Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1891: Zuoshi Elite Disciple

Outside the world, outside the Taoist world!

Generally, people who know the outside world only know that the places outside the realm are called outside the world.

But in fact, outsiders also have names.

Big universe!

This is the name of the outside world, no, it should be said that the outside world plus all the realms, is a big universe.

The universe is huge, and it is a direct manifestation that it has no boundaries.

So far, no one in the Dao Realm, or in the big universe, has detected the big universe to the boundary.

However, even if there is no boundary, there are still marginal regions in the universe.

The reason why the marginal area is said is because the universe behind the margin is endless darkness.

There was no gleam of light, no planetary world, and star continent, nothing but darkness or darkness, nothing.

The edge area is close to this dark area!

Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't know about this situation, and he didn't even know, whether it was the Dao Realm where the Earth was or the Dao Realm where Qiyuan Star was.

Even all the Dao realms in the Seven Realms War that year were just Dao realms at the edge of this big universe.

The same is true of Kunwu Dao Realm!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng, the immortal incarnation of Qin Feng who entered the Kunwu Dao realm, brought his men to an area long ago because of exploring a broken Dao realm.

Dao realm in the universe is like stars, after being broken, it will wander along with the flow.

Qin Feng also received the news that a broken Dao realm appeared, but he did not know that this broken Dao realm was flowing over.

But this is what it was before and now...

In the dilapidated Dao Boundary, a dilapidated place has been baptized by time for countless years, and among the buildings that have shown some signs of weathering, Qin Feng stood on a broken open-air hall with a gloomy expression on his face.

"That's it, that's it!"

Raising his head sharply, Qin Feng muttered to himself with a complex expression.

"I didn't expect that all Dao realms actually existed in this way, so in this way, things are a little unexpectedly difficult!"

At this moment, Qin Feng finally understood why Kunwu, the master of the Kunwu Dao realm, would rob all the resources of other Dao realms and the power of each Dao realm like crazy.

At first, Qin Feng thought this was the ambition of the other party, but now he knew it clearly. Perhaps the most important reason was not Kunwu's ambition at all, but the fear in his heart.

The higher you stand, the farther you can see!

The stronger the realm, the more natural, and the more you understand the truth of this world.

At this moment, Qin Feng agreed with this sentence.

"No way, I can't continue like this. You must notify the deity of such news. Otherwise, it will be too late if you wait until the deity realizes it later."

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and Qin Feng suddenly raised his head to look somewhere on the open-air hall in front of him.

That place is a circular rotating space channel, which is the only perfect thing preserved in this realm.

A special space!

"Well, it just happened to me that this thing doesn't have much effect. It's better to give the deity a benefit, and this also allows me to bring some information to the deity!"

With a move in his heart, Qin Feng quickly summoned all his subordinates, and then combined his efforts to perform a space magical power. With great space power, the rotating space channel was sent to the space along a certain connection. past.

He was teleporting this space to Qiyuan Star.

With the slightest connection between him as the immortal incarnation of the dependents and the deity, he can do just that.

Not only that, with this opportunity, he also brought a lot of good things to his deity.

However, this kind of spatial transmission is far apart after all, and it also needs to pass through the barriers of Qi Yuanxing's Dao Realm, which will take some time.

But Qin Feng didn't know that his actions once again had a great impact on Qi Yuanxing.

Because at the moment of connection and transmission, that special space has not been transmitted to before, it caused a spatial shock.

Such spatial turbulence has had a tremendous impact on the Qiyuan Star Realm that is now merging with the Earth Realm.

At this moment, no one noticed that in the sealed land on Qiyuan Star, the space of the destruction beast seemed to faintly begin to solidify.

When Qin Shaofeng left, he instructed Gong Qingzi to take care of this sealed land and always pay attention to the changes in the space of the destruction beast.

Once such a solid change occurred, once it was discovered, it would definitely be reported to Gong Qingzi.

But at the moment when this space began to condense, a huge figure suddenly flashed in the area where it had condensed. It was a Dao-level destruction beast.

Then, this Dao Realm Grade Destroyer Beast that suddenly appeared, burst out a special spatial force, and instantly concealed the place that had begun to solidify.

It looks business as usual, without the slightest change!

But in fact, there has been a great change, and the personnel guarding here are not aware of this situation.


Tianyinmen, Alchemy Hall branch.

Qin Shaofeng has now obtained the status of a disciple of the Pill Refining Hall, but even if Elder Xu valued him very much, he could not fully establish the status of Qin Shaofeng's elite disciple, Qin Shaofeng's elite disciple.

Because according to Elder Xu, the reason why elite disciples are called elites is because they have made certain contributions to Tianyinmen.

No matter how talented it is, it is difficult to become an elite disciple.

Even Zhou Shuokun, the son of the Seven Elders, became an elite disciple of the Tianyinmen after completing certain tasks and getting enough contributions.

Although his cultivation level is not enough, it is not a big deal to have the Seventh Elder behind and become an elite disciple of the Tianyinmen.

Moreover, the tasks that Zhou Shuokun completed at the time were all released by the Seven Elders personally, which was actually just a cutscene.

But the ten elders of Tianyinmen who can achieve this level have such full power, but Elder Xu does not have such full power yet.

After all, his Elder Xu is just an ordinary elder of the alchemy hall in the middle stage of the virtual refining realm, and he can't let Qin Shaofeng go through the scene and completely become an elite disciple.

But Elder Xu was able to get Qin Shaofeng to quickly fulfill the mission of being an elite disciple.

Even within a certain range, Elder Xu himself can issue such a task.

No, the reward that Elder Xu promised to Qin Shaofeng this time was actually a task.

The task of refining aura pills!

The mission is very simple, let Qin Shaofeng refine a large number of aura pills of at least top quality.

There are not only low-grade aura pills, but even middle-grade aura pills and high-grade aura pills.

However, the content of the task is to refine a hundred thousand top-grade or perfect-grade low-grade aura pills.

If Qin Shaofeng completes it, he has made a big contribution and can directly become an elite disciple.

As for the middle-grade and top-grade aura pill, if Qin Shaofeng can refine it, he can get extra rewards.

The rewards for this are spirit stone rewards and point rewards.

The price of the aura pill is actually not cheap. Even if it is sold at the cost price of the alchemy hall in the Tianyinmen, a low-grade aura pill requires three spiritual stones.

Of course, these are all low-grade aura pills of good grade, and the quality of the aura pills sold with simple refinement of the aura pills is at least good.

Different qualities have different prices. The three spirit stones are just the cost price of refining the lower-grade aura pill, but if it is a high-grade lower-grade aura pill, all need four spiritual stones. If it is the best, it will reach five spiritual stones.

As for the perfect low-grade aura pill that can instantly restore aura, the price has reached ten yuan, which is twice as expensive as the top grade.

Because the perfect low-grade aura pill, if used in combat, it has an excellent effect.

Imagine that the two sides in the same realm, but with little difference in strength, are fighting.

This kind of evenly matched battle is basically a struggle to determine the victory or defeat.

In such a situation, if one party holds the best low-grade aura pill and a perfect low-grade aura pill, then when his own aura is exhausted, he will take the aura pill at the same time.

The latter can instantly restore the consumed aura, and then while the former has not fully recovered, it will directly explode with big moves, most of which directly kill the former.

Therefore, at this time, a perfect low-grade aura pill is no less than a life!

In this way, the price of ten spiritual stones is still very cheap.

In fact, this price is only available at Tianyinmen. If it is placed outside, it might be even more expensive.

Moreover, in Tianyinmen, each disciple can also purchase with points.

In terms of points, one point is basically equivalent to ten spiritual stones, but in terms of purchasing power, one point can buy three perfect-level lower-grade aura pills at Tianyinmen.

This looks very cost-effective, but in fact it is very difficult to earn points in Tianyinmen.

Elder Xu gave Qin Shaofeng the task, the one hundred thousand top-grade or perfect-grade low-grade aura pill, in addition to confirming his status as an elite disciple, there were bonus points.

However, these points can only be refined by Qin Shaofeng, and that enough perfect-level lower-grade Empress Pill can be rewarded with points.

Moreover, only one hundred low-grade aura pills can be refined to get a point reward.

Of course, the extra-refined middle-grade and top-grade aura pill can get even more rewards.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't refine it. The reason was simple, it took too much time and energy.

Even though Qin Shaofeng had enough aura even when he was going to refine the middle-grade aura pill, his realm was only at the completeness of the sea of ​​Qi, and it was a bit reluctant to refine the middle-grade aura pill and it was still perfect.

Of course, the most important thing is that Qin Shaofeng's eyes are still too small for the points he can obtain even if he refines the perfect-level middle-grade aura pill.

Therefore, after Qin Shaofeng finished refining 100,000 lower-grade aura pills, he didn't refine more aura pills and went straight to the task.

One hundred thousand lower-grade Lingguang Pills, although this number is a lot, for Qin Shaofeng, it is simply not necessary.

Not only did he refining it quickly, but also the perfect low-grade aura pill.

With this, Qin Shaofeng not only accomplished his goal of being an elite disciple, but also received one hundred points from Tianyinmen.

One hundred points, but you can buy three hundred perfect-level lower-grade aura pills, which are worth three thousand spiritual stones.

Of course, as a disciple of Tianyinmen, no one would use his points for reselling like this.

Points can be exchanged for spirit stones in Tianyinmen, but spirit stones cannot be exchanged for points.

Many precious materials can be purchased at Tianyinmen although they are available, but this purchase can only be purchased with points, and spirit stones cannot be purchased.

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