Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 227: Hard hit

What kind of attack is that?

Seeing the tragic appearance of the blood evil ancestor, Qin Shaofeng's eyes shrank, and his heart was shaken.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng exclaimed in his heart: No!

At this moment, Meng Xin'er, who was originally floating in mid-air, trembled all over her body and instantly fell freely to the ground.

Qin Shaofeng discovered that Meng Xin'er's breath had dropped rapidly, she fell out of the legendary realm in the blink of an eye, and the speed of this breath was falling faster and faster.

But Meng Xiner's face was pale, as if that move just drained all the strength in her body, and she still fell from her body.

She was 20 meters in the air before, and in her current state, if she really fell to the ground, it would be terrible.


With a low drink in his heart, Qin Shaofeng flew off to Meng Xin'er who fell down without hesitation.


With Wukongshu, one hundred meters per second, Qin Shaofeng suddenly turned into a black shadow, and before Meng Xiner fell to the ground, he hugged Meng Xiner into his arms.

The fragrant body enters the body, and the nephrite enters his arms. If it were in normal times, Qin Shaofeng would be quite excited.

After all, Meng Xin'er is a beautiful woman. Although she is not yet seventeen years old, the girl's body is already slightly plump.

Especially Meng Xin'er still exudes this unique fragrance, which may make any man crazy.

What's more, Qin Shaofeng, a boy of two generations?

It is a pity that under the current situation, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this at all. After catching Meng Xin'er, Qin Shaofeng flew forward without stopping.

Although the **** ancestor was severely injured by Meng Xin'er, the opponent was still very strong, and Qin Shaofeng was not confident to defeat the opponent.

Even Qin Shaofeng was very suspicious that he should be killed by a spike when he faced the blood evil ancestor.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng had no idea of ​​meeting the blood evil ancestors at all. At this moment, the only idea in his mind was to escape! escape! escape!

At this moment, the **** ancestor's face was extremely hideous.

The blood evil ancestor never expected that he would be injured by a junior in the legendary triple realm.

To be precise, this junior is not actually a legendary realm, but just the pinnacle of spiritual veins.

But it was precisely because of this that this caused the blood evil ancestor to be extremely angry.

But at the same time, the blood evil ancestor was extremely frightened. The white light just now clearly made him feel the breath of death.

That kind of power reminded him of an existence that scared him so much.

Fortunately, although the white light was powerful, but fortunately, it seemed that because Meng Xin'er's cultivation base was too low, it only dissipated after a short period of time.

After this blow, Meng Xin'er also lost a trace of strength, which made the blood evil ancestor a little relieved.

But even if it only lasted a breath of time, the blood evil ancestors were shocked to find that he had finally recovered to the seventh level of the legendary peak cultivation base, and actually fell again, only barely in the realm of the first level of the legend.

this is too scary!

There was a panic in his heart, and the next moment the blood evil ancestor burst out with a terrifying killing intent.

Kill her!

You must kill the Mengjia baby girl, this kind of power is too terrifying, and she definitely can't let her live.

After having such a killing intent in his heart, the blood evil ancestor looked at Meng Xin'er, but at this sight, the blood evil ancestor discovered that a figure flashed by, taking Meng Xin'er away. Up.


This sudden scene made the blood evil ancestor a bit stunned.

Someone unexpectedly?

how can that be?

The first thought in the heart of the blood evil ancestor was unbelief.

He was a strong man in the legendary realm, but he didn't realize that besides himself and the dream family junior, there was actually a third person here.

However, the ancestor of the blood evil spirit soon felt the breath of Qin Shaofeng's body.

"Xiantian? Actually just an innate martial artist?"

Feeling Qin Shaofeng's breath that hadn't entered the Spiritual Vessel Realm, the Blood Fiend ancestor let out an exclamation.

But then the blood evil ancestor was shocked.

Just an innate martial artist, not only can hide his own aura, so that his blood evil ancestors can't notice it, but the opponent can actually fly.

Flying, this is the patent of the legendary powerhouse!

Another genius?

The blood ancestor moved in his heart, but soon his heart was full of killing intent.

How about having the ability to fly, not an innate martial artist's ant?

You are an innate martial artist's ant, can't you just hide it, and even run out to save people?

What a dead end!

Seeing the figure that had already flown some distance away, the **** ancestor had a sneer on his face.

"Hmph, I really can't help myself, even if my ancestor's cultivation base drops again at this moment, it won't be something you little ant can escape!"

With a disdainful sneer, the blood of the **** ancestor shocked, and the whole person instantly turned into a blood-colored rainbow, hurriedly chasing Qin Shaofeng and Meng Xin'er.

Ahead, in rapid flight.

Meng Xin'er was surprised at the moment. She thought she was dead this time, but she died too miserably.

Well, if there is no accident, it must be dead and hard to see if it falls from the air to the ground.

But Meng Xin'er had already accepted her fate, and even when her body was unable to fall, Meng Xin'er had already closed her eyes.

But the next moment, Meng Xin'er unexpectedly found that she was being hugged.

For the first time, Meng Xin'er felt terrified, she thought she had fallen into the hands of the **** ancestor.

But as soon as she opened her eyes, Meng Xiner realized that something was wrong.

Hey, this person is a bit wrong.

Very young, not the ancestor of Blood Fiend.

And it seems a bit familiar.

It's him!

Looking at the familiar face in front of her, Meng Xiner finally remembered who this person was.

Qin Shaofeng!

Meng Xin'er never expected that Qin Shaofeng would actually appear here and also saved her.

But soon, Meng Xin'er remembered something, and said with a panic expression: "Qin Shaofeng, why are you, why are you here? Quickly, put me down, you run for your life and leave me alone!"

Meng Xin'er became anxious when he thought of the **** ancestor.

Why is this Qin Shaofeng so stupid, doesn't he know who the blood evil ancestor is?

Even if he doesn't know, the power of the blood evil ancestor, he should always appreciate it, right?

Even dare to come out, isn't this seeking a dead end?

Although Meng Xin'er was very moved by Qin Shaofeng's ability to come forward to save herself, but her anger towards Qin Shaofeng was even more in her heart.

She has already accepted her fate, what else is Qin Shaofeng doing?

Add a corpse?

"shut up!"

Facing the panicked Meng Xin'er, Qin Shaofeng directly snarled.

At this moment Qin Shaofeng already felt that a huge force behind him was chasing him.

The strong breath made Qin Shaofeng terrified.

Horse eggs, if this is caught up, it is not fun.

Fortunately, it seems that because the injuries suffered were extremely serious, the speed of the blood evil ancestors was also much slower than before.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng knew very well that it would be a matter of time for the other party to catch up with him.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel very uneasy, and at this time, hearing Meng Xin'er's words, how could Qin Shaofeng feel anymore, and what more would he say to her?

There was a burst of irritation in his heart, Qin Shaofeng just let out a low growl, his tone full of impatience.

I circled a cross, at this time, you still said something like this.

Put you down?

Xiaoye should let you go, then come out a fart!

Meng Xin'er was yelled at by Qin Shaofeng, and she was also stunned, but then she also understood that there was a problem with her words just now.

Everyone has risked their lives to save themselves, but I still say that in that tone, and it is too unreasonable to think about it.

Meng Xiner couldn't help shrinking her head, and whispered in Qin Shaofeng's arms: "I'm sorry!"

"thank you!"

After a sorry sentence, Meng Xiner immediately added a thank you.

Qin Shaofeng was speechless, but before he could say anything, there was a surge of breath behind him, and a gloomy smile came.

"Jie Jie, the kid is so courageous, he dares to save people in front of my **** ancestors, his courage is commendable, but he is too stupid!"

The **** ancestor's tone was full of killing intent, and while speaking, his speed actually increased a bit, and the distance between him and Qin Shaofeng was pulled closer.

not good!

Hearing the voice of the **** ancestor, Qin Shaofeng took the time to look back, and then found that the **** ancestor was close to a distance of less than 100 meters.

I wiped it up so soon?

Qin Shaofeng was startled, and then gritted his teeth abruptly, and took out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth.


Qin Shaofeng shook his right hand as soon as the pill was taken.

call out! call out! call out!

The three silver blade lights flew to the blood evil ancestor instantly, and the speed caused them to break through the air three times.

Throwing knife three combos!

As soon as he appeared, Qin Shaofeng used Xiao Li's flying knife with three combos to greet the **** ancestor behind him.

Moreover, this was not a simple three combo of flying knives, but Qin Shaofeng consumed 300,000 points in his body each time, and three combos of flying knives with a total of 900,000 points of energy.

Fortunately, the Spirit Recovery Pill that was swallowed just exploded, instantly restoring the internal energy that Qin Shaofeng had consumed, and Qin Shaofeng did not stop.

However, only the last three Pills of Recovery in Qin Shaofeng's body remained.

Although at the beginning, he obtained more than one hundred rejuvenating pills from Lu Lao Liu, but in this month, Qin Shaofeng was already very good with three remaining.

With the addition of the one just used, Qin Shaofeng now only has two Spirit Recovery Pills left on his body.

But this is not the point, the point is the three combos of flying knives.

Although Qin Shaofeng knew that with his own strength, even if he consumed 900,000 points of inner vigor and exploded with three combos of flying knives, it would not hurt the legendary master of the blood evil ancestor.

But in the end, Qin Shaofeng was hit hard!


Seeing the three silver blade lights attacking him, the **** ancestor's face was slightly taken aback, and then there was a burst of laughter.

"Hahaha, I'm so daring, an innate martial artist dares to attack my ancestor, and the ant is the ant!"

As he laughed, he didn't see any movement of the blood evil ancestor, his body burst out with a burst of blood, and he defeated the three silver blade lights.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After three bursts of explosions, the three silver blade lights were swept away by the blood, and they exploded immediately before dissipating.

The **** ancestor's figure only paused for a while, still chasing Qin Shaofeng at an unabated speed.

This scene caused Qin Shaofeng's heart to sink suddenly and was very shocked.

Ever since I have seen the battle between the gray wolves and the bear of the earth, I have witnessed the battle scenes of a hundred legendary monsters and the bear of the earth.

This made Qin Shaofeng somewhat despise the strength of the blood evil ancestor at the moment.

Compared with the bear of the earth, the strength of this blood evil ancestor is very weak.

Even the Canglang King couldn't match it.

Especially the blood ancestor at this moment, after being seriously injured by Meng Xin'er, I am afraid that a wolf in the legendary triple realm will make the blood ancestor rush.

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