Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 219: All came to the Noire Mountains

The Black Point Mountain Range is very large, and the area of ​​the Black Point Mountain Range is much larger than the combined area of ​​the Lianyang, Heiwu, and Yinyue countries.

Of course, there are countless monsters in the Blackhorn Mountain Range, and the deeper this is, the more dangerous it becomes.

In addition to the black-horned double-winged flying dragon of the black-horned mountain range in the core area of ​​the Black-horned Mountain Range, there are also many legendary monsters in the black-horned mountain range.

In general, the deeper the Blackhorn Mountain Range, the stronger the monster beast encountered.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng encountered a high-level spirit beast, and even the legendary beast was shocked at the end.

Fortunately, for the spirit beast, the small ball can probably sense the breath of the opponent within a kilometer.

As soon as he felt the aura of the legendary monster beast, the small ball made Qin Shaofeng avoid it.

With Qin Shaofeng's current strength, if he encounters a monster of the legendary realm, there is definitely no life.

In this way, Qin Shaofeng was getting closer and closer to the Black Point Mountain Range.


Just as Qin Shaofeng approached the depths of the Heijiao Mountain Range, something happened to Lianyang College.

The War of the Three Kingdoms after the alchemy mansion some time ago made the relations between Lianyang, Heiwu, and Yinyue more tense.

After all, in that battle, many spiritual masters died, and even legendary grandmasters died.

Under such circumstances, it is no surprise that a real war will break out among the three countries.

But in fact, this battle did not break out.

Afterwards, several top powerhouses from the three countries gathered to discuss the matter.

In the end, for some reason, those strong men reached an agreement, and the matter was dropped.

But after all, a lot of people died. In order to calm the anger of some people in the Three Kingdoms, several strong men have discussed in recent days and held an exchange match.

Well, to put it bluntly, it is to give everyone who is still angry a chance to vent.

However, this time the exchange meeting also has some restrictions.

The first point is that only innate martial arts masters and spiritual masters can participate. The second point is that the participating spiritual masters must not be over twenty years old.

The time was set one month later, and the location was a city on the border of Lianyang, Heiwu, and Yinyue.

To this end, many forces in the Three Kingdoms secretly began to prepare, even the Yang Academy is no exception.

Even for this so-called exchange competition, the contribution hall of Lianyang Academy has released a lot of restrictions on the star students of the Innate Realm and the elite students of the Spiritual Realm. There are even some elixir that enhances the realm, which is needed for the contribution. The points are reduced a lot.

This is for the emergence of some good star students and elite students so that they can participate in the exchange competition.

Although this exchange contest is an opportunity for some people from the Three Kingdoms to vent, there are still many rewards.

Even some of the rewards were items brought out by the top powerhouses of the Three Kingdoms, even some legendary masters were extremely heart-moving.

This makes some star students and even elite students extremely active, wanting to improve their strength crazily in this month, so as to strive for a good ranking in the exchange competition.

It just so happened that the number of monster beasts in the monster beast forest was not much, so this time, the senior leaders of the Lianyang Academy decided to let some elite students go to the Blackhorn Mountains and lead some high-level monsters to the monster forest.

This time, the people who attracted the monster beasts were all elite students in the spirit vein realm, and even the lowest realm among them was the spirit vein triple realm.

However, the person leading the team this time was a female student.

White clothes and gauze, looks like a fairy.

Meng Xiner!

That's right, the person leading the team this time is Meng Xiner.

This time during the visit to the alchemy mansion, Meng's family had been looking for things for many years because of Zhao Yun'er, but was finally found back.

It was a piece of the Meng family's inheritance jade pendant, but hundreds of years ago, a Meng family genius accidentally entered the alchemy mansion, and the last one was accidentally lost in the alchemy mansion.

That piece of jade has no effect on ordinary people, but it has a great effect on the dream family, especially those with the ancient blood of the dream family.

Over the years, the Meng Family had sent many people into the alchemy mansion to find them, but they were all trying to find no results.

The Meng family certainly didn't know that the inheritance jade pendant of their Meng family was a rare treasure, and it had already entered the treasure trove of a small wealth fan.

Even if you really care about it, it was precisely because a small fortune fan was tempted at the beginning that the dream genius lost the jade pendant.

However, when the old alchemist knew what Zhao Yun'er was looking for, he went directly to the small ball.

In the end, the small fortune fan reluctantly gave up...

Well, speaking of it, it should be the original owner.

After getting the jade pendant from Zhao Yun'er, Meng Xin'er began to retreat.

This retreat lasted for nearly a month, and after coming out, it happened to happen to attract a monster.

Because other powerful elite students were busy with the exchange competition a month later, they couldn't get out of their bodies. Seeing this situation, Meng Xiner took the initiative to stand up.

Although the team that attracted monsters this time had as many as a hundred elite students in the spiritual realm, facing only a little girl under the age of seventeen leading the team, even the elite students in Yang Academy were not dissatisfied.

Nothing else, just because of Meng Xiner's strength.

As the eldest daughter of the Meng family, and still inherited the ancient blood of Meng family, Meng Xin'er was talented aloof since she was a child. Although she is less than seventeen years old, she has reached the master of the spiritual realm.

Even when she entered Lianyang Academy, Meng Xin'er was already in the seventh realm of spiritual veins.

After several months of cultivation, plus the inheritance jade pendant that Meng's family has recovered, Meng Xin'er is now in a realm with ten spiritual veins.

Although it was only the initial stage of the tenth level of Lingmai, several other elite students of the tenth level of Lingmai, and even one of the seniors of the tenth level of Lingmai, also asked themselves not Meng Xiner's opponent.

How can the genius of the dream family be average?

With Meng Xin'er's current strength, she was afraid that she would be able to tolerate and retreat even if she encountered a general legendary first-tier powerhouse.

However, even so, Lianyang Academy sent three legendary masters to follow.

Of course, even if it is to attract monsters, it is also a way of cultivation. As long as there are no accidents, these three legendary masters will probably not take action.

Just like this, the group of beasts leading the monsters approached the Blackhorn Mountain Range mightily.

At the same time, a certain student of Lianyang Academy, after Meng Xin'er and the other people's congress left, secretly released a wailing bird.

The tweeting bird, a kind of monster bird that tweeted in a baby-like tone.

Not big, only the size of an adult slap.

Although it is only a monster bird in the spiritual vein realm, in most cases it is in the form of two or three spiritual veins, but the speed of this chirping bird is extremely fast. Normally, a chirping bird in the spiritual pulse realm. The speed can reach the limit of the pinnacle realm of spiritual pulse.

As long as the double realm, it can be equivalent to the speed of the legendary first realm.

This chirping bird is a triple realm of spiritual veins, and its speed is far surpassing some speed-type legendary one-layer monsters.

Not long after, about an hour, this bird flew to a certain forest in Lianyang Country.

After a while, a monstrous blood flashed somewhere in the forest, an unusually powerful aura, swarming.

"Hahaha, this Mengjia junior has finally come out of Lianyang Academy!"

There was a big laugh from the **** momentum, and then an old man in blood appeared, it was the **** ancestor.

However, at this moment, the blood evil ancestor was not alone, there was a dead wood-like old man beside him.

"Is it finally out? It really makes the old man wait!"

A hoarse and dull voice sounded, and the person who spoke was the old man like a dead wood.

The old man was dressed in a dark green robe, with sparsely yellow hair, his skin was as dry as bark, and his gray eyes revealed a dying air of death.

The whole person feels like this old man is not far from death.

As soon as the old man spoke, the ancestor of Blood Fiend glanced at him lightly and chuckled: "Brother Withered Wood, don't worry, don't worry, time is enough, as long as things are done, I will gather the blood evil. The law of qi tells you that you can definitely extend your lifespan at that time."


Old man withered wood!

This is the name of the old man, and if this is known to people, I am afraid that another huge storm will be set off.

This old man withered wood is said to have practiced a kind of withered wood magical skill. He has lived for nearly two hundred years and is a powerful legendary master.

However, now this old man withered wood can be regarded as reaching the deadline.

The ancestor of Blood Fiend had taken a fancy to this point, so he approached the old man withered wood, and asked the old man withered wood to help him with his method of gathering energy.

The matter of capturing Meng's progeny is a genius, this matter is not trivial, even if the blood evil ancestor is confident, but in order to be more appropriate, he asked the old dead wood to help.

As for the old man withered wood's request for help from the blood evil ancestor, he did not refuse.

Even if he knew that the other party was from the Meng family, and most of it was a genius from the Meng family, he had an indifferent attitude.

It's not to blame for him, Mengjia is powerful, but he is dying, how powerful is Mengjia?

As far as the first top priority is concerned, it is to get the blood evil gas gathering method from the blood evil ancestors, and then go to slaughter a large number of humans, and use human blood to condense the blood energy to give his body vitality and continue to live. Go down.

As for the revenge of the Mengjia after the incident?

The old man withered wood didn't think so much, the big deal, as soon as the blood evil gas gathering method was obtained, he would flee away from home.

Anyway, his withered old man is alone and widowed, it is still very easy to escape.

After hearing the words of the ancestor of the blood evil spirit, the old man withered wood did not say much, just nodded gently.

The ancestor of Blood Fiend didn't communicate with the old man withered wood any more, he cleaned up a bit, and drove the old man withered wood to Blackhorn Mountain Range.

After twenty days of slaughter, the blood evil ancestor has returned to the legendary sixth level.

This is the limit that the blood evil ancestor can recover.

But even so, the **** evil ancestor was originally a realm far beyond the legendary sixth layer, and his strength at the moment was definitely far beyond the ordinary legendary seventh layer master.

If you are so cruel, regardless of the consequences, killing the legendary eight-layer master, the blood evil ancestor is not impossible.

As for the old man withered wood himself is the powerhouse of the legendary eightfold realm, although his strength has declined due to the arrival of the deadline, he still has the strength of the general legendary sevenfold.

It is just these two powerful men who are gradually approaching the Black Point Mountain Range.

These one or two, and they were all the more terrifying people, all rushed to the Blackhorn Mountains.

And coincidentally, the direction these people are heading is the direction Qin Shaofeng is in.

Qin Shaofeng had no knowledge of this situation.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng, under the guidance of Xiaoqiuqiu, finally came to the place where the monster group fights.

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