Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 220: Bear of the Earth

I circled a cross!

What's the situation!

Seeing the tall trees and dense shrubs in the distance, but now there are branches, broken woods, dirt, and countless large pits, Qin Shaofeng was stunned.

This is too much!


Looking down, Qin Shaofeng smacked the ubiquitous blood color and countless **** corpses.

It's too tragic!

"There are thousands of dead monster beasts!"

Looking up, Qin Shaofeng's gaze is like this. Qin Shaofeng secretly guessed that the number of monsters that died here is absolutely terrifying.

But after he murmured, the small ball on his shoulder said, a sentence that made him even more shocking.

"No, the number of dead monsters is definitely more than thousands, I am afraid it is already tens of thousands!"

Not as easy as it used to be, at the moment Xiao Qiuqiu's fleshy little round face was full of solemnity.

"I circled a cross, tens of thousands?" Qin Shaofeng's old eyes widened and his expression was incredible.

"Yeah!" Xiaoqiuqiu nodded, then thought for a while and said, "However, these monsters are just a kind of monsters, they are a kind of monster called a wolf."

Grey wolf?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and then he learned from the mouth of the ball what kind of monster the gray wolf was.

The gray wolf is a special kind of monster beast, why is it special?

That's because the strength of the Canglang group is too far apart.

The weaker ones are only the high-level monster beast realm of innate five or six layers after they reach adulthood.

However, the powerful gray wolf can smoothly grow to the legendary realm, even in the Yuandan realm.

Even if a kind of supernaturally talented Canglang Emperor appeared, it would not be surprising to become a holy beast.

In the same race, the weak can only reach the innate realm, but the strong can become the holy beast.

Among the monsters, this gray wolf is also a weird existence.

The reason why this gray wolf was so weird, Xiaoqiuqiu told Qin Shaofeng that it was because the gray wolf possessed the blood of the ancient beast Scarlet Fire Burning Sky Wolf.

Although this bloodline of Scarlet Fire Burning Heavenly Wolf was thinned out, it was almost gone.

But after all, it was the blood of a divine beast, and this gray wolf could barely be regarded as a descendant who didn't know how far apart from the Scarlet Fire and Burning Sky Wolf.

Because of this, this gray wolf has such a weird potential.

After understanding this, Qin Shaofeng was also secretly surprised.

Blood of the beast?

This gray wolf is really awesome!

"Then what kind of monsters is the monster beast fighting this gray wolf now?" Qin Shaofeng hurriedly asked.

But Xiaoqiuqiu suddenly gave him a blank look, and said weakly: "I said, don't you have eyes! Do you see the corpse of a second type of monster beast besides the corpse of the gray wolf? "


Only the corpse of the wolf?

Qin Shaofeng was shocked suddenly, and quickly looked down.

Sure enough, there were corpses of gray wolves on the ground.

Even after Qin Shaofeng directly entered the field of perception of the fiery eyes and golden eyes, he checked the corpse of the monster beast with a radius of 500 meters. It was also the corpse of the gray wolf, and there was no corpse of the second type of monster.

It really is so!

If it weren't for Xiaoqiuqiu to remind myself, I'm afraid I really didn't pay attention!

Could this be a war between the two wolf packs?

Or is it the gray wolf fighting inside?

Qin Shaofeng suddenly guessed these two possibilities.

As if he could see what Qin Shaofeng was thinking, Xiaoqiuqiu said disdainfully: "Don't think about it, you just said it made you more serious. Didn't you find that the land in this area has a strong breath? "


When Xiaoqiuqiu said this, Qin Shaofeng frowned and felt it, as if it was really like this.

This destroyed messy area seemed to have a distinctive aura.

The breath of the earth!

This is the breath of earth power!

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng soon felt the attributes of this force.

Canglang is not an earth element, but fire element and wind element.

That said, this is not infighting and cannibalism.

And this kind of heavy earth power, coupled with the aura that can change a piece of earth, only one kind of monster can do it.

"Bear of the Earth!"

With a gleam in his eyes, Qin Shaofeng spit out the name of a monster.

"Bingo, you are right!"

As soon as Qin Shaofeng spoke of the bear of the earth, Xiaoqiuqiu was full of admiration.

"Yes, it is the earth bears that are fighting these gray wolves, but you may not know that there are only two earth bears!"

"What two?" Qin Shaofeng said silently.

There are tens of thousands of gray wolf corpses in the same place, but there are only two enemies. Then, the realm of these two earth bears is not unusually terrible.

Soon, the ball ball gave the answer.

"Although I am still four to five kilometers away from the battle center, I still vaguely sensed that the two huge earth auras, the strength of these two auras, definitely belong to the ninth, even tenth, legend. Realm!"


Ten legends?

After getting an accurate answer, Qin Shaofeng gasped fiercely.

A trace of struggle flashed in his eyes. After learning that there were two earth bears in the legendary tenth realm, Qin Shaofeng was a little shaken about his original idea of ​​taking advantage of the opportunity to pick up some cheap.

No way, the opponent is too strong, it's not cheap to pick it up!

Let alone the two bears of the earth, these gray wolves that can resist the bears of the earth are also very powerful.

If not, how could these gray wolves provoke two legendary earth bears?

In a word, there is a lot of danger, and cheap is not easy to pick.

So Qin Shaofeng hesitated.

But Xiaoqiuqiu urged: "What are you afraid of, you have the Yi Jin Jing, plus the little trick I told you to hide your breath, be careful, most of it won't be discovered by those wolves, and..."

Speaking of this, the small ball deliberately paused, and then floated out of Qin Shaofeng’s shoulders, in front of Qin Shaofeng’s eyes, pointed at the surrounding ground, raised his brows, and said with a smile: "Hey, haven’t you noticed it, although there is nothing here. Most wolves have become corpses, but there are still some unbroken!"

"That's all kill points!" Xiaoqiuqi's tone was seduced. "Also, not to mention the countless corpses of gray wolves on the ground. This monster beast was thrown into the recycling furnace of the system. How many points are worth!"

"I wipe it, stop talking, I did it!"

Qin Shaofeng was moved by Xiaoqiuqiu's words, even if Qin Shaofeng knew it clearly, the reason Xiaoqiuqiu said so was to let his little treasury gain more experience.

But the things of this little thing are not the things of his master.

Besides, Qin Shaofeng was indeed really moved.

Because of this, if you put it together, you can make up enough to complete the 500,000 hit points of Jiuxing.

The more I thought about it, the hotter Qin Shaofeng's heart became, and finally he took out the Hundred Steel Sword with a stunned sound.

The Yi Jin Jing in his body revolved sharply, and the aura on Qin Shaofeng's body gradually subsided, no longer revealing a little bit.

Then, Qin Shaofeng secretly followed the internal energy rotation method Xiaoqiuqiu said. After circulating in the body for a week, the human aura on Qin Shaofeng's body completely faded at this moment.

After doing all this, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved.

Air dance!

Together with Wukongshu, Qin Shaofeng floated invisibly.


With a sudden flash, when he came to a gray wolf about to die, Qin Shaofeng raised the Hundred Steel Sword in his hand with a single light.

The innate seven-fold gray wolf, who was already about to die, had no chance to move, so he just burped.

The field of perception of the Golden Eye is five hundred meters, and the air dance is a speed of one hundred meters per second.

In addition, most of the gray wolves who had not died were seriously injured and dying, so Qin Shaofeng was able to kill two or three gray wolves in almost every second.

In the beginning, Qin Shaofeng killed all the high-level monster beast grey wolves of the innate realm. This made Qin Shaofeng's kill point not much increase. If it weren't for the experience tree to absorb experience, plus this kill is easy, Qin Shaofeng would not be able to kill these gray wolves in the innate realm.

However, as Qin Shaofeng gradually approached the distant battlefield, after the monsters he killed had changed from the innate realm to the spirit vein realm, Qin Shaofeng's killing points began to increase crazily.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing one of the first-level spirit beast grey wolf and gaining one hundred kill points."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for gaining 300 points of kill by killing one of the three spirit beasts, the gray wolf, after reaching his rank.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing one of the second-tier spirit beast gray wolf and gaining 200 kill points."


They are all coming out of the Spiritual Vessel Realm, and this kills one, but at least it is a kill point of 100 points.

Even in the end, the gray wolves that Qin Shaofeng killed were actually five-fold spiritual veins, or even higher.

This is five hundred six hundred clicks and kills at once.

Only half an hour later, Qin Shaofeng's kill points were already tens of thousands.

This allowed Qin Shaofeng to obtain the total amount of kill points, which finally exceeded 400,000.

The only thing that made Qin Shaofeng a little pity was that even though this group of gray wolves reached the spiritual vein state, there were definitely not a few.

But most of them were killed by the bear of the earth.

Even many of the gray wolves in the Spirit Vein realm had only a mass of flesh left, which was obviously beaten to death by those two earth bears.

In this way, not only can you not kill yourself, get kill points, even if it is the recovery furnace of the system, it will not recover many points.

"Hey, this Earth Bear is too ruthless!"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but whispered when he finally noticed that there was not a single wolf alive 500 meters away from the battlefield.

However, Qin Shaofeng also complained about this sentence, and then he was attracted by the battlefield of several hundred meters.



With a loud roar, Qin Shaofeng looked from a distance, and there were two vaguely huge figures in the distance, clapping his palms continuously.

They are the two bears of the earth!

And beside the two earth bears, there were a large number of giant wolves two to three meters tall, constantly attacking the two earth bears by suicide.

It is true that it is suicide.

Even if there are a large number of them, facing the pounced gray wolves and the huge palms of the two earth bears, with one shot, the pounced gray wolves can be shot directly to death.

After hesitating for a while, Qin Shaofeng sneaked for a certain distance again, finally letting the center of the battlefield enter his fiery perception field.

Only then did Qin Shaofeng use his fiery eyes to clearly sense the strength of the two earth bears.

Standing up to a full height of ten meters, he was covered with brown hair, exuding a pale yellow light, and a wave of earth force fluctuations radiated invisibly.

Those two huge bear paws were even two to three meters wide. Once they were photographed, after the hit, the wolf in the seven or eight levels of spiritual veins was directly photographed into flesh.

Qin Shaofeng was sure that if he were to change to himself, he might not even be left with Momo after this shot.

What a powerful earth bear!

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