Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 243: Incomplete Xuan Ling Grass

But at this moment, a huge black shadow suddenly jumped out from the side, and the next moment the four elders heard a trembling tiger roar.


The sudden roar of the tiger shook the four elders instantly.

But at this moment, the three silver blade lights blasted on the inner wall of the fourth elder's body.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With three explosions in succession, the fourth elder suddenly heard a crack in his ears.

Oops, the wall of my inner spirit!

Although these three silver blade lights, even if they were designated by Qin Shaofeng to blast to one place, they still did not blast apart the four elders.

There is no way, these four elders are masters of the seven levels of spiritual veins after all, and their spiritual energy value exceeds forty thousand points. The natural defense of this inner Qi wall is amazing.

Moreover, the four elders had already reacted at this moment, ready to start repairing the inner Qi wall.

But at this moment, sizzle—suck!

The Fourth Elder suddenly heard a weird noise, and subconsciously looked up, and then he saw Qin Shaofeng rushing towards him with a blank expression on his face.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's hands were shining with blue current.

Lei Dun Lei cut with both hands!

This was the fourth Lei Dun that the source of Lei Dun had awakened after Qin Shaofeng was promoted to the Spirit Vein Realm.

Lei Dun two-handed Lei Qi: One of Lei Dun's ninjutsu awakened by the source of Lei Dun, the Lei Dun ninjutsu pioneered by Konoha elite Kakashi Kakashi in "Naruto". Special skills cannot be upgraded. Raeche’s derivative move focuses the aura on his hands when activated, and creates two Raeche, inflicting double damage on the enemy. Because this technique belongs to the thunder escape and is powerful, it will consume a lot of aura value.

Effect: Although it is a skill that cannot be upgraded, its power can increase as the player's level increases. At present, every time it is cast, it consumes half of the player's aura.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng was promoted to the fourth level of spiritual veins, and his spiritual energy reached 20,000.

Otherwise, once these two-handed Leiqi are used, other skills will not have enough aura to use.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng's hands were so weird, the Fourth Elder felt bad, especially the blue light current that made him smell extremely dangerous.

But the previous tiger roar shook him a bit by surprise. Not only did his body's aura appear chaotically, he was also in a daze and unable to move.

If it were normal, the Fourth Elder would not be in a hurry, because the impact of this tiger's roar would be a breath of time at most.

With the wall of inner qi, he didn't need to be afraid of anything in this mere breath.

But now it is different!

Qin Shaofeng's hands made him feel dangerous, but even if he was impatient, he could only watch Qin Shaofeng approach.


In a flash, Qin Shaofeng appeared in front of the Fourth Elder, and then Qin Shaofeng stretched out his right hand without hesitation.


After an electric shock blasted, the four elders heard a click.


Immediately, Qin Shaofeng shattered the inner wall of the Fourth Elder's body.

And at the moment when the wall of Qi inside the Fourth Elder's body shattered, Qin Shaofeng's left hand flashed blue electric current to the Fourth Elder's chest.

"Ah! Get out of me!"

The crisis came, and the four elders burst into unprecedented power, and with a low growl, he finally found that he could move.

Before it was too late to condense the wall of inner Qi again, the four elders stretched out their hands and blocked his right hand against his chest.


In the end, Qin Shaofeng's left hand Lei Che slammed into the fourth elder's right hand.


Without any accident, facing the final blow of Qin Shaofeng's two-handed Leiqi at this moment, the right hand of the Fourth Elder was instantly broken.

"Ah, I am going to kill you, little beast!"

The moment the right hand came out of severe pain, the fourth elder knew that his right hand was completely abolished.

This made him instantly angry and murderous.

In the anger, the four elders instantly counterattacked.


The intact left hand of the Fourth Elder slapped Qin Shaofeng's head abruptly.

Seeing this move of the Fourth Elder, I couldn't wait to slap Qin Shaofeng on the head.

But Qin Shaofeng had been prepared for a long time, and he dodged the palm of the Fourth Elder, and his body instantly retreated.

Rao Qin Shaofeng reacted in a timely manner, but the fourth elders shot out in a rage, and the speed and power were much higher than before.

In the end, the palm of the four elders passed Qin Shaofeng's shoulder.

Qin Shaofeng felt a fierce pain in his right shoulder even if it was only a light brush, and his entire right hand was in a state of weakness for a while.

But for such a result, the Fourth Elder was not satisfied at all, and even because he did not slap Qin Shaofeng's head to pieces, his heart was raging, and despite the sharp pain in his right hand, he shot Qin Shaofeng again.

But this time, Qin Shaofeng just looked at him, did not hide in the slightest, and even showed a trace of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

But at this moment, the four elders were so angry that they would still think so much.

However, at the moment of the shot, the Fourth Elder faintly felt that he had forgotten something.

Soon, he knew what he had forgotten.

"Roar, you are what you are, you dare to ignore your tiger master, are you looking for trouble?"

This roar reminded the Fourth Elder in an instant. The huge figure that stunned himself before seemed to be a tiger monster.

But it can talk?

What's going on?

No one answered the doubts in the four elders' hearts, and the four elders didn't have so much time to think about it.

In fact, when the roar came, the four elders felt that an aura that was no weaker than himself had already appeared behind him instantly.

Before he turned around, the four elders suddenly felt that a huge tiger's palm came from behind him.

Then, with a puff, the four elders instantly vomited blood and flew forward.

During the flight, the fourth elder's eye seemed to see it, a silver light flashed, and then he felt a sudden pain in his chest, suffocating to death.

It's really frustrated!

After all, the fourth elder of the Lu Family is a master at the seventh stage of the spiritual veins, and his strength is much stronger than the average person, and even the spiritual energy value is close to 50,000 points.

This is also the case, otherwise how could he be the fourth elder of the Lu family!

Unfortunately, he met Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng first deliberately exposed in front of him, and then pretended to panic and fled, leading the Fourth Elder into the ambush where the Tiger Lord was, before he was ready for a tiger roar, he shocked the Fourth Elder.

And the next attack was even more unprepared for the four elders. In the end, the four elders didn't even show half of their strength, so they died.

If you still don't feel aggrieved in this way, what kind of death is there to be aggrieved?

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing Lu Zhengqun, the seventh spiritual vein, and gaining a leapfrog kill experience bonus, and finally gaining 10,000 experience points!"

Although the four elders are in the seven levels of spiritual veins, Qin Shaofeng has now raised one level, so by killing the four elders, Qin Shaofeng only gained 10,000 points of experience.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this.

Ignoring the tiger who came to ask for credit, Qin Shaofeng went directly to the fourth elder's body. After searching, he finally found what he was looking for, the fourth elder's storage bag.

Enduring the excitement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's mental power began to penetrate into the storage bag.


Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath as soon as his mental power entered the storage bag.

The storage bag has a small space, but it is also ten cubic meters, and there are a lot of gold tickets stacked in it.

Although Qin Shaofeng had a contribution point after entering Lianyang Academy, he didn't have any requirements for the golden ticket.

But here is Lianyang State, and Lianyang State officials still advocate gold ticket trading.

In fact, this is also true of other two countries. After all, with the circulating money, we can communicate better!

And these four elders are worthy of being the four elders of the Lu family. They just swept their mental strength, and Qin Shaofeng discovered that the sum of these golden tickets might have exceeded three million taels.

The gold ticket is naturally gold!

Three million taels of gold, this is a huge wealth!

In layman's terms, it is an ordinary sky-level one-star pill, which is worth hundreds of thousands of taels of gold. Even the best sky-level one-star pill is at most one million taels of gold.

And three million taels of gold, not only can you buy three good heaven-level one-star pill, you can even buy an ordinary heaven-level two-star pill.

Of course, the premise is that there is a market.

In addition to these three million taels of gold tickets, Qin Shaofeng also found a lot of Fuling Pills and other good prefecture-level pill from the storage bag of the Fourth Elder.

However, what delighted Qin Shaofeng most was his goal this time.


With a slight flash, Qin Shaofeng had a jade box in his hand.

At this time, Xiaoqiuqiu also seemed to know something. Without Qin Shaofeng's summoning, he suddenly flashed to the jade box and opened it directly.

As soon as the jade box was opened, Qin Shaofeng saw it, and there was an ordinary herb lying in it.

Although his appearance was ordinary, what Qin Shaofeng saw with his eyes was not ordinary at all!

Profound Spirit Grass: Holy grade one-star medicinal material, which has the powerful effect of transforming spiritual roots. After taking it, you can obtain powerful mutant spiritual roots, which are rare sacred medicinal materials.

Although the introduction of Xuan Lingcao's attributes was short and concise, Qin Shaofeng was ecstatic when he saw it, and the corners of his mouth were almost cracked behind his ears.

But at this time, the ball suddenly yelled.

"Asshole, which **** did this stupid thing! He actually cut the profound spirit grass by the roots, doesn't he know that the root and stem is the most complete profound spirit grass?"

The little thing is obviously very angry, and the fleshy round face is full of anger.

Qin Shaofeng snorted in his heart, and quickly asked, "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

"It was wrong, of course it was wrong, and it was still a big mistake!"

Xiaoqiuqiu said with unresolved anger, and then explained to Qin Shaofeng.

After listening to Xiaoqiuqiu's explanation, Qin Shaofeng understood a little.

It turns out that this profound spirit grass is the most complete profound spirit grass with roots and stems, so that it can exert its greatest ability.

If it is not complete, unless the luck is so overwhelming, and the bloodline possesses some peculiarities, otherwise the profound spirit grass will not play the role at all.

But the chance of this is not great. Basically, people who take Incomplete Profound Spirit Grass have only slightly improved their physique.

Although the rhizomes can allow the mysterious spirit grass to grow again, the mysterious spirit grass without rhizomes can be considered a three-star and four-star level at best, and it is no longer considered a holy medicinal material.

Hearing Xiaoqiuqiu's words like this, Qin Shaofeng was a bit scolding.

"I'll wipe it, if I knew I would do it sooner!"

Of course, Qin Shaofeng was just talking about this, and if he really did it earlier, it would not be a good result for him.

However, Qin Shaofeng was envious of Na Luo Yun at this moment.

From the words of Xiaoqiuqiu, it is not difficult to guess that Luo Yun was only taking the incomplete Profound Spirit Grass back then. That person was so lucky that he finally awakened the mutant spirit root.

Qin Shaofeng really envied it.

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