Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 205: The prescription

Two low-level discount cards!

Two special purchase cards!

Low-level discount card: You can get a 20% discount when you purchase system products at a price of 100,000 points, and the excess points will be settled at the normal price.

(Note: Two low-level discount cards can be used at the same time and can be superimposed, and enjoy a 30% discount after superposing!)

Special purchase card: After use, you can open the special interface of the system store to purchase special items and special skills!

Soon, the attributes of this discount card and special purchase card appeared before Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

These two kinds of cards surprised Qin Shaofeng slightly.

The discount card doesn't need to be reminded. What Qin Shaofeng really cares about is the special purchase card.

Special interface of the system store, buy special props and special skills?

This one made Qin Shaofeng think of his special skills, such as Xiao Li Fei Dao, Yi Jin Jing, Fire Eye Golden Eye, etc. These skills are all special skills.

Qin Shaofeng has never seen it in the system store, and it is no accident that such special skills and special items can only be rewarded by the system if they do anything, or draw a lottery.

Now that he can buy directly, Qin Shaofeng is a little excited.

After reading the discount card, Qin Shaofeng began to turn up another thing after purchasing the special card, that is, this time the alchemy mansion mission, the special alchemy rewarded by the system.

Qin Shaofeng wanted to see what kind of special pill recipe was that could be classified as a special pill recipe by the system.

At this look, Qin Shaofeng's eyes widened, and his face instantly became ruddy.

Nine Layers of Spirit Pills: Special Pills, with all the grades of Nine Layers of Spirit Pills. Player Qin Shaofeng can refine the Nine Layers of Spirits Pills he needs according to the requirements of the Pills.

I rub!

It is actually a nine-fold spirit pill!

Qin Shaofeng was excited!

Can you not be excited? Even if this nine-fold spirit pill is of the first-rank level, it can also make Old Tang jump from the innate fifth level to the innate eighth level!

And it is the pinnacle realm of Innate Eightfold!

After such a long period of time, Qin Shaofeng understood one thing, that is, the so-called level-up pill is also effective for him.

Like the earth-level one-star pill medicine martial artist pill that can increase the level of the acquired martial artist by one level, then Qin Shaofeng can directly increase by one level in the acquired realm.

However, this kind of promotion is not to increase experience, but to directly promote a level, without any change in experience.

When Qin Shaofeng knew that there was such a pill, he was already an innate martial artist.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng searched the system store once such a pill existed, and found that it corresponds to the martial arts pill of the acquired martial artist, and the innate martial artist also has this Xiantian pill that directly raises the first level.

But that Xiantian Pill actually had more than one hundred thousand points, Qin Shaofeng could only look at it.

As for the special pill such as the Nine-fold Spirit Pill, why it only has five thousand points in the system, although it is only a first-grade, but Qin Shaofeng still does not understand.

At this moment, the little thing on the side floated over, and after seeing the prescription of the nine-layered spirit pill, it seemed that he had discovered something like a new continent.

"Wow, Dan Fang is so curious!"

"Cut, aren't you talking nonsense!" Qin Shaofeng said with disdain.

"You idiot, what do you know!"

The little thing seemed to find that he was despised, and immediately screamed: "Although the refining method of this nine-fold spirit pill is somewhat complicated, there are countless types of pill that need to be involved, but haven't you found it?"

"The refining materials of this nine-layered spirit pill are not very precious medicinal materials, especially this nine-layered spirit pill. It only needs to be ordinary, human, and at best three-star medicinal materials, but what can be refined is Do you know what it means for medicinal pills that can work below the Yuan Dan realm?"

With a look of excitement on the little thing, looking at the nine-layered spirit pill, he showed a trace of worship: "This means that the existence of this nine-layered spirit pill has broken the boundaries of ordinary pills and belongs to a very special type of pill. Medicine! The person who can create this nine-fold spirit pill must have supreme cultivation base, I'm afraid..."

Speaking of the last, the little thing has not continued.

Probably, compared to the master, the creator of this nine-fold spirit pill was much stronger.

The little thing knows his master very well. As the alchemist, the supreme alchemist among the alchemists, in the eyes of the little thing, no one in this world can compare to his own master. On the way of alchemy, the alchemist who surpasses the master is not at all exist.


That was after seeing the Nine Layer Spirit Pill, the little thing knew that he was wrong.

The owner is indeed powerful, but it is impossible to create a pill that breaks the general rules like the creation of a nine-fold spirit pill.

Although a little unwilling, but at this moment the little thing understands that although his master is a powerful alchemist, but the supreme existence among alchemists, he is probably not the first alchemist.

Suddenly, the little thing remembered, and his heart moved slightly.

Is it true that those ancient legends are true?

Is there really a **** in this world?

In the eyes of the little things, the existence of the nine-fold spirit pill can be created, and it is no different from the existence of a god.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know how complicated the little thing was at this moment.

However, Qin Shaofeng finally understood why the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill was only worth 5,000 points in the system.

Because the refining materials of this nine-fold spirit pill are really worthless!

Uh, it means a little more.

Ok! It's a lot!

Seeing the number of medicinal materials used to refine the first-grade Nine Layer Spirit Pill alone, Qin Shaofeng's scalp was tingling.

One-grade nine-fold spirit pill for refining pharmaceutical materials, 1,000 copies of ordinary grade medicinal materials, 100 copies of human grade medicinal materials, and 10 copies of prefecture-level medicinal materials!

And the most important thing is that this is just a refined medicine.

Well, Qin Shaofeng was completely convinced.

Although these medicinal materials are all popular, it is a little troublesome to collect them. Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng thought of using his current points, why not buy a few first-grade nine-layer spirit pills?

Well, one for Senior Sister Zhao, and one for Mengzi.

Thinking this way, Qin Shaofeng opened the system store and was about to start buying the Nine Layer Spirit Pills.

But after searching, what made Qin Shaofeng dumbfounded was that this nine-fold spirit pill was gone.

Yes, searching through the entire system store, Qin Shaofeng didn't find the nine-layer spirit pill, and the nine-layer spirit pill disappeared.

"Hey, you are so naive, such a special pill, you can really buy it infinitely?" The little thing looked at Qin Shaofeng's behavior, his small round face sneered.

Well, even if it is a sneer, with the fleshy little round face, and the bright big eyes that twinkle, it is still so cute.

"I think the power of Dao Dao Zhi, after learning that you have the nine-layered spirit pill, directly canceled the nine-layered spirit pill from the system in exchange for it. It is impossible for you to buy it with your points now!"

After the sneer, the little thing started to gloat!

Humph, look at how you were bullied, how did you get retribution!

Was cancelled?

Qin Shaofeng frowned, there are still such rules in the system?

Although not very good, Qin Shaofeng finally accepted the facts.

But well...

Qin Shaofeng sneered at the corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth when he glanced at the generally gloating little things.


Qin Shaofeng grabbed a little thing as soon as he copied his hand.

"Ball ball, are you gloating? And I seem to remember that a certain Everbright person seemed to call me an idiot just now, how do you count this?"

One of the unequal treaties: a poor little thing was forcibly named the ball by a demon king.

A certain devil’s reason: Isn’t your nickname called Qiuqiu? Moreover, you see that the system has named your small treasury qiqiu small treasury, which seems to have created a brand-name effect for you. If you are not called qiqiu, what else can you call it?

The little thing resisted at first, but it was a pity that his small arms and legs couldn't overwhelm the power (fist) of a certain demon king, and finally he confessed in tears.

Some poor little thing: I finally got rid of this nickname, but I didn’t expect my Everbright to return to the original moment...

Soon, the little thing was displayed by Qin Shaofeng, the god-level supreme mastery-kneading Dafa, and gave a severe lesson.

After this period of time (the previous violent experiment), Qin Shaofeng knew that the ball is now a strange existence.

Although the ball can now be exposed in front of outsiders, in fact, even if you catch this little thing, even if it is real to the touch.

But as long as the little thing has a thought, he will return to Qin Shaofeng's original world.

Of course, this means of escape, which can be called the number one in the world, was unworkable in front of Qin Shaofeng.

As long as Qin Shaofeng's master doesn't allow it, how can the little guy enter the world of origin within him?

And Qin Shaofeng didn't keep his hands on this super cute little ball that could kill thousands of girls.

Qin Shaofeng found out that no matter how to pinch the ball or how to play, he can't hang it.

This gave Qin Shaofeng a guess, as long as he didn't hang up, it would be difficult for this little thing to die!

Therefore, our Everbright Renqiu, for their own future days, has been desperate...

After kneading for a while, Qin Shaofeng felt happy, and finally let go of the poor little thing.

"Well, what should I do now?"

Looking at his attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng began to think.

"Skills must be bought. The Quanzhen Swordsmanship and the Six Sun Palms of the Tianshan Mountains seem to be insufficient!"

Thinking back to his own experience during this period of time, Qin Shaofeng once again found that his methods were very short-handed, except for what Xiao Li Fei Dao could take, nothing more.

That Quanzhen Sword Technique and Tianshan Six Sun Palm, although they are also good.

But if you encounter a ruthless character, not to mention that Ziyueye, even a strong opponent like Tang Qijian will be difficult to deal with.

And there is another point that is that his own Xiao Li Fei Dao, now has been upgraded to level 4, at least one hundred thousand points of internal vitality can be used.

This is no longer suitable as a combat skill, it can only be used as a hole card.

"By the way, don't I have that special purchase card, then go and see if I can buy a special skill!" Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up slightly.

But at this moment, the ball, which I couldn't see again, finally couldn't help but look at it.

"It's really enough..."

The stupid character hadn't been uttered yet, and seeing a certain demon lord's dangerous eyes swept, Xiao Qiuqiu felt that his face seemed to start to hurt again.

"Uh, I actually want to say, don't rush to use that special purchase card!" Xiao Qiuqiu hurriedly changed his words.

While talking, beware of this certain demon, for fear that his small round face will encounter again.

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