Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 240: Xuan Lingcao

"Little thing, what you said is true?"

Seeing the little ball floating in front of his eyes with a look of fleshly excitement, Qin Shaofeng's expression showed a trace of disbelief.

Can't help but believe it!

This little thing closed its mouth, it's too **** here, it's just a tiny island of rubbish.

But something appeared again and again, which made this little thing excited and exclaimed that it was impossible, it was absolutely impossible for things like that.

Qin Shaofeng said that the little thing like Xiaoqiuqiu is always fooling himself.


This continent is a bit remote, and in the eyes of Master Everbright, it's just a small island or a big place.

However, your two cubs became excited (Blood Demon Flower and Cang Wolf Emperor Cub) as soon as you faced a medicinal plant at every turn.

Then what else was said, that is, that the original continent is also a rare product, and it actually appears in such a remote place, how does it not conform to common sense?

These are good, Qin Shaofeng just listened to it.

But you are relapsed now!

Qin Shaofeng wondered if this little thing didn't know anything at all!

Seeing the suspicion in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, the ball immediately exploded.

"What kind of look are you? I'll tell you. All I said is true. It's just that the place where you were born is a bit weird. It stands to reason that there is only aura in this place, and there is no vitality. It's very low-level!"

While talking, the little thing seemed to think of some excuse, uh, some reasonable explanation should have been thought of, Xiao Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and excitedly said to Qin Shaofeng: "By the way, I know why!"

With this excitement, the little thing laughed and danced: "I actually forgot you. Think about it. You, the lucky one who is favored by the avenue, have a great source of blessing, and these things happen again and again. , The unreasonable Blood Demon Flower that was born, and the two Cang Wolf Emperor cubs, are mostly the great favor of you, just like the magical system in you!"

With that said, the little things are becoming more and more believed to be like this!

Well, absolutely.

It is said that some people are the darlings of the heavens. Once they appear, they are blessed with blessings and blessings. Not only do they have their talents in cultivation against the sky, but they also practice smoothly and have endless adventures.

I kicked a stone casually when I went out, it was all top-quality spar; if you accidentally fell, you could smash a spirit mine; when you pass by a small bush, you can collect a holy beast as a follower, and...

All in all, this is the case, anyway, I am extremely lucky.

At the moment, in the eyes of Xiaoqiu, Qin Shaofeng is such a lucky person.

Otherwise, how could Qin Shaofeng go to the Blackhorn Mountain Range and meet the monster beast battle in the legendary realm?

Then not only did he get the best medicinal materials like the Blood Demon Flower, but also two rare cubs of the Cang Wolf Emperor?

Now choose a place randomly, not only to find the real destination of the Lu family, but also to find such a treasure. Isn't this still a fortune?

Yes, it has something to do with Dadao again!

Seeing Xiaoqiuqiu's firm appearance, Qin Shaofeng said it hurts.

But in the end Qin Shaofeng still silently did not refute in this regard, but returned to the previous topic again.

"Uh, whatever you think is fine, but this so-called profound spirit grass is really the same as you said, can it improve my spiritual roots?" Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but say when thinking of the profound spirit grass that Xiaoqiuqiu said. Asked.

"Of course! The profound spirit grass is a real saint-level medicinal material, and it is also a rare saint-level medicinal material. Once taken, it will definitely change one's spiritual roots and definitely increase the level of spiritual roots!"

Xiaoqiuqiu nodded confidently, but suddenly remembering Qin Shaofeng's situation, his tone became a little unconfident.

"Well, although your spiritual roots seem to be sealed up, even if your spiritual roots cannot be improved, your physique can be strengthened to some extent. In this way, the upper limit of your spiritual energy value will be increased somewhat."


Can the upper limit of aura value be increased?

Xiaoqiuqiu said so much, the only thing that made Qin Shaofeng excited was this sentence.

Before, he was hit by this little thing. What a real genius, the upper limit of the spiritual energy triple aura value is not only over 10,000, and even powerful evil spirits with more than 100,000 aura points appear!

This made Qin Shaofeng a blow, even if Yi Jinjing was upgraded to level 4 a few days ago, he still looked disappointed.

That's right, on the day that boss Lu was killed, Qin Shaofeng's long-awaited Yi Jinjing finally upgraded to level 4.

Yi Jin Jing: 4th level 10/100000, holy level passive skills. Although it is not a god-level exercise method, this exercise method is quite special. It contains another exercise method created by Bodhidharma ancestors, "The Marrow Sutra", so it has Yi The powerful ability of washing the marrow. The current level is 4, which can increase the player's aura value to ten times the original. (Level 4 Yi Jin Jing can restore one percent of the player's aura every minute)

Level 4 Yi Jin Jing can increase Qin Shaofeng's Aura by ten times, but it is still 10,000 points, so Qin Shaofeng is naturally dissatisfied.

Satisfied with it, this is at most ten minutes of dancing, or opening the writing wheel for ten minutes.

Fortunately, Level 4 Yi Jin Jing can recover one percent of his aura every minute, which makes Qin Shaofeng more satisfied.

However, Qin Shaofeng still struggled with the upper limit of aura.

So now I heard that the mysterious spirit grass can raise the upper limit of his spiritual energy, Qin Shaofeng naturally paid more attention.

As for the profound spirit grass, it was naturally the herb that was discovered by the fourth elder of the Lu family and others.

According to Xiaoqiuqiu, this profound spirit grass is a holy one-star medicinal material. If it is taken before the spiritual vein realm, it can change one's spiritual root and make one's spiritual root abnormal, even if it does not have a spiritual root. The profound spirit grass can also give birth to a mutated powerful spiritual root.

Such a mutant spiritual root can make a person cultivate ten times the spiritual energy value of an ordinary person, even after being promoted to a higher level of cultivation.

If this is coupled with some powerful techniques, that plant of profound spirit grass can completely become a super genius!

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng thought of a person, that was Luo Yun, the first city lord of Luo Yuncheng.

Thinking of the books he had read in Lianyang Academy and the introduction to Luo Yun, Qin Shaofeng's first thought was that Lu Yun had definitely taken Xuanling Grass.

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng's eyes lighted up.

He doesn't expect to increase the aura value ten times that of an ordinary person, as long as the profound spirit grass can make his aura value reach the level of an ordinary person's level, that is enough.

I must get this mysterious spirit grass!

Qin Shaofeng made a decision in his heart instantly, but after making the decision, looking at the group of people in the distance, Qin Shaofeng was in trouble instantly.

My sister, there are thirteen spiritual channel masters, and the lowest is the spiritual channel five-fold, even among them there are three spiritual channel six-fold, and one Lu Family fourth elder of the seven-fold spiritual channel late stage.

Such a team, even with the Tiger Lord, can't swallow it at all!

Even Qin Shaofeng fully understands that, not to mention the others, even if the ten spiritual veins and five-level masters are united, they can only escape with Tiger Lord.

Although Lord Tiger is already a monster in the six-fold pinnacle realm of spiritual veins.

But outnumbered, these hands are hard to beat all the punches!


What should I do?

With a light sigh in his heart, Qin Shaofeng was completely gone.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng discovered that something wonderful to him had happened.

Because at this moment, the fourth elder of the Lu family, the leader of the Lu family, actually entered the cave, and the other twelve people were separated.

Excluding the three spiritual vein six-layer masters, the remaining ten people were combined in pairs and hid.

Even two of the five-level spirit vein masters actually ran to a bush not far from Qin Shaofeng in a short while.

Looking at their situation, it seems to be looking at the wind!

This situation made Qin Shaofeng overjoyed!

He was already disappointed, but he didn't think that such a favorable situation had happened.

The ball on one side became more excited.

The field of perception of the golden eyes of the eyes opened instantly, and Xiaoqiuqiu quickly informed Qin Shaofeng of the layout of these people.

Taking that cave as the center, spread out within two hundred meters, the hidden three spiritual vein six masters.

Two hundred miles away, it was just five hundred meters away from Qin Shaofeng's fiery eyes, where Qin Shaofeng was currently staying, and the last ten five-level spiritual vein masters were hidden.

There are two people in a team, and each team is six to seventy meters apart.

And even though it is a team of two, the two of this team are separated by a distance of at least ten meters, secretly and carefully hidden to observe the surrounding situation.

Such a layout, although not to say five steps, one post and ten steps, one sentry.

But for these masters with the lowest level of the five levels of spiritual veins, 13 people united, and any wind and grass in a radius of five to six hundred meters would not escape their eyes.

But such a situation is also extremely beneficial to Qin Shaofeng.


It's so advantageous!

This is a terrible way to assassinate yourself!

Qin Shaofeng wanted to laugh loudly at this moment. He possessed fiery eyes, no matter how well these people hid, he couldn't escape his own perception.

The other party does not know his existence, but he knows their specific location.

"Heh, your Lu family has cooperated with me so much. If my Qin Shaofeng doesn't get the profound spirit grass, how can I be worthy of you!"

With a soft smile, Qin Shaofeng closed his eyes and thought about it, and soon thought of a strategy.

Then, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and he quietly touched the five-tiered master of Lu Family's spirit veins who was only ten meters away from him.


As one of the direct members of the Lu family, Lu Dashan is not proud of it, and he is even very low-key.

Many people don't know that his father Lu Dashan is the fourth elder of the Lu family.

This time, Lu Dashan understood that it was his father who deliberately let himself follow in order to show himself in front of his uncle.

Moreover, Lu Dashan also understood the importance of this mission, and he also understood his father's intentions in doing so.

His uncle is also the strongest of the Lu family. The real power holder Lu Zhengfeng has only one son, Lu Yuanjiang, the current head of the family, but although Lu Yuanjiang had two sons, he was killed.

Lu Dashan knows a secret that outsiders don't know, that is, a few years ago, after a practice, Lu Yuanjiang was already inhumane.

That is, the future Patriarch of the Lu Family can only choose from other people.

It just so happens that Lu Dashan's son is also quite talented, even not under that Lu Yun. Given the current situation of the Lu family, his son Lu Dashan has a 70-80% chance of becoming the next generation of Lu family patrons.

As long as this task is completed, bring that magical herb back to Lu's house.

Lu Dashan believed that, just as his father said, after this time, the future head of the Lu family will fall on his son.

Lu Dashan was filled with excitement when he thought that his son could become the future head of the Lu family.

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