Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1894: A lot of concentration pills

Although there were many people on the scene, and those who planned to participate in the auction, they were all coming for the Perfect Grade Concentration Pill.

But although there are many such people, compared to the total number of people here, there are far fewer inner disciples who have real intentions and sufficient financial resources.

After all, the perfect concentration pill of tens of thousands of spirit stones could not be purchased by any inner disciple.

There are not many people who can really participate in the auction of Perfect Grade Concentrating Pill.

Of course, compared to the last time, it must be only a lot more!

At this moment, the number of Inner Sect disciples in the entire square has reached at least 3,000, and there are even many elite disciples among them.

Although the elite disciples basically have the cultivation base of the Concentrating Spirit Realm, in fact, the entire Tianyin Gate is so big, and there are actually many people who become elite disciples like Qin Shaofeng in the Qihai Realm.

And this time, the big heads of Perfect Grade Concentrating Pills are these elite disciples of Qihai Realm.

Therefore, in fact, many of the inner disciples present were just here to join in the fun and make soy sauce.

They didn't expect that they would be able to take a perfect concentration pill!

No such capital! ~

But after Qin Shaofeng said the high-grade Concentrating Pill, many inner disciples present were moved.

A perfect concentration pill, I don't have that capital.

But this high-quality concentration pill is not that expensive!

For a while, the entire square became lively, and many inner disciples started gearing up.

Upon seeing this, Qin Shaofeng hurriedly took a look and said: "The high-quality Concentration Pills are auctioned in groups, nine pieces in a group, a total of twelve groups!"

"Now auction the first group, the price is eight thousand spirit stones!"

With that said, Qin Shaofeng picked up one of the jade bottles and poured out nine of them with high-quality concentration pills, allowing everyone to take a look.

The price of this high-grade Concentration Pill was basically only 1,000 spiritual stones, and Qin Shaofeng's nine-piece set cost 8,000 spiritual stones.

This is actually cheap.

For a time, many inner disciples were moved.

High-grade Concentration Pill, although the breakthrough success rate is 90%, in fact, the Concentration Pill that reaches the excellent grade still has a better place than the Good-grade Concentration Pill.

That is the high-quality concentration pill, which can be taken multiple times.

Even if some medicines are unhealthy, they can be eliminated after a period of practice after entering the concentrating state.

Therefore, even if you are a consummate cultivator in the air and sea realm of waste materials, you can still become a cultivator in the condensing realm by taking a few high-grade concentrating pills.

But such concentrating cultivators are basically waste materials.

However, this said again, even no matter how wasteful the material is, the Concentration State is the Concentration State, which is definitely stronger than the Qihai State.

For people with limited qualifications, it won't care.

In fact, although the so-called guardians in the outer area of ​​Tianyinmen were promoted to the concentrating state, more than 90% of them were promoted through the use of pill.

If he was promoted to a cultivator of the Concentrating Spirit Realm by his own breakthrough, then such a peripheral disciple could become an inner disciple.

Therefore, there is still a big market for this premium grade Concentration Pill.

Qin Shaofeng's nine high-grade Concentration Pills offered eight thousand spirit stones, which was very cheap.

Because even a high-quality concentrating pill, if placed in the outer area, it is a very popular best-selling pill.

And even among the inner sect disciples, the high-grade Concentration Pill is extremely precious.

After all, no one is a big family, and can buy a perfect concentration pill!

Many disciples felt that if you buy these high-quality concentration pills from Qin Shaofeng and sell them outside, you can earn a fortune.

However, many internal disciples seem to have forgotten one point. This is the auction site, and the low price is not the final transaction price!

"Eight thousand and one hundred!"

Almost as soon as Qin Shaofeng's voice fell off, someone made an offer.

And the first start, there is no need for Qin Shaofeng to speak out, more and more people are shouting.

"Eight thousand and two hundred!"

"Eight thousand three hundred!"

"Eight thousand three hundred and fifty!"


However, after all, it is only a premium product, even if someone increases the price, it is basically a one-time increase of fifty and one hundred spirit stones.

With no profit, I am afraid that only those who really need it will add a high price at once!

But obviously, there was none at the scene.

But that's the case. In the end, this excellent-grade Concentration Pill was successfully traded at the price of 10300 Lingshi.

Nine high-grade Concentration Pills were auctioned at 10300 Lingshi, which was a bit higher than the market price.

Qin Shaofeng was very satisfied with this.

And the next eleven sets of high-grade Concentration Pills were basically sold at a price of about 10,000 yuan, and the lowest price of nine thousand seven hundred and fifty spirit stones was included.

In the end, the 12 groups of 108 did not have high-quality concentrating pills, which brought Qin Shaofeng more than 120,000 spiritual stones.

This high-quality concentration pill alone not only made Qin Shaofeng profitable, but also earned more than 70,000 more spiritual stones.

This made Qin Shaofeng not hesitate, and immediately started the auction of the best-grade concentration pill.

"Senior brothers, the high-grade Concentration Pill has been auctioned, and the next is the auction of the top-grade Concentration Pill!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, took out seven jade bottles, and said: "The best concentrating pill is also sold in groups, a set of seven, a total of seven groups!"

A group of seven, isn't that the 49 Supreme Concentration Pill?

Everyone was shocked again, and many inner disciples who had long guessed that there was an auction of the best Concentration Pill began to get excited.

Although the best concentrating pill is not as good as the perfect concentrating pill, its effect is the best choice for inner disciples who don't chase perfection.

And the most important thing is that not only does the best-grade Concentration Pills have no side effects after taking it, but you can also take up to three top-grade Concentration Pills without any side effects.

This can allow the monks in the later stage of the Qihai Realm to directly break into the Qiqi Realm.

"A set of seven top grade concentrating pills, 10,000 spirit stones at a low price!"

Seeing the eagerness of many people in the crowd, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and directly reduced the price originally priced at a group of 15,000 to 10,000.

The price of a top-grade concentrating pill is two thousand spirit stones in the market, and if it is seven, it is 14,000 spirit stones.

Qin Shaofeng is now asking 10,000 spiritual stones, but it is a full four thousand cheaper.

This made it possible for those inner disciples present to be able to bear it, and suddenly, a group of people began to increase the price.

"One thousand five hundred!"

"I'll pay 10,000!"

"Eleven thousand and five hundred!"

"Twelve thousand, I will give twelve thousand!"


Seeing the crowd of constant bidding, Elder Xu who was not far away smiled in his heart and shook his head involuntarily.

"These disciples can be regarded as Qin Shaofeng this kid's way!"

Although Qin Shaofeng's low price was 10,000 Lingshi, looking at the lively scene before him, Elder Xu could predict that the final transaction price was definitely higher than the general market price.

However, Elder Xu didn't care much, because this was also Qin Shaofeng's method.

He can earn even more spiritual stones if he doesn't steal or steal, and doesn't force anyone. That's his ability.

However, Elder Xu couldn't help but glance at Qin Shaofeng, and his heart moved slightly.

"108 top grades, 49 top grades. This kid has so many medicinal materials in total. Doesn't that mean that he has refined 18 perfect-level concentration pills?"

A glimmer of appreciation flashed in Elder Xu's eyes, and there was even more emotion in his heart.

"It's incredible, it's incredible! After refining 175 medicinal materials, the lowest level is excellent grade, and there are 18 perfect grades. This kind of method, even if you change to an old man, it is nothing in this way!"

If Elder Xu knew that Qin Shaofeng's situation was a one-time refinement, I'm afraid he wouldn't sigh with emotion, but would be shocked and dumbfounded.

The asking price continued, and the asking price of a group of Concentrating Pills quickly climbed to fifteen thousand.

But this is just the beginning. The price of ten thousand five spirit stones is still affordable for many inner disciples.

Moreover, a set of seven top grade concentration pills, he would definitely not be able to use them up, and he could sell them later.

Of course, the main thing was the atmosphere of the scene, which slowly increased the price of this medicine.

In the end, the final transaction price of the first group of Supreme Concentration Pills was 18,000 Bailingshi.

This counted down to an average of one Supreme Concentration Pill, but it reached the price of more than two thousand five hundred spirit stones. Compared with normal purchases, it was five hundred more spirit stones.

But it can't actually be counted like that!

Because the market price is the market price, in fact, even in Tianyinmen, although there will be a lot of Concentration Pills, for the huge number of inner disciples of Tianyinmen, the number of these Concentration Pills is still small.

After all, no one can come like Qin Shaofeng. Not only does he have 100% refining power, but after the refining is successful, not only are they at least excellent-grade concentration pills, but there are also many top-grade and perfect-grade concentration pills.

The Concentration Pills that appeared in Tianyinmen were basically the hands of some elite disciples in the Pill Refining Hall, but they refined the Concentration Pills one by one.

And even so, the success rate of this refining is not high. Three medicinal materials can refining a concentrating pill, which is already very good.

The most important thing is that even if it is refined, it basically only waits for the ordinary-level concentrating pill and the good-grade concentrating pill.

In this way, it is impossible to pay back!

Of course, in the alchemy hall in the Tianyinmen, there are naturally also elite disciples who can refine 100% of the high-grade concentration pills.

However, the alchemy level of these elite disciples is naturally already very good, basically being able to refine more advanced pill.

The cost price of a Concentration Pill requires three hundred Lingshi, even if it is refined to produce a high-quality Concentration Pill, that means you can buy a thousand spiritual stones and earn seven hundred Lingshi.

For such an elite disciple, he doesn't care about seven hundred spiritual stones at all.

Because the Concentration Pills that appeared in Tianyinmen were all refined by some disciples who specialized in refining Concentration Pills.

Although it can make money, it doesn't make much money.

Except that there is really no spiritual stone, otherwise there are very good elite disciples to refine a large number of concentration pills.

This is why, even if he knew clearly that Qin Shaofeng auctioned the price of the Concentration Pill, he would find the normal price, but there were still some people increasing the price.

And how can I say it, the top-grade Concentration Pill is actually very good, people who can refine it don’t refine it very much, now Qin Shaofeng auctions so many, many disciples of the inner sect and even some elite disciples are planning to take some .

Even many inner disciples with insufficient spirit stones have begun to bid together in groups.

This is what caused the price of the first group of the best concentrating pill to eventually exceed 18,000 Lingshi.

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