Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 217: Blood Fiend Ancestor Reappears

Qin Shaofeng hadn't forgotten what this place was, but it was the place where monsters in the Spirit Vein realm of the Blackhorn Mountain Range haunt.

Even if it was only delayed for three to five minutes, he would be surrounded by a bunch of spirit vein realm monsters.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not have a love for war, and even in order to leave as soon as possible, Qin Shaofeng wasted a rejuvenating pill in the end, and escaped with Wukong technique.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng's approach is correct.

Because just when he left, he was followed by a lot of spirit beasts.

There was even one of the five-level spirit beasts. If it weren't for the perception ability of small balls, Qin Shaofeng might not be able to escape smoothly.

This was the first day Qin Shaofeng entered the Blackhorn Mountain Range, where the spirit vein realm monsters infested the area.

On this day, Qin Shaofeng also killed less than ten monsters, only eight monsters.

Although they were all spirit beasts, the kill points Qin Shaofeng obtained on that day was a full 800 points.

But this speed still couldn't satisfy Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng threw all the twelve experience fruits absorbed by the Level 1 experience tree to Lord Tiger.

However, Lord Tiger obtained these twelve 1st level experience fruits and directly broke through to the advanced seventh level, reaching the advanced eighth level late stage.

Qin Shaofeng has already decided to raise the realm of Lord Tiger as soon as possible, preferably directly to the spiritual vein realm. This way, when he kills the monster beast, he can be regarded as an extra help.

However, in more cases, Qin Shaofeng still worked hard to improve his strength.

For now, Qin Shaofeng knew that his realm had reached its limit. In a short period of time, at least during this limit upgrade mission, his level would not be improved.

In this case, increasing one's strength can only rely on actual combat.

Fortunately, the three Thunder Dunes, and the newly promoted Xiao Li Fei Dao, still have a lot of potential to be discovered.

And the potential of these skills can only be discovered in actual combat.

Therefore, in the next few days, Qin Shaofeng was not in a hurry. Instead, under Xiaoqiuqiu's conscious choice, he began to challenge a demon beast with good strength, so as to hone his skills and increase actual combat experience. , In order to achieve the point of enhancing one's own strength.

This day passed, and the next day Qin Shaofeng began to improve in actual combat.

On the first day, compared with the day before entering this area, Qin Shaofeng made a little progress. In one day, he killed twelve monsters in the first level of spiritual veins.

On this day, the experience tree absorbed experience and produced eighteen level 1 experience fruits, which were all taken by Lord Tiger.

In addition to the twelve pieces from the previous day, Lord Tiger took 30 level 1 experience fruits before and after, which is to increase the cultivation base of 300,000 experience.

Therefore, the level of Lord Tiger was directly promoted to the high-level mid-tenth stage.

For the first time, Qin Shaofeng felt that cultivating war beasts was so simple.

On the second day of actual combat improvement, Qin Shaofeng killed twenty spirit-veined one-layer monster beasts, eight more than the first day, but he used three complex spirit pills.

It seems that because of a breakthrough of the same level, Lord Tiger consumed a full thirty level 1 experience fruits in the high-level tenth level, and spent three times the experience value of Qin Shaofeng, before he was promoted to the level of the beast of the first level of the spirit vein.

After Master Tiger was promoted to the Spiritual Vessel Realm, he could finally help Qin Shaofeng.

On the third day of the actual combat improvement, Qin Shaofeng still only killed twenty spirit vein realm monsters, but he did not waste a recovery pill.

After entering the Spiritual Vessel Realm, Master Tiger was raised to a level, and the experience points consumed seemed to be three times that of Qin Shaofeng, so the experience fruit he got on this day only raised Master Tiger by a level.

However, after Tiger Lord had ascended to the second level of Lingmai realm, Xiaoqiuqiu finally suggested Qin Shaofeng to challenge the second level of Lingmai realm.

On the fourth day of the actual combat promotion, Qin Shaofeng killed fewer than 20 monsters, only 17 of them, but three of them were monsters in the dual realm of spiritual veins.

On the fifth day of the actual combat improvement, Qin Shaofeng killed 23 monsters, seven of which were double spirits...

Sixth day...


When the limit upgrade task time passed halfway, and on the sixteenth day, that is, after the twelfth day of the actual upgrade, Qin Shaofeng had completely mastered the three thunders and the skills he had upgraded.

For this reason, Qin Shaofeng's earth-level three-star Qi Qi Pill had been exhausted.

Qin Shaofeng also used almost half of the Spirit Recovery Pill that was taken from Lu Lao Liu, but only 50 pieces were left.

However, such consumption is very worthwhile.

Compared with the day when he met Lu Laoliu, at this moment Qin Shaofeng's strength had not been said to have undergone earth-shaking changes, but there was still some improvement.

At the very least, if he encounters an opponent like Lu Lao Liu, Qin Shaofeng can come to a surprise attack to kill the opponent in seconds.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng, the monster beast with the first-tier spirit level, could no longer threaten him at all.

However, compared with Qin Shaofeng, the one who changed the most was Tiger Lord, who is now in the realm of the triple peak of spiritual veins.

It's not that Tiger Lord can't continue to improve, but now Tiger Lord has begun to be influenced by the master Qin Shaofeng.

The growth of a beast is limited. Under normal circumstances, the level of a beast cannot exceed the three levels of its owner.

With Qin Shaofeng's current innate pinnacle state, the triple pinnacle of spiritual veins was already the limit that Tiger Lord could reach.

In this case, the ball is extremely excited.

Because after Tiger Lord cannot be promoted, all the experience fruits produced by the experience tree belong to him.

Even for this, Xiaoqiuqiu deliberately misappropriated Qin Shaofeng's 10,000 points and purchased a small storage ring from the system store to store experience fruits.

Of course, the little guy thought he was doing something unconscious, but in fact, without Qin Shaofeng’s approval, he could summon an ultra-small system attribute interface, so he couldn’t use Qin Shaofeng’s points at will!

As soon as the little guy acted, Qin Shaofeng noticed it, but didn't break it.

However, after collecting hundreds of level 1 experience fruits, the small ball became dissatisfied, and after asking Qin Shaofeng, let the level 1 experience tree absorb experience, and no longer produce experience fruits, but absorbed Digestion has grown to level 2 experience tree.

It takes 1 million experience points to evolve from level 1 experience tree to level 2 experience tree.

Judging from Qin Shaofeng's current innate pinnacle realm, killing spirit vein realm monsters and gaining a higher-level kill experience bonus, it is completely possible to evolve the experience tree to level 2 in a short time.

After all, it is to kill the monster beasts in the first level of the spiritual vein, and the experience tree can also absorb 15,000 experience points. According to this calculation, one million points of experience is not difficult to obtain.

And now Tiger Lord has once again risen to the level of the triple spirit vein level, which makes Qin Shaofeng's speed at hunting down the spirit vein level monster beasts much faster.

Now Qin Shaofeng has killed hundreds of Spirit Vein Beasts in one day. There is no problem at all. With the small ball ball scanning radar, when encountering a powerful monster, he will directly avoid it, and when he encounters one or two tiers, he will directly attack.

The whole process went smoothly.

After Tiger Master was promoted to the triple spirit veins, Qin Shaofeng could get seven or eight thousand kill points in one day. After the tiger stayed at the peak of the spirit vein triples, with the help of the tiger master, Qin Shaofeng could get 10,000 hits a day Killing points is not a problem.

At this speed, it takes one or two days to upgrade the experience tree, and the experience tree can be upgraded to level 2.

Of course, what concerns Qin Shaofeng the most is that he finally saw the hope of gaining 100,000 hits.

Not only that, Qin Shaofeng was confident that he had completed the kill point of eight-star and 200,000 points.

However, that's the case at most, and no matter how much it is 500,000 nine-star completion.

With a kill point of 500,000 points, Qin Shaofeng couldn't get it even with the help of Lord Tiger.

However, Qin Shaofeng still made the decision to kill as many monsters as possible in the remaining fifteen days.

Although it is impossible to reach the kill point of 500,000 points, each additional monster beast killed will increase the experience tree a lot of experience.

Qin Shaofeng doesn't have too much experience fruit, as long as his realm improves, then the tiger can continue to improve.

With the guidance of Xiaoqiuqiu, Tiger's current strength has undergone tremendous changes.

Even fighting alone, without using Xiao Li's flying knives, even if Lei Che broke out, Qin Shaofeng would have seriously injured Lord Tiger at best.

Now Hu Ye has become Qin Shaofeng's big trump card.

This is not to mention the little fox still sleeping.

Once the little fox wakes up and has a lot of experience fruits, it will definitely make the little fox level up directly.

In comparison, the little fox is better than the tiger.

Even for his two generals, Qin Shaofeng would kill more monsters to allow the experience tree to absorb more experience points.


Just when Qin Shaofeng madly killed the monster beast, it was somewhere in the Black Martial Kingdom, a somewhat remote small town.

Although this town is not big, it is only relative to those big towns. Speaking carefully, this small town is also a land with a population of 100,000.

But at this moment, in this small town, there is no trace of anger.

The whole city is quiet, there is no sound, not even the sound of insects.

If someone walks into this small town at this moment, they will be horrified to find that more than a hundred thousand people in this small town have already turned into corpses at this moment.

Everyone is like something, sucking up all the blood and essence of the whole body, becoming a skinny corpse.

From the faces of these corpses, it can still be seen that these people seemed to have gone through an extremely painful process before temporarily, even if they had become corpses, but on their withered faces, they could still see the struggle before death.

What happened to this?

Actually the whole town has suffered, such a vicious killing?

In the center of the small town, in a room, there is a vague atmosphere.

In vain, this vague aura suddenly rose wildly, centering on that room, an eruption of blood burst into the sky in an instant.


A person walked out of the blood.

Old man, blood coat, red hair, red eyebrows...

The whole body of this old man was red, blood red.

Take a closer look, but it is the ancestor of Blood Fiend who was once shocked.


The **** ancestor shook his whole body slightly, and the monstrous blood light was instantly converged into his body.

"Not enough!" The blood evil ancestor suddenly said, frowning slightly.

"Millions of people have been slaughtered, and the blood absorbed, actually only barely allowed this ancestor to restore the cultivation base of the first layer of the legend, but it is only the cultivation base of the first layer of the legend, I am afraid that the Mengjia junior cannot be captured. Strength, that junior is afraid that there will be legendary masters secretly guarding him."

After talking to himself for a while, the blood evil ancestor slammed away and fled away.

"Kill some ordinary people again, and when the cultivation base is restored to the legendary triple, go find some legendary masters to absorb!"

The blood light flashed slightly, which seemed to imply that a burst of crazy killing jab had already begun quietly.


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