Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1892: Auction medicinal herbs (part 1)

As for Lingshi, Qin Shaofeng has no shortage for the time being.

Because of Elder Xu, he took out the one hundred thousand perfect-level inferior Empress Pill, which not only completely confirmed his status as an elite disciple.

And the most important thing is that he also received the status of his elite disciple, and he received 10,000 spiritual stones every month.

The original treatment, even if Qin Shaofeng became an elite disciple, it would take the next month to start.

But after Elder Xu's words, naturally there is no such saying.

This little look, as Elder Xu, naturally there is no problem.

And since Qin Shaofeng completely became an elite disciple, he has not suffered any resistance in the alchemy hall.

In fact, after Qin Shaofeng assessed his performance on that day, and after Elder Xu thoroughly figured out that Qin Shaofeng was not a person trained in the Pill Refining Hall, the disciples in the Pill Refining Hall did not have any opinions on Qin Shaofeng.

Of course, the most important thing is the reason why Qin Shaofeng refined the five perfect-level concentration pills.

A perfect concentration pill!

This is the pill that can make the monks in the late stage of the Qihai Realm and the Consummation Realm 100% break through the Concentration Realm.

And it is a perfect breakthrough, there is no problem!

Then here comes the problem!

At the beginning, Elder Xu took out five medicinal materials and only asked Qin Shaofeng to refine three Concentration Pills.

Therefore, Elder Xu only collected two of the five Perfect Grade Concentration Pills refined by Qin Shaofeng.

In fact, even the price of two perfect-grade Concentration Pills far exceeds five medicinal materials for refining Concentration Pills.

The refining materials of Concentration Pill are actually not very expensive. As long as you need the price of more than 300 Lingshi, you can buy a medicine.

As for the price of Concentration Pill, it is said that it is cheap and cheap, but it is also expensive.

An ordinary grade concentrating pill with a success rate of 50% is worth five hundred spirit stones, and 80% of a good product is eight hundred spirit stones.

As for the high-quality Concentration Pill, it is worth a thousand pieces of spiritual stone.

And the best product without any side effects is worth two thousand quick spirit stones.

As for the perfect breakthrough perfect concentration pill, the price is even more different.

The perfect-level concentrating pill can basically only be purchased in the pill pavilion of the alchemy hall, and the price of the pill in the pill pavilion can be purchased with points.

The price of a perfect concentrating pill in the pill pavilion is worth 300 points! ~

300 points seem to be equivalent to only three thousand spirit stones, but don't forget, this is Tianyinmen points.

With 300 points, you can buy 900 perfect-level lower-grade Lingguang Pills in the Pill Pavilion.

And 900 pieces of perfect-level low-grade aura pill, that is worth 9,000 soul stones!

Therefore, this is the real price of the Perfect Grade Concentration Pill!

Nine thousand spiritual stones!

Such a price is a figure worth looking up to for most inner disciples.

Even if there are inner disciples who have such a family background, they will not spend so many spirit stones for a perfect breakthrough.

Because for most Qi Sea realm cultivators, it is completely possible to break through with a good-grade concentration pill.

Even if it breaks through some shortcomings, after entering the concentrating state, it can be consolidated for a period of time to slowly make up for the shortcomings.

But still the same sentence, breaking through with a perfect level of concentration pill, not only can make a perfect breakthrough, there is even the possibility of directly promoting to the mid-phase of concentration.

Even if it is not promoted to the mid-concentration realm, it does not take a long time to cultivate to the mid-concentration realm after taking the perfect grade concentrating pill.

Therefore, the perfect concentrating pill still has many benefits.

If this were not the case, there would not be such a high price.

Now Qin Shaofeng has three perfect-level concentration pills, which naturally arouses many disciples' hearts.

Of course, bad thoughts are impossible!

At least in Tianyinmen, no one had moved to rob Qin Shaofeng.

Unless you are tired of disgusting yourself!

The rules of the Tianyin Gate were very strict. Once triggered, even Zhou Shuokun, an elite disciple with the status of the Seventh Elder, would be punished.

But this does not prevent someone from buying that perfect concentration pill from Qin Shaofeng!

The perfect concentrating pill can only appear in the pill pavilion and can only be purchased with points.

For some of the more wealthy inner disciples, even if they have enough spirit stones, but don't have enough points, they cannot be purchased.

Since the day when the assessment was over, Qin Shaofeng had received information from many people asking for this Perfect Grade Concentration Pill.

Ten thousand spiritual stones!

This is the lowest price for all those who want to buy this perfect level of concentration pill.

No one intends to buy it with points, it is the spirit stone who wants to buy the three perfect-level Concentration Pills from Qin Shaofeng, and it is still ten thousand spirit stones.

In fact, it was precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng didn't refine the aura pill too much in exchange for points.

Because in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, Tianyinmen's points were not as good as those of Lingshi.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng's speed in refining the lower-grade aura pills is very fast. Basically, under his full refining, it is not a big problem to refine tens of thousands of lower-grade aura pills at one time.

Even if it is necessary to ensure that all the refining are perfect low-grade aura pill, Qin Shaofeng can refine 3,000 pieces at a time.

Moreover, the maximum time is seven or eight minutes. Counting this, Qin Shaofeng only needs to refine 34 furnaces per 3,000 pieces, and he will be able to refine one hundred thousand perfect low-grade aura pills.

This is three hours at most, and earning 100 points in three hours is an amazing thing for many inner disciples.

But in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, 100 points were only three thousand spiritual stones. Although it was fast, it was still not very good.

At first, Qin Shaofeng didn't like it very much.

Secondly, even Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that it would not be a good thing for him to refine a large number of perfect low-grade aura pills.

This will lower the value of the perfect low-grade aura pill, provoke the hatred of other alchemists in the alchemy hall, and the gain is not great, it is not worth it.

Instead of this, it would be better to directly refine a perfect concentration pill.

At the very least, a perfect concentration pill could enable Qin Shaofeng to earn tens of thousands of spiritual stones.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng saw a business opportunity.

Refining a perfect concentration pill, and then obtain a lot of spirit stones from it.

Finally, it is a good way to let him hit his acupuncture points with a lot of spirit stones.

However, Qin Shaofeng also understood one thing in his heart, and that was such a thing, because he couldn't do it often.

He had just joined the Tianyinmen. He had no basis at all, and doing too many eye-catching things was not a good thing.

"Forget it, let's take your time!"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head, and walked out of his room directly.


"Senior Brother Qin is out!"

"Ha, here comes, out!"


As soon as Qin Shaofeng left the house, he was surrounded by a bunch of people.

Among these, Qin Shaofeng looked down on him on the day of the examination, and even spoke to mock his inner disciples.

But now seeing Qin Shaofeng again, they not only didn't say anything to mock Qin Shaofeng, but they even respected Qin Shaofeng incomparably.

Qin Shaofeng knew that these were all because of the three perfect concentration pills in his hand.

Because these inner disciples in the room all wanted to buy these three perfect concentration pills in his hand.

After looking at everyone, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly and said: "Everyone, I know what you are coming for, but there are only three Perfect Concentration Pills in my hand. Although I also want to keep one for my own use, I see For the sake of your enthusiasm, this time I will sell all three Perfect Grade Concentration Pills to fellow seniors!"

Qin Shaofeng's words made many people's eyes light up.

Even if Qin Shaofeng had refined the five perfect-level concentration pills, in the eyes of many people, there was a relationship of luck among them.

Can't keep refining it once, and refining it next time.

In addition, everyone can see that Qin Shaofeng's own realm, even though it is only in the mid-Qihai realm, can't guarantee that Qin Shaofeng will leave one for himself.

Therefore, many people think that even if Qin Shaofeng sells, he only sells two pieces.

But now that he said it was three, everyone's hearts were even more enthusiastic.

And at this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly said, "However, since all the brothers here have come, I don't know who to sell to, so let's get the higher price. You only need the spirit stone!"

Well, he is going to auction it!

If Qin Shaofeng was proposing an auction, the inner disciples who were present would not say anything, but they would have some thoughts in their hearts.

But now Qin Shaofeng said that if he took out three Perfect Grade Concentration Pills and auctioned them, no one would have any ideas.

I don’t even keep one for myself, so what can I do for an auction?

In this regard, the inner disciples present did not think much about it.

Becoming an inner disciple at Tianyinmen can get one hundred spirit stones for free in one month, and there are many ways to obtain spirit stones.

But the points are different!

Obtaining a lot of points in Tianyinmen is very difficult for the inner disciples.

An Inner Sect disciple in the Qihai Realm, even if it is a cultivation base of the Peak Realm, he can earn ten points at most if he works very hard for a month.

Points are too hard to earn!

And most importantly, there is no way to exchange points for spirit stones at Tianyin Gate.

Points can only be earned by tasks!

Therefore, even if the spirit stone is enough, for the vast majority of inner disciples, it is still impossible to purchase a perfect concentration pill.

Now that he has this opportunity, even if he spends more spirit stones, it doesn't matter.

Therefore, the inner disciples present had no opinion at all when faced with Qin Shaofeng's proposal of auction.

Even many disciples who have full information about their wealth are even more surprised.

"Senior Brother Qin, don't say anything. The auction will be auctioned. I agree!"

"I also agree, this is the best!"

"Ha, three Perfect Grade Concentration Pills, the spirit stone I own should be able to win one!"

"I don't need points? This is great, I have a lot of spirit stones, enough to take a photo!"

"No, the spirit stones on my body seem to be insufficient, I have to find someone to borrow some spirit stones!"

"Auction, this can happen!"


The crowd's comments made Qin Shaofeng very satisfied.

Because from the words of these people, Qin Shaofeng is not hard to hear, no one objected, and even was very much approved.

And it seems that there are many rich people among them, this may make him earn a lot of spiritual stones!

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