Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 245: Treasure Court

In addition to the five cities of Lianyang, the other four cities in the southeast, northwest and northwest, Beiyang City is considered the strongest and the largest main city.

But to say that the richest city is Nanyang City.

This is all because the headquarters of Duobaoge is in this Nanyang City.

Duobao Pavilion, a mysterious force, or a business group, the business group involved in a wide range of things, it is even the hall of contribution of the Yang Academy, it is not as rich as this Duobao Pavilion.

And not only in Lianyang Country, but also in the prosperous cities in Heiwu Country and Yinyue Country, there are also branches of Duobao Pavilion.

It is unceremonious that Duobaoge is definitely a wealthy country, even the three royal families of the three countries are not as rich as Duobaoge.

But no one force dared to fight Duobaoge's attention. Duobaoge's origin is mysterious and extremely powerful. Even the three kings are very afraid of Duobaoge's strength.

At the beginning of the emergence of Duobao Pavilion, many powers of the three countries, including the royal family, were deeply moved by this rich and rich Duobao Pavilion. However, after a powerful family with a legendary pinnacle, all forces were honest. Up.

This is all because the family with the legendary peak powerhouse was completely destroyed overnight.

Although there is no direct evidence that this is Duobaoge's handwriting, anyone with a discerning eye knows it.

Later, Duobao Pavilion sent three teams to the three royal families. After some exchanges, as soon as the people in Duobao Pavilion left, the royal families of the three countries announced in unison that the three countries would fully support the development of Duobao Pavilion.

This made countless people understand that Duobaoge's strength was very strong, and the royal family of the three great nations had finally compromised.

Therefore, in the past few years, no one has dared to challenge Duobaoge.

Since the last time, ten years ago, a legendary eight-tiered man was in an auction at Duobaoge. Because he didn't have the money to bid, he shot the bidder at the auction.

But as soon as he took the shot, he hadn't met the person bidding with him. The legendary eight-fold master was directly thrown out by a strong man in Duobaoge.

The legendary eight-fold powerhouse naturally stopped doing it, and actually fainted and shot at the people in Duobaoge.

As a result, the strong man in the Duobao Pavilion defeated the legendary eight-fold master with only one move.

Defeated the legendary eight-fold master in one move, and still gently pointed.

What strength is this?

Legend Kou?


Ten legends?

Somewhat reluctantly!

Probably the most likely to be the Yuan Dan realm above the legend.

At this time, people knew that the strength of Duobao Pavilion was so terrifying, no wonder the royal families of the three major countries made such a choice.

At this moment, in a loft of the headquarters of Duobaoge in Nanyang City, two girls were sitting and talking.

However, judging from the fact that they are standing and sitting one by one, and the standing attitude towards sitting is extremely respectful, it seems that they are one master and one servant.

Speaking of it, the standing girl was also dressed as a maid, she was fifteen or sixteen years old, cute and cute, and she knew she was a lively lord at first glance.

But at this moment, the little girl's face was a little depressed and worried.

This is all because of the worry on the face of the sitting lady, which affected her.

"Miss, don't worry! There will be a way!" The little maid wanted to comfort her young lady, but she didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only say that.

Mo Qinglan, the daughter of the head of the Mo family, did not have any strong talents for cultivation since she was a child. As a member of the Mo family's direct line, she can only reach the ninth level of spiritual veins, and she is still a long way from the legendary realm.

Mo Qinglan would be a rare genius if he was born in this Lianyang Country, Black Martial Country, or Silver Moon Country.

But Mo Qinglan is not, she is from the Mo family.

In addition to the ten superpowers, Mo Clan Nine Cloud Continent is considered to be one of the strongest powers.

The Nine Clouds Continent is naturally the three countries of Lianyang Country, Heiwu Country, and Yinyue Country, on this big road.

But compared with the real power, the Lianyang Three Kingdoms can't make it to the stage at all.

Take the Mo family as an example, just sending out a few masters of the Yuan Dan realm can destroy the Lianyang Three Kingdoms.

But it is precisely because of this that Mo Qinglan, who is about to reach eighteen now, is only the realm of the nine levels of spiritual veins, which can not be lower.

Even the Mo family was ashamed to let her out.

Helplessly, God didn't give Mo Qinglan an outstanding talent for cultivation, but he gave her a peerless beauty.

But her beauty brought her a bad experience.

As the daughter of the Patriarch of the Mo family, she has poor cultivating talents, but she was born with shame.

Then Mo Qinglan has only one role, that is, to marry.

Mo Qinglan was naturally unwilling to admit her fate, and finally after begging her father for a long time, his father, the head of the Mo family, gave her a goal.

Regardless of which aspect, as long as she can be alone and make contributions to the Mo family, then the Mo family will not interfere in her marriage.

In terms of cultivation, Mo Qinglan finally took aim at the Mo family's economy.

But his father told her that the Mo family would not help her too much, and she had to start from the bottom.

In the end, Mo Qinglan came to Lianyang Country.

Of course, although what Mo Qinglan's father said was the lowest level, in the Duobao Pavilion among the Three Kingdoms, Mo Qinglan was the real power holder.

Her father said that as long as she can triple the operating profit of Duobaoge in the Three Kingdoms within a year, it is considered preliminary.

Now more than half of the year has passed, but Mo Qinglan still has not met the initial requirements given by his father.

In fact, Mo Qinglan has a good talent in doing business.

However, Duobaoge has been rooted in the Three Kingdoms for many years, and it has long been entrenched and has reached its limit.

Even if Mo Qinglan tried her best, she could barely double her operating profit.

This made Duobaoge's management staff who were a little dissatisfied with her airborne eldest lady, completely convinced.

But obviously Mo Qinglan is still not satisfied.

The limit!

The real limit!

So all the means are exhausted, but it's still twice as short!

Seeing the one year approaching, Mo Qinglan became anxious.

This made her maid, Xiao Yu'er, very worried.


Mo Qinglan sighed involuntarily when she heard the persuasion of her maid Xiao Yuer.

But before Mo Qinglan could say something, her door rang quickly.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

The person who knocked on the door seemed to be in a hurry, and the effort was relatively large, and the entire door trembling slightly.

This caused Mo Qinglan's brows to frown slightly, and a hint of anger in her heart.

It's too unruly. It seems that I have been too gentle recently, and these people have begun to be a little presumptuous.

As a little maid who has followed Mo Qinglan since she was a child, Mo Qinglan frowned. Xiao Yuer knew that her young lady was angry, and then she started to be angry too.

Damn it, who on earth dare to make the young lady angry, and see if my sister Xiaoyu won't teach you harshly.

Unable to help Xiao Yuer walked out to the door, her face opened the door fiercely.

It is a pity that even if she is pretending to be fierce, but with her petite and cute appearance, this fierceness can't be pretended at all, but she still looks cute.

This made Mo Qinglan, who was a little angry, was also amused, and the trace of anger in her heart suddenly disappeared.

At this moment, the door of the room opened, and a chubby figure was revealed.

What to do?

After seeing the chubby figure, a strange light flashed in Mo Qinglan's eyes.

This Guan Shi was originally the person in charge of Duobao Pavilion here, and he didn't have much affection for the eldest Miss Mo Qinglan who had come by airborne.

But after Mo Qinglan doubled Duobaoge's operating profit, He Guanming was convinced.

Until now, what's the matter, I have long been obedient to Mo Qinglan, and there is no longer the initial dissatisfaction.

Precisely because of this, seeing how things look like at this moment, Mo Qinglan knows that something big should happen, or else things that are usually stable and steady will not be so anxious.

In fact, Mo Qinglan was right.


As soon as he entered Nanyang City, Qin Shaofeng went straight to the headquarters of Duobao Pavilion.

Qin Shaofeng wanted to deal with the corpses of those legendary monsters, the first choice was Duobaoge.

Although Qin Shaofeng felt that going to Lianyang Academy to exchange contribution points should improve his status in the Academy a lot.

But considering the confidentiality, Qin Shaofeng finally rejected the original decision in his heart and chose Duobaoge.

After all, Lianyang Academy is actually the power of the Lianyang King Clan.

The appearance of Lu Laoliu directly revealed that he had killed Lu Yun, which made Qin Shaofeng have to guess about the little princess Lian Yufeng.

Subconsciously, Qin Shaofeng began to be wary of the Lianyang royal family.

Therefore, dealing with the corpses of those gray wolves at Lianyang Academy is not a good choice at all.

As for Duobao Pavilion, it is different. Duobao Pavilion always observes the privacy of protecting guests.

This point, since the emergence of Duobao Pavilion, there has been no problem.

And most importantly, Qin Shaofeng owns a token of Duobao Pavilion.

This token was given to Qin Shaofeng by Meng Haoran when Qin Shaofeng left the dream state.

Said it is a token of Duobao Pavilion or something VIP. With this token, you can buy things at Duobao Pavilion at a discount.

He also said that he was leaving anyway, and it was useless to keep the token of Duobaoge, so he gave it to Qin Shaofeng.

This is why Qin Shaofeng finally chose Duobaoge to deal with his gray wolf corpses.

But Qin Shaofeng did not expect that this so-called VIP token was actually very difficult.

He just took out the token, and as a result, Duobaoge came out with a legendary fat steward.

Then, when he knew what he needed to deal with, the fat manager left in a hurry.

This made Qin Shaofeng confused for a while.

However, before the fat steward left, he left a sentence, if he let himself wait for a while, Qin Shaofeng was not in a hurry, and sat quietly, drinking the fragrant tea that Duobaoge had prepared for him.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng found that the fat steward had gone back.

However, this time it wasn't just the fat manager, Qin Shaofeng realized that the two girls were following together.

When Qin Shaofeng saw the girl walking in the front, he was instantly stunned.

What a nice view!

Seeing the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him, Qin Shaofeng suddenly had a poem in his heart.

The hands are like catkins, the skin is like condensed fat, the collar is like a grub, the teeth are like a rhinoceros, and the eyebrows of the worms are like a beautiful smile.

There is no such thing as a fair lady!

This was Qin Shaofeng's thought at first sight of Mo Qinglan.

This was also discovered by Qin Shaofeng, the second woman in the world who was not defeated by the awakened spirit of the Void, and was even more beautiful than before.

For a while, Qin Shaofeng was in a daze.

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