Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 198: Stop it, you can't fool me!

Ten million points!

Is it possible to reclaim the skills on your body?

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, he couldn't bear any of the skills he possessed with enough points.

And if you are willing, the points after recycling are far from enough!

Tangled ah!

Huh, that's not right!

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng seemed to think of something, and looked at Master Guang with fiery eyes.

Master Everbright, who was regretting that he wasted the space spar for playfulness, suddenly shook his whole body, raised his head subconsciously, and then saw Qin Shaofeng's fiery gaze.

"You...you...what do you want to do, I am not a space spar!"

Frightened by Qin Shaofeng's eyes, Master Everbright floated backwards in a panic.

But with this little space, where can he float?

"Hehe, Master Everbright, don't panic!" Qin Shaofeng smiled, and then said, "Master Everbright, you have been with Master for so long, there are a lot of good things on you compared to you!"

The originally distraught Master Everbright, when Qin Shaofeng asked such a question, he instantly became vigilant: "Why are you asking so much?"

Regarding our own property, we Everbright people care very much, even extremely selfish, even when the old alchemist needs to use his small treasury, we have all the good things to say, and this is a compromise.

But afterwards, it was returned several times.

The old alchemist once said that the little guy is good at everything, just like a wealthy slave, not likable.

Qin Shaofeng smiled like this, and when he asked, he saw the other party's intentions.

Qin Shaofeng was also slightly surprised to see the little thing so wary of himself.

It seems this little thing is quite wary!

But ah!

That's good, because I'm afraid this is what you expect!

As if he didn't see the little thing's vigilant gaze towards him, Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, and said: "Little thing, you also want my old master, that is, your master, to be resurrected sooner?"

"Nonsense!" The little thing gave a white glance, but the vigilance in his eyes grew.

I am dizzy!

The reaction of the little thing made Qin Shaofeng completely understand that this little thing is a miser.

It seems to be overwhelming!

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and Qin Shaofeng simply spoke directly: "Come on, I won't be fooling around with you anymore. I'll pick the words out clearly. As for me, I've got a shocking encounter, and I have a very powerful ability. You can exchange it for anything else!"

"It's anything!" Qin Shaofeng emphasized his tone again, "So, as long as I have enough treasures, I can take out the spatial spar."

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng didn't know much about the system.

But Qin Shaofeng said that he started talking nonsense.

My sister, there are all the seeds that gave birth to a world, so illusory, I can't say that too much!

Qin Shaofeng thought so, but he felt a little nervous.

What if the little things are not hooked?

Really want to reclaim your skills?

That's right, Qin Shaofeng's attention now is to dig out something from the little thing, then throw it into the system recycling furnace, collect some points, and then go to the system store to buy space spar.

Of course, it would be even better if you could directly purchase the space source stone.

As for the harm caused by exposing this ability?

Qin Shaofeng didn't worry at all, he didn't believe that this little thing would hurt himself.

Not to mention, the owner of this little thing's own master, but he needs to save himself, and he wants to save his master's situation with little things. Qin Shaofeng doesn't believe that the other party will harm him.

And compared with this, I am afraid that the world seed is also extremely precious!

But Qin Shaofeng noticed that when the little thing returned the world seed to himself, although his eyes were full of envy, there was even a trace of jealousy, but there was no trace of greed.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng made such a move.

However, the premise is that I can dig something out of that little thing!

I just don't know if this little thing believes it or not.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know, this time, the little thing Everbright really believed it.

At first, after listening to Qin Shaofeng's nonsense, the little thing subconsciously sneered.

But at this moment, he suddenly remembered the pale white light that had appeared on Qin Shaofeng, and then hesitated.

Under normal circumstances, to exchange equivalent things for other things is simply nonsense.

But in the eyes of the little thing, even if the pale white light wasn't the power of the great road, it was almost a level of power.

If this is the case, it is not impossible that this can be exchanged for ability at the same price!

After hesitating for a while, the little thing asked: "Really?"

Qin Shaofeng, who was initially disappointed, was slightly moved when asked by the little thing.

Ha, there is a chance!

"Of course it's true!" Qin Shaofeng nodded, and then solemnly said in a tone of almost swearing, "Can I still lie to you? And we are all trapped in this small place, it is a problem to stretch our waist, I If I take something, can I run away?"


The little thing nodded, and finally thought about it for a long time. Only then did the little hand gently move, taking out a fiery red stone from some place, and throwing it to Qin Shaofeng.

"Now, do you think this holy fire stone is enough?"

Holy Flint?

Qin Shaofeng took the fiery red stone with his eyes glowing, his golden eyes opened instantly, but in the next moment, something that made Qin Shaofeng speechless happened.

His fiery eyes seemed to have a name, without any information.

However, Qin Shaofeng couldn't be troubled by this. The attribute interface appeared in his heart, and Qin Shaofeng quickly opened the system store to find the holy fire stone.

Holy Flint: A holy one-star fire spar, with a large amount of fire source power...Purchase points: 15 million!

It is actually a holy one-star item!

Seeing the attribute information of the Holy Flint in the system store, Qin Shaofeng was shocked instantly.

Good guy, really rich net worth!

A gleam of light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, 15 million points, this...

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng threw the holy flint in his hand to the recovery furnace of the system.

At this moment, the little thing's eyes were fixed on Qin Shaofeng, and there was heartache or heartache in his eyes.

Holy Flint!

That's holy fire stone!

Although it is of no use to me, it is very precious and valuable!

When I saw that the holy fire stone was pressed somewhere by Qin Shaofeng, it disappeared.

The little thing was shocked. He saw clearly that it had really disappeared instead of being banned by Qin Shaofeng's storage.

What a magical ability!

He sighed softly in his heart, and then the little thing looked expectantly at Qin Shaofeng, waiting for Qin Shaofeng to take out the spatial spar.

However, after a while, Qin Shaofeng still did not move.

As everyone knows, Qin Shaofeng's heart is extremely tangled at this moment!

"System reminder: The holy fire stone is worth 15 million points, but since it is not from the system store, after recycling, only one-third of the original price can be obtained. Does the player Qin Shaofeng insist on recycling?"

I circle you a fork!

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but burst into a swear word, and it hurt completely.

1/3 of the original price?

What is meant by not from the system store?

System, are you from a black businessman?

Did you bargain like this?

But even if he was extremely depressed, Qin Shaofeng understood that the system would not care about him.

Finally, this time the little thing couldn't help it, and asked: "Where is the space spar?"


Subconsciously, Qin Shaofeng was about to speak, saying that there were not enough words, but when the words reached the mouth, Qin Shaofeng had an idea, and a little thought was moved in his heart.

"Huh!" With a raised eyebrow, Qin Shaofeng stared at the little thing unkindly, and said angrily, "I said little thing you play with me, this stuff is enough!"

"What?" The little thing screamed, "Why is it not enough? The value of the holy fire stone is definitely enough, just a space spar, why is it not enough, you lie to me? Ah! You big liar!"

The little thing is a little bit flabby, and dare to lie to him, and it is so bold!

"Lie? Huh..." Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly and said disdainfully, "I don't know what the holy fire stone is, but I want to tell you that my ability also needs to be consumed, although it is equivalent exchange, but this wait The price needs to be based on the equivalence of energy. Who told you that if the value is the same, it is equal in energy?"

"Do you think that one thousand taels of gold is equivalent to a pill worth one thousand taels of gold?"

"This one……"

The little thing looked startled, especially after hearing Qin Shaofeng's last words.

It seems to be the reason!

Although the value is the same, what energy can gold have?


But how come I always feel something is wrong!

The little thing became a little puzzled, but without giving him any more thoughts, Qin Shaofeng quickly said: "So, this thing called holy fire stone, in exchange for a lowest-level spatial spar, is definitely not enough!"

"How much does it need?" The little thing asked weakly.

"Ten yuan!" Qin Shaofeng came directly and opened his mouth.

"Ten yuan?" The little thing exploded.

"How is it possible, this is holy flint, do you know what holy flint is? What do you mean by ten holy flints? I tell you ten holy flints, enough to make ten high-level saints with the least cultivation The strong one." The little thing was completely excited.


High-level saints?

What level is this?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly when he heard this strange word appear in the mouth of the little thing, but he didn't think about it, but sighed.


It seems too cruel, this little thing doesn't know the way!

"Cough!" Qin Shaofeng coughed softly, and said without embarrassment on his face, "Well, I just made a mistake. It doesn't need ten yuan, five yuan is enough!"

"Huh!" Now it was the little thing's turn to disdain.

As a perfect miser, he has a natural acumen for small things in terms of price. Before, he didn't react because of his anxiety.

But now he has recovered somewhat.

"Five!" looked at Qin Shaofeng coldly. Without saying anything, the little thing threw out another holy flint, and sneered, "On energy, I know better than you, the holy power of fire in a holy flint. Although it is not as good as the source of space, one piece is definitely almost the same. Even if it is not enough, it will cost two yuan or five yuan when it reaches the sky? You lie to the ghost!"

I rub!

Seeing the disdain of the little thing in front of him, and the shrewd gaze of the miser in his eyes, Qin Shaofeng was completely dumbfounded.

Qin Shaofeng was naturally unwilling, and continued to work hard.

This holy flint is a good thing!

One piece of recycling is five million points. If you recycle even one more piece, you will be rich!

Unfortunately, no matter what he said, his lips were dry.

But the little thing only has one sentence: "Hurry up and get me the space spar, don't talk about the others, you can't fool me!"

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