Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 200: Conquer? Recognize the Lord?


Qin Shaofeng's face was furious, but in the end he didn't say anything, but said in an unhappy voice: "Forget it, I won't care about you kid, let's go, I should be able to go back now?"

"Of course, as long as you give your original world the idea of ​​wanting to go back, then you can go back. And you are the world, you don’t need to worry about not being able to collect this original land. In fact, with the power of the world, It’s a good thing that your original place is here."

The little thing nodded and said, then remembered something, and then said again: "Oh, yes, now you are no longer the land of origin, it should be regarded as the origin of the world."

Regardless of the origin of him or the origin of the world, labor and management don't want to listen to your nonsense now.

With a slight movement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng disappeared instantly.

"Tsk tsk, I left so soon!" The little thing nodded his little head, but he always felt like he had forgotten an important thing.

However, he also quickly remembered.

"No! Am I still there?"

Looking at the colorful space around, the little things want to cry without tears!

"No! I don't want to stay here! It is so boring here, I will die, I will really suffocate!"


Just when the little thing yelled, suddenly, the entire Origin Land, oh, should be said to be the origin of the world, there was a sudden shock at this moment, and the pale white light around it flashed and flashed instantly. White light shone on the little thing.

The little thing was startled, but when he saw that the white light was harmless to him, he felt relieved.

But at the moment he was relieved, his fleshy little round face showed a very horrified expression.

"This will? What kind of power is this? Forcibly to make me recognize the Lord? This can't be..."

Before the word of energy could be spoken, the little thing flashed suddenly and disappeared in an instant.

The outside world is still above the cliff.


I am finally back!

Seeing the familiar people around him, Qin Shaofeng exhaled heavily, finally not feeling so depressed.

Can you not be depressed if you stay in such a ghost place and the space is still so small?

Looking down again, Qin Shaofeng's heart was still agitated by the pitch black under the cliff.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng already knew.

In fact, this so-called secret illusion is the original space created in front of his master Alchemy Elder.

It's just that after the fall of his old man, the original source space was completely destroyed, and finally only a piece of source land was left.

And this secret fantasy space was actually created by the little things with the remaining power in front of their master.

The purpose is to find a successor for his master.

As for this cliff, it was actually the center of the original source space, leading directly to the place of chaotic time and space.

However, if ordinary people accidentally fall off a cliff, they will never fall into the chaotic space at all, because a person can't hold on at all, and the space storm connecting the space and chaotic time and space will definitely be torn apart forcibly.

As for how he got through the space storm, Qin Shaofeng didn't know this.

Originally, he thought it was his master, and that little thing brought him to the chaotic time and space.

But later I learned that it's not the same thing at all.

"Oh! Forget it, this matter is too complicated, don't think about it!"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head gently. Qin Shaofeng planned to leave directly, but as soon as he took a step, Qin Shaofeng slapped his forehead suddenly and said in surprise: "Oh, forget that little thing!"

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng wanted to enter that place again, but soon, Qin Shaofeng sneered.

"Hmph, don't go anymore, let the little thing suffer a bit of crime there, and then I will..."

Qin Shaofeng didn't speak a word, and suddenly the system ding-dong prompted him to instantly dumbfound him.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for successfully conquering the special special life form, the spiritual pill Xiaoguang of the origin of space. Because of its special life, the system judges it as an elf. After recognizing the master, it belongs to the player Qin Shaofeng's contract elf!"


The little thing recognizes it?

Qin Shaofeng's eyes widened in an instant. After a long time, he recovered and summoned his attribute interface for the first time.

Dan Xiaoguang: Xiaomingqiqiu. Special special life forms, the system judges to be the elves (the life forms bred by the power of the elves are very special life forms). After acknowledging the master, it is the contract spirit of the player Qin Shaofeng.

Modification: None (cannot be upgraded)

Talented Spiritual Root: Upgraded Light

Talent Skill: Light of Insight

Upgrade Light: Special skills have no level and cannot be upgraded. Allows players to gain a little skill point for every five levels.

Light of Insight: Special skills have no level and cannot be upgraded. Can increase player exploration and vision by 1 level.

I rub!

After seeing the attributes of the little thing, Qin Shaofeng's eyes were completely green.

Although the little thing has no cultivation base after becoming his own contract spirit, and it can't be improved.

However, Qin Shaofeng was shocked by the little things' innate spiritual roots and talent skills.

Upgrade light?

Every five levels increase a little skill point?

Although Qin Shaofeng heard this word for the first time, but Qin Shaofeng is not stupid, how could he not know what this skill point does.

Besides using upgrade skills, what else can you do?

As for the light of insight, Qin Shaofeng looked at it, and then moved in his heart, turning up his attributes.

Fiery Eyes: Level 5 120/100000, God-level active skills, a well-known stunt for Monkey King Monkey King. The current level is level 5 (actually level 4, increased by 1 level with the blessing of the light of insight), you can explore the basic information of most characters under the Yuandan realm, and obtain certain weak points of the opponent. At the same time, it can detect all the item information below the holy level. Every time it is cast, it consumes 1000 internal energy.

(Note: Level 5 Golden Eye can consume 10,000 points of internal energy per minute, open the field of perception of Golden Eye, and gain insight into all information in a 300-meter radius, and contract wizards must cooperate.)

I'm rubbing it, this glaring eye!

Seeing the level of Fiery Eyes and Golden Eyes, as he thought, he was raised to level 5 by the Light of Insight, Qin Shaofeng burst into laughter.

Qin Shaofeng was delighted even more by the attributes of level 5 fiery eyes.

Not to mention other things, the information that can be probed below the Yuan Dan realm is powerful enough.

At the very least, in Qin Shaofeng's view, among these three countries, no one should be able to hide in front of him.

As for the field of perception with the fiery eyes, this made Qin Shaofeng think of his own scanning radar mode with fiery eyes and golden eyes.

Compared with this model, it is more sharp than that!

The corners of his mouth cracked slightly, and Qin Shaofeng almost drooled excitedly.

If it weren't for the little thing at this moment, fusing with himself, Qin Shaofeng would have summoned the little thing long ago and took a bite.

Of course, what excites Qin Shaofeng most is the little treasury of that little thing.

They all recognize me as Lord, and that thing is not mine anymore?

Qin Shaofeng's eyes were very hot even when he thought that a small thing would take out an item that was worth hundreds of millions of points.


At this moment, all of a sudden, Qin Shaofeng felt the space around his body, violently shaking, and a huge pulling force came.

this is……

Feeling the pulling force, Qin Shaofeng jumped instantly.

This is clearly the same kind of power that brought oneself in—transmission power!

In just an instant, Qin Shaofeng understood that the ten days of the secret fantasy space were over!

"I wiped it, how many days have I fainted?"

With a loud cry, Qin Shaofeng's voice instantly disappeared.

At the same time, everyone in this secret fantasy realm disappeared instantly.

However, compared with the thousands of people before, everyone at this time is much less, and there is no one in ten.

The people who were sent out were not as good as one-tenth the number of people who came in, or even less than five hundred people.

The reason for this change is all because of Little Prince Ziyueye.

Ziyueye, who lost the Ziyun Ring, the heavy treasure of the Zi family's inheritance, changed her mood that day, and began to frantically search for the medicinal beast of the spirit vein.

But soon, when it was discovered that none of the spirit medicinal beasts existed alone, Zi Yueye went frantically to find a large number of innate martial artists.

Whether it was the first congenital or the tenth congenital, and whether it was a person from the Yinyue Kingdom, or from the other two countries, even the Yang Kingdom and the Black Martial Kingdom, they were all found by Zi Yueye.

With the relationship between the three countries, even if Zi Yueye is powerful, how can people from the other two countries help Zi Yueye?

But Ziyueye is too vicious.

Once he defeated the opponents with his own powerful strength, he took out the poison to control those innate ten-level martial arts.

In the end, there were more than fifty congenital martial artists around Zi Yueye.

Under such circumstances, who wouldn't dare to obey Zi Yueye?

Afterwards, Zi Yueye began to implement her plan frantically, asking a large number of innate martial artists to fight against the medicine beasts and hunt down the medicine beasts in the spiritual vein.

During this process, the little princess once learned of Zi Yueye's crazy move, she once showed up to stop it, but in the end she barely escaped after losing half of her dark army guard.

But Zi Yueye didn't let them go, because Zi Yueye discovered Tang Qijian, and then began to chase the little princess frantically.

Such a move is really crazy.

To the extent that the monarchs of the Lianyang Kingdom love Lian Yufeng, plus the Lianyang Kingdom and Yinyue Kingdom, the relationship is not good.

If the little princess Lian Yufeng is really killed by Zi Yueye, then I am afraid it will trigger a war between the two countries!

But even so, Zi Yueye still did it.

And by doing this, I really intend to keep the little princess here.

Fortunately, at the most critical moment, Zhao Yuner appeared.

Although the avatar of the elder alchemist's divine consciousness only used to build a foundation for Zhao Yun'er, it did not improve Zhao Yun'er's strength.

But Zhao Yuner, who already owns the "Ten Fang Xing Jing", even if she has not formally practiced the "Ten Fang Xing Jing", but it is because this time she built the foundation to spread the power, and the elderly alchemy master later taught it.

This allowed Zhao Yun'er to practice the "Nine Stars Secret Technique" more freely. Compared with when he came in, Zhao Yun'er's strength has improved a lot.

It was obtained the mysterious pill in the Spirit Vessel Realm, which had already transformed most of the Ziyun internal Qi in the body. Zi Yueye, who possessed the innate Ziyun, was no match for Zhao Yuner.

But Zi Yueye alone was not Zhao Yun'er's opponent, and that plus the subordinates he had subdued, it was different.

As the so-called two-hands are hard to beat the four punches, in the end Zhao Yun'er was helpless and could only lead the little princess and them to retreat.

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