Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 241: Group annihilation

Huh, something?

Just as Lu Dashan thought more and more excited in his heart, he suddenly heard a sound not far away.

Then there was a swift flash, and a huge figure popped out.

Such a sudden appearance of a huge black shadow made Lu Dashan almost not exclaiming.

But fortunately, he is more or less a master of the five levels of spiritual veins, plus the father of his four elders, he has told him more, and this did not allow Lu Dashan to shout directly.

Taking a fixed look, Lu Dashan was taken aback, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and muttered in a low voice, "My trough, what did you think it was? It turned out to be a tiger roaring lion!"

After seeing the appearance of the huge figure, Lu Dashan no longer took it seriously.

Tiger Howl Lion is no more than a high-level monster beast of the second and third levels of innate. It can't even reach the level of spiritual veins. For a five-level spiritual master like him, there is no threat at all.

After seeing it clearly, Lu Dashan was secretly relieved.

But at this moment, Lu Dashan's eyes went dark, and then he saw a flash of blue light.

not good!

The vigilance that belonged to the five levels of spiritual veins made Lu Dashan feel that the black shadow and the blue light were not quite right.

But at the moment when he felt bad, Lu Dashan suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, snorted, and he collapsed without strength.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing the five-tier Lu Dashan of the Spirit Vessel, gaining the bonus of leapfrog killing experience and finally gaining 5000 experience points!

Looking at the limp body, Qin Shaofeng sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"It's better to have more experience in leapfrog killing. A five-fold spirit vein brings me five thousand experience points, um, yes, yes!"

The tiger roaring lion that appeared before is naturally Tiger Lord.

Qin Shaofeng's plan was like this. First, Master Tiger suppressed his own breath and pretended to be an ordinary tiger roaring lion.

Ordinary tiger roaring lion, that is the innate two and three levels of realm, with the spiritual veins of the five and six levels, they can definitely ignore it, and will not care too much.

Qin Shaofeng took this point in his mind, and it was naturally scary to make Lord Tiger suddenly appear.

But after discovering that Lord Tiger was just a tiger roaring lion, how would these five-tiered Lu family masters care?

I was taken aback, but I found that something that scared me was not at all threatening to me. At this point, no matter who it was, he would subconsciously relax a little, and his vigilance would also drop instantly.

And Qin Shaofeng seized this opportunity to launch a fatal blow, completing an instant spike.

In the end Qin Shaofeng did it!

However, this process is also very difficult for Qin Shaofeng.

Performed the air dance for the first time, then opened the writing wheel eye, and then cooperated with Lingbo's microsteps, and finally broke out a leiche.

After being promoted to the Spiritual Vessel Realm, the consumption of all Qin Shaofeng's skills has become a spiritual energy value.

The 4th-level Wukong skill consumes 1000 aura points per minute, and the same is true for the writing wheel eyes and the Lingbo microstep.

In addition, Lei Che, which consumes one-third of his spiritual energy, means that in order to complete this spike, Qin Shaofeng has consumed more than six thousand spiritual energy.

Although Qin Shaofeng is now upgraded due to Yi Jin Jing, his aura value has already exceeded 10,000 points.

But this time, the action directly consumed more than half of the spiritual energy.

If there was a slight mistake, it would not be a good thing for Qin Shaofeng.

Fortunately, writing round eyes and Lei Qi, coupled with Ling Bo Weibu's elegant body skills, is simply a spike artifact.

Let Qin Shaofeng be able to kill the masters of the five levels of Lingmai now.

Of course, this is also Qin Shaofeng's good timing and the enemy's psychological grasp, if it is face to face.

Although Qin Shaofeng is not afraid of the masters of the five levels of spiritual veins, it is not so easy to kill the opponent in seconds.

If you know that the tenth layer of the innate martial artist can display the inner qi wall, the inner qi wall of the spirit vein realm is naturally stronger.

Qin Shaofeng is confident, and his Lei Qi, with the writing wheel eyes, can break through the inner energy wall of the five-fold or even six-fold spiritual vein master, but if it is a spike, even the four-fold spiritual vein Qin Shaofeng does not have that full confidence.

Fortunately, once the wall of inner qi is displayed, it has a striking and unique aura. People like the Lu family hide in the dark, and naturally they won't use the wall of inner qi.

Therefore, in combination with these circumstances, Qin Shaofeng completed this spike.

After killing one person, Qin Shaofeng didn't delay, just glanced at the corpse on the ground, and then winked at Lord Tiger.

Master Tiger nodded clearly and jumped out.

The place where Tiger Lord appeared before, but deliberately avoided, ten meters away, another five-tiered master of the Lu Family Lingmai.

Coupled with the spike, it made Lu Dashan too late to call for help and warn.

The five-tiered master of the Lu Family Spirit Vessel who is now ten meters away thought everything was peaceful!

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng would not miss such an opportunity. He also planned to take advantage of the one-minute time limit for the four skills, such as Wukongshu and Shulanyan.

The moment the four major skills were turned on, Lu Dashan died for one second!

In two seconds, Qin Shaofeng confirmed that Lu Dashan was dead.

At the fifth second, Qin Shaofeng motioned to Master Tiger to pass to the next moment.

At the fifteenth second, Lord Tiger pretended to accidentally jump in front of another five-level spiritual vein master.

After another five seconds, what happened to Lu Dashan repeated itself in another five-level spiritual master of the Lu family.

As the system prompt sounded, from the beginning to the end, it was twenty seconds before and after.

But two masters with five levels of spiritual veins died in Qin Shaofeng's hands.

And they were all killed by Qin Shaofeng in seconds.

After killing these two people, Qin Shaofeng didn't act rashly. He didn't plan to go to the next team.

Instead, he took out a rejuvenating pill and took it.

The spiritual energy value instantly recovered to 30%, and Qin Shaofeng's spiritual energy value at this moment once again possessed 6,000 points.

A few minutes later, when Qin Shaofeng used Yi Jinjing to restore 1% of his aura every minute and let his aura return to 7,000, Qin Shaofeng put Tiger Lord into the beast space, sneaked carefully, and came to the second team. The place.

Then, Qin Shaofeng summoned Lord Tiger again.

The next step was to repeat the previous move.

In order to speed up the speed, so as not to have twists and turns, and the five masters of the Lu Family's spirit veins that Qin Shaofeng killed before and after, they all obtained a lot of recovery pills.

Therefore, every time Qin Shaofeng only waited for the one-minute statute of the skill to pass, rested for one or two minutes, and calmed down his mood, before doing it again.

Only half an hour later, the ten spiritual vein five masters of the Lu family team were solved by Qin Shaofeng one by one.

The leapfrog kills of ten five-tiered spirit vein masters brought Qin Shaofeng a full 50,000 experience points.

This allowed Qin Shaofeng's experience value to reach 270,000, and with only less than 30,000 left, Qin Shaofeng could upgrade to the fourth level of spiritual veins.

At this time, apart from the fourth elders of the Lu Family in the cave, there were only three Lu Family masters in the six-level spirit veins.

The six levels of spiritual veins are naturally stronger than the five levels of spiritual veins, but fortunately, the three of them also did not display the walls of inner qi because of the hidden aura.

If not, Qin Shaofeng had no self-confidence at all, and without disturbing others, he would kill one person without interest.

This is a master at the sixth level of Lingmai!

After calming down for a while, Qin Shaofeng began to approach the first six-level spiritual vein master.

This is a Lu family master of the mid-level six-level spiritual vein.


There was a sound, and the huge figure of Lord Tiger appeared in front of the Lu family master.

For the first time, when this Sixth-Layer Spirit Vessel defeated the Lu Family master, his brows were slightly frowned.

"What's the matter? A monster approaching unexpectedly?"

As a master of the six levels of spiritual veins, this person felt that this was the movement of monsters as soon as he heard the movement.

But what made him unhappy was that the ten people in front actually let a monster beast in.

Could something have happened?

As expected to be a master at the Sixth Level of Lingmai, after being unhappy for the first time, he immediately became vigilant in his heart.

But then the appearance of Lord Tiger finally made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"It turned out to be a tiger roaring lion! This is no wonder!"

A mere high-level monster beast with second and third levels of innateness, it doesn't matter if it is put in, the Lu Family master also understands something.

But the next moment, the Lu Family master's expression changed drastically, and a chill rose from the bottom of his heart.

Without even thinking about it, this six-level spiritual vein master flashed away from the spot in an instant.

At the moment of leaving, there was a glimmer of blue light in the eyes of this sixth spiritual master!


He subconsciously gave a low drink, but even so, because of the fourth elder's order, his low drink was extremely small, and he didn't hear a few meters at all.

But after drinking low, the Lu Family master felt a bitter chill, and a feeling of extreme crisis appeared.

not good!

Someone attacked!

A thought appeared in the heart of the Lu Family master in an instant, but before he warned the others, he saw three silver blades shooting at him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!


With three small knocks, the Lu Family master of the Sixth Stage Spirit Vessel's mid-level realm suddenly widened his eyes, holding his throat with both hands, and after a depressed, low-pitched cry, he screamed twice, and then It fell directly to the ground.


After a system prompt, Qin Shaofeng looked at the corpse on the ground and involuntarily touched his forehead, wiping a little sweat from his forehead.

It's so risky!

Qin Shaofeng never expected that this six-tiered Lu Family master would be so sensitive to danger.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Li's flying knife for the last time and a three-strike flying knife, I'm afraid it would be completely exposed.

And fortunately, Qin Shao had a spirit, and one of the three flying knives aimed at the man's throat, which made him not exclaim.

If otherwise, once it is alarmed, the three elders in the cave will probably be alarmed as well.

At that time, Qin Shaofeng will definitely be in trouble.

"It seems that I still can't be too careless!"

Recalling the scene just now, and then looking at his remaining aura value of less than 1,000 points, Qin Shaofeng smiled bitterly at the corner of his mouth, and at the same time secretly warned himself.

In any case, no matter what the situation is, you must be careful when you treat your enemies.

Otherwise, the one who died is probably himself!

After treating the corpse a little bit, after covering up the **** smell, after using the Fuling Pill to restore his aura value, Qin Shaofeng ran towards the second Lu Family master with the sixth spiritual vein.

This time, Qin Shaofeng was extremely cautious, and instead of using Leiqie, he used Xiao Li's flying knife and directly used the flying knife triple attack.

Perhaps it was the second Lu Family master with the sixth level of spiritual veins, just at the initial stage of the sixth level of spiritual veins, or maybe this person was not as vigilant as the previous one. Qin Shaofeng's killing was very smooth this time.

The same is true for the third person, the last person.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing Lu Mazi, the sixth spiritual vein, and gaining a leapfrog kill experience bonus, and finally gaining 10,000 experience points!"

After a system prompt, except for the fourth elder of the Lu Family who led the team, the Lu Family team was considered to have been destroyed by Qin Shaofeng.

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