Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 194: Origin Will Come

After letting the seal of inheritance enter Qin Shaofeng's body, and using the last trace of strength to help Qin Shaofeng open up the sea of ​​knowledge, the old alchemist was helpless.

Really helpless!

The old man of Alchemy couldn't imagine that he had seen countless miracles, but the little guy in front of him who had been designated as his inheritance disciple was a complete freak.

The kind of freak that is not very strong, on the contrary, the kind of surprisingly weak.

In the view of the old man of alchemy, if he can fit with his original place to a degree of 100%, that talent is probably even more amazing than him.

However, after opening Qin Shaofeng's Sea of ​​Consciousness, the old alchemist was shocked when faced with the Sea of ​​Consciousness that was so small that he could only barely let his own seal of inheritance enter.

Is there such a weak sea of ​​consciousness in the world?

Even if his power at the moment is not as good as one ten thousandth of the heyday, it is enough to help a little guy who is an innate martial artist to open up the sea of ​​consciousness.

So, this sea of ​​consciousness is like this, the problem is not with him, but with the master of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Thinking about it this way, the old alchemist immediately felt the physique of the only inherited disciple.

But with this test, Qin Shaofeng's Thunder Body was detected by the old alchemist.

Although the old man alchemist was dumbfounded.

Such a weak spiritual root?

Although it is a lightning root with good attack power, it is too weak, right?

It's completely unreasonable.

But then the elderly alchemist smiled bitterly. If he was still in the period of complete victory, he would be able to help himself, a disciple who still doesn't know his name, and transform his physique with great supernatural powers.

However, now his last clone of Divine Consciousness, after condensing the seal of inheritance, only the last bit of strength is left.

And this little power was also used by him to help his disciple open up the sea of ​​knowledge.

Even at this moment, the last trace of the old man alchemist had already begun to dissipate.

"Oh! That's okay! If the talent is poor, it will be better. I don't believe that the disciples who appear under such an opportunity will only have no future because of the poor spiritual root!"

With that said, the seal of inheritance completely squeezed into the little sea of ​​consciousness, and then the divine consciousness of the old alchemist completely dissipated.

At the last moment when it dissipated, the old alchemist seemed to be talking to Qin Shaofeng, making the last voice in the world.

"Child, work hard! I believe that your future has infinite possibilities. Remember, you are the only disciple of my alchemy, and you must not lose the reputation of my alchemy!"

After a sentence, there was another big laugh.

"Hahaha, my Dan Shengzong has been worth it all my life, no regrets! With one hand cloud pill in the world, I am respected by the world alchemy..."

There seemed to be some words behind, but the laughter stopped here and disappeared completely.

The first generation of Danzun disappeared, and there was no trace of existence between heaven and earth.


At the moment when the old man alchemist's breath completely disappeared, Xiao Guang burst into tears, and the tears were more like running water, and in the end two waterline light bands like streamers were formed.

After crying for a long time, Xiao Guang remembered something, her little round face was firm.

"Master, don't worry, I will not let you just disappear."

With a firm voice, Xiaoguang's chubby little hand gently moved, and he did not know where to grab a jade.

Looking at the jade, tears flashed in Xiao Guang’s eyes again, and he whispered softly: “This piece of soul jade was tempered by the master of the year with his own soul power, and contains the master’s soul aura. Power is injected into it as much as possible, and then when the master, the inherited disciple, merges with the original land, a new original land is formed, which will surely revive the master’s soul again."

That's right, this is Xiaoguang's plan.

Although this land of origin belongs to the old man of alchemy, after 100% integration, it will definitely not be the land of the previous origin, but because of the new space, a new land of origin will be born.

And every birth of the origin place will give birth to a origin spirit.

Take Xiaoguang as an example. The appearance of this little guy at birth is the original spirit of the old alchemist's original land.

Therefore, from the beginning, Xiaoguang has calculated it. After the birth of the new source land, he incorporates the soul jade tempered by his master with the power of the soul. This way, the born spirit of the source is definitely the self after resuscitation. A trace of the master's soul.

And with the shocking cultivation base of his master, even if it is just a trace of soul, it can finally be completely resurrected.

However, just a period of time before the complete resurrection, it needs to be an existence like the original spirit.

But it's definitely worth it!

And as Xiaoguang, who was originally the spirit of the source, was 80% sure that this plan would definitely succeed.

And the higher the fit with this original place, the bigger it is almost.

It's just that I haven't found a suitable candidate before.

The appearance of Qin Shaofeng gave Xiao Guang an incomparable surprise, and his 100% fit could raise his confidence to 90%.

This will definitely succeed!

However, as the original spirit of the original place, there will only be one, and there will never be a second.

The original land of the old alchemist, after being completely integrated by Qin Shaofeng, will become the new original land, that is, the original land of Qin Shaofeng.

This is equivalent to the old alchemist passing on his original place to Qin Shaofeng, and then labelling Qin Shaofeng.

As for the little light of the original spirit, it is natural to have a new owner.

But now that Xiaoguang has been so dealt with, his position is gone, and he will even prevent himself from becoming a new origin spirit.

And such a result, there is only one.

He will disappear completely.

Even before disappearing, Xiao Guang would inject all his power into the soul jade in his hand, so that his master's soul would be completely revived.

After having this plan, he didn't care what he would do.

There is only one thing he wants to do, and that is to bring his master to life.


With a loud explosion, the light ball around Xiaoguang suddenly exploded completely, turning into countless light spots.

Then, under the circumstances that he deliberately did so, all those light spots were injected into the soul jade in his hands.


The originally dim and light-free soul jade was injected with light spots at this moment, and it burst out with dazzling golden light.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoguang's eyes burst out with joy, and then cast the soul jade toward the origin.

After doing all this, Xiao Guang's body slowly began to dim.

The light group that had been surrounding him had already turned into a light spot at this moment, and he had injected all of it into the soul jade.

When he felt that his existence had begun to dissipate slowly, Xiaoguang not only did not have a trace of sadness, but was very happy.

Because he had already seen it, that soul jade seemed to have completely integrated into the land of origin at this moment.


Unexpectedly, the plan went so smoothly. It seems that even God wants the master to survive!

But at this moment, Xiao Guang's face suddenly changed, and her whole body was suddenly pulled up.

And what pulled him was the power of the original land.

"Do not--!"

After feeling this pulling force, a trace of despair flashed across Xiao Guang's face.

"No, I don't want to be the new spirit of origin."

"Master, it should be my master who becomes the Spirit of Origin!"


It is a pity that he has exhausted all his strength, and he has no resistance at all at this moment. In the end, he can only be pulled over by the strength of the Origin Land.

The so-called origin of space, born in chaotic time and space, is a force belonging to chaotic time and space.

The original spirit born in a mere original place dares to challenge the power of chaotic time and space, how is this possible?

It didn't even need Chaos Time and Space to take action, but the power of the Origin Land directly suppressed this little provocation.

But at this moment, the accident still occurred.


I don't know why, after Xiao Guang was captured into the land of origin, Qin Shaofeng burst into force.

Although this force is only such a small share, it is incredibly amazing.

Just as soon as he appeared, the original place under Qin Shaofeng's body instantly transformed into a breath of Qin Shaofeng.

Acknowledge the Lord!

The new owner of the Origin is born.

But what surprised Xiao Guang was that he hadn't become the new spirit of the original source. What was it all about?

Could it be that your plan was successful?

But why does he still exist?

Xiaoguang is confused!


Suddenly, the entire chaotic time and space shook suddenly.

At this moment, Xiao Guang seemed to feel an indescribable anger.

This anger does not come from any strong person, but from the chaotic time and space itself.

At this moment, Xiao Guang suddenly thought, and the fleshy Xiao Yuan's face was pale.

"This is the original will of the chaotic time and space, how could it? How did it cause the original will of the chaotic time and space to come? And it is the coming of anger? It is not only the iron law of the chaotic time and space that the original will is..."

The voice stopped dumb, it was Xiaoguang who suddenly understood.


Why not?

The original place of the original space was born in chaotic time and space, and if it weren't for chaotic time and space, how could any space be born?

So where does the origin come from?

Speaking carefully, he himself is a child of Chaos Time and Space.

However, his previous actions were undoubtedly provoking the iron law of chaotic time and space, arbitrarily relying on the birth of the original spirit to revive his master.

This is a violation of the law of chaotic time and space, and it is normal for the original will of chaotic space to come.

After understanding it, Xiaoguang realized what big mistake he had made.

Not to mention that my plan was unsuccessful, even if it was successful, facing the anger of the original will of the chaotic time and space, I am afraid that it will turn into nothingness in the end, and it will be nothing in the end.

But even if I regret it now, it is too late.

It's all too late!

Even if the master is resurrected and restored to the strength of the victory period, under the original will of this chaotic space, I am afraid that there is only one way to destroy it!

Suddenly, turning around to look at the young man in Origin, Xiao Guang showed a sorrowful smile in his eyes.

"Oh, I failed, my master’s disciple! I’m sorry, it’s me who caused you. And the master is sorry, it’s my arrogance, my ignorance, so that the last legacy you left behind has also completely disappeared, I I am so sorry!"

Xiaoguang closed his eyes as if accepting his fate, because he had already felt that the endless rage with the chaotic time and space origin, and the power that was enough to destroy everything, had been suppressed overwhelmingly.

Earth-shaking anger, like a sea like a tide!

The original will of Chaos Time and Space finally showed its anger at the power that dared to challenge it.

There is no hope anymore!

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng exudes a faint soft light.

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