Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 208: Sell ​​iron

Qin Shaofeng couldn't understand it.

No matter how precious skills and special techniques, you can’t practice, so why are you so excited?

Is this the nature of a miser?

Not caring about the little things that are excited, Qin Shaofeng looks at the special interface, hoping to find a skill that suits him.

Qin Shaofeng is not in a hurry, anyway, once the special interface is opened, as long as he doesn't close it, it can exist for at least one day.

One day is enough to choose slowly.

I'm afraid that I don't have the right skills!

Spirit Gathering: A special skill. After practicing, it can directly convert the inner energy of the body into aura, and can cultivate spiritual power in the legendary realm, possessing a powerful force far surpassing other people in the same realm.

Just seeing the third skill, Qin Shaofeng discovered a skill that suits him well.

The innate realm can cultivate aura, and the legendary realm can turn aura into spiritual power. This skill is really special!

And if you learn it by yourself, once you have cultivated spiritual power, it is just the true sword technique of the earth-level skills and the Tianshan Six Sun Palm, which can also explode with good power.

Qin Shaofeng was moved, especially after seeing the price of Spirit Gathering Art, he almost bought it directly.

Spirit Gathering: 10 million points!

Although the price of Spirit Gathering is far beyond the points you have now, under the super discount, one percent of 10 million is 100,000 points!

And he has 250,000 points, which is more than enough.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious! This is the third one now, and there might be better ones later!"

Holding his excitement at the moment, Qin Shaofeng continued to look down.

However, Qin Shaofeng had already written down this spirit gathering technique in his heart.

For a while, Qin Shaofeng fell into the merchandise of this special interface.

"Brute Force Nine Duan Quan? Well, this is not bad too! The original price of my rub is hundreds of millions? My sister, this is out of play!"

"Yin and Yang Jue? Double cultivation technique, hey, this can be, your sister, ah, it is more ruthless than Brute Force Jiuduanquan, it actually costs a billion!"

"Uh, this is a pill? No!"

"Weapon? No need!"


Finally, after seeing the last ten products, Qin Shaofeng found one that suits him best, and this product is not yet a skill.

Originally, Qin Shaofeng just glanced at it and didn't intend to take a closer look, but the name of this product attracted Qin Shaofeng's attention.

And after reading it, Qin Shaofeng secretly thanked that he had scanned one, otherwise he missed a treasure.

This baby's name is Lei Dunzhiyuan.

Source of Thunder Dunge: Special items, after use, allow the player to obtain a Thunder Dunjutsu in the world of "Naruto" with each level of cultivation. And although the Thunder Duntsu ninjutsu you possess cannot be upgraded like other skills, it is a non-upgradable skill, but the power of all the Thunder Duntsu ninjutsu can be improved as the player's strength increases.


Big baby!

Just a glance at Qin Shaofeng knew that this source of thunder escape was the most suitable thing for him.

"Naruto" Qin Shaofeng couldn't be more familiar with it, and he also knew the Thunder Ninjutsu in it.

Qin Shaofeng roared in his heart after reading the attributes of the source of thunder escape.


Must buy this source of thunder escape!


Even at this moment, Qin Shaofeng had the idea of ​​recycling a certain skill if the points were not enough.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the Thunder Drift Ninjutsu obtained with each level up was a skill that could not be improved. As a result, the price of the source of Thunder Drift was not very high, but only 20 million. Points.

If it was before, without the super discount, the source of Thunder Dunge with 20 million points, I am afraid I would reclaim a certain skill, right?

Seeing the price of Lei Dunzhiyuan, Qin Shaofeng was slightly happy.

"Well, 1% of 20 million is 200,000, and I have 250,000 points. That is to say, buying this source of thunder is no problem at all!"

At this moment Qin Shaofeng finally relieved his heart, but then thought of that spirit gathering technique, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a pity.

"It's a pity that Spirit Gathering Technique! If I can possess that Spirit Gathering Technique, coupled with this source of Thunder Escape, I am afraid that my strength will rise another step! But..."

Looking at the poor two hundred thousand points on his attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng felt that this time, two hundred and fifty thousand points were only a small amount!

Fortunately, this time, I have a super discount, otherwise I can go home empty-handed and miss the great benefits.

and many more!

Qin Shaofeng suddenly thought about the benefits of what he said. He seemed to have another good thing!

discount card!

Although a single low-level discount card can be purchased at a price limit of 100,000 points, the discount is 20%.

But Qin Shaofeng had discovered before that, according to the system, if these two low-level discount cards are used together, not only can they enjoy a 30% discount, but the upper limit of the purchase price has increased to 500,000.

The upper limit price mentioned here is the price after discount!


"I just don't know, in the special interface, can this discount card be used!" Qin Shaofeng frowned with some worry.

But after a while, his brows stretched out!


The discount card also works on the special interface, so...

"The original price of Spirit Gathering is 10 million points, and 1% is 100,000 points; the original price of Lei Dun Zhiyuan is 20 million points, and 1% is 200,000 points. The two add up to only 300,000 points. After 30% discount Only two hundred and ten thousand, and his own points are two hundred and fifty thousand!"

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng felt that the world was so beautiful!

Master System is so cute!

Of course, if it is not black-hearted, it will be even more lovely!

"Okay, it's decided, I want this source of thunder escape and spirit gathering!"

After taking another look, Qin Shaofeng planned to buy it directly.

Although this time is a super discount, I can enjoy a great discount of 1% of the original price of the first three items.

It is a pity that, although it is not necessary to say that these special interface products are all priced in hundreds of thousands, there are also products with a price of 100,000.

But these gadgets have no effect at all for me, and there is no need to waste points.

Besides, I have a bit of points, which is always a good thing.

As for the other products that Qin Shaofeng is also greedy, the price is too expensive, and it's good to be addicted to the eyes. Buy something, hehe, one sentence is enough.

Just when Qin Shaofeng was about to press the purchase option, the little ball that had been addicted to hundreds of goods finally rolled back.

"Wait a minute!" With a loud shout, the small ball jumped in front of Qin Shaofeng, his short, fleshy leg, directly kicked Qin Shaofeng away, the right hand that was about to tap.

Qin Shaofeng's face turned dark, and he said with a heavy voice: "I need an explanation!"

As soon as this little thing gave a slight expression, it started to be independent again?

What a courage!

Qin Shaofeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and a trace of'murderous intent' flashed through.

Qin Shaofeng's eyes shook, Xiao Qiuqiu's whole body shook, but this time, thinking of his own discovery, Xiao Qiuqiu looked at Qin Shaofeng confidently, and said proudly, "Huh, this is my explanation!"

With that said, Xiaoqiuqiu opened the special interface and turned a few pages. Finally, among the ten products that appeared this time, he stretched out his fleshy little paw and pointed to one of the products.


You little thing can find any good things, see how I will deal with you later.

A trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and Qin Shaofeng looked at the fleshy little paw.

But from this look, Qin Shaofeng's gaze was inseparable.

Experience tree seeds: Special items, belonging to the system's unique items, can grow experience trees.

This is what the small ball made Qin Shaofeng see. If this were the case, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't care much.

But the experience tree seed gives out the seed information, as well as the attribute information of the so-called experience tree.

Experience tree: A special existence is an alternative life form to which the system belongs. After being planted, it allows players to gain experience while absorbing the same experience value and bear the fruit of experience. (Experience fruits can be used to train players' beasts, or to help players' family members improve their realm.)

I rub!

Qin Shaofeng was excited in an instant!

Experience tree?

Experience fruit?

If this thing is used, wouldn't the little fox and tiger master be able to upgrade quickly?

And not only that, that is, his family members can also start training!

Qin Shaofeng hasn't forgotten his dozen super devil chess pieces!

Although he can only subdue three family members at most now, and it is precisely that he can only subdue three, Qin Shaofeng has not allowed Lord Tiger to transform his family members.

After all, in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, that super demon chess piece had a more powerful effect.

That is the resurrection from the dead.

Although it is a bit unlucky to say that, but maybe someday someone next to him suddenly dies. Because of his limited strength, he can't subdue his dependents. That would be regarded as a super devil chess piece with the ability to resurrect, and it would be useless!

This is too far to say. The moment Qin Shaofeng sees the seed of experience tree appearing in Qin Shaofeng, his heart is moved.

This heartbeat far exceeds the Spirit Gathering Technique, and even above the source of thunder.


But why is the price of the seed of the experience tree worth so much?

Really a lot, 30 million points!

After one percent, that is also 300,000, and after 70 percent, it is 210,000.

This is actually within the scope of Qin Shaofeng's acceptance, but did he just give up the source of thunder?

Qin Shaofeng can give up on that spiritual gathering.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't want to give up much because of the source of thunder.

Qin Shaofeng has a feeling in his heart that this source of thunder is very important to him.

Especially since his spiritual root is the body of thunder, once he has the source of thunder, I am afraid that he will really be even more powerful!

The little thing seemed to understand this, but at the moment he kept quiet and did not disturb Qin Shaofeng.

After finally thinking for a while, Qin Shaofeng gritted his teeth abruptly!

"Sister, isn't it just 350,000 points! Labor and capital are spared!"

The source of Lei Dun and the seeds of the experience tree add up to 1% plus a 30% discount, and only 350,000 points are needed.

But Qin Shaofeng only has 250,000 points now, which is still a hundred thousand!

One hundred thousand points is still not a small amount for Qin Shaofeng now, but he is not unable to make it.

But I just need to sell iron!

At the first moment, Qin Shaofeng emptied his storage ring and exchanged it with a little over 10,000 points.

Then Qin Shaofeng was ruthless in his heart, and recovered all the True Swordsmanship, Tianshan Six Sun Palms, and even the full-level Thunder Dunloping Thunderbolt armor, as well as that Taxue Wuhen.

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