Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 222: perish together


With this roar, the last three thousand gray wolves in the spirit vein level also died.

At this time, a layer of flowing blood had already condensed at the entrance of the small plate.

And the two earth bears, which were originally covered in brown hair, were already covered in blood, and their bodies were covered with wolf blood.

Not only that, but the mother earth bear is getting weaker.

It was already weak in production, and now after slaughtering a large number of gray wolves, it can display its strength, I am afraid that it is no longer than the legendary nine, at most it is equivalent to the general legendary eighth monster.

On the contrary, the male bear's breath, although it has weakened a lot, is still the legendary tenth breath, but at this moment it is also starting to gasp, looking tired.


Finally, at this moment, the wolf king who had been staying on the small hill in the distance let out a cry.

Then, with this wolf howl, the more than one hundred wolves finally moved.

Huh huh!

More than a hundred black shadows flashed past, and those more than one hundred legendary gray wolves finally launched an attack on the bear of the earth.

At this time, a trace of dignity and vigilance flashed in the eyes of the two earth bears.

If they were to encounter these more than a hundred wolves in normal times, they would not be afraid at all, but now it is different.

Both of them have consumed a lot, and their strength has declined somewhat.

But even so, they are still not afraid.

Nothing else, just the two children behind them, and they must not retreat.

"Is the final battle finally about to begin?"

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng, who was hiding behind a boulder, couldn't help but whispered.


After approaching the Bear of the Earth, the Cang Wolf King called out again.

Then, the more than one hundred gray wolves split into two teams in an instant, rushing to the two earth bears respectively.

One of the teams is led by the Cyan Wolf King, this team is not many, plus the Cyan Wolf King only nine.

But except for the Canglang King, the other eight Cangwolves were not low in strength, and they were all in the legendary seventh realm.

Their target is the male bear.

If it were in its heyday, the Bears would naturally not put the Canglang King team in their eyes.

But now in the state of a bear, it also has to pay attention to the nine opponents in front of it, which it didn't care about in the past.


With a roar, the bear did not hesitate to fight, and instantly fought with nine powerful legendary wolves.

In addition, there were a hundred or so gray wolves all pounced on the female bear.

The hundred or so gray wolves are in the first to third level of spiritual veins, and the most powerful are the legendary gray wolves of the sixth level.

Although the female bear is weaker at this moment, it still has the power to fight against such an opponent.

Even as soon as the wolves approached, the she-bear slapped her palms fiercely, and instantly slapped a legendary wolf with a legendary triple realm.

As soon as these two grey wolves were shot flying, they fell far away.

And after the fall, he fell directly to the ground with a scream.

Although he still hasn't died yet, it's already severely injured and lost combat effectiveness.

In just one face, two legendary gray wolves were damaged, and even the female bears in the weak period were still terrifying.

But Qin Shaofeng, who saw this scene in the distance, his eyes flashed sharply, and a gleam of crystal clear light appeared in his mouth.

"I wipe it, a legendary monster! If you kill one, how many kill points can you get?"

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and the whole person was also excited.

But that's it, Qin Shaofeng still hasn't lost his reason.

Qin Shaofeng knew that if he rushed forward like this, there would definitely be no return.

The gray wolf is an extremely sensitive monster beast with good perception ability.

Qin Shaofeng was already very reluctant to hide himself now. Under such circumstances, it would definitely not be a wise choice to touch the badly wounded wolf.

And because of this, Qin Shaofeng hasn't touched it, even the corpse of a gray wolf.

This is to prevent the gray wolf from discovering his tracks.

I still plan to find a chance to check it cheaply. If the traces are exposed and caught by the gray wolf, it will be more than a loss.

Er, the real reason is that these are all legendary gray wolves. Qin Shaofeng knew that once he was discovered, he would definitely be dead.

"Well, no hurry, no hurry, I want to see it!"

To endure the eager thoughts in his heart, Qin Shaofeng looked away with difficulty from the two seriously injured Legendary wolves.

Just for a while, several more grey wolves below the fourth level of the legend were beaten and injured by the she bear, and even two or three were unlucky, and were shot dead by the she bear.

But the female bear was not well at this time, although the opponent's strength was far inferior to it, but after all, it was nearly a hundred!

Although it killed a few of them, and severely injured a few of them, there was some color on its body.


Finally, at a certain moment, the mother bear roared, but it was a gray wolf of the legendary six-level realm. Taking advantage of it to fly several opponents, bit her throat.

Although the female bear broke free in the first time, she was taken away by the legendary six-level gray wolf.


The female bear is finally injured!

As soon as the female bear was injured, it seemed to arouse the **** nature of the gray wolves, and attacked the female bear more frantically.

Moreover, these gray wolves did not care about themselves at all, and they were basically suicidal attacks on the female bear.

This caused more and more wounds on the female bear.

After all, just after giving birth, the female bear is still in a period of weakness, and the situation of hurting her is not so good.


With a roar, it seemed that the female bear was finally in a bad situation. The male bear became angry and wanted to throw away his opponent and help the female bear.

But how could Cang Wolf King give it such a chance?


With a low roar, the Canglang King stopped the male bear's path for an instant, and its eight men also launched a frantic attack on the male bear for the first time.


The male bear was angry, and no longer worried about the consequences of consumption, a light yellow light radiated from his body.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After this faint yellow light, the Cang Wolf King and the Cang wolves were in a daze for an instant, and his whole body seemed to be shackled.

A legendary seven-fold gray wolf standing in front of the male bear was even more stunned. The male bear slapped it, and his entire head was smashed.

And the male bear took advantage of this opportunity, finally rushed away from the surrounding of the Cang Wolf King, and then came to the female bear.

The light yellow light emitted by the bear seems to have a limited range, but it is only about 100 meters around him.

But when it came to the mother bear, this layer of light also followed.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The gravity exerted by this light couldn't even withstand the gray wolves of the legendary seventh realm. The besieging mother bear, the group of gray wolves with only the legendary sixth stage at most, was naturally even more unbearable.

As soon as the male bear came over, all these gray wolves were crushed to the ground.


The bear roared and trampled in a frenzied rage.

After just a few breaths, more than thirty gray wolves were trampled on and exploded by it, and they couldn't die anymore.

This made Qin Shaofeng, who was hiding in the dark, a pity in his heart.

"Hey, why do you trample to death! Isn't it good to have serious injuries? It's a pity!"

The small ball sitting on his shoulder could not help rolling his eyes, and there was a wave of disdain in his heart.

But the little guy also felt a little pity in his heart.

Alas, many experience fruits are gone.


At this moment, the Cang Wolf King finally rushed over with his remaining seven subordinates.

When the grey wolf king came, the male bear was not attacking the grey wolves, but came directly to the female bear, staring at the grey wolf king with vigilance.

Seeing his subordinates suffered heavy losses, the Cang Wolf King became angry.


With a low growl, the Cang Wolf King grinned at the male bear, and then the Cang Wolf King suddenly roared to his subordinates, as if giving some instructions.

Then, a scene that made Qin Shaofeng dumbfounded happened.

At the next moment, after the Cang Wolf King issued an order, those wolves of the legendary one to three levels suddenly roared and rushed towards the bear.

At this time, the bear had already put away the light yellow gravitational light. After all, in its current state, that move was too burdensome for him.

Seeing the gray wolf besieging itself at this moment, it wanted to perform that trick again.

But as soon as the pale yellow light appeared, there was a sudden explosion in front of it.


With a loud noise, a cloud of blood exploded instantly, bursting out with a powerful explosive force.

"I rub! Blast?"

In the distance, Qin Shaofeng exclaimed at the moment the blood mist exploded.


The command from the Canglang King was to let his subordinates launch the final big move-a self-destruct attack!

And there are still dozens of them together!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a series of explosions, the location of the two earth bears was now surrounded by a ray of blood.

Qin Shaofeng in the distance felt the loud bang, the sound was powerful and amazing, and even the ground began to vibrate crazily.

How can the power of the legendary state's self-destruction be small?

Finally, the explosion ceased.

At this time, besides the seven legendary seven subordinates, there were also a dozen gray wolves left beside the Cang Wolf King.


A gust of wind blew away the blood mist, and finally two earth bears appeared.

But at this moment the appearance of the two earth bears shocked Qin Shaofeng.

The female bear has already fallen to the ground, her hair is completely destroyed, her body has numerous wounds, and her blood continues to be kept, her breath has dropped countlessly, she just barely hangs on her breath.

The male bear is better, but not much better. It is also dissatisfied with the wounds all over his body.

"I rub, the power of this legendary gray wolf's self-destruct is really terrifying!"

Seeing the appearance of the male bear, Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng seemed to have discovered something.

At this moment, the high wall at the entrance of that small plate was finally blown up.

But this is not the point. The point is that at the entrance, two clusters of yellow fluff are shrinking together motionless at the moment.

That is the bear cub of the earth!

But it seems that the force caused by the self-detonation of the wolves accidentally affected these two young earth bears.

Qin Shaofeng could feel it, one of the cubs had no aura, and although the other had a trace of aura, that trace of aura was not as good as that of the female bear, obviously not far from death.


It seemed that the male bear was completely angry when he discovered the condition of his child.

After a roar, the male bear slammed his whole body for a while, bursting with a burst of rich khaki light.

Then a heavy aura suddenly agitated like a ripple on the lake.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

This heavy aura swept away, and all the wolves including the Clay Wolf King were crushed to the ground for the first time.

Not only that, this heavy aura also seems to have extremely terrifying gravity. Under this gravity, the body of those gray wolves below a dozen legendary seventh-fold bursts instantly, turning into a pile of pieces of meat.

Even the seven subordinates around the Canglang King burst open and were seriously injured in an instant.

It was the Cang Wolf King who was also suppressed at this moment, unable to move, his body began to crack, and instantly turned into a blood wolf, unable to live at all.

But after all this was done, the male bear's body slammed, then fell to the ground with a sudden suffocation.

perish together!

When his partner and his children could not survive, the male bear chose to die with the Cyan Wolf King.

This war, and therefore ended.

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