Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 239: Excited Four Elders

In a valley outside Luo Yuncheng, there were a dozen people staying in a cave nervously at this moment.

These more than a dozen people are the secret team of the Lu family, and the leader is the fourth elder of the Lu family.

At this moment, a dozen people are waiting anxiously in the cave.

After a while, an old man about 50 or 60 years old walked out of the cave.

Upon seeing this, a six-tiered master of the Lu Family Spirit Line at the entrance of the cave hurriedly asked, "How about the Fourth Elder? Are you sure?"

When he asked, the faces of the other people became tense.

The people here are all direct members of the Lu family. They all know the importance of the purpose of this trip, but their goal is in this cave. The four elders went to check the results, and naturally they were very concerned. .

The Fourth Elder smiled slightly, looked at everyone, and said with excitement: "I'm sure, that thing really exists, and it's ready to be picked!"

Hearing the sound, the dozens of people in the Lu family were instantly excited.

"Hahaha, sure enough, this is great!"

"Ha, it seems it's time for my Lu family to rise up!"

"Great, once this matter succeeds, who will be my Lu family's opponent?"


More than a dozen people shouted in excitement in an instant, their expressions were full of extreme excitement.

However, they seem to be cautious about something, even if it is unusually excited, it is extremely quiet, even if the place is extremely remote, they are afraid that a little louder will attract others.

The Fourth Elder didn't stop the natural excitement, and after leading everyone to excite for a while, he signaled everyone to quiet down.

Then, he said solemnly: "Okay, I won't say anything more. This matter is related to my Lu family's soaring sky. From now on, you will all be careful for me, and wait until the plant is picked. The best time for the magical medicine is at noon, I will pick it by myself. You must be very vigilant at that time!"

Even if he knew that no one would show up here, but thinking of the importance of this matter, the fourth elder took the trouble to exhort everyone.

Everyone didn't think the Fourth Elder was long-winded, but nodded solemnly.

Seeing this, the four elders nodded in satisfaction, and felt a little more relaxed.

However, at this moment, there are more surprises in the hearts of the four elders!


I really didn't expect this news to be true!

Recalling that a few months ago, a spy of his Lu family accidentally got news from a dense area, which caused the whole Lu family to shake.

Then, what is even more unexpected is that this news is actually related to Luo Yun, a super genius a thousand years ago.

A few months ago, a team of spies from the Lu family discovered a magical place, and after some exploration, it damaged a dozen spiritual vein masters, and in the end only one spiritual vein master eightfold was left and returned with serious injuries.

But he brought back a piece of news that shocked the Lu family.

That's the news about why Luo Yun is so genius.

It turned out that the reason why Luo Yun was such a genius back then was all related to a herb he hadn't intended to swallow in his childhood.

As for what kind of medicinal herb it was, Luo Yun himself didn't know, but Luo Yun knew that his spiritual root was created automatically after taking that herb.

Luo Yun originally had no spiritual roots!

After learning the breaking news, the powerhouses of the Lu family were all dumbfounded.

Who is Luo Yun?

That was a legend from a thousand years ago!

Even the Great Emperor Lian Yang once famously said that Luo Yun's future achievements must no longer be under him.

In other words, Luo Yun's talent is even worse than Emperor Yang.

But is such a legendary character without any spiritual roots?

The first time the people of the Lu family got the news, they didn't believe it, but after they finally sent someone to the secret realm again, it became different.

The person leading the team this time is the father of Lu Yuanjiang, the strongest of the Lu family, and the pro-elder brother of the four elders of the Lu family-Lu Zhengfeng!

It didn't take long for Lu Zhengfeng to return, but when he came back, he was the only one left.

The twenty-odd spiritual vein masters who accompanied him, as well as several ten-fold spiritual sacrifices of the Lu Family, were all damaged.

But Lu Zhengfeng was extremely excited. After returning to the Lu family, Lu Zhengfeng immediately summoned the four elders of the Lu family, the head of the family and others, and then informed him of a major event.

The news is correct, because that dense land is where Luo Yun's body was damaged.

No one knows how Luo Yun died, but he left a lot of good things before he died.

A magic technique, a few powerful weapons, and the news about his spiritual roots.

Although Luo Yun didn't know what kind of medicinal herb gave him super strong spiritual roots, after doing some research, he found that the herb he had eaten could grow again as long as the rhizome continued to disappear.

But this growth rate is extremely slow, I am afraid it will take hundreds or even thousands of years.

Knowing the existence of such a miraculous herb, Lu Zhengfeng was naturally very excited.

It is a pity that Luo Yun's damage to the land is also very dangerous. He also barely escaped and is already seriously injured.

So after confessing, he went straight to retreat and healed his injuries, and by the way, he practiced the magical technique that Luo Yun had obtained.

Lu Yuanjiang followed his father's words, and after discussing with the four elders, the situation was like this.

To be honest, the fourth elder of the Lu family was still very uneasy before coming, but when the herb was actually discovered, and the herb had entered the maturity stage, the fourth elder was extremely excited.

Because these people were in Luo Yuncheng before, staying for several days, and making private visits for a long time.

The four elders paid attention to the Luo family of Luo Yuncheng, and this Luo family was naturally Luo Yun's descendants.

The Luo family today is not the Luo family thousands of years ago. Although it has been passed down, it is all thanks to the ancestral motto of Emperor Lianyang in the past, which allowed the Luo family to pass on.

But even if passed down, the strength of the Luo Family today is still very weak.

The entire Luo family has more than a dozen spiritual masters, and the legendary masters have not appeared for a long time.

Because of this, the Fourth Elder, relying on his seven-fold spiritual vein cultivation base, nearly turned the Luo Family upside down secretly, but the Luo Family had no information about that herb.

This had to make the four elders feel that what his elder brother got was false news.

However, in the end he still ran the attitude of trying, following the instructions of the message, searching for several days, only then found the cave that Luo Yun said on a hill far away from Luo Yun City.

It was finally confirmed that the news was true, the cave existed, and the herbs inside also existed.

As for whether the herb is really that amazing, the four elders did not doubt.

Because that herb, as Luo Yun said, although it doesn't have any strong aura, it is a black and yellow, and emits bursts of black and yellow light.

It was the first time the Fourth Elder saw such a magical herb, so he believed the news left by Luo Yun for the first time.

Although the fourth elders also wanted to take this herb by himself, the message left by Luo Yun explained it.

This miraculous herb can only be taken by people who do not have spiritual roots.

However, he can't, there is a suitable person in his Lu family!

When I thought that in the near future of his own Lu family, there would be a super powerhouse, and the four elders felt hot.

Under the heat, the Fourth Elder suddenly told everyone in the Lu Family behind him: "Forget it, I'd better go in and stay. You will be separated and hidden in secret. Once a stranger appears... …"

After a sudden pause, the Fourth Elder's expression was ruthless, and his eyes were full of killing intent and compared a murderous gesture to everyone, and said in a gloomy tone: "Kill without mercy!"

"You also know the importance of this matter, so there should not be a slight omission that affects the future of my Lu Family. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" everyone responded together, their expressions extremely firm.

"Well, just like that, you are all gone!"

Nodding lightly, the four elders went into the cave after speaking.

Upon seeing this, the other twelve spiritual pulse realm masters also dispersed one after another, and quickly hid them.

It stands to reason that once someone approached by such a cautious move, the Lu family would definitely find it the first time, and then obliterate it, so that the news about himself and others would not leak out at all.

It is a pity that these masters of the Lu Family, including the fourth elder with seven spiritual veins, never expected that their every move would be known to someone in the distance.

Uh, it should be two people, and there is a small thing among them.

The route obtained from Boss Lu, Luo Yuncheng is not the final point, it is just an unimportant place among all the routes.

Originally, Qin Shaofeng thought that Luo Yun City was relatively remote, in the mountains and forests, and it was better to ambush, and even if the ambush was not successful, it was quite easy to escape and hide with his own dance skills and libo microsteps.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng chose Luo Yuncheng, this place was ready to ambush the mysterious team of Lu Family.

But I don't want to, the final result is such a situation.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng found the Fourth Elders two days ago, which surprised Qin Shaofeng, and at one point thought that the team led by the Fourth Elder of the Lu Family had completed the task and was ready to rush back.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng discovered that something was wrong.

Because under the leadership of the four elders, these more than a dozen masters of spiritual veins actually searched around a hundred miles around Luo Yuncheng, as if they were looking for something.

This made Qin Shaofeng quickly understand. I'm afraid that there are some things, such as the true purpose of this team, not only is the boss Lu not clear, even the Lu family deliberately concealed the true line of the team.

Because of the route given by Mr. Lu, Luo Yuncheng is just an inconspicuous place, a place of passing, and it is even one of the routes.

Because there are three routes like Luo Yuncheng that pass through any destination known to the boss. It's just that, because Luo Yuncheng is remote, once he returns, the four elders will definitely go back to the Lu family here.

But in fact, those are all fakes. Any end point, any preparation route, are smoke bombs.

The real goal of the Lu Family is to be in Luo Yun City!

Qin Shaofeng quickly confirmed this from the actions of the Fourth Elder and others.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng was also fortunate in his heart, because he saw that this place was remote, the Lu family also planned to return to the Lu family here, so he chose Luo Yuncheng.

But I didn't want to, in the end I actually let myself be straight.

After understanding this, Qin Shaofeng hid it secretly, hanging behind the Lu family team.

Until the Fourth Elder and others found the cave, Qin Shaofeng discovered something remarkable.

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