Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 193: The old alchemist with shocking methods

"Haha, don’t be sad, my child. Although I won’t be here in the future, you are a proof of my existence. You have to practice hard, or I will die!"

Seeing Zhao Yuner's sadness again, the old alchemist made a laugh.

But as soon as he finished laughing, he was already close to the transparent avatar, and he was shaking with excitement.

"Hahaha! Good! Good! Good!"

The divine consciousness clone of the old alchemist suddenly burst into laughter, shouted three good words one after another, and then said very excitedly: "Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that at the last moment, I actually found a suitable inheritor. No regrets! I have no regrets in this life!"


Seeing the excited elderly alchemist, Zhao Yun'er was startled.

But after listening to the old alchemist's words, she also understood why she was so excited.

Zhao Yun'er now knows that the purpose of this alchemy mansion is to find a suitable inheritor for himself, the master, and pass on the tradition of his old man.

But since a thousand years ago, until now, there is no disciple suitable for his old man.

And this alchemy mansion has gone through a long period of thousands of years, because of the loss of its owner, its existence has reached its limit.

Therefore, this is the last time the alchemy residence has been opened.

Even because this is the last time, the last avatar of the master's existence and this alchemy mansion will completely disappear.

Zhao Yun'er knew that, in fact, her master had already given up.

It hasn't appeared for thousands of years, how can a suitable candidate appear for the last time?

Fortunately, her appearance made his old man a little relieved.

However, Zhao Yuner certainly hopes that in the last period of her master, she can still fulfill his old man's wish.

But the time is getting less and less, and the right person has not appeared after all, Zhao Yuner is disappointed in her heart.

Don't want to, this actually appeared in the end.

"Master Yun'er congratulations, you can be considered as your wish!"

Although she knew that her master was going to disappear, Zhao Yuner still smiled at this moment.


Just as the elderly alchemist wanted to say something to Zhao Yun'er, suddenly a golden light flashed in front of the two of them, and a watermelon-sized light ball appeared.

As soon as he saw the elderly alchemist of the light group, he laughed and said: "Haha, Xiaoguang, you really didn't disappoint me, you still found a suitable candidate!"

But the light group Xiaoguang was a little anxious at the moment: "The master is not me. There was an accident. I don't know why. At this moment, someone has begun to merge in that place. I haven't found a suitable one yet. People!"


The old man alchemist was shocked, did not find anyone?

This is strange!

Since the deity's fall, my space has collapsed, and that place of origin has fallen into the endless chaotic time and space. Except for Xiaoguang, even my divine consciousness clone can't reach that place.

But why would anyone show up there and start to merge?

The old alchemist couldn’t understand it, but soon, he smiled lightly and said to the anxious Xiaoguang: “Haha, what’s the matter? I haven’t found it for thousands of years, but at the last moment of my existence, someone reached that place. , This is God’s will, heaven is endless, my inheritance, this is God’s will!"

With that, the old alchemist turned his head to look at Zhao Yun'er, and finally said: "Yun'er, remember what I said, don't take my old path!"

After finishing the last word, the avatar of the old alchemist slammed into flames, and finally turned into a golden mark.

Then, he heard the voice of the old alchemist, coming out of the golden seal.

"Xiao Guang, hurry up and bring me the seal of inheritance back to the origin, otherwise it will be too late!"

"Yes, master, I understand!" Xiaoguang responded, and when the light group moved, he disappeared with the golden inheritance seal made by the old alchemist.

Looking at the empty hall, Zhao Yun'er felt empty in her heart.

"Master, please don't worry about your elders. Yun'er remembers your words! And I will definitely go to see the master and help you bring the words to you!"



The golden light flashed, and that Xiaoguang took the mark of inheritance made by the avatar of the old alchemist's divine consciousness, and directly came to a colorful space of colorful colors.

There seems to be no time here, not even space.

Because the space here is endless, as if it has no end, it has exceeded the definition of space.

Chaos Time and Space is the name here.

The chaotic space-time has no end, and the chaotic space-time has no time. This is a mysterious existence.

Even the old alchemist who was so mysterious that he was still in awe of this chaotic time and space.

"Finally, I'm here again!" The old alchemist sighed from the seal of inheritance.

Since the deity fell, the old alchemist had no ability to enter this place.

Even if the origin of the space world he created was born from here, his avatar of divine consciousness would not be able to enter this chaotic time and space.

At this moment, if it hadn't been for the existence of Xiaoguang, he would never have appeared here.

Xiaoguang is also the little person in the light group, it is the original spirit born in the original land, a special spiritual life.

In a sense, it is precisely because the old alchemist created his own space world that Xiaoguang was born. It is not an exaggeration to say that Xiaoguang is the child of the old alchemist.

"Master, here we are!" Xiaoguang's voice came from the light group.

The Seal of Inheritance moved slightly, and it seemed that he finally paid attention to the situation in front of him.

A small piece of land with a radius of ten meters is the original land, but at this moment the original land is burning crazily, emitting endless golden flames.

And there was a person lying in the flame at this moment, but the golden flame not only did not harm that person, it even faintly melted into his body while it was still burning.

This person was Qin Shaofeng who had been seriously injured and jumped off the cliff and came to this place somehow.

However, Qin Shaofeng still remained in a coma at this moment, and still looked like he was seriously injured.

But at this time, the old alchemist's seal of inheritance was surprised: "This situation... seems to be a 100% integration, how can the degree of fit be so high?"

However, the old alchemist soon noticed that the young man who had brought him extremely surprised seemed to be in a state of being seriously injured and dying.

After a slight pause, the old alchemist's voice came from the Seal of Inheritance: "Xiao Guang, take a reshaping pill, and finally meet a suitable disciple, I don't want him to die like this!"

"Ah! Oh yes master!"

At this moment, Xiao Guang, who was extremely shocked by the situation in front of him, came back to his senses. The light group flashed slightly and shot out a pill that instantly flew towards Qin Shaofeng who was in a coma.

But at this moment, that Xiaoguang's mood was still very restless.

The fit is 100%, but how is this possible?

This is the origin of the space created by the owner, and even the owner himself, because of a coincidence at the beginning, with the help of that thing, he barely created a space.

I remember that the master’s degree of fit was a little more than 70% at the beginning. Even the small space later on has grown into an original space after being perfected by the master countless times.

But at the peak of the master, the fit with the original place of the original space is less than 90%, right?

But why is the fit between this kid and this original place so high that it is 100% perfect?

What is going on here?

But even if it is not clear what the reason is, the little light in the light group has a hint of joy in his heart.

Good fit is good!

Moreover, this is an unprecedented degree of 100% fit. As a result, I am afraid that I will be more confident.


I don’t know what kind of pill the old alchemist called the reshaping pill, but as soon as it flew over Qin Shaofeng’s body in a coma, it suddenly turned into a ray of light, turning Qin Shaofeng’s whole person. This is completely enveloped.

Can the medicine be effective without taking it directly?

And the efficacy of this pill is too amazing!

I saw that Qin Shaofeng's wound healed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye under the radiant light.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Shaofeng's injury was completely healed.

Not only the surface, but almost all the broken bones in Qin Shaofeng's body have also recovered.

Qin Shaofeng at this moment is probably healthier than before the injury.

This is really an incredible pill!

After seeing the severely injured young man recovering, the mark of inheritance made by the old alchemist turned slightly and flew straight towards Qin Shaofeng.

At the moment when he sank into Qin Shaofeng's forehead, there was a last word to the light group.

"Xiaoguang, take care!"


After a word, the seal of inheritance flashed light and completely entered Qin Shaofeng's forehead.

"the host--!"

A sound of grief came, and the ball of light trembled violently, and then finally revealed the true face of the ball of light.

It turns out that this little light is a small person made up of light, big palms, chubby, and extremely cute.

Especially the small nose, big eyes, and small round face like a steamed bun, all these add up, it's a super cute little guy who can cute thousands of girls.

However, at this moment, this super cute little guy has a sad look on his face, and Dou burst into tears.

What's weird is that the little guy's tears turned out to be a liquid made up of beams of light. After flowing out, they would become tiny dots of light, and then they melted into the little guy's side, in the light group of watermelon.

But the sad little guy didn't know that Qin Shaofeng had entered an extremely strange state at this moment.

After the seal of inheritance had entered Qin Shaofeng's forehead, he went straight to Qin Shaofeng's Sea of ​​Consciousness under the sign of the elderly alchemist.

Qin Shaofeng is in the realm of an innate martial artist at this moment, and even his spiritual consciousness is not condensed, so what kind of knowledge will there be?

However, this could not be difficult for the old alchemist. With the help of the weak power of the seal of inheritance, the old alchemist actually forcibly opened up Qin Shaofeng's sea of ​​consciousness in advance.

Even so, Qin Shaofeng actually had his own knowledge of the sea without condensing his spiritual consciousness.

Even if there are no wonders in the great world, such a situation, even the powerhouse of the holy yuan realm in the ternary realm, is probably unheard of and unseen!

What is the existence of this old alchemist?

After a thousand years of death, with the last weak power of the Divine Sense clone, he did something that the Saint Yuan Realm could never do?

With this method, how powerful would this old alchemist be in the period of complete victory?

But at this moment, this old man, as the earth-shaking alchemist, had a wry smile after opening up Qin Shaofeng's sea of ​​knowledge.

"How can this be? A person with such a high degree of compatibility is actually so inferior?"

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