Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1895: Profiteering

This first group of superb concentration pills was auctioned for 18,800 spirit stones!

This had already surprised Qin Shaofeng.

Because in Qin Shaofeng's view, a group of top-grade concentrating pill can sell 16,000 Lingshi, which is almost the limit.

But Qin Shaofeng knew about the next six sets of Supreme Concentration Pills, and his expectations were still too low.

Because of the next six sets of Supreme Concentration Pills, the final transaction price of each set was above the first set of 18,800.

Even starting from the fifth group, the final transaction price exceeded 20,000.

In the end, seven sets of the best Concentration Pills were actually auctioned off, just reaching the price of 140,000 Lingshi.

49 Concentration Pills are generally worth 100,000 spirit stones, but now after the auction, 40,000 more spirit stones have been sold.

Of course, this is a good thing for Qin Shaofeng, the more spirit stones, the better!

After the last group of Supreme Concentration Pills were photographed, some people who couldn't bear it long ago directly asked out loud.

"Senior Brother Qin, should this top-grade Concentration Pill be auctioned off? Is it time to auction a perfect-grade one?"

As soon as this sound was heard, the scene was quiet, and a lot of fiery eyes were focused on Qin Shaofeng.

A perfect concentration pill, this is today's finale!

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Yes, next is the auction perfect-grade Concentration Pill!"

As soon as Qin Shaofeng's voice fell, the breathing at the scene was a lot of rapidity, and someone suddenly shouted: "Senior Brother Qin, can you tell me how many perfect concentration pills are there?"

"A total of 18 Perfect Grade Concentrating Pills will be auctioned this time!" Qin Shaofeng said lightly.

Sure enough, eighteen!

A light flashed in Elder Xu's eyes not far away, and his heart was even more emotional.

The crowd at the scene was actually stimulated by Qin Shaofeng's faint tone.

"Eighteen Perfect Grade Concentrating Pills?"

"Hahaha, this time it really came right, there really is a Perfect Grade Concentration Pill!"

"Great, if there are eighteen, I should be able to get one, so that I can break through to the concentrating state, and then challenge the assessment of becoming an elite disciple!"

"Well, good, wait for one to be auctioned!"

"Eighteen? This Qin Shaofeng is really not easy!"


Elder Xu also heard the crowd's comments.

But for those who said that the auction perfect-level Concentration Pill, the total number of 18 pieces, they can auction the next one at a not high price, Elder Xu shook his head slightly.

If it is in the usual way, perhaps it is really possible.

But now that there are so many people on the scene, the atmosphere has been completely copied by the previous excellent products and the best concentration pills.

The next eighteen perfect-level concentration pills, I am afraid they will compete fiercely.

And most importantly now...

A strange light flashed in his eyes, and Elder Xu raised his head again to look at Qin Shaofeng, not knowing what he was thinking, his face became a little serious.

"Eighteen Perfect Concentration Pills, one auction at a time!" Qin Shaofeng shouted loudly, "Now the first one is auctioned, with a reserve price of 10,000!"

This time, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate and directly raised the reserve price to 10,000, because he believed that such a price was not expensive for some people present.


As soon as Qin Shaofeng's voice fell, someone made a direct bid.

"One case!"

It seemed that it happened in an instant, but someone directly added a thousand spirit stones!

And after this person, there were a series of fare increases soon.

"twelve thousand!"

"Thirteen thousand!"

"Thirteen thousand!"


It was all a price increase of one thousand and one thousand spirit stones, which made the addition of this perfect-level concentrating pill quickly reached 20,000.

Qin Shaofeng expected that this time the perfect concentrating pill would be auctioned at a good price, even more than 20,000 yuan, which is a normal thing.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that the price would exceed 20,000 yuan so quickly.

After the price reached 20,000 Lingshi, the voices appeared less.

But even so, the price of this first perfect-grade concentration pill was finally sold at a high price of 24,300 Lingshi!

This is more than double the price of buying a perfect-level concentrating pill at the Pill Medicine Pavilion.

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng was also very surprised. He originally thought that the first auction price of around 23,000 was already the limit.

But in the end, the price of 24,300 Lingshi was sold!

This made Qin Shaofeng even more looking forward to the auction of the next 17 Perfect Grade Concentration Pills.

The next auction was far more popular than Qin Shaofeng expected.

Eighteen perfect-level concentrating pills, the first 24,300 spirit stones, was actually the lowest price?

In the rankings that follow, the price of each one is basically more than 25,000 spiritual stones, and even the last three are sold at a super high price of more than 30,000 spiritual stones!

Thirty-one thousand and five!

Thirty-three thousand!

Thirty-five thousand!

This is the price ranked for the last three Perfect Grade Concentration Pills.

Then, Qin Shaofeng made it!

Because it was only a perfect-level concentration pill, although the number was the smallest, there were only eighteen, but it was these eighteen perfect-level concentration pill, which brought Qin Shaofeng more than 500,000 spiritual stones.

In the end, after ten days, Qin Shaofeng's 175 medicinal materials of Concentration Pill purchased from 47,500 spirit stones were turned into more than 770,000 spirit stones by him.

The net profit is more than 700,000!

This is no longer something that can be explained in a simple sentence.

This is simply super profiteering!

It's over ten times in one go!


After the auction, Elder Xu asked Qin Shaofeng to visit him.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is in front of Elder Xu at the moment.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng with a calm face in front of him, Elder Xu smiled slightly and said, "How about it, making a crazy profit? It's just over 47,000 spiritual stones, now it has become more than 700,000. What do you think?"

Qin Shaofeng was not surprised that Elder Xu could accurately tell the total number of spirit stones on his body.

Because this is impossible to hide, Elder Xu is an elder in the alchemy hall. If he wants to know, he can naturally know these things through many channels.

Qin Shaofeng was mostly people, and then said in a daze: "This is too unreal. Elder Xu, do you think I really have so many spirit stones?"

This tone, this look, seemed to be unreality after getting rich overnight.

Of course, these were deliberately pretended by Qin Shaofeng.

But in the eyes of Elder Xu, it really looked like this.

Ever since he knew that Qin Shaofeng was an ordinary person born and raised on the earth, Elder Xu felt relieved.

Moreover, if the earth is like that, some spirit stones can appear, which are also spirit stones with insufficient aura.

Even the spiritual stone in that underground space is mostly just a secret realm of spiritual realm with strong spiritual energy, some of the spiritual energy leaked out, caused and then born out of incomplete spiritual stone.

In fact, today's earth, as long as it is not the spiritual stones brought by some spiritual world secrets, the spiritual stones that appear in the local area can be said to be pseudo-spirit stones!

The spiritual energy collapsed, causing the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual stone to be insufficient, which is the so-called pseudo-spirit stone.

If it is a real spirit stone, one or two hundred yuan can directly train a Tier 3 ability person into a Tier 10 ability person.

It is worth mentioning that after the supernatural power reaches the tenth-order realm, if the supernatural power in the body is not converted into spiritual energy, it will not be able to continue to improve.

This means that at the end of the cultivation, the supernatural person has only one option to become a monk.

At this point, even magicians are like this!

Because only after transforming and possessing aura, can you continue to practice.

With the strength of the human body, it is already the limit to cultivate to the tenth rank, no matter how high it is, it is impossible!

Therefore, in Elder Xu's eyes, being able to enter the Tianyin Gate, being able to obtain so many real spiritual stones in such a short time, Qin Shaofeng must be very uneasy.

Qin Shaofeng's "real reaction" just before me confirmed this!

Nodding slightly, Elder Xu smiled and said: "It's true, don't worry!"

At this time, Qin Shaofeng seemed to think of something, and asked elder Xu cautiously: "Elder Xu, I have done so many personal auctions, and I have auctioned so many Concentrating Pills. Will there be any trouble?"

"Oh, now do you think of it?" Elder Xu smiled.

But he quickly said something that made Qin Shaofeng rest assured.

"If it is normal, your behavior like this is definitely not acceptable, and the Pill Medicine Pavilion will not let you do this too!"

Elder Xu's words are true. In the alchemy hall of the Tianyinmen, is there really no alchemist who can refine the perfect-level concentration pill?

how can that be?

The Tianyin Gate is so big, how could there be a shortage of alchemists?

Not to mention, the perfect concentration pill, the perfect concentration pill and the refining pill, there are many alchemists who can be refined.

Elder Xu is able to refine a perfect-level God-Gathering Pill, even if it is a perfect-level refining pill, Elder Xu can refine it.

The only problem is that it will take a relatively long time and there will be a considerable failure rate.

If Qin Shaofeng refines so many at once, there are naturally few people.

As for why the pill pavilion restricts it, perfect-level concentrating pill and other perfect-level pill can only be purchased with pure points.

There are two reasons involved!

The first is that Tianyinmen don't want to, let the disciples in the door make breakthroughs with pills.

Even if it is a perfect level of concentration pill, it is used to make breakthroughs, there are still some bad effects after all.

Because it is not a personal breakthrough, it is not a perfect breakthrough.

Of course, for some true geniuses, this has little effect.

But for most people, it is influential.

This is why, some people slowly cultivate a higher realm than a genius disciple, but they are often challenged by the genius disciple to succeed.

Although this was all due to the strength of the genius disciples, in the final analysis it was all due to their own strength.

The second reason is to limit the purchase of points, which can increase the enthusiasm of the address code.

Because this will quickly run out of points, and then you can only continue to pick up tasks and get more points.

And the more tasks you receive, the more you experience, and there are even many actual combat experiences.

In this way, he can hone himself and improve his strength.

In fact, there are two factors, but in the final analysis it is all because of strength!

Tianyinmen naturally wanted to cultivate powerful disciples, because the stronger the disciples, the stronger the strength of the entire Tianyinmen would naturally increase.

Therefore, it will appear that the Pills Pavilion has some restrictions on the purchase of pill.

The Concentration Realm in Tianyinmen is already considered to be out of the bottom cannon fodder level combat power.

If the overall strength is too bad, it will have a big impact.

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