Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 221: Blood Fairy Flower

Bear of the Earth (male)

Level: Legendary Ten Heavy Late Stage


Earth Bear (female)

Level: The early stage of the legendary tenfold (weak period)


Soon, the attribute information of the two Earth Bears was discovered by Qin Shaofeng's fiery eyes.

Sure enough, as Xiaoqiuqiu felt, these two earth bears are powerful monsters in the legendary tenth realm.

However, there seemed to be something wrong with the mother Earth Bear.

Period of weakness?

Seeing these three words, Qin Shaofeng was puzzled.

But after two more pieces of information came back, Qin Shaofeng finally understood why the mother earth bear was weak.

Earth Bear Cub

Level: Lingmai first heavy


Earth Bear Cub

Level: Lingmai first heavy



It's actually a cub!

Qin Shaofeng was dumbfounded.

But this can explain why that kind of mother earth bear is in a period of weakness.

Because it probably didn't take long after giving birth, it has entered a period of postpartum weakness.

But even in the period of weakness, the strength of that kind of mother earth bear is still scary. With one palm shot, it is a gray wolf in the seven or eight levels of spiritual veins, and after one shot, it is definitely a mass of fleshy mud.

As for their opponents, that group of gray wolves, although there is no legendary tenth realm of gray wolves, the total strength of the entire group of gray wolves is extremely terrifying.

Not to mention the innate realm, there are tens of thousands of gray wolves in the spirit vein realm.

This is a gray wolf that is still alive. If you count the gray wolves that died before, I'm afraid that this gray wolf group is just the spiritual vein realm, and it has a number of ten to twenty thousand.

As for the congenital realm, there are tens of thousands of terrible.

This is not the point, the point is that among this group of gray wolves, it is also the existence of the legendary gray wolf.

Under Xiaoqiuqiu's reminder, Qin Shaofeng spotted a group of unique gray wolves on a small hill a kilometer away.

The number of these wolves is not large, only in their early 100s.

But the auras of these gray wolves are extremely powerful, and the auras of the wolves exuded, making people frightened.

Because these hundred wolves are all powerful wolves in the legendary realm!

More than one hundred legendary wolves!

This is enough to show the strength of this gray wolf pack.

Although most of the more than one hundred gray wolves are in the realm of the first and second levels of the legend, the gray wolves of the third level of the legend and the third level of the legend are more than twenty.

But if such a lineup broke out, it would be enough to bring a lot of disaster to Lianyang Academy.

Seeing the information returned by Huoyan Jinjing, Qin Shaofeng became more surprised as he looked at it, and at the same time very confused.

Although the gray wolves are powerful, their top combat power is not that strong, far inferior to the bear of the earth.

Because it was the strongest Blue Wolf King, and he was also the realm of the legendary eight-fold pinnacle, not even the legendary nine-fold realm.

Such a realm, from Qin Shaofeng's point of view, even the female earth bear in the weak period would not be able to fight alone, this Canglang King would not be able to match it.

If it weren't for the overall strength of the gray wolves, even if there were only two enemies, facing the bear of the earth, the gray wolves would hit the rocks with pebbles.

But it was precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng was puzzled.

What was it that caused this Cang Wolf King to start a war against the Earth Bear, who was far stronger than him, regardless of the Cang Wolf pack?

When Qin Shaofeng was wondering, suddenly, Xiaoqiuqiu let out an exclamation.

"Blood demon flower! There is a blood demon flower here?"

It seemed that something extremely unbelievable had been discovered. The small ball actually flew out of Qin Shaofeng's shoulders, floating in the void, two small round eyes, staring at the back of the earth bear.

Behind the battle center here is a place similar to a small land, surrounded by some huge rocks and mountains, leaving only a small opening.

At this moment, the two earth bears stood in front of the small opening, blocking the way of the gray wolves.

Not only that, the two Earth Bears also displayed their talents and used their heavy soil power to create a high wall of ten meters high in the small opening, so that Qin Shaofeng couldn't see the scene behind the small opening.

But Xiaoqiuqiu's exclamation made Qin Shaofeng seem to understand something.

"Blood demon flower? What kind of medicinal material is this?" Qin Shaofeng asked quickly.

Xiaoqiuqiu did not immediately answer, but still whispered in an unbelievable whisper: "Impossible! Given the circumstances of this land, it is impossible to give birth to a holy medicine, let alone a special holy medicine like the blood demon flower. What's the matter?"

Holy medicine?

Hearing such words popping out of Xiaoqiuqiu's mouth, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and he licked his lips, and said with some excitement, "Xiaoqiuqiu, this blood demon flower is a holy medicinal material?"

Holy herbs?

Xiaoqiuqiu came back to his senses, and for the first time he gave Qin Shaofeng a disdainful look, and said, "Fart, a holy medicinal material, you are a Chinese cabbage when you are a holy medicinal material! It can grow in any place. ?"

"I wiped it, didn't you say that this blood demon flower is the holy medicine?" Seeing the disdain on Xiaoqiuqiu's face, Qin Shaofeng was angry, grabbed the ball with his big hand, and then grabbed the little ball and kneaded it hard. .

Xiaoqiuqiu just remembered, his brain twitched, and he dared to show disdain to the big devil under such circumstances, and immediately surrendered: "Don't, I was wrong!"

"Quickly make it clear!" Qin Shaofeng said viciously before releasing the ball.

Xiaoqiuqiu did not hesitate to explain immediately: "This so-called holy medicine does not refer to holy-level medicinal materials. There are some special medicinal materials between heaven and earth, that is, they are not at the holy level, but they have holy-level medicinal materials. The medicinal effect is called the holy medicine, and this blood demon flower is one of them. Normally, this blood demon flower is only a heavenly five-star medicinal material."

"So, what role does this blood demon flower do?" Qin Shaofeng looked dazed, and then asked.

"The blood demon flower is very special. Its function is that some holy-level medicinal materials are far inferior to the heavenly five-star medicinal material of the blood demon flower!"

Xiao Qiuqiu said softly, and then said to Qin Shaofeng word by word: "Because this blood demon flower can enable the monster beasts below the holy level to awaken the powerful blood vessels in the body, even if it cannot be fully awakened, it can also awaken the blood. Promote up and unleash great potential."

After a pause, Xiaoqiuqiu said: "Under normal circumstances, monsters that take blood demon flowers can grow into sacred beasts without accident. The probability is as high as 80%. Moreover, blood demon flowers also have a certain effect on humans. , It’s just not as powerful as the monster effect."

"But why can a special holy medicine such as the blood demon flower be born in this small projectile place? This blood demon flower is rare even in the Origin Continent!"

The last sentence was whispered by Xiaoqiuqiu, his voice was so weak that Qin Shaofeng didn't pay attention to it.

Because Qin Shaofeng was deeply shocked by the effect of this blood demon flower.

After taking the blood demon flower, the monster beast has an 80% chance to grow into a holy beast?

Then if Lord Tiger took this, wouldn't he be able to own a holy beast in the future?

It's exciting just thinking about it!

But soon, Qin Shaofeng was lost.

Hey, no matter how good the blood demon flower is, it is not yours!

He couldn't help but looked up at the battlefield in the distance, and saw the two huge figures and the dense wolves around him.

Qin Shaofeng didn't think he could get the blood demon flower under such circumstances.

However, now Qin Shaofeng finally understood why the gray wolves would act on the bear of the earth.

That's the blood demon flower!

For a monster like the wolf, it is undoubtedly a treasure that is extremely longing for.

Qin Shaofeng was sure that, just as Xiaoqiuqiu had guessed, it was estimated that the Cang Wolf King had already discovered that the Earth Bear had the Blood Demon Flower.

But because of his lack of strength, this has not been done.

After all, the couple, the Bear of the Earth, are both in the tenth realm of legend!

But it's really different now.

The bear of the earth has a cub!

In a lifetime of cubs, the mother earth bear enters a period of weakness, and in order to protect her children, the two earth bears must be somewhat hesitant, and their strengths are limited.

Therefore, the Canglang King took aim at this opportunity and launched an attack on the lair of the Earth Bear.

And the facts progressed just as the Cang Wolf King had expected.

The female bear enters a period of weakness, and her strength can only barely display the realm of the legendary nine levels. In order to protect her two newly born children, the male bear maintains it with her own earth power all the time, and the protection of her lair behind her The wolf blocked it.

As a result, the bear not only weakened a bit, but even consumed more.

And under such circumstances, the Cang Wolf King, regardless of the deaths and injuries of his own people, launched a sea battle against the Earth Bear to consume the strength of the Earth Bear.

At this moment, this battle has probably been going on for almost half a day, but the two earth bears, especially the male bear, are still extremely powerful, and their momentum has not diminished at all. Even when shooting and killing the wolf, there is still time to fight. The gray wolf king roared in the distance.

The Cang Wolf King remained unmoved, but still urged his people to go and die.

Even if they knew it was to die, the nature of wolves made those wolves face their king's orders without hesitation at all and went to death brazenly.

The more Qin Shaofeng watched, the more frightened he became. Almost every second, several gray wolves died under the paws of the two earth bears.

But even so, a group of gray wolves still popped up in the surrounding area from time to time to join this death-death battle.

There are both innate and spiritual states, and only the more than one hundred legendary gray wolves next to the Cang Wolf King have not moved.

In the center of the battlefield, where the two earth bears stood, the ground had already been stained with blood. Even because of the power of the earth bears, the corpses of the gray wolves that had been photographed into flesh were gathered together and became a piece. The fleshy bog.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that it would take a lot of time before the battle was over.

Whether it was the number of wolves or the strength of the two earth bears, there was still plenty.

In a short time, I am afraid that there will be no results.

This made Qin Shaofeng very speechless, but he had nothing to do, so he could only find a secret place to hide and pay attention to this earth-shattering battle secretly.

It seems that because of the huge number of gray wolves and the overwhelming and powerful aura of the two earth bears, there are not many monsters daring to approach in a radius of three to five kilometers.

So slowly, one day passed.

After more than a day of fighting, at this time, the number of the gray wolves finally showed a few signs.

At this time, the aura of the two earth bears had also weakened, but they were still very strong.

At this time, there were only less than three thousand gray wolves left.

However, these three thousand gray wolves were all gray wolves with the seventh level of spiritual veins and above, except for the more than 100 legendary gray wolves beside the Canglang King.

If such a large number of gray wolves enter the monster forest in Lianyang Academy, it will cause a lot of disturbance.

But here, they are just cannon fodder to weaken the strength of the Earth Bear!

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