Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 226: Blood forbidden

Meng Xiner didn't speak, her face was extremely calm.

But suddenly Meng Xiner's breath suddenly rose.

Meng Xin'er was originally only the tenth level of spiritual veins, but at this moment, for some reason, as soon as her aura rose, she directly soared to the peak of spiritual veins, and even after a few breaths, climbed to the legendary realm.

And after entering the legendary realm, Meng Xin'er's breath is still frantically improving.

However, as Meng Xin'er's breath increased, Meng Xin'er had a faint scent of blood.

"Blood Forbidden Technique?"

Seeing Meng Xin'er's breath suddenly soaring, and seeing the **** breath coming out of Meng Xin'er's body, the **** ancestor flashed a surprise in his eyes.

However, the blood evil ancestor still sneered quickly.

"It's useless, even if the little girl used your dream family's blood forbidden technique, you would definitely not be the opponent of this ancestor. Although the ancestor I still haven't recovered to the peak, I have consumed hundreds of thousands of people. , Patriarch I have recovered to the legendary seventh level, no matter how powerful your Dream Family's blood forbidden technique is, it will not be possible for you to rise to a higher realm than my ancestor."

"So, don't resist, hand over the ancient blood of your dream family!"

When the ancestor of the blood evil spirit said that after he swallowed hundreds of thousands of blood and energy, Meng Xiner's eyes flashed coldly.

Although it has been known for a long time, the blood evil Dafa of the blood evil ancestors is an evil technique that uses human blood to condense blood qi to improve one's own cultivation.

But at this moment, knowing that the blood evil ancestor had massacred hundreds of thousands of people, Meng Xin'er was frightened and angry.

But finally remembering something, Meng Xin'er smiled slightly and glanced at the **** ancestor with some pride, and said: "Do you want the ancient blood of my dream family? Do you know the **** ancestor, what I just showed was What blood forbidden technique?"


Meng Xin'er smiled like this, and the blood evil ancestor suddenly had a bad thought in her heart.

Before the **** ancestor asked, Meng Xin'er sneered: "I don’t know, then I’ll tell you. This method is my dream family’s inheritance forbidden technique. It is based on the source of blood. The means of consuming the power of the bloodline to improve one's realm in a short time, and do you know? This consumption is a permanent consumption, and it cannot be recovered anymore."


The **** ancestor's face finally changed.

A forbidden technique based on the source of blood?

Once consumed, it is impossible to recover.

Doesn't it mean...

The **** ancestor looked at Meng Xin'er with a cold look, his face was extremely ugly.

Because at this moment he finally understood what Meng Xiner was doing.

Seeing the ugly face of the **** ancestor, Meng Xin'er was a little relieved.

"Hmph, blood evil ancestor, Meng Xiner, is a member of the Meng Family. Even if I die today, it is impossible for you to get involved in the ancient blood of my Meng Family."

Meng Xin'er said firmly, her beautiful eyes were indifferent, as if she had seen through life and death.


After Meng Xin'er finished speaking, her breath at the moment finally calmed down.

Legendary triple!

At this moment, Meng Xin'er's breath actually reached the realm of the legendary triple level, and it was still close to breaking through to the legendary triple peak realm of the legendary quadruple.

This is incredible!

But only Meng Xiner knew what price she had paid.


Even after this time, even if she could survive by chance, Meng Xin'er knew that she was no longer the little princess with amazing talent in the dream family.

"Hiss——! I didn't expect that there are families with blood inheritance in such remote places. This is so strange!"

In the distance, Xiao Qiuqiu sat on Qin Shaofeng's shoulder, looking at Meng Xin'er with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"Inheritance? What is this?" Qin Shaofeng asked curiously.

"That is the bloodline that can be passed down, and only people in the Saint King realm can pass on the blood. Normal people simply can't! The ancestor of this little girl must have been a Saint King or a strong person above the Saint King. It's not easy. what!"

Xiaoqiuqiu sighed softly, but when he finished speaking, he looked at Meng Xiner's gaze with a trace of regret.

"It's a pity. Looking at her situation, I'm afraid that she was lucky enough to awaken the blood of the ancestors. This is even rarer than encountering the blood demon flower. However, she has now used the forbidden technique, although she has improved a lot of strength, but afterwards, even if she is alive After coming down, she will probably be a waste person, and her blood will no longer exist."

Holy King?

He heard another realm!

Now Qin Shaofeng doesn't think that the holy realm Xiaoqiuqiu said to himself before is the realm of the holy yuan realm.

This is probably another stage of the realm of the strong.

And Qin Shaofeng can be considered to have heard it, this so-called Saint King, I am afraid that even in the Saint Realm, it belongs to a very high level.

This made Qin Shaofeng very curious as to what kind of family Meng Xiner came from.

But when Qin Shaofeng heard Xiaoqiuqiu's last words, he was dumbfounded.

After casting the forbidden technique, will the bloodline be abolished and become a useless person?

Immediately, Qin Shaofeng knew that the matter was serious.

The reason why a forbidden technique is called a forbidden technique is that it is a forbidden move. Once it is displayed, it must pay a great price.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know that the price of Meng Xiner's inheritance forbidden technique was the bloodline of Meng Xiner's own awakening, the ancient bloodline of Meng Family.

Use the power of blood to stimulate one's own potential in exchange for a short period of time to enhance the great strength.

And this kind of excitation naturally consumes the blood's power, and even endangers the roots and completely destroys their own blood.

Moreover, the forbidden technique Meng Xiner used was even more domineering, because it not only required her blood, but also all her cultivation at the moment.

Just as Xiaoqiuqiu said, after this time of prohibition is over, Meng Xiner will completely become a useless person.

For a genius, especially a genius like Meng Xin'er, it is undoubtedly the result more uncomfortable than death.

But Meng Xiner didn't expect to survive today in such a situation.

The blood ancestor is very powerful, there is no doubt about this.

Although Meng Xin'er had secretly asked the family for help before, but here was the Black Point Mountain Range, far away from the Meng's house.

Even the ancestor in her own family, Meng Xin'er knew that without an hour, she would never make it here.

So Meng Xin'er has no hope anymore.

But compared to death, she didn't want the sacred blood of her family to fall into the hands of evil people like the **** ancestors.

Even if he destroyed himself, he couldn't let the blood evil ancestor do what he wanted.

This is Meng Xiner's determination.

Besides, Meng Xin'er believes that with her current strength, even if she can't match the opponent, then she will not make the opponent feel better.

Anyway, it's a death, and it's a risk.

There is no one in my dream family who is afraid of death!


Knowing Meng Xin'er's method, the blood evil ancestor was angry.

"Junior, don't think that this is the case. My ancestor has nothing to do with you. My ancestor will capture you now and drain your blood, so that I can restore the foundation that was abandoned by your dream family!"

With a low roar, the **** blood gushing from the whole body of the blood evil ancestor, rushed to Meng Xin'er.

Meng Xin'er's face changed suddenly, and the words of the ancestor of the blood evil made her suddenly remember that the blood ancestor of the blood evil ancestor has a method of gathering blood, which can condense the blood of the human body to extract the power of blood.

The ancestor of the blood evil spirit was not very good at first, and he did not even have a spiritual root, but it was precisely by relying on such a vicious secret method that he finally condensed the blood power of countless people, allowing himself to have spiritual roots and eventually become The powerhouse at the pinnacle of the legendary realm.

Although he had already used the forbidden technique, the bloodline was completely ruined.

But now the forbidden technique has not passed, and his body still has strong bloodline power!

If at this moment, I was taken down by the blood evil ancestor and absorbed the blood of his whole body, wouldn't it be the other party's success?

Thinking of the consequences, Meng Xiner gritted her teeth abruptly.

"Don't think about it, Meng Xiner, ancestor of the blood evil spirit, will never let you do what you want!"

With a soft drink, Meng Xiner’s face flashed with determination. Facing the surging blood, she didn’t have the slightest fear on her face, but her hands suddenly changed, and she performed several hand moves again and again, which seemed to be What moves to perform.

this is?

In the distance, Qin Shaofeng's small ball on his shoulders suddenly shrank after seeing Meng Xin'er's hands and hands. His eyes were shocked, as if he had seen something incredible.

At this moment, Meng Xiner seemed to have finally finished preparations, with both hands, she shouted: "Dreamland Reincarnation!"

"Sure enough, it is really the reincarnation of dreams, she is actually a descendant of the ancient holy race!"

The ball murmured, and a storm surged in his heart.

"How is this possible? No matter which race the descendants of the ancient saints belong to, their strength is extremely powerful. Although they are not as prominent as the nine major forces on the Origin Continent, their strength must not be underestimated! But this place will have the ancient saints. Ethnic descendants?"

Little ball ball really can't figure it out.

Due to the extremely small sound of the ball, Qin Shaofeng didn't hear it for a while, and even if he heard it, it is estimated that Qin Shaofeng didn't care about that time.

Because at this moment Qin Shaofeng was already attracted by the scene in the distance.

After Meng Xin'er yelled that "Dreamland Reincarnation", Qin Shaofeng unexpectedly saw that behind Meng Xin'er suddenly a space was distorted, and a huge figure of 100 meters appeared faintly.

The figure seemed to be a woman, but it was very vague, as if it was just a faint white light, making it impossible to see her appearance.

Only Qin Shaofeng, who was standing in the distance, could get a clear overview.

Although he couldn't see clearly, the moment he saw this figure, Qin Shaofeng was born in his heart. The owner of this figure must be an extremely beautiful woman.

This was just a thought that had no origin, but Qin Shaofeng firmly believed in it.

Then, Qin Shaofeng saw it, and the figure suddenly moved slightly, as if gently raising his right hand.

But I don't know why, just as soon as he lifted up, the figure suddenly collapsed.

"Oh, after all, it is too reluctant, how could this dream goddess be so easy to summon!" Seeing this scene, Xiaoqiuqiu sighed softly.

This time, Qin Shaofeng heard it.

Dream goddess?

Is it the owner of that figure?

This is quite appropriate!

Qin Shaofeng muttered involuntarily, but at this moment, Qin Shaofeng noticed it sharply.

Even if it collapsed, in the end the right hand of the so-called dream goddess lightened up, before the collapse, there was still a burst of power.

A white light flashed, and a white light appeared in vain.

As soon as the white light appeared, it instantly ran towards the blood of the **** ancestor.


With a blast, under Qin Shaofeng's unbelievable gaze, the **** light of the blood evil ancestor was completely defeated by the white light that was three fingers wide and less than one meter long.

And the white light meets the blood light, just like the scorching sun meets the snow.

Wherever the white light passed, the blood light melted, and the speed of the ablation was extremely fast.


A scream came from the blood light, and then the blood light completely dissipated.

The **** ancestor once again showed his figure, but the **** ancestor who reappeared was pale, and the original ruddy face was actually covered with layers of wrinkles.

Obviously suffered extremely severe trauma.

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