Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 210: Lu Laoliu

"Huh! Still comfortable outside Lianyang Academy!"

Outside Lianyang Academy, Qin Shaofeng, who had just stepped out of the gate, exhaled fiercely, his expression refreshed.

I don't know when, Qin Shaofeng felt that he was a little uncomfortable in Lianyang Academy.

After this came out, I felt relaxed.

"No! At this time, it's time to sigh with emotion!"

Thinking of what he had to do, Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to delay any longer, and rushed to the distance.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't realize that after he left Lianyang College, another person walked out of the gate of Lianyang College.

But it was Wang Wenwu.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng's blurred figure in the distance, a sneer appeared at the corner of Wang Wenwu's mouth.

Then, Wang Wenwu turned and walked to a place outside Lianyang Academy.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Wenwu came to a place. After entering this place, Wang Wenwu instantly respected him.

Wang Wenwu also had to do the same, because these people in front of him were all beings that made him look up. If one is not careful and annoys the other party, it will be bad.

"Senior Lu!"

Arriving in front of a middle-aged man, Wang Wenwu immediately reverently said: "Then Qin Shaofeng has already left Lianyang Academy!"

"Oh, is it so!"

A slightly gloomy voice sounded, the middle-aged man turned around, he turned around this time, showing a gloomy face, with a sneer on his mouth, the whole person feels like An alternative insidious.

And if you know the name of this person, I am afraid it will be shocked.

Insidious Lu Laoliu, is this person's name, right is the name, this person's name is Lu Laoliu.

Lu Laoliu An orphan adopted from an early age by the previous generation head of the Lu family, without a name or surname, was named Lu Laoliu by the previous generation head of the Lu family.

Don't look at his name a bit nondescript, not formal, but people who know Lu Laoliu dare not look down, because this Lu Laoliu is a spiritual master who transcends the realm of an innate martial master.

Although the Lingmai Grandmaster is far less powerful than the Legendary Grandmaster, the Legendary Grandmaster rarely appears in the Lianyang Kingdom. Instead, the Lingmai Grandmaster is called the strong.

There are many masters of the Lu Family Spirit Vessels, and no one can compare to this Lu Laoliu because of the vicious methods. It is precisely because of this that he has the title of Insidious Master.

And it is precisely because of this that the head of the Lu family chose to let Lu Laoliu come to avenge his two dead sons.

The Patriarch of the Lu Family has only one command to Lu Laoliu. When you bring the little beast of Qin Shaofeng to the Patriarch, the Patriarch hopes to see a beast who thinks he is a beast!

Regarding this, Lu Laoliu smiled and said: No problem!

Using his Lu Laoliu's means to deal with a congenital martial artist in the district, it is not a hand to catch, and then grab the opponent, and tortured, it definitely makes the opponent feel that he is not as good as a brute!

Wang Wenwu had also faintly heard of Lu Lao Liu's name. When he knew that the person was Lu Lao Liu, Wang Wenwu once regretted it.

In any case, contact with people like Lu Laoliu will probably not end well.

But in his heart, the hatred of Qin Shaofeng prevailed, and in the end he contacted Lu Laoliu and promised to monitor Qin Shaofeng's movements at all times.

When Qin Shaofeng left Lianyang Academy, Wang Wenwu hurriedly followed, and came to inform Lu Laoliu.

"Are you out?" Lu Laoliu smiled, but the smile made Wang Wenwu shiver involuntarily.

There was a trace of uncomfortableness deep in his heart, and Wang Wenwu smiled stiffly: "Since that Qin Shaofeng has come out, the younger generation will not disturb the seniors, the younger generation will leave!"

After speaking, Wang Wenwu bowed respectfully and turned around to leave.

But just as he turned around, Lu Laoliu showed a weird smile, and then Lu Laoliu's figure flashed directly in front of Wang Wenwu.


Lu Laoliu grabbed Wang Wenwu's heart with his right hand, like an eagle claw, and then grabbed Wang Wenwu's heart.

"You and I……"

Wang Wenwu looked at Lu Lao Liu in disbelief, his mouth moved to say something, but finally his head drooped, and the breath of life suddenly disappeared.

"Huh, still want to leave? How is this possible?"

Looking at Wang Wenwu with disdain, Lu Laoliu threw the heart with the residual heat directly on the ground, then took out a clean handkerchief, carefully wiped his blood-stained right hand, and spoke without raising his head. Asked: "Is it done?"


The figure flickered, and there was a man in black in front of Lu Laoliu, and he respectfully replied: "Return to the Six Masters, the matter is done, then Wang Wenhao, who knew about it, died before his elder brother!"

"Well, that's good!" Lu Laoliu nodded, and then said, "Then let's find the mission goal for this time now!"


Several voices sounded, I don't know when there were a few more figures here.

After a while, the eight-person team set off, as for their direction is exactly where Qin Shaofeng left before.

The Lu family is not a fool, even if he got the news from Wang Wenwu, how could he not verify it.

Although in any case, the Lu Family would not let Qin Shaofeng go, but how could the dignified Lu Family let a congenital martial master fiddle.

Wang Wenwu's killing was destined long ago.

It is a pity that his younger brother Wang Wenhao was hurt by him.

From beginning to end, Wang Wenhao didn't know his elder brother's plan, let alone that his elder brother had contact with the Lu family.

It's a pity that he was handled carefully by the Lu family in the end.

Because at this time, the Lu family seemed to have discovered that Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er seemed to have something to do with each other.

Moreover, the existence of Du Meng also made the Lu family a headache.

Once Qin Shaofeng died in the hands of their Lu family, once the two people came to trouble their Lu family, although the Lu family was not afraid of Zhao Yuner or Du Meng.

But the forces behind the two, even if the Lu family had the courage, did not dare to provoke them.

Although these two people will not necessarily find their Lu family because of Qin Shaofeng's death.

But the Lu family dare not bet!

Qin Shaofeng is definitely going to die!

But the Lu family absolutely had nothing to do with Qin Shaofeng's death.

Therefore, in dealing with Qin Shaofeng's affairs, the Lu family absolutely cannot get out of the wind.

In this way, how can Wang Wenwu survive?

In fact, the Lu family had already started to deal with Qin Shaofeng, but Wang Wenwu had disrupted some of the Lu family's layout.

And the Lu family didn't want to kill Wang Wenwu either.

Who is Wang Wenwu?

What does it have to do with his Lu family?

But it's so hard to die, this Wang Wenwu actually took it to the door by himself.

You said, our Lu family is ready to start with that Qin Shaofeng, you ran over, let us Lu family do it.

In the end, even if our Lu family did not agree on the surface, once Qin Shaofeng died, wouldn't my Lu family be suspicious?

In order to have unnecessary troubles and risks, Wang Wenwu must die!

Even those who know the truth will die!

In this way, Wang Wenhao died unexplainably!

As for Wang Wenwu's death, it can only be said that you cannot live by committing sins!


As he walked fast, Qin Shaofeng was in an extremely excited state.

Although Qin Shaofeng was flashing and flashing at this moment, it seemed to be the same as if he had used some kind of body technique.

But in fact, Qin Shaofeng had already activated the air dance technique at the moment, and was flying in the air.

It's just that, now he is still in the periphery of this monster forest, and other people come out from time to time, and Qin Shaofeng just pretends to use his body skills.

But even so, when Qin Shaofeng passed by, it still attracted the attention of many people.

"Wow, a quick figure, this person is so good!"

"Yeah! It's just the eight-fold innate aura, but the speed of his body is almost catching up with the ten-fold innate realm!"

"Which brother is this person?"

"I don't know, but I want to be among the star students, this brother is also very famous!"


When Qin Shaofeng heard these sounds occasionally, a smile appeared on the corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth.

At this moment, under the cover of Yi Jinjing, Qin Shaofeng only maintained the aura of the innate eightfold realm.

I have to do this. After all, when I returned to Lianyang Academy yesterday, I was still innate eightfold, but now he was in the state of innate pinnacle.

If this news spreads out, I am afraid it will cause quite a stir.

Qin Shaofeng decided to go out for a while and then come back.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng had another reason for this trip.

That is the ultimate killing mission that was triggered when he reached the state of innate peak and full experience.

Extreme upgrade: A special task. When the player is in the congenital transformation to the spiritual vein realm, the system will automatically trigger this task when the realm reaches the current upper limit of 99999 points.

This mission is an extreme kill mission. After the mission is triggered, the player cannot increase experience, and the realm remains at the tenth level of innate. During this mission, the player Qin Shaofeng will kill the monsters by the number of kill points. The evaluation of the final mission is based on the kill points obtained by the player Qin Shaofeng! The mission time is one month.

Killing high-level tenth level (innate tenth level) monsters get 1 hit point, killing an average of 100 monsters below the level ten level can get 1 point kill points, killing monsters below the high level has no kill points. For the kill points obtained by killing monster beasts of higher level or higher, at least 100 click kill points can be obtained. The higher the level, the more kill points are obtained.

One-star completion: If you get 1,000 kill points in one month, you can get 1,000 points!

Two-star completion: If you get 2000 kill points in one month, you can get 2000 points!


Five-star completion: If you get 20,000 kill points in one month, you can get 20,000 points, and the system will randomly reward a prefecture-level skill.

Six-star completion: You can get 50,000 kill points in one month, earn 30,000 points, and the system will reward you with a land-level skill (which can be selected by the player).

Seven-star completion: If you get 100,000 kill points in one month, you can get 40,000 points, and the system will randomly reward a day-level skill.

Eight-star completion: If you get 200,000 kill points within one month, you can get 50,000 points, and the system will randomly reward one ordinary lottery chance and one heavenly skill (which can be selected by the player).

Nine Stars of Completion: If you get 500,000 kill points in one month, you can get 80,000 points, the system will randomly reward a holy skill, and you will have three chances to draw a lottery.

Ten-star completion: If you get 1 million kill points within one month, you can get 100,000 points, the system will randomly reward a god-level skill, three ordinary lottery chances, and one special lottery chance!

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