Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1893: Auction medicinal medicine (part 2)

Looking at the inner disciples in front of him, Qin Shaofeng seemed to see big fat sheep.


With a soft cough, Qin Shaofeng said directly: "I think everyone is very busy, so I won't waste everyone's time. Let's start now!"

With that said, Qin Shaofeng took out a perfect-level Concentration Pill, and said: "Three perfect-level Concentration Pills are auctioned one by one, first of all..."

"Ten thousand, I will give ten thousand spirit stones!"

Before Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, a disciple of the inner sect who had a perfect cultivation realm in the Qi Sea realm suddenly shouted loudly.

Qin Shaofeng was immediately happy, he was a little hesitant in his heart, how good is this low price?

Even though it is counted from the medicine pavilion side, the value of a perfect concentrating pill should be nine thousand yuan.

But Qin Shaofeng worried that the price of nine thousand spiritual stones would arouse some disgust.

But now it's alright, he doesn't need to be entangled anymore, someone will give him a low price.

"Well, that's good, this junior has offered 10,000 spiritual stones, is there any increase in price?" Qin Shaofeng said.

Although the opponent has the perfect cultivation base of the Qi Sea Realm, the opponent is only an inner disciple. As an elite disciple, Qin Shaofeng, even the cultivation base of the Qi Sea Realm, can be called the opponent's junior disciple.

This is the rule of the Tianyin Sect. Regardless of the cultivation base, the inner disciple sees the elite disciple, he must call him senior!

"One case!"

As soon as Qin Shaofeng's words fell, someone made an offer!

"I'll pay twelve thousand!"

"I'll pay 13 thousand!"

In just a few clicks, the price reached 13,000 Lingshi.

The price is already very good, at least the surrounding sounds have been quiet a lot.

But some people still didn't give up.

"Thirteen thousand and five!"

A sound with a little trembling sounded, but it was the inner disciple who made the first bid.

But looking at him like this, it is clear that this is his entire wealth.

He was praying at this moment in his heart, no one increased the price.

But soon, his face turned pale.

"Thirteen thousand six hundred!"

Someone has increased the fare!

Although it is only a price increase of one hundred spirit stones, it is also a lot.

And it's not over yet!

"Thirteen thousand seven hundred!"

"Thirteen thousand eight hundred!"

"Thirteen thousand nine hundred!"


Obviously, when the price exceeds 13,000 Spirit Stones, even if everyone increases the price, it will also increase by one hundred and one hundred.

After all, no one's spirit stone was brought by the strong wind.

But even so, the price slowly climbed up, and soon reached 14,500.

"Fifteen thousand spiritual stones!"

Suddenly, there was a voice among the crowd, and it was quiet, no one was bidding.

Fifteen thousand?

Qin Shaofeng murmured in his heart, but he was also very satisfied with the price.

So, he nodded and said, "There are fifteen thousand spiritual stones, has anyone increased the price?"

"Well, no more, then congratulations to this junior brother for taking a perfect concentration pill!"

Qin Shaofeng looked at the other party with a smile, the other party was also very eye-catching, came to Qin Shaofeng for the first time, and then took out a card.

In Tianyinmen, not everyone can have storage rings, and then bring a lot of spirit stones with them.

Moreover, there is a Lingshi Bank in Tianyinmen, which is similar to a bank. Each disciple's identity card is a bank card, which can deposit and withdraw Lingshi.

It is said that this situation was learned from Tianyinmen and those banks on earth.

This is a lot more convenient!

And this kind of Lingshi bank card can exchange Lingshi with each other as permitted by the owner, even the points are the same. In Tianyinmen, this kind of Lingshi bank card is called Lingka!

After Qin Shaofeng contacted the opponent's spirit card, 15,000 spirit stones were credited.

Without hesitation, Qin Shaofeng soon started the auction of the second Perfect Concentration Pill.

The auction was very fast, and it was over in just ten minutes.

And the second Perfect Grade Concentration Pill, fifteen thousand five hundred spirit stones were finally auctioned.

The price of the third one is even higher, it seems that because of the last one, the price of 17 thousand Bailingshi was actually auctioned.


Three perfect concentration pills instantly made Qin Shaofeng's spirit stone rise from zero to 47,500 yuan!

Such wealth is already huge in the eyes of inner disciples!

However, in the eyes of elite disciples, it is far worse.

In Qin Shaofeng's eyes, it was already pretty good, because this stroke of spirit stone could completely make him hit many acupoints.

It may not even reach the ninth level of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons"!

From the seventh level of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", to the eighth level, 72 acupuncture points are attacked, and the ninth level is also stimulated!

With 252 acupuncture points, Qin Shaofeng reached the cultivation realm equivalent to the concentrating state, and it was also the state of concentrating peak.

However, Qin Shaofeng did not intend to do this.

Because he wanted to use these forty-seven thousand spirit stones as capital to earn more spirit stones.

Taking the Concentration Pill as an example, the cost of refining a Concentration Pill is only three hundred spiritual stones.

Even if it is only refined to produce a high-grade Concentration Pill, it can earn seven hundred spirit stones.

Qin Shaofeng knew very well that the spirit stone on his body could fully purchase 150 medicinal materials for the Concentration Pill.

Even if it is one earning seven hundred spirit stones, those one hundred and fifty will be in the early 100,000.

Besides, by refining one hundred and fifty Concentration Pills at one time, Qin Shaofeng was able to ensure that not only the refining pills were of high-quality under the premise of ensuring a 100% success rate.

Even among them there are definitely many top grades, as well as perfect concentration pills.

Qin Shaofeng is confident that he can do it!

In fact, Qin Shaofeng also wanted to directly refine 150 perfect-level concentration pills, and then make a fortune.

But this is too eye-catching.

Not only is it 100% refining power, but it also has a 100% perfect success rate, which is too exaggerated.

On the contrary, this is the prerequisite for guaranteeing high-quality products, and there will be some top-quality and perfect-level concentration pills.

Although this is also very exaggerated, it can be controlled for a time.

And the most important thing is that Qin Shaofeng has already opened up the market through these three perfect-level concentration pills.

For example, when it was just over, he told those inner disciples that there would be a lot of Concentration Pills for auction in ten days.

This has moved many people, and they are very much looking forward to it.

Ten days?

Does Qin Shaofeng need ten days to refine one hundred and fifty Concentration Pills?

That's not necessary at all!

Because after the auction was over, Qin Shaofeng went to the Pill Refining Hall's elixir area for the first time to transform all his more than 40,000 spiritual stones into medicinal materials for refining Concentration Pill.

Because of the preferential treatment of elite disciples, Qin Shaofeng finally changed 175 medicinal materials.

Well, the elite disciples only need a 10% discount to redeem general medicinal materials.

Qin Shaofeng threw his fist into the Nine Spirit Ding and began refining the 175 concentrating pills.

This is a concentration pill, not an aura pill!

Refining 175 pieces at a time, this amount is also a big challenge for Qin Shaofeng.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng was stunned for an hour to deplete the spiritual energy of 173 acupuncture points from the 180 acupoints in his body, and only then successfully refined these 175 concentrating pills.

"Tsk tusk, this feeling is almost an acupuncture point of the spirit energy of the gods and demons, and only then can a concentration pill be refined!"

Looking at the Jiu Lingding that had calmed down, Qin Shaofeng gasped and exhaled, with a lot of sweat coming out of his forehead.

"It's too reluctant. It seems that even if you will refine a large amount of Concentration Pills in the future, it will be a one-time refining of 100 pieces per furnace at most. If there are more, it is a bit too expensive!"

After touching a sweat, Qin Shaofeng opened the Nine Spirit Ding.

Qin Shaofeng smiled when he saw the Concentrating Pill in the Nine Spirit Cauldron, and suddenly felt that the hard work this time was worthwhile.

The 175 concentrating pills are at least excellent products, and there are many top and perfect concentrating pills.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng counted, there were 108 excellent-grade concentration pills, 49 top-grade concentration pills, and 18 perfect-grade concentration pills!

18 perfect-level concentration pills!

Moreover, if such achievements in alchemy were spread out, it would probably cause a sensation.

In one hour, 108 high-grade concentration pills, 49 top-grade concentration pills, and 18 perfect-grade concentration pills were refined at one time!

Such a technique, not to mention Elder Xu, even the Sixth Elders can't do it.

I am afraid that only the big man in the alchemy hall, one of the three deputy masters of the Tianyinmen, can do it.

Refining so many Concentration Pills at once, and it is only an hour, these two conditions alone are enough to stump most alchemists.

Faced with these pills, Qin Shaofeng was also a little grateful, fortunate that he had given him ten days.

Because ten days' time was enough to thoroughly spread this matter among the inner disciples.

At that time, there will be more disciples participating in the auction. Not only can these Concentrating Pills be auctioned out, but they can also be sold at a not low price.

Qin Shaofeng is looking forward to this!

In fact, it is true!

With the premise of three perfect auctions, Qin Shaofeng's name spread quickly.

How many inner disciples are there in the entire Tianyinmen?

This can only be said a lot, and there is no count at all.

And how many of the inner disciples are in the late Qihai Realm and the Consummation Realm?

Also a lot!

At a lower level, that is at least a 100,000-level figure!

And among these inner disciples, how many people are not absolutely sure that they can break through to the concentrating state by themselves?

Well, a lot!

Therefore, after a wave of spread, many inner disciples are looking forward to Qin Shaofeng's Concentration Pill auction!


Soon, the day when Qin Shaofeng agreed to auction came.

Even on this day, Elder Nengxu was alarmed, and he even deliberately arranged a square for Qin Shaofeng for auction.

Because Elder Xu knew that Qin Shaofeng had exchanged 175 medicinal materials for Concentration Pill from the Pill Refining Hall.

He really wanted to know how many perfect concentration pill Qin Shaofeng could refine this time!

When Qin Shaofeng came to the scene, he was taken aback by the crowd of people.

He did not expect that so many people would appear.

What a surprise!

What a surprise too!

Then, out of the urgency of replacing the Concentration Pill with Lingshi, Qin Shaofeng didn't talk nonsense. After arriving at the scene, with a simple opening statement, he directly announced the beginning of the auction.

"Well, thank you all for your support. I know all the brothers' intentions today, so I don't talk nonsense, just start the auction!"

Then, Qin Shaofeng directly gave 12 jade bottles and said to everyone: "First of all, we will start auctioning the high-grade Concentration Pills. As for the perfect Concentration Pills, you can rest assured that there will be them, and the number is much larger than the last time!"

The previous sentence stunned many people present, and many people planned to say something.

We are all here for the perfect concentrating pill. What do you mean by auctioning the excellent concentrating pill?

But the sentence after Qin Shaofeng made Duo Ran hold his breath.

Put the perfect one at the back?

And the number is much more than last time?

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