Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 195: World seed?

On that day, Qin Shaofeng was seriously injured and fell off the cliff. After entering the chaotic time and space, although he was in a state of faint, after it fell on the land of the source, the system gave a dingdong and a warning sound appeared.

"System prompt: Unknown power influence is discovered, does Qin Shaofeng choose to absorb it?"

It is a pity that Qin Shaofeng, who was seriously injured, did not hear this prompt at all, so naturally there would be no response.

"System prompt: Unknown power influence is discovered, does Qin Shaofeng choose to absorb it?"

The system did not work hard to prompt again, but Qin Shaofeng was still faint.

In the end, after three consecutive prompts, the system heard another prompt.

"System prompt: Player Qin Shaofeng has no response. After three prompts, it is determined that player Qin Shaofeng has chosen the default option, and the system begins to absorb unknown forces and is fusing..."


Qin Shaofeng definitely didn't know, if he didn't respond, the system would help this default choice.

And it was at this moment that the golden flames that burned crazily in the original land began to slowly melt into Qin Shaofeng's body.

However, what is strange is that the power of this golden flame is not Qin Shaofeng himself, but an unknown existence in Qin Shaofeng's body.

God level training system!

It was actually integrated by the system!

All of this happened when Qin Shaofeng didn't know it.

At this moment, the old alchemist and Xiao Guang appeared.

Then, at the moment when the old alchemist took the seal of inheritance into Qin Shaofeng's mind and opened up the sea of ​​knowledge, the system prompt sounded again.

"System reminder: Player Qin Shaofeng successfully opened up the sea of ​​divine consciousness under the influence of unknown power!"


"System prompt: Congratulations to Qin Shaofeng for obtaining the inheritance of Danzun..."


Then when Xiaoguang acted, the system prompt sounded completely.

"System prompt: The integration is successful, congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for getting one of the original space!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofenglei's body and spiritual root upgrade..."

"system hint:……"


A series of system prompts, if Qin Shaofeng was still awake at the moment, he would definitely cry.

Because at this moment, the level of his spirit root thunder body has actually been rocket-like, crazy promotion.

Just a blink of an eye, it was pale white like a mist, and it jumped directly, turning into silver, and then flashed again, reaching silver white...

In the end, the silver-white color began to change to gold...

The reason why Qin Shaofeng's spiritual root was so madly improved was because he got a transformation in his body after he got the original space.

This is a special reward given by Chaos Time and Space to everyone who has the original space.

The old alchemist had also obtained it at the beginning, but the old alchemist's spiritual roots are extremely powerful, and this transformation is unnecessary for him.

At this point, Qin Shaofeng had a huge space in his body.

The original space created by the old man alchemist, although due to his fall, ultimately only left that small piece of original land.

But this small piece of origin place was the origin place of the huge origin space of the old alchemist old man, and it was countless times stronger than it was at the beginning.

Therefore, even if it was just a small piece of origin, Qin Shaofeng finally owned it, a space of a hundred li.

This is countless times more than the storage ring!

However, it was at this time that the original will of the chaotic time and space came in anger.

"System warning: Player Qin Shaofeng has been attacked by destructive forces..."

"System warning: Player Qin Shaofeng has been attacked by destructive forces..."

"System warning: Player Qin Shaofeng has been attacked by destructive forces..."

After three consecutive prompts, the system did not get Qin Shaofeng's response, this time the system actually fought back directly.


The system counterattacks by itself!


At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's body emitted a pale white light.


The pale white light that appeared on Qin Shaofeng's body caused Xiao Guang in despair to pay attention to it, but in the end Xiao Guang didn't care.

Anyway, it's going to be destroyed immediately, so why do you still pay attention to it?

But soon, something shocking Xiaoguang happened.

The pale white light that seemed to be blown away by the wind, suddenly rose, not covering him or even the entire origin.

Then, the power of fear that came from the original will of the chaotic time and space was so blocked outside.

"how can that be?"

Xiao Guang let out a cry of exclamation, his eyes filled with disbelief.

There is actually the power that can resist the chaotic time and space in this world?

Could this be the power of the great power beyond chaotic time and space?

A glimmer of light broke out in his eyes, and Xiao Guang was instantly excited.

Great power!

That's the power of the great avenue!

Isn't that he is saved?

Will the master’s inheritance disciple be fine?

Xiaoguang became more and more happy, but soon he felt that something was wrong.


There was a shock that destroyed the world and the earth, and the entire chaotic time and space trembled.

It seemed to be aware that someone dared to resist him, and the original will of the chaotic time and space became even more angry.

The consequence of such anger is that even more fearful power surges.

Feeling the boundless power of I'm afraid, Xiao Guang's face once again worries, looking at the pale white light, she becomes nervous.

The power has increased again, so can this white light be able to withstand it?

The answer is no!

Soon, in the face of a stronger force, the pale white light retreated.

Gradually, the area of ​​the pale white light covering the original source land is getting smaller and smaller, and whenever the pale white light recedes, the exposed original source land will be instantly annihilated under the power of the chaotic time-space original source will or fear. Nothingness, leaving no trace again.

At this time, the excitement on Xiao Guang's face had completely disappeared, and she became anxious again.

But in this situation, he couldn't help at all, so he could only be anxious.

Suddenly, the pale white light flashed lightly, seemed to flash like wisdom, and then shrank instantly after Xiaoguang exclaimed.

When the pale white light stabilized at the end, only a small clod of one meter in radius was covered.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng had no idea when he was sitting cross-legged, and of course he still closed his eyes.

But Xiao Guang did not know when, came to Qin Shaofeng's shoulder, looking at the small site in front of him, Xiao Yuan's face was full of worry.

As for those places that were not covered by the pale white light, they were completely wiped out as early as the first time the pale white light retreated.

However, it seems that it was because of the reduced power that the pale white light finally shrank, facing the endlessness of the original will of the chaotic time and space, the incomparable strength did not shrink at all.


Unable to attack for a long time, the original will of Chaos Time and Space was completely furious, and then frantically strengthened the power of attack.

But no matter what, although the pale white light was faint, it was extremely tenacious and was not breached.

This made Xiaoguang finally see a glimmer of hope again.

But Xiao Guang didn't know that at this time, the original space in Qin Shaofeng's body was shrinking sharply.

This seems to be the price of using that pale white light, using the original space as a consumption.

Soon, the original space of a hundred miles was only half the size before.

Then, one-third, one-fifth...

After a quarter of an hour, only less than a hundred meters remained.

However, the original space of weird time is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems that it has gained some kind of strange new life.

That is the power of the world!

Although still very weak, it is indeed the power of the world.

Whether it is the place of origin or the space world of the origin of space, it belongs to the definition of space, and even this extremely powerful chaotic space-time is only the definition of space, not the world.

But at this moment, this original space in Qin Shaofeng's body gave birth to a trace of world power.

Although very weak, it is really the power of the world.

Moreover, at this time, the origin of this space in Qin Shaofeng's body was still shrinking due to external forces, but the smaller the world force, the more solid it became.

This feeling is like the original will of the chaotic time and space of the outside world, and the furious attack is helping Qin Shaofeng temper the power of the world.

This feeling is really weird.

Finally, when the original space in Qin Shaofeng's body was only ten meters in radius, a new force was finally born.

That is the true and complete power of the world.

Although only the size of a strand of hair, it is an indisputable fact.

Attacks from the outside world are still continuing, the original space in Qin Shaofeng's body is still shrinking, but the power of the world with that strand of hair is slowly beginning to grow.

When this original space is still one cubic meter, the power of the world the size of a hair has reached the size of a soybean.

At this time, the power of the world began to solidify.

And with this condensedness, this original space has shrunk countlessly, becoming just the size of a soybean, just enough for the power of the world.

Ding Dong!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's brain sounded a system prompt.

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for obtaining a special item World Seed!"

Under the crazily compression, that source space actually turned into a world seed?

If this little guy Xiaoguang knew about this, I'm afraid it would be more shocked than his master's revival immediately.

The seed of the world, that is the seed of the world!

There is no one of the most precious things in the world, and even if he had the seeds of this world, how could his master fall?

Unfortunately he didn't know!

However, at this moment Xiaoguang also saw something that shocked him.

At the moment when the World Seed appeared, Qin Shaofeng suddenly emitted a breath.

Under this breath, the power of the original will of the chaotic time and space suddenly paused and stopped attacking instantly.

Then, it seemed extremely unwilling to dissipate.

This is how the same thing?

Xiaoguang was stunned.

However, Xiaoguang knew it, and was finally safe now.

But at this moment, the chaotic time and space shook slightly, and an inexplicable force appeared again, and then it passed the pale white light directly, and fell on Qin Shaofeng abruptly.

Then, Qin Shaofeng sounded several system prompts in his mind.

"System warning: Player Qin Shaofeng was attacked by an unknown force, and Linggen was weakened..."

"System warning: Player Qin Shaofeng was attacked by an unknown force, and Linggen was weakened..."


For such a situation, Xiao Guang, who was startled at first, looked extremely ugly at the moment.

"The Avenue Seal!"

Gritting his teeth and spitting out four words, Xiao Guang hated the power of Dao so much for the first time in his life.

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