Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 207: Special interface in the system store

This time, Qin Shaofeng rarely refuted Xiaoqiuqiu's words, and he didn't even think about the tone that Xiaoqiuqi said to himself at the moment.

Because Qin Shaofeng understood that Xiaoqiuqiu said a lot.

Although it is shameful to escape, it is not promising, it is the performance of the weak.

But Qin Shaofeng was not a person like Tang Qijian. Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that if he went forward blindly, that would definitely be the rhythm of death.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng finally agreed with Xiaoqiuqiu, and after serving the fruit of the skill, he raised the level of Wukongshu to level 4.

With a system prompt, Qin Shaofeng's air dance on the attribute interface was upgraded to level 4.

Just as Qin Shaofeng had expected, some changes had taken place in the fourth-level dance air technique.

Air Dance: Level 4 3583/100000, god-level active skill, can move and fly freely in the air, without being restricted by gravity! The current level is 4, and it can fly up to 500 meters high at a speed of 100 meters per second. The 4th-level Dancing Art needs to consume 100,000 internal energy every time it is activated, and it needs to consume 10,000 internal energy every minute to maintain it.

The 4th-level dance air technique has one more activation before it starts, and it needs to consume 100,000 points of energy.

And not only that, this only needs to consume 10,000 internal energy points every minute after it is activated.

The explanation given by the small ball is that this is the price of using the 4th level dance.

Because Yukong flight is generally based on consuming the aura in the body, but Qin Shaofeng only has innate qi, not aura, so he has the conditions for activation.

However, after Qin Shaofeng understood, he didn't care.

One hundred thousand points of vitality would be 100,000 points. He may have a million points of vitality, so he doesn't need to care about these.

After taking the skill fruits, Qin Shaofeng was about to start buying skills.

But when it comes to purchasing skills, Qin Shaofeng hesitated.

Qin Shaofeng asked when he glanced at the small ball on his shoulder.

"Do you want to use a special purchase card? Buy a skill to improve your own strength?"

Qin Shaofeng already cares about Xiaoqiuqiu's views.

Although in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, small things are sometimes unreliable, and they are also a stingy miser.

But it is undeniable that this little thing has been with his master who still doesn't know how strong it is, and it hasn't been known how many years, and it must be a big vote for those who have seen it.

Qin Shaofeng believes that the gaze of the ball is definitely much better than himself.

Listen more to this little thing, it's absolutely correct.

Of course this is limited to practice!

"Better not!" Xiaoqiuqiu shook his head without thinking about it, and then said disdainfully, "It's not what I said, even if you use it, what can you buy with your 250,000 points? good stuff?"

Seeing the disdain on Xiaoqiuqiu's face, it seemed that there was the shadow of Lord Everbright again, Qin Shaofeng sneered: "Yes! It's only two hundred and fifty thousand! I don't know who is responsible for ruining hundreds of billions of points. I would rather be hacked than take it out!"

"You..." Xiaoqiuqiu's face was angry, and a trace of pain unique to the miser's eyes flashed in his eyes, but finally he sighed and whispered, "I don't know!"

But soon, Xiaoqiuqiu changed the subject, and then suddenly said, “It’s not impossible to go in once. According to the current situation, if you consume a certain amount of points, you should be rewarded with a special purchase card, and now You also have two special purchase cards, even if one is wasted this time, don’t you still have one! And..."

Speaking of the little ball, it seemed to have thought of something, and he said: "And I feel that it is really necessary to waste one. After all, we don’t know the things in that special interface now. This time we can’t buy anything. Go in and take a look, so you know what you need to buy next time you enter, and how many points you need to prepare!"

The more Xiaoqiuqiu felt worthy of this truth, and in the end, he was very in favor, and asked Qin Shaofeng to use a special purchase card to go to the special interface of the system store to check it.

However, at this moment, Xiaoqiuqiu's heart is muttering: Seeing you like this, if you clearly want to use it, what use is it for me to oppose it?

Of course, having said that, but in fact, the small ball has a strong interest in that special interface.

Just a system store gave me such a shocking insight.

What about the special interface of the system store?

Listening to Xiaoqiuqiu's words, Qin Shaofeng felt that it was justified in his heart, and strengthened his mind to use a special purchase card.

With a move in his heart, a dark golden special card appeared in Qin Shaofeng's hand, and Qin Shaofeng patted his hands lightly.

"System prompt: Does Qin Shaofeng, the player, confirm to use the special purchase card? Warm reminder, this card is a special item and is extremely rare. Please consider it carefully!"


There is actually a warm reminder, this time the system is quite humane!

The eyebrows were raised, Qin Shaofeng smiled at the corner of his mouth, and gently uttered two words: "Indeed!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to Qin Shaofeng for using a special purchase card for successfully opening the special interface in the system store!"

After this sound, Qin Shaofeng and Xiaoqiuqiu saw that the original system store dimmed slightly, then brightened again, and a brand new interface appeared.

The special interface appeared!

Qin Shaofeng and Xiaoqiuqiu couldn't help but get closer, wanting to see what is special about this so-called special interface.

But at this look, the two soon discovered something was wrong.

It turns out that every time this special interface is opened, not only does it consume a special purchase card, but also a special purchase card can only choose one of skills and items.

Only after selection, the special interface will refresh, and then special skills and items will appear.

However, there are only ten skills or items in each refresh.

This means that after using a special purchase card, you may not be able to purchase skills and items that satisfy you.

After understanding this, Qin Shaofeng and Xiao Qiuqiu looked at each other, and both saw the wry smile in each other's eyes.

"Hey, I didn't expect that there are such restrictions. It seems that the things in this special interface are not so easy to get! And depending on the situation, it is difficult to buy something suitable for you!" Xiaoqiuqiu sighed. In one breath.

From Xiaoqiuqiu's point of view, each time it only appears as a special product, how can it happen that it is suitable for him?

However, Qin Shaofeng understood that it was not that suitable products could not appear, but the price would be high.

Qin Shaofeng thought that it was very simple, if not once, then brush it again, or if not, continue.

Indeed, if this continues, you will always be able to sell products that satisfy you.

But how many special purchase cards will be consumed?

Qin Shaofeng didn't know, but Qin Shaofeng knew that just two pieces of him were definitely not enough.

Unless you are lucky, you can sell products that satisfy you twice.

But again, is it possible?


With a light sigh, Qin Shaofeng shook his head helplessly.

However, now that a special purchase card has been consumed, go ahead!

I’m not sure, I just brushed out something that satisfies myself once!

With a self-deprecating murmur in his heart, Qin Shaofeng moved his right hand towards that special skill.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng had no hope at all.

Don't want to, this time the system once again gave Qin Shaofeng a surprise.

"System reminder: Because it is the first time for the player Qin Shaofeng to open the special interface in the system store, the system hereby gives the player Qin Shaofeng a super discount for the first purchase, and this refresh will have a hundred products for the player Qin Shaofeng to choose !"


Super discount?

There are hundreds of products?

Qin Shaofeng’s eyes lit up in an instant, and the small ball, which had been lacking in interest for a long time, immediately squatted, yelling: "Quick, refresh quickly, I didn’t expect such a good thing, you Sure enough, he is the lucky one who has been favored by Dadao!"

The lucky one who is favored by the road?

Qin Shaofeng smiled softly in his heart, maybe!

Without paying attention to the excited little ball, Qin Shaofeng's eyes fell directly on the super big deal.

Super discount: The special interface in the system store is opened for the first time, and the system gives the player Qin Shaofeng a special reward. It is only useful for products that open the special interface for the first time, and disappears directly after use.

Offer 1: Player Qin Shaofeng can purchase any item and enjoy a super discount of 1% of the original price! This offer is only valid for the first three items purchased by the player.

Offer 2: Player Qin Shaofeng can purchase unlimited purchases, and all products appear on the special interface for the first time.

Offer 3: The products that appear this time are not restricted by items and skills. Among the 100 products, special skills and special products account for half!

Although there are only three discounts, in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, the three discounts are the real super discounts!

However, what Qin Shaofeng really cares about is the first discount, one percent of the original price!

This is awesome!

As for the second offer, Qin Shaofeng didn't look at it much, because Qin Shaofeng understood that with his 250,000 points, he could only buy one item.

And Qin Shaofeng didn't watch the third offer either, because he needed to increase his skills this time. Special items or something, forget it!

Ugh! Ok!

It's actually empty pockets!

After watching the benefits of the super discount, Qin Shaofeng started to refresh its special interface under Xiaoqiuqiu's urging that it was not annoying.




Just step in, and the special interface in front of Qin Shaofeng's eyes refreshed ten times.

However, after these ten refreshes, the items that appeared before have not disappeared, but can go back and check.

This is also the so-called one hundred products prompted by the system.


As soon as the special interface was refreshed, the little ball swooped directly on the special interface, his eyes lit up, and the drooling image of a slave appeared.

Strangely speaking, although Qin Shaofeng can click on the options on the system properties interface, in fact, Qin Shaofeng only clicked on air, but just clicked on the properties interface.

But after becoming Qin Shaofeng's contract spirit, can the little ball actually touch Qin Shaofeng's attributes? You can even touch the goods sold in the system store.

This is why the little thing is acting so crazy at the moment.

Because most of the commodities that appear on the special interface at this moment are very special and precious skills and techniques, and some special items!

As a loyal slave, how can the little thing not be excited when seeing so many powerful techniques and special items?

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