Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 244: Holy ore?

"Then what should I do now?"

Looking at the mysterious spirit grass in the jade box, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but asked Xiaoqiuqiu.


Xiaoqiuqiu sighed softly, and then said helplessly: "What else can I do? Incomplete is incomplete. Taking it directly is a waste. It can only be used to refine a pill!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Qiuqiu suddenly remembered something, and said to Qin Shaofeng in a slightly better mood: "Fortunately, you have the best holy medicine like Blood Demon Flower. You can refine the lowest level Yuan Dan by looking for some medicinal materials. Up."

Yuan Dan, a kind of holy pill, a powerful pill specially used to improve physical fitness and strengthen spiritual roots.

Of course, with Qin Shaofeng's current alchemy level, it is absolutely impossible to refine such a pill.

However, although this Yuan Dan is known as a holy pill, it only refers to a high-level Yuan Dan.

From low to high, there are one yuan pill, three yuan pill, six yuan pill, nine yuan pill and the most perfect ten yuan pill.

Among them, only nine yuan and ten yuan pills are the real holy-level pill. Those one yuan, three yuan and six yuan pill are only heaven-level pill, and the one yuan pill is only one star at the sky level.

Yes indeed! I can also refine Yuan Dan!

Hearing this, Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up, but then Qin Shaofeng's face was another wry smile.

There is no problem in refining the Yuan Dan, but he has to wait until he opens the Dan Zun inheritance!

In the previous innate realm, Qin Shaofeng only needed one million points of inner vigor to open the inheritance of the Danzun left by his master.

Of course, this requires Qin Shaofeng's internal aura to reach one million, not after the bonus.

Now that he entered the spirit vein realm, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the conditions for opening the inheritance of the Danzun had changed, and it needed 10,000 spiritual energy points.

Similarly, this requires his own spiritual energy to reach 10,000 points, which can open the inheritance of Danzun.

This made Qin Shaofeng very helpless.

He now has four levels of spiritual energy, but his true spiritual value is only two thousand points. Under this situation, he probably won't have 10,000 points of spiritual energy until he reaches the seventh or eighth level of spiritual veins.

But Qin Shaofeng was not in a hurry, he still had a way to quickly raise his level.

That is the Nine Layer Spirit Pill.

Qin Shaofeng could refine the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill long ago, but there was no time.

During this period of time staying in the Black Point Mountain Range, Qin Shaofeng had already found the thousand mortal grade medicinal materials for refining the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill, and hundreds of human grade medicinal materials.

And not only did they find them all, Qin Shaofeng also directly collected a full amount.

Now there are only three prefecture-level medicinal materials.

"There is no need to go back to Lianyang College. I only need one day to get to the nearest Nanyang City. I will go to Nanyang City to buy these three prefecture-level medicinal materials! Besides, those in my hand The corpse of the legendary monster beast should also be dealt with."

After a little thought, Qin Shaofeng had a plan in mind.

Go to Nanyang City!

But when Qin Shaofeng was about to leave, Xiaoqiuqiu pulled him and shouted, "Don't go, there is still a baby in the cave!"

Yes indeed!

Why did I forget the rhizome of Xuanling Grass?

As soon as he heard the reminder of the small ball, Qin Shaofeng slapped his forehead, and then hurriedly walked to the cave.

But what Qin Shaofeng didn't see was that the little ball behind him showed a weird smile.

"Do you really think that useless rhizome is still a treasure?"

With a small mouth curl, the ball murmured disdainfully, then hurriedly flashed and followed.

After arriving in the cave, Qin Shaofeng soon found out the way that the roots of the profound spirit grass were located and the rhizomes were small balls. Qin Shaofeng carefully dug out the roots of the profound spirit grass intact, and then collected it into his original world.

Speaking of the Origin World, I have to say that when Qin Shaofeng's cultivation base broke through the Spirit Vessel Realm, the Origin World in Qin Shaofeng's body has actually become bigger.

Originally the size of an adult's head, it has now become a small space of one cubic meter.

This made Qin Shaofeng very happy, after all, his original world was less crowded after all.

However, Xiaoqiuqiu saw Qin Shaofeng's thoughts so, he couldn't help but ridicule: "The fart is a little bigger, and you can't disperse a fart. What are you proud of?"

Qin Shaofeng: "..."

Automatically ignoring the ridicule of Xiaoqiuqiu, Qin Shaofeng was quite satisfied with his current original world.

No, it's because this original world can hold living creatures!

The beast space of the system can also be loaded with beasts, but that is limited to beasts.

And the outside of the war beast storage bag, the space inside is not very good, as soon as the war beast entered, it fell asleep directly.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, under normal circumstances, the owner will not allow his beast to stay in the space of the beast storage bag, because that will not only suppress the growth of the beast, but also make the beast make trouble. Emotions are not conducive to the master's cultivation of war beasts.

Qin Shaofeng's original space has no such restrictions.

And the little thing, the little ball, said that staying in the original world is better against the beasts, even better than the space of the beasts.

Therefore, in Qin Shaofeng's original world space, half of it was deliberately divided by Qin Shaofeng, and a small nest was built for the little fox, and the little fox Baixue was sleeping in it at this moment.

And because of the relationship of the original world space, the little fox is already in the stage of awakening.

Of course, because of this, Xiaoqiuqiu had a big quarrel with Qin Shaofeng. Why did he divide his territory in half.

Unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng didn't take this seriously.

Obviously, in Qin Shaofeng's mind, the status of the little fox is far above that of the little ball ball.

Xiaoqiuqiu also understood this truth, so after a fuss, he finally gave up.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally planned to leave after sending the roots of the profound spirit grass and the mud and soil into the original world.

But Xiaoqiuqiu said with a full tone: "It really disappoints me. I left with such a big baby. In the future, you don't say that you are the master's apprentice. You have no eyesight."


The disappointed look on Xiaoqiuqiu's face caused Qin Shaofeng's heart to move, and his eyes swept around.

But after scanning back and forth for a few times, Qin Shaofeng didn't find any treasures except for the dirt and rocks!

But Qin Shaofeng knew that Xiaoqiuqiu would not taunt him for no reason, so there should be something good here.

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up slightly, and his golden eyes opened instantly.


After the fiery eyes opened, Qin Shaofeng immediately got a lot of information in his mind.

Of course, most of this was information about stones and mud, but one of them shocked Qin Shaofeng.

Xuan Huangshi:? ? ?

question mark?

Is it a question mark?

Seeing the series of question marks behind Xuan Huangshi, Qin Shaofeng was taken aback.

The fiery eyes of level 5 have allowed Qin Shaofeng to see the attribute information of any item under the holy level.

But now this thing called Xuan Huangshi actually made it impossible to see through the level 5 fiery eyes.

How do you say...

Turning his gaze, Qin Shaofeng stared straight at the ball, his eyes glowing and said, "Holy-class item?"


Xiaoqiuqi smiled triumphantly, then did not speak or nod, only the chubby little hand beckoned.


This time, after Xiaoqiuqi waved his hand, the attribute information of the Xuanhuangshi in Qin Shaofeng's eyes completely changed.

Xuanhuangshi: The ore condensed by the power of the Saint-level three-star, the power of Xuanhuang, although it is only the Saint-level three-star, but after training, the hardness of the black yellow iron is as hard as the top refining materials of the Saint-level ten-star Saint-level. Special abilities are rare refining materials.


It is actually a holy three-star refining material!

At this look, Qin Shaofeng was stunned in an instant.

Although Level 5 Golden Eye cannot detect holy items, the small ball is different.

The ball has been with the old alchemist for a long time, but he has seen many good things, and he naturally recognizes this Xuan Huangshi.

Moreover, as long as it was something Xiaoqiuqiu knew, he could show it to Qin Shaofeng one by one in the form of detecting it with fiery eyes.

This can also be said to be another ability of the contract wizard, the little ball.

Qin Shaofeng's eyes were green in an instant, holy three-star! How many points should this be worth!

As if he could see what Qin Shaofeng was thinking, Xiaoqiuqiu hated iron and steel and said: "What stupid thoughts are you thinking about? I can warn you, this black yellow iron refined from the black yellow stone is most suitable. You refine the materials for your natal **** weapon refining, don't be foolish, exchange this mysterious yellow stone for points."

Uh, this...

Qin Shaofeng's expression became embarrassed when the small ball revealed his thoughts.

However, after listening to Xiaoqiuqiu's words, Qin Shaofeng also had a decision in his heart.

Special, this is another fart point!

I just lacked a handy weapon right now, this Xuan Huangshi came in time.

Do you really want to be the same as this little thing said, what kind of fortune is you?

For a while, Qin Shaofeng was suspicious of his luck.

Doubt turned to doubt, Qin Shaofeng still knew that the first thing he did now was to assemble this mysterious yellow stone.

An hour later, Qin Shaofeng was shocked when he looked at the huge rock in front of him.

What a huge piece of holy material!

How much is the product...

Keke, the old problem is committed again.

But this is not to blame Qin Shaofeng. At this moment, Qin Shaofeng has a huge hole in front of him. In the hole, there is a huge round stone that is three meters high and more than ten meters in diameter.

"How many pieces of equipment can be refined with such a large piece of Xuanhuangshi!"

Looking at the huge rock in front of him, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but say.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the ball on the side was a sneer.

"How many? Are you so good at refining as a zombies? After refining the mysterious yellow stone in front of you, you should be smiling if you can refine a zombies!"


Upon hearing Xiaoqiuqiu's sneer, Qin Shaofeng looked at it subconsciously again. The huge black stone in front of him was full of disbelief.

Such a big thing can only refine one piece of equipment?

But after the shock, Qin Shaofeng was delighted.

Haha, this is good!

In this way, the refined zodiacal weapon must be a great piece of equipment!

For a moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly imagined that he was holding a magic weapon and stepping on a dragon to kill the Quartet.

Then, Qin Shaofeng was full of joy and began to collect this black stone.

In the process of collecting, Qin Shaofeng secretly tested how heavy the boulder was.

But as a result, Qin Shaofeng was stunned by the strength of milking, and he couldn't lift this huge rock.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't even push it even if he did not even lift it up.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng touched the Xuanhuangshi with both hands, and used his mental energy to put the Xuanhuangshi into his storage ring.

But even so, collecting such a huge Xuan Huangshi almost drained Qin Shaofeng's mental power.

But the more so, Qin Shaofeng became more and more looking forward to his future destiny.

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