Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 211: Powerful Thunder

For this time, Qin Shaofeng was really speechless for the extreme mission released by the system.

Killing high-level ten-level monsters, that is, monsters in the tenth level of innate realm, will get 1 hit point.

An average of one hundred monster beasts of high-level and below ten levels can get 1 kill point, and killing middle-level and low-level monsters below high-level can even get 1 point kill.

It can be seen that Qin Shaofeng cursed the system in his heart to complete the requirements of each star level.

Sister, it takes ten thousand kill points to complete the four-star level, and one hundred thousand points for the seven-star.

This is not to mention the stars behind.

The most outrageous thing is that the completion degree is ten stars, which actually requires a full one million kill points.

One million hits to kill points, that means you need to kill one hundred thousand high-level ten-layer monsters!

Qin Shaofeng was going to scold his mother.

The time is only one month, let alone whether he can kill so many high-level ten-layer monsters.

Qin Shaofeng didn't even have the confidence to find one hundred thousand high-level ten-layer monsters!

Yes, you can get hundreds of kill points at least if you kill a spirit beast.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng didn't have that self-confidence. Within a month, he hunted 10,000 spirit beasts.

That's a monster in the spirit vein realm!

Although Qin Shaofeng was confident that with his current strength, killing the first-level spirit beasts, there shouldn't be a big problem, even if it was the second and third-level spirits, he could barely try it.


One million!

That's a million!

Looking at his own attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng sighed slightly: "Oh, one million is too difficult, and one month is not enough. I'm afraid I can't finish this ten-star degree."

Although it is regrettable, this is also nothing.

After thinking about it in his mind, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly: "One hundred thousand hits a month to kill points, if I work harder, I should be able to do it, but this is my limit. It seems that this time the limit upgrade mission, I At most, it can only be completed to seven stars!"

Seven-star completion: If you get 100,000 kill points in one month, you can get 40,000 points, and the system will randomly reward a day-level skill.

Although the reward for completing the seven-star degree is far inferior to the nine-star and ten-star degree, Qin Shaofeng knew that this was the limit he could achieve.

No matter how much it is, it will be a little weak!

"Forget it, don't care, do your best!"

In the end, he shook his head and said softly, Qin Shaofeng, who was flying, paused slightly, and suddenly stopped.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng had already arrived, the deepest part of the monster forest in Lianyang Academy.

A little further, it belongs to the real Noire Mountain Range.

It seems that Lianyang Academy has not gone to the Blackhorn Mountain Range to drive away monsters for a while, and entered the monster forest opened by the Academy.

Qin Shaofeng didn't find many high-level monsters along the way, not even one high-level ten-fold monster.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about these situations, anyway, the destination of his trip was the Blackhorn Mountain Range, and the Monster Beast Forest of Lianyang Academy couldn't satisfy Qin Shaofeng at all.

Looking far away, the warning sign with obvious signs.

This is the Lianyang Academy deliberately staying here, warning the students that further ahead is the sign of the dangerous Black Point Mountain Range.

With a light smile, Qin Shaofeng glanced at the huge mountain range in the distance.


Together, Qin Shaofeng ran towards the Heijiao Mountain Range without hesitation.

Half an hour after Qin Shaofeng left, under this warning sign, several figures flashed again.

When they came to this warning sign, these people paused for a moment, and one of them suddenly said: "How about? What about the kid's trail?"

"Returning to Liu Ye, it seems that Qin Shaofeng has no signs of hiding his traces. According to the traces he left, I am afraid that he has already entered the Black Point Mountain Range!"

Liu Ye?

That's right, these people are exactly the team of Lu Family led by Lu Lao Liu.

"Oh, actually entered the Black Point Mountain Range?" Lu Lao Liu smiled yinly after hearing the answer from his subordinates.

"Heh, I originally thought that it would be somewhat inconvenient for Qin Shaofeng to start at the Monster Beast Forest of Lianyang Academy, but now he actually entered the Blackhorn Mountain Range, this is his own way of death."

Looking at the huge mountain range in the distance, Lu Laoliu snorted coldly, and said, "Go, hurry up and catch up with me, find that Qin Shaofeng early, and go home early! Liu Ye, my delicate little lady, can be at home. Let me go back and be pampered!"

"Yes, Liu Ye!"

With several respectful responses, a group of eight people rushed towards the huge mountain range.





Somewhere in the Black Point Mountain Range, a burst of thunder shining, but it is Qin Shaofeng's three latest Thunder ninjutsu in the trial, the Thunder Sphere, the Thunder Qi, and the Thunder ninjutsu, the Thunder Guard.

Qin Shaofeng wanted to try the power of these three Thunder Ninjutsu.

However, suffering from no goal of training, this has dragged on until now, and I have found a few high-level monsters to practice.

As a result, after this practice, Qin Shaofeng was extremely satisfied with the newly acquired Thunder Ninjutsu.

Thunderball: One of the ninjutsu awakening from the source of Thunder Duntsu, and the ninjutsu used by Thunderya, one of the "Ninjutsu Seven" in the fog hidden village in "Naruto". Special skills cannot be upgraded. A small amount of internal energy can be concentrated to form a small thunderball, after attacking the enemy and detonating, a powerful destructive force will erupt.

Effect: Although it is a skill that cannot be upgraded, its power can increase with the player's level. At present, every time it is displayed, the player needs to consume 10,000 points of internal energy. (Note: As long as the internal energy is sufficient, the player can create an unlimited number of thunderballs.)

Regardless of the thunderball with an inner vigor of 10,000 points, even if it is against a high-level seven-layer monster, with Qin Shaofeng's current strength, a thunderball can easily damage it, or even kill it.

Even just now, Qin Shaofeng encountered a small group of monsters with three high-level ten-layers and a number of other high-level monsters. Qin Shaofeng directly consumed nearly 500,000 points of vigor, and suddenly burst out fifty thunderballs. .

Then, the small group of high-level monster beasts, which numbered about 20 or 30, was instantly wiped out by the pile of thunderballs, turning them into a scorched corpse.

Not only that, before taking the shot, Qin Shaofeng even displayed the Thunder-Dun Ninja Technique, Thunder-Dun Bodyguard.

Thunder ninjutsu ninjutsu: one of the awakening Thunder ninjutsu from the source of ninjutsu, the Thunder ninjutsu used by the third and fourth generations of Raikage in "Naruto". Special skills cannot be upgraded. It can condense a large amount of internal energy into thunder and lightning clothing, improve defense, and consume far more than lightning armor.

Effect: Although it is a skill that cannot be upgraded, its power can increase as the player's level increases. At present, every time it is cast, it consumes 30% of the player's internal energy.

Although this thunder dodge body used up 30% of Qin Shaofeng's internal energy at one time, the effect was amazing.

Facing the siege of those two or thirty monsters, Qin Shaofeng was unscathed even with the three high-level ten-tier monsters.

Those high-level monster beasts couldn't even destroy the defense of the thunder and lightning clothing on him.

This Lei Dun is really powerful!

Looking at the scorched darkness in front of him, and then at the faint purple thunder and lightning clothing on his body, Qin Shaofeng said with emotion, "Ah, loneliness is like snow, this is the loneliness of a master!"

After this practice, Qin Shaofeng finally understood that with his current strength, even if it was against a high-level ten-layer monster, as long as it was not a special monster, it could basically be easily killed without any pressure.

"Cut, bullying some ant monsters, you are so proud, are you a little bit successful?"

Just after Qin Shaofeng sighed, there was a voice of disdain in his mind, but the little ball ball said with a little disdain.

The ball really looked down upon Qin Shaofeng.

No way, the little thing has a high vision. In the past, following his master alchemy old man, he has seen countless strong people, and a few high-level ten-fold monsters, in the eyes of the little thing, are really like ants.

Qin Shaofeng knew this in his heart, so he didn't have a general knowledge of little things.

As soon as his gaze moved, Qin Shaofeng's gaze soon fell on his attribute interface, the last Thunder Ninjutsu-Lei Dun Leiqi!

This Lei Qi Qin Shaofeng did not test the expiration power, but Qin Shaofeng is absolutely looking forward to this Thunder Ninjutsu.

Lei Dun Leiqi: One of the awakening Lei Dun ninjutsu from the source of Lei Dun, the Thunder ninjutsu pioneered by the Konoha elite Kakashi Kakashi in the "Naruto". Special skills cannot be upgraded. A large amount of internal energy can be concentrated on the hand to form a high-intensity current, forming a thunder escape, making the hand like a sharp blade to achieve the effect of killing the enemy with one blow, with a powerful penetrating attack power.

Effect: Although it is not a level-up skill, its power can increase as the player's level increases. At present, every time it is cast, it consumes one-third of the player's internal energy.

One-third of the internal energy value, based on Qin Shaofeng's millions of internal energy, is more than 300,000 points.

This is a bit more than the internal energy consumed by the Thunder Guard body.

Qin Shaofeng was confident that with this Lei Qi, it would be easy to kill some one- and two-tier monsters in the spirit vein.

The only bad thing is that this Raeche cannot be used frequently.

One-third of the inner strength!

This is not a small burden to Qin Shaofeng.

When he learned that Qin Shaofeng had come out, Zhao Yuner gave Qin Shaofeng all the earth-level three-star Qi Qi Dan.

In this trip to the alchemy mansion, all the things Zhao Yun'er prepared were not used much at all. The prefecture-level three-star Qi Qi Pills also consumed more than ten or twenty, and now they were cheaply given to Qin Shaofeng.

Zhao Yun'er originally wanted to come out with Qin Shaofeng to experience the Black Point Mountain Range.

But after returning to Lianyang Academy, Zhao Yuner suddenly felt that his realm was about to break through.

Well, she went to retreat again...

As for Tang Qijian, after a series of breakthroughs, it seemed that his realm was unstable, and he took the token left by his master and went into the spiritual garden to practice.

As for Dumont's fierce boy...

Forget it, that girl is still practicing with his master outside, and he hasn't come back yet!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is alone now.

This is also the reason why Qin Shaofeng only has the confidence to get 100,000 kill points at most. If not, if others don't say, just add Zhao Yuner alone, Qin Shaofeng also has confidence in the entire 3 to 500,000 kill points.

After all, where is Zhao Yuner's strength!

"Don't be stunned! Kill the monster beast quickly! Otherwise, how can this little seedling of the experience tree continue to grow!"

Just as Qin Shaofeng was in a daze, the dissatisfaction with the ball came again.

Qin Shaofeng: "..."

Now Qin Shaofeng felt more and more that this little thing was getting more and more out of character.

However, Qin Shaofeng also had nothing to say when he heard the little thing complain.

After all, the little thing is right...

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