Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 192: The weird state reappears

Without Zi Yueye and others, with the strength of Tang Qijian, among the people hidden in the battlefield of medicine beast fighting, it can be regarded as one of the best existence.

Half a day later, when there were only less than a hundred medicinal beasts left to kill, the people hiding here finally couldn't help it.


Faced with the shiny medicine beast spar, everyone went crazy.

After killing the last one hundred medicinal beasts, the human fight began.

The people hiding here are all the people who were summoned by Zi Yueye before, which means that they are all people from Yinyue Kingdom.

But even if they belong to the same country, those people will act mercilessly, and you will kill me.

In the end, the eyes were red, and even those students of the Yang Academy also started to kill each other.

Tang Qijian kept hiding in the dark and watching with cold eyes, until only a dozen people were left to be killed. Tang Qijian walked out.

In fact, Tang Qijian was not alone in hiding in the end.

The last person who came out, and three others, were all martial arts masters of the tenth realm.

Those three innate ten-tiered martial artists seemed to have reached an agreement to slaughter others together.

However, they are obviously not together, and they are each on guard against the other two.

This is also the reason why one of them, after looking for Tang Qijian without long eyes and no defense, was beheaded by Tang Qijian with one sword, and the other two did not react much.

And not only didn't respond, but even gave Tang Qijian one. If you kill him, then replace him.

After the final massacre, only Tang Qijian and two other innate ten-tier martial arts masters remained.

The three of them had a tacit understanding, did not continue, but turned around and began to pick up the medicated beast spar on the ground.

The same is true for Tang Qijian, because he understands that with his own strength, the opponent's innate ten-level masters, unless the opponent is careless, can't kill the opponent at all.

Of course, Tang Qijian would also have full assurance that he would escape smoothly if he started with the Ten Innate Masters.

For a while, the medicine beast spar on the ground was equally divided by the three.

After collecting the Ten Thousand Medicine Beast Spar, Tang Qijian hurriedly left.

But what Tang Qijian never expected was that after an hour, he was chased and killed by three innate and ten-fold masters.

And of the three innate ten-fold masters who chased him, one of them was one of the two who had previously agreed with him.

It seemed that it was only one-third of the medicated beast spar, and the other party would not be satisfied, and by the way, it seemed that the last of the three had already been killed.

Faced with the chasing and killing of three innate ten-fold masters, Tang Qijian could only choose to escape. Even if he wanted to fight hard, it was impossible.

But with the passage of time, the unfavorable conditions for Tang Qijian became more and more serious.

In the end, even to the point where he had to face the three innate and ten-fold masters alone.

But at the moment of Tang Qijian's crisis, the appearance of a group of people broke the crisis.

The person who appeared was Lian Yufeng, the little princess of Lianyang Country, and her eight guards.

As the number one kendo genius of Lianyang Academy, it is impossible for the little princess Lian Yufeng to recognize Tang Qijian, so she will naturally help.

And after this time, under Lian Yufeng's persuasion, Tang Qijian finally followed Lian Yufeng into this core circle.

This is not like Tang Qijian's character and demeanor. Even if Lian Yufeng can speak well, if he doesn't want to, he just doesn't want to. Unhappy is unhappy.

The reason for following Lian Yufeng was that in Tang Qijian's eyes, he and Qin Shaofeng both had an enmity with that Zi Yueye, and the other party was so powerful.

If this is to follow the little princess, even if he meets Zi Yueye again, I am afraid that before Zi Yueye shoots them, he will consider the existence of the little princess Lian Yufeng.

This is Tang Qijian's consideration and idea.

Now only waiting for Qin Shaofeng to reunite with him.

But Tang Qijian didn't know that the Qin Shaofeng he was looking for was no longer in this core circle at this moment.

It can even be said that they are not in this place, but have entered a space.

Under that weird cliff, in a space behind the extreme depth, Qin Shaofeng was still falling crazily at this moment.

At this moment, it has been more than a whole day since Qin Shaofeng started to fall.

But even if it lasted more than a whole day, Qin Shaofeng was still falling rapidly, as if this space had no limit, but a bottomless pit.

And Qin Shaofeng was in an extremely strange situation now.

It stands to reason that if Qin Shaofeng is seriously injured, if he is not treated in time, at most one hour, Qin Shaofeng will die.

But after falling into this space, Qin Shaofeng was in an extremely strange situation.

It seems that this space contains some inexplicable power, and Qin Shaofeng who has fallen into a coma is actually slowly absorbing such power.

After getting that kind of inexplicable power, Qin Shaofeng entered a special state.

If Qin Shaofeng is still awake at this moment, then he will be aware of his own state at the moment, just like the extremely calm and sensible kind that he witnessed Qin Yue'er's death after witnessing Qin Yue'er's death that day. The state is exactly the same.

In this state, although Qin Shaofeng's injury has not been greatly improved, he has begun to slowly recover.

It's just that the speed is incredibly slow. All day long, Qin Shaofeng's injury has actually recovered about one percent.

However, although the recovery was very slow, in this state, Qin Shaofeng was not in danger for the time being.

This is a very strange situation.

Finally, without knowing how long it took to fall, Qin Shaofeng was finally about to fall to the end.

Since Qin Shaofeng entered into that strange state again, it was because Qin Shaofeng fainted at the last moment and had the idea of ​​using the Wukong technique, but kept the dance technique until the inner energy value was exhausted, and slowly recovered, and They have all recovered long ago.

At this moment, after he was about to fall to the end, Qin Shaofeng unconsciously performed the dance of the sky again.


It's finally the end!

Although it was in the end, Qin Shaofeng didn't drop directly to the ground because of the crazy and rapid fall, but floated gently.

However, a closer look reveals that this is not actually the bottom.

In the colorful color space, there is still a space where there is no end in sight.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng stopped was because at this moment, there was a piece of land about ten meters in length and width.

This piece of land is extremely weird, I don't know what power it is supporting, and it just stays here abruptly.

Neither fall down nor rise up.

And it was precisely because of this piece of land that Qin Shaofeng had a place to stay, and the ability of the Wukong technique finally came into use.

Slowly, Qin Shaofeng's body finally slowly fell to the ground.


When Qin Shaofeng's body touched the ground, this piece of land suddenly burst into an endless golden light.

Under the rich golden light, from a distance, the land seemed to be burning with golden flames.

In this weird space, this situation looks equally weird.


At this time, Zhao Yun'er had already regained consciousness in the palace in the secret illusion.

Zhao Yun'er was extremely sad when he learned that the old alchemist's avatar was about to disappear completely in order to naturally burn the divine consciousness.

It was the divine consciousness clone of the old alchemist, who didn't feel any discomfort, but spoke to Zhao Yuner.

It seemed that he knew that he would disappear completely and completely without leaving a trace in the world, so the old alchemist passed on his knowledge to Zhao Yun'er as much as possible.

And this teaching is three full days.

It took Zhao Yuner five full days to accept the "Ten Fang Xing Jing", and it took three days to talk to the elderly alchemist and to be taught a lot of knowledge.

At this time, it was already the ninth day of this secret fantasy world.

On this day, the elderly alchemist looked at Zhao Yun'er very comfortably, the vaguely divine avatar who could not see clearly, smiled softly: "Okay, I'll also tell you what I should say. The road ahead will be You can only rely on yourself!"

As he said, the elderly alchemist paused suddenly, and then spoke again: "However, don't be anxious. After you have cultivated the celestial light in your body, your master will sense your position for the first time, and then pick you up. The Star Temple, at that time, was the time when you really started to practice the "Ten Fang Star Sutra", and..."

But without waiting for the senior alchemist to finish speaking, Zhao Yun'er said in a crying voice: "No! I don't want it, you are my master, just have you! Don't leave me!"

After these few days, Zhao Yuner has been taken care of by the old alchemist as her closest person.

When she thought that the old alchemist was about to disappear completely, Zhao Yuner's sadness came to her heart, and tears fell straight down.

"Silly boy!"

Looking at Zhao Yun'er's appearance, even the dim face of this old alchemist's avatar revealed infinite love, and then he sighed softly and said: "Yun'er! You are what I share with your master. Disciple, you remember this. But..."

The vague avatar of divine consciousness exudes a really complicated emotion: "However, I want to tell you, never be proud of your talents. It was because of this that I and your master back then, and then because a person could have completely ignored it. The trivial matter caused some misunderstandings. But both of us are arrogant people, and we are not willing to bow to each other."

"So, in the end, I will regret it for a lifetime! So, I now warn you, since you have turned on the body of the stars and gained the first light, then you have found someone who resonates with your starlight. Listen to my last words, stars The first light of the body will not deceive its master. The person who can resonate with your starlight is the most suitable person for you. Don't miss it!"

The words of the elderly alchemist made Zhao Yun'er instantly forget the sadness in her heart, her face turned a little shy and ruddy, and she gave a nasal hum and nodded her head.

But the senior alchemist did not notice this scene. Seeing Zhao Yun'er nodded, he solemnly said: "It's good to know. I and your master are real examples. You must not learn! There is also..."

After hesitating for a while, the old alchemist still opened his mouth and said, "Also, when you meet your master, you can tell her for me, I was wrong. !"

After saying this, Zhao Yun'er listened, the ruddy shame on her face disappeared instantly, and she became sad again.

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