder Xu was confident that he could also refine a perfect concentration pill.

However, Elder Xu knew even more clearly that no matter how much effort he put in, he could at most guarantee two perfect concentration pills in ten minutes at one time.

Any more words, then it depends on God!

Well, look at luck!

If Qin Shaofeng had refined those 100 low-grade aura pills, there might still be a trace of luck.

Now, looking at the five perfect-level concentration pills in his hand, Elder Xu knew that the alchemy hall had found a treasure this time!

Even at this moment, Elder Xu felt that Zhou Shuran, the seventh elder, had been stimulated to give such a precious genius to their alchemy hall?

Elder Xu didn't know. Even though Zhou Shuran knew that Qin Shaofeng had good alchemy talent, he knew it from his son Zhou Shuokun.

If he knew that Qin Shaofeng possesses such an enchanting talent in alchemy, I am afraid that he would not send Qin Shaofeng into the alchemy hall!

Any plan to promote harmony between the Refining Hall and the Refining Hall, are all hell!

Having a disciple who can refine a perfect-level pill can completely increase the strength of their refining hall!

Just a perfect level of concentration pill can allow the Refining Device Hall to train a large number of early concentration masters.

As long as he is not stupid, Zhou Shuran knows what to do.

But it was a pity that he didn't know these things, just relying on his son's side words, did not pay much attention to Qin Shaofeng.

But Elder Xu paid more attention to Qin Shaofeng.

After the test, Elder Xu took Qin Shaofeng away and talked with Qin Shaofeng. He was excited when he learned that Qin Shaofeng is a monk in the ordinary environment of the earth and not a person in the alchemy hall.

He thought that Qin Shaofeng was a pill refining genius who appeared in the refining hall. In this case, even if Qin Shaofeng's pill refining talent was amazing, after entering the refining hall, it would be more or less troublesome.

At the very least, many people resisted!

But now there is no need to worry at all, because Qin Shaofeng is not a member of the Refining Hall at all!

With excitement in his heart, Elder Xu immediately planned to find his immediate superior, the sixth elder who is also one of the ten elders of Tianyinmen.

Because in Elder Xu's view, geniuses like Qin Shaofeng must be cultivated.

Now he can refine a perfect-level concentration pill, if after Qin Shaofeng's realm improves, he will be able to refine a perfect-level concentration pill, a refining pill, or even a **** transformation pill.

Taking it one step further, it is not impossible to refine and transform the virtual pill!

Just thinking about it, Elder Xu was extremely excited. After talking with Qin Shaofeng for a while, he left in a hurry.

Of course, before leaving, Elder Xu also fulfilled his promise and gave Qin Shaofeng the reward he deserved!

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