Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 218: gang war?

Eleven or two days later, there is a deeper area in the Black Point Mountain Range.


There was a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and a huge monster beast corpse fell to the ground, but it was a blue-backed buffalo in the second realm of spiritual veins.

After a closer look, it was discovered that in addition to this blue-backed buffalo in the dual-level spiritual vein, there were more than 30 blue-backed buffalo corpses nearby.

Most of these blue-backed buffaloes are first-level spiritual veins, but eight of them are second-level spiritual veins.

Even the one that fell to the ground last was the realm of the second peak of the spirit vein.

The blue-backed buffalo in this state is not common, and it is already considered a very strong existence among the blue-backed buffalo.

Probably it was precisely because of this blue-backed buffalo in the double pinnacle realm of the spirit vein that it gathered into a group of more than 30 blue-backed buffaloes.

It's a pity that even if it was a blue-backed buffalo with more than 30 numbers, it was still slaughtered at this moment.

And it was Qin Shaofeng who slaughtered these blue-backed buffaloes.

Well, let's add Tiger Lord.

Qin Shaofeng's combination of man and tiger is now becoming more and more tacit, slaughtering such a group of monsters is a very easy task.

Of course, among them, Lord Tiger, a fellow of the triple peak realm of spiritual veins, played an absolute factor.

Between the levels of monsters, there are levels of suppression.

Even if it is only one level higher, with the few monster cultivation skills of Xiaoqiuqiu, Lord Tiger can also suppress the monster beasts of the second level of spiritual veins by 10 to 30%.

As for the monster beasts at the first level of spiritual veins, they were almost suppressed by half their strength in front of Lord Tiger.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng dared to challenge the group of monsters with as many as thirty monsters in the dual peak realm of spirit veins.

"Well, it's true that more than three thousand kill points are credited!"

Glancing at his attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng nodded slightly.

At this time, there were only less than three days left before the time limit for this extreme upgrade task.

And Qin Shaofeng's kill point had already reached 200,000 points, and even exceeded 300,000 points yesterday.

However, this is also the limit.

Because Qin Shaofeng knew that there were less than three days left, even if he had gone against the sky, he would get a kill point of 400,000 points at most.

However, Qin Shaofeng was somewhat satisfied with this result.

"Three to four hundred thousand kill points, the completion rate exceeds eight stars."

After murmured, Qin Shaofeng nodded after taking a look at the reward for completing the eight-star degree, and said, "Well, that's right, you can get 80,000 points for completing the eight-star degree. There is also an ordinary chance to draw a lottery, and a high-level skill! "

This time, the celestial skills rewarded by the system are celestial skills that can be chosen freely.

This point made Qin Shaofeng more satisfied.

Can’t get God level skills, this one more Heaven level skill that can be selected is not bad!

And let's not talk about it, this time Qin Shaofeng's other gains were more numerous.

This other harvest is naturally that tree of experience.

After this period of time, Qin Shaofeng's Level 1 experience tree has not only grown to Level 2, but has now officially grown to Level 3 experience tree.

The experience tree is upgraded from level 1 to level 2, which requires one million points of experience.

And to evolve to level 3 is 10 million points of experience.

After the experience tree evolved to level 2, Qin Shaofeng discussed with Xiaoqiuqiu, and finally let the experience tree continue to absorb experience points to grow, and finally evolved to the current level 3.

The reason for this decision is that Xiaoqiuqiu discovered that the effects of the level 2 experience fruit are much stronger than the level 1 experience fruit.

A level 2 experience fruit requires one hundred thousand experience points to be fruitful.

It can be regarded as a level 2 experience fruit, which can increase the cultivation base of 100,000 points.

However, unlike Level 1, the cultivation base of these 100,000 experience points is 100,000 experience points, which is consistent with Qin Shaofeng's level promotion experience value.

In other words, for experience fruits with the same experience value, a level 1 experience fruit requires 300,000 experience points to improve the tiger, while a level 2 experience fruit only needs 100,000.

As the level of the experience tree increases, the effect of this experience fruit also increases.

Simply Qin Shaofeng decided to take advantage of this time to directly upgrade the experience tree to level 3.

However, what surprised Qin Shaofeng was that the level 3 experience fruit was the same as the level 2 experience tree, both had the same effect, and did not triple again.

And what disappointed Qin Shaofeng the most was that no matter it was a level 2 or level 3 experience tree, that first ability was not improved.

Level 3 experience tree: A special existence is a seedling of an alternative life experience tree that the system belongs to. It needs 100 million experience points and can grow to a level 4 experience tree.

Ability 1: While the player gains experience, the level 1 experience tree can absorb three times the experience of the player.

Ability 2: Level 3 experience tree can condense 1 million points of experience, and produce level 3 experience fruits.

Ability 3: Level 3 experience tree can condense experience fruits of level 1-3, and the experience fruits produced have the ability to merge. After the same experience fruits are merged, the effect is doubled.

Level 3 experience fruit: Allows the player's family members and beasts to increase the cultivation base of 1 million experience points. (The effects of experience fruits can be superimposed)

Although both the level 3 experience tree and level 1 can only gain three times the extra experience, the level 3 experience tree has one more ability.


The fusion of the same experience fruits, and the level 3 experience tree can produce level 1, level 2, and level 3 experience fruits.

This seems to be impossible to control, but in fact, this is the battle beast that allows Qin Shaofeng to cultivate at any stage, as well as his family members.

And after this period of time, the storage ring of the ball has also stored a lot of experience trees.

There are five or six hundred experience fruits at level 1, one hundred experience fruits at level 2, and even more than twenty experience fruits at level 3.

This is a great gain.

In addition to this experience fruit, Qin Shaofeng's other big gain is to use those monster corpses to collect points from the system recovery furnace.

Like the kill points he obtained, Qin Shaofeng's points during this period also exceeded 300,000 points.

However, when the points reached 100,000 points, Qin Shaofeng cruelly went to the system store to buy a prefecture-level three-star steel-making sword.

This prefecture-level three-star steel-making sword, although it cost Qin Shaofeng 100,000 points.

But these hundred steel-smelting swords have replaced Lei Che, so that Qin Shaofeng does not need to consume any internal energy value. Just swinging the sword can break through most of the defenses of the first-layer monster beasts. Basically, Qin Shaofeng has it. The ability to kill a few spirit veins and one heavy monster beast in seconds.

And even if it encounters a monster beast in the second level of the spirit vein, only Qin Shaofeng's innate energy in his body, full of hundred steel swords, can still easily break its defense.

It is precisely with this Hundred Steel Smelting Sword that Qin Shaofeng has increased the speed of killing monsters, allowing him to obtain so many kill points now.

This is what Qin Shaofeng has gained over the past twenty days.

Although Qin Shaofeng had not improved his cultivation level in the past twenty days, Qin Shaofeng's strength was much stronger than that of twenty days ago.

The strength is improved, and the harvest is also satisfied.

Seeing this less than three days left, Qin Shaofeng felt a little more fatigued and bored at this moment.

After all, he had been hunting monsters for nearly a month, and Qin Shaofeng hadn't gone mad and it was already pretty good.

After having such emotions in his heart, Qin Shaofeng had the thought of going back.

"Well, anyway, there is no time left for me to get many kill points, and I am a little tired of this kind of life, it is better to go back to the college!"

With these thoughts, Qin Shaofeng's heart felt a little more urgent, and he wished to return to Lianyang Academy immediately.

Then, Qin Shaofeng actually went back, intending to return to the college.

But just as Qin Shaofeng just turned back, he hadn't walked far, sitting on his shoulders with a small ball on his face, suddenly stood up suddenly, two small round eyes lit up, staring at the black. A certain direction deep in the corner mountain range.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Qin Shaofeng quickly discovered the abnormality of the small ball and couldn't help but stop and ask.

Xiaoqiuqiu didn't answer immediately, but directly closed his eyes and entered the realm of fiery eyes, as if he was feeling something seriously.

After a while, Xiaoqiuqiu opened his eyes, and his small round face was full of dignity: "It seems that somewhere in the depths of the Blackhorn Mountains, there are large-scale monsters fighting!"

"A large-scale monster battle?"

Qin Shaofeng's spirit came in an instant, and asked, "What kind of monster beast? What is its scale? How much is the number?"

It's okay for Qin Shaofeng not to say it. With that said, Xiaoqiuqiu is just an angry face: "I don't know, I can't feel it!"

As he said, Xiaoqiuqiang glared at Qin Shaofeng, and said with extreme dissatisfaction: "It's not because of you. If I was before, this area is a blackhorn mountain range, I can scan back and forth thoroughly with a single thought. I can sense how many grasses in the Black Point Mountains."

The more dissatisfied the little guy's face, the more and more, the more and more anger.

"But after becoming your contract elf, not only did I lose the slightest combat power, even my best perception was infinitely suppressed. Just to match your fiery eyes, it's only a range of 500 meters, and even if it's fuzzy The breath of induction is at most kilometers. After more than a kilometer, unless a large amount of breath riots, otherwise I can't sense any abnormalities at all."

"Wow! This is really maddening me!"

At the end, Xiaoqiuqiu screamed and pulled his hair, his anger turned into depression.

Uh, this...

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but touched his nose, feeling a guilty heart.

To say that this is to blame him, because of the contract, the little ball ball is affected by his own strength.

Uh, to clarify, that is Qin Shaofeng's too weak strength has reduced the little guy's ability.

This can be regarded as a drawback of the contract.

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng couldn't say much, and even faced the little guy's complaints, Qin Shaofeng silently accepted it.

But soon Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with a strange light?

In the process of Xiaoqiuqiu's complaint, Qin Shaofeng already knew that the large-scale monster battle that Xiaoqiuqiu sensed was definitely more than a hundred miles away.

Judging from the perception ability that the small ball is now suppressed, he can sense it all so far.

The number of monsters in this battle of monsters is probably as many as tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands.

A gleam in his eyes, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly.

The monsters are fighting?

Do you want to take the opportunity to make a fortune?

This thought only hovered in Qin Shaofeng's heart for a while before Qin Shaofeng made a decision.

go with!

How can I not go!

This might make yourself a little cheaper!

Other than that, in such a large-scale monster beast battle, there will definitely be many monster beast corpses.

If this is picked up for recycling by the recycling furnace, it would be another large amount of points income!

Sister, do it!

With a slap on the thigh, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate anymore, and ran straight in the direction that the ball felt.

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