Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 199: This is also called the world?


Points: 10000364 points


Looking at the series of numbers on his attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng was not happy, but rather depressed.

Ten million points!

It's not mine!

Although the points are clearly on the property interface, they can also be used to buy anything.

But Qin Shaofeng understood that if he really did that, he might have to stay here for a long time in the future.

Qin Shaofeng didn't think of a way to deduct a little more from the little treasury, and even at the end Qin Shaofeng was already a little bit silly.

But I didn’t think of that little thing but said: “No, I have nothing on my body now. If we can’t swap out a space spar, then we’ll just stay here. Anyway, this is chaotic time and space. If you are lucky, , Maybe you can meet the drifting space spar! And even if you meet other treasures, there will be you too, can't you change it!"

Qin Shaofeng had completely taken this little thing.

Obviously knowing that the small treasury of the little things is absolutely very rich, but Qin Shaofeng knows better in his heart that with the little things's personalities as a miser, he is afraid that it will be impossible to dig out any good things.


With a light sigh, Qin Shaofeng's right hand moved forward slightly.

"System prompt: Player Qin Shaofeng is buying space spar. This item is a holy one-star item, and the value points are too large and it needs 10 million points. Will player Qin Shaofeng continue to buy it?"


Qin Shaofeng closed his eyes in pain.

Ten million!

Ten million!

"Ding Dong!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully purchasing a holy one-star item space spar for a total of 10 million points!"


I congratulate your sister!

Hearing the system prompt, Qin Shaofeng cursed secretly in his heart.

I circled a cross, you are a black-hearted system, just like that blacked me 20 million points, you wait for me.

When I thought that the two holy fire stones that were originally worth 30 million points, only 10 million points were recovered, Qin Shaofeng's heart was painful!

But at this moment, the system unexpectedly sounded twice again.

"System prompt: Congratulations to Qin Shaofeng for consuming points in the system store, exceeding one million points, reaching the minimum consumption limit, the system special rewards a discount card, and one opportunity to purchase special items!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to Qin Shaofeng for consuming points in the system store, exceeding 10 million points, reaching the second stage consumption limit, the system special rewards a discount card, and one opportunity to purchase special items!"


Hearing the system prompt, Qin Shaofeng was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he could still receive rewards when his points were consumed to a certain level.

discount card?

Shrimp stuff?

And what is the opportunity to buy special items?

However, before Qin Shaofeng carefully checked the reward he had just received, he was awakened by a loud cry from his side!

"Wow! It really works!"

Looking back, his small round eyes were widening at the moment, with a shocked look on his face.

Originally being stalked by Qin Shaofeng to claim his treasure, the little thing felt like he had been cheated.

What can be exchanged for other things with the same energy, how can I believe it?

Thinking of his two holy fire stones, the fleshy little round face of the little thing was full of distressed expressions.

Although the same holy fire stone still has dozens of pieces in his own small vault, it is all his own!

How can you let other people cheat away?

The typical miser!

But when Qin Shaofeng finally saw the spatial spar in Qin Shaofeng's hand, the little thing was really shocked.

He didn't lie to himself that it was true!

There is such an ability in the world, which is really amazing.

Suddenly, the little thing's heart moved slightly, or he would take out something more, and then let him help himself in exchange for those treasures he didn't have, but he wanted very much?

But when I thought of it, two sacred flints would be enough, but the boy in front of him just opened his mouth and said ten yuan to himself, and the little thing immediately dispelled the thought in his mind, and even listed Qin Shaofeng as the one he needs most to watch out for. people.

No, this kid is a fan of money. He must not let him know how many treasures I have, otherwise my darlings would be in danger.

Without knowing that he has become the most dangerous Qin Shaofeng in the eyes of the little thing, he smiled triumphantly when he saw the little thing shocked, and hummed: "Nonsense, I didn't lie to you, now you have nothing to say! How, Otherwise, bring something out, let's just exchange it for a space source stone!"

At the end, Qin Shaofeng revealed his fox tail again.

But only then did he say the words, and the little thing retreated to the extreme edge of the space with great vigilance.

I am dizzy, what dare to hide so far? Am I so scary?

There was a hint of helpless Qin Shaofeng in his eyes, and he didn't know that the little thing at this moment became more determined about the idea he had just appeared.

"Oh, forget it, don't be as knowledgeable as you little kid."

Without paying attention to the little things, Qin Shaofeng turned to take out the seeds of the world.

He said the little things before, as long as the space spar is added with its own blood, the world seed can absorb the space spar by itself and then germinate.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng was quite curious.

What kind of scene is that when the seeds of the world germinate?

Qin Shaofeng soon knew about this.

Cut his own finger, Qin Shaofeng used his own blood to paint the world seed all over, and then leaned the space spar towards the world seed.

Originally, Qin Shaofeng had already done it, and he realized that the power in his body had been absorbed a lot.

But when Qin Shaofeng was surprised, the World Seed was absorbed, but it only absorbed the space spar, and there was no strength in his body at all.

"Huh? It's weird. It's not like that ordinary treasures will absorb the power in their masters when they recognize the master or take shape? Why are the seeds of this world different!"

Looking at it curiously, Qin Shaofeng's face was puzzled.

"Huh? Absorb your power?" The little thing on the side smiled, and then said with a disdain, "You don't look at your realm, kid, do you really think you are a master of the supreme realm? Master? The power of the origin of the world?"

"To stimulate the world seed, that requires the power of the world origin, do you have it? And it is not that the world seed cannot absorb the power of its own master, but the world seed is spiritual, and it is absolutely impossible to do anything to harm its own master. You are in an innate state. How can it absorb weak chicken power?"

At this time, Qin Shaofeng understood.

It is not the problem of the seed of the world, but the problem of the owner.

If you think about it, if you have the power, you still need a space spar!

But well...

Flicking his brows, Qin Shaofeng glanced at the little thing uncomfortably.

The **** little thing actually said that I am a weak chicken. You can wait for me, and you will definitely suffer when it falls into my hands.


The world seed absorbs the space spar very quickly. In less than a quarter of an hour, the space spar worth 10 million points has turned into nothingness, and there is no residue that has been absorbed.

Ten million is gone!

A trace of flesh pain flashed across Qin Shaofeng's face, but at this moment, the world seed flashed, unexpectedly rushed directly towards Qin Shaofeng, and then directly sank into Qin Shaofeng's chest.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shaofeng heard a system prompt.

"Ding Dong——!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully activating the world seed and obtaining one of the original world!"

With the sound of this system prompt, Qin Shaofeng's eyes suddenly went dark, and then he felt his mental power sink into a space.


But why is this space so small.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's mental power felt that the space was really small, and it was far from even a cubic meter. Qin Shaofeng estimated that it was his own head, which was bigger than this space.

This is the original world?

Sensing the size of the space, Qin Shaofeng was completely in pain.

Sister, what about a good world?

I have 10 million points, will you give me this?

What about this person-to-person trust?

Something that seemed to have been unexpected for a long time. At this time, he looked at Qin Shaofeng with contempt, and said with disdain: "Satisfaction, although I haven't seen it, I know very well that your current origin world must be so big. , But it doesn’t matter. Only with a beginning, there will be a future. After slowly absorbing the space spar and the space source stone, it will grow up. I am very optimistic about you, kid!"

With that said, the little thing floated to Qin Shaofeng's side and planned to pat Qin Shaofeng's shoulder, but in the end it seemed to feel that he was tall and it was not appropriate to do so.

Finally, with a slight movement, the little thing patted Qin Shaofeng's forehead directly.

"Have a good shit!" Qin Shaofeng looked upset, then raised his eyebrows, stretched his right hand to the little thing, and sneered, "Just this thing is considered a world? It's too small to pretend to be a person, since it can absorb the space spar to grow, then Stop talking nonsense, and quickly take out a thousand-eight-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-seven sacred flint, I'll change some space spar!

This time, the little thing did not get angry, but the thief smiled: "Hey, I can tell you, the world seed is only activated for the first time, without worrying about the host, it can absorb the space source force presumptuously, but once it takes shape After absorbing the space source force again, it is limited by the host!"

"What do you mean?" Qin Shaofeng had a bad idea in his heart.

"What do you mean?" The thief smile on a little guy's face increased.

"It means that only after your cultivation level is improved, can your original world absorb the space source power and get a certain expansion, and based on your current cultivation base, even if the space source stone is placed in front of you, your The original world can't absorb it either."

In fact, there is one sentence, the little thing is not said.

That is and only the original world that is activated in this way is the most perfect original world.

Although weak, it is able to grow and grow with the host, so that the original world has unlimited possibilities.

If the seed of the world is really allowed to absorb a space source stone, it can indeed give birth to a small world, but doing so is actually squeezing the potential of the source world in advance.

If this comes, it will not be very good for the future master of the Origin World.

Especially in the case of Qin Shaofeng.

Let me give you a hand, you, a small innate martial artist, is like controlling a formed world of origin?

is it possible?

If this is the case, not only will the future of the Origin World be finalized, but also the future of the master, and it is estimated that the achievements will not be great.

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