Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 206: Violent Combo Card and Skill Fruit

Gently glanced at the little thing, Qin Shaofeng didn't make a move this time, although he still wanted to knead the little round face.

However, Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered that this little thing seemed to have been with his master for a long, long time.

Although there is not much strength, but the vision is definitely there.

Since the little thing says not to use a special purchase card, it naturally makes sense

But Qin Shaofeng still asked, "Why?"


Xiaoqiuqiu's little head gently shook, and the demeanor of Everbright was ready to appear again, but when he thought of the person in front of him, but the complete big devil, he finally resisted the impulse of his heart. Said: "No, it's because that is a special purchase card!"

"I've seen your attributes, and I know your weird, but powerful, but not yet fully powerful skills. They are all special skills. This type of skills cannot be exchanged for points. I think It should be the restriction imposed on you by the avenue!"


This little thing is still thinking about the so-called power of the Great Dao!

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't bother to explain.

But the little thing's words caught Qin Shaofeng's attention.

"Restriction? What's this?" Qin Shaofeng asked with interest.

It seems that I finally feel a little bit of face. The little thing raised his eyebrows and said proudly: "What kind of restriction can be, naturally, the power of the great power restricts a person! A person, a mortal, that's just a mortal, and then it's against the sky. It is also under the avenue. The avenue can allow alternative existence and accept the birth of a genius with earth-shattering talent, but it cannot tolerate the birth of an odd number!"

"Think about it, because of this system, although you have strong skills, you need to cultivate these skills yourself. You don't even know that the things that are bestowed by the great Dao in the legend are extremely sky-defying. Once a mortal gets it It’s not difficult at all to ascend to heaven and seek the pinnacle of the world."

"But you don't have it, and it's normal. After all, the skills you have, if you get them, will have all their powers. How can anyone be your opponent in this world? At that time, you were not a mortal, but a real one. God!"

Speaking of gods, the little thing hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice: "If there is no accident, then the so-called gods are the odd number in Dadao's eyes!"


God is the strange number in the eyes of Dadao?

The more Qin Shaofeng listened to this, the less understood.

Is there really a **** in this world?

Maybe there is!

Thinking of the existence of such things as the system, I have experienced crossing, and there are such strange things.

God, it's not surprising that it exists!

For these things, the little things seem to have some wanton. Instead of continuing the topic, they just said directly: "Uh, anyway, you just keep this special purchase card to buy some skills you need. After all, you only have two special purchase cards now!"

Well, it is!

Qin Shaofeng nodded naturally, once the special purchase card was used, at most, he could only purchase one item.

This makes Qin Shaofeng a headache after all.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng didn't know that those special skills and items, with his current points of more than 250,000, were not enough to buy one of the items.

Qin Shaofeng felt a little unconfident at the thought of his own experience of recycling Xiao Li Feida.

At this time, the little thing also reminded Qin Shaofeng.

"This, the special purchase card cannot be moved, but don't you still have two chances to draw?"

At the end of the day, the eyes of the little thing are already glowing!


That's something that can show countless treasures!

After the little thing reminded him, Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered that he had won the ordinary lottery draw and the special lottery chance for this mission!

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng started to open the lottery interface.

"System reminder: Player Qin Shaofeng currently has one chance for a normal lottery draw and one chance for a special draw. Does player Qin Shaofeng hold a lottery draw?"


"System prompt: Will the player Qin Shaofeng choose a normal lottery or a special lottery?"

"Normal lottery!"

"System reminder: Player Qin Shaofeng starts the ordinary lottery and consumes one chance of the ordinary lottery. The ordinary lottery is in progress..."

The music of the fruit machine that has remained unchanged for thousands of years rang again. At this time, the little thing had fallen on Qin Shaofeng's shoulder, his eyes fixed on the lottery interface, and Xiao Yuan's face was even more excited.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for winning a violent combo card in the ordinary draw!"

Violent combo card?

With a slight movement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng quickly took out the card.

Violent combo cards: Cards consume props. After using them, the player can launch ten consecutive attacks within one second for the next attack, and can also double the attack power ten times to form a violence ten combo.

This card does not consume the player's vitality and is restricted to be used in the Yuandan realm. It is invalid after the player's level exceeds the Yuandan realm.

Damn it!

It's such an awesome card!

After seeing that violent combo card attribute, Qin Shaofeng had only one thought in his mind.

It is a violent combo card, this attribute is really violent!

But Xiaoqiuqi looked disdainful: "Cut, it's actually only used by people below the Yuandan level. This kind of low-level thing, even if it increases the attack power by a thousand times, it is rubbish!"


With such a look of excitement on Qin Shaofeng's face, don't Xiaoqiuqiu's sudden shock, don't even mention how depressed he is.

Forget it!

Don't care about you little kid!

Carefully putting the violent combo card into his storage ring like a baby, Qin Shaofeng looked happy.

As everyone knows, the face of Xiaoqiu at this moment is even more disdainful.

Fortunately, the little thing knew that the big devil was on his head, so he didn't care about what he said just now, but he no longer dared to have any disdain.

Well, for the sake of his own face!

After putting away the violent combo card, Qin Shaofeng understood that he now had a big and powerful hole card.

With this trump card, Qin Shaofeng was confident that even if Zi Yueye appeared in front of him immediately, his own violent combo card with three combos of throwing knives would definitely be able to do that in seconds.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng didn't think that this violent combo card needed to be wasted on a mere purple moon night.

Only use it under the Yuan Dan realm is consumption, then after I enter the legendary realm, how violent it should be?

Wouldn't it kill the strong in the Yuan Dan realm in a second?

Qin Shaofeng was still YY.

After YY for a while, Qin Shaofeng started the second lottery-a special lottery, when Xiaoqiuqiu was a little impatiently reminded!

"System reminder: Player Qin Shaofeng currently has a chance to draw a special lottery. Will player Qin Shaofeng hold a special draw?"


"System reminder: Player Qin Shaofeng starts a special draw, consumes one chance of the special draw, and the special draw is in progress..."

The fruit machine music on the lottery interface rang again, and Qin Shaofeng couldn't pray.

"God-level! God-level! It must be God-level skills or items, or special skills and items..."

The little ball on the side listened, and his eyes rolled, and the corners of his mouth showed a trace of disdain.

After the violent combo card just now, Xiaoqiuqiu is not very excited about the draw.

He seemed to have discovered that the things he obtained were basically only in the current realm of the Great Demon King, and the probability of the appearance of such powerful skills as those powerful skills should be very rare.

"Ding Dong!"

Just when Xiaoqiuqi was a little boring, after fusing with Qin Shaofeng, he could hear the system prompt, and immediately heard a system prompt.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng also heard the system prompt.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for winning a special item skill fruit in the special draw!"

Skill fruit?

what's that?

Qin Shaofeng was puzzled, but he noticed the four words in the system prompt!

Special items!

Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up slightly, and he quickly took out the things.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng had a pale golden fruit in his hand, not much bigger than ordinary grapes.


After a light sniff, Qin Shaofeng frowned, but the next moment, when the attributes of this skill fruit entered his eyes, Qin Shaofeng was excited.

Skill fruit: special item, no level, after taking it, any one of the skills currently possessed by the player can be upgraded to one level!

The attribute information is very small and very concise!

But Qin Shaofeng understood it just by looking at it.

The fruit of this skill is actually an item that improves your skill level!

This is great!

I was happy, but Qin Shaofeng soon hesitated.

Which skill is this skill fruit used to improve?

The skill of Fire Eye Golden Eye can be ignored first, after all, with the light of insight from the small ball, Fire Eye Golden Eye is now at level 5.

Although he can really raise the Golden Eye to Level 5, and then add the light of insight from the small ball, he has the Golden Eye of Level 6.

But even the Level 5 Golden Eye could see through the realm under the Yuan Dan realm, and the Level 6 Golden Eye was among the three nations, so I didn't need it.

Well, the golden eye does not need to be improved, nor does alchemy.

As for the Quanzhen Sword Technique and Tianshan Six Sun Palm, Qin Shaofeng believed that as long as his mind was not convulsed, it was absolutely impossible to use the fruit of this skill on those skills.

The only ones left are Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Feida, and Wu Kong Shu!

Looking at the three skills on the attribute interface in front of him, Qin Shaofeng flashed a hesitation.

At this time, the small ball rushed over, and he saw the skill fruit, naturally knowing what the big devil was hesitating.

First, he glanced at the big devil, and Xiao Qiuqiu sighed, looking completely disappointed.

"Does this still need to hesitate?"

Speaking of the small ball, pointing at Xiao Li's flying knife, he calmly said: "Xiao Li's flying knife is currently level 4, and each launch consumes at least 100,000 points of internal energy, and there are three combos of flying knife. In terms, it’s good enough, no need to improve!"

After speaking, the ball pointed at the Yi Jin Jing and said to Qin Shaofeng: "The Yi Jin Jing skill does not need to be improved. The reason is very simple. The Yi Jin Jing is not far away from upgrading, and there is no need to waste it. , Your inner strength of millions of points is enough. So well..."

The chubby little hand pointed lightly, and the little ball said very maturely: "So, now you need to increase the escape speed!"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's brows wrinkled slightly, as if he had some opinions about the word escape, Xiaoqiuqiu sneered: "Don't think that escape is very useless. I can tell you. For so many years, I have been by your master's side. People who have met."

"Those who won't run away, no matter how talented they are, most of them are dead! But those who can run away have already become strong!"

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