Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 247: Auction starts

Some heavenly pill, and a few good weapons?

This is not bad!

After all, even in the auction of Duobao Pavilion, the number of appearances of this day-level pill is very rare.

The same is true for that weapon.

But that’s all?

Everyone was surprised. If this were the case, there was no need to change the time!

Of course there is more than that, and soon Duobaoge will release the heavyweight words.

In addition to pills and weapons, this auction will focus on the auction of some monster corpses.

Well, from the legendary realm!

This is amazing.

The monsters of the legendary realm are full of treasures!

Sharp claws and fur can be refined into weapons, and meat and bones can be used as medicine to refine alchemy.

That blood is also precious. It not only allows one's own beasts to improve their aptitude and increase their strength, even if humans drink some, it can also enhance their physical fitness. Good luck may also improve their spiritual roots a little bit.

Of course, the most important thing about the monster beast is the inner alchemy of the monster beast.

The monster inner pill of the legendary monster beast, if used properly, can make the beast with good aptitude grow to the legendary status.

The inner alchemy of the legendary monster beast is very precious, even Qin Shaofeng himself is a little reluctant, but he still took out five inner alchemy of the legendary one-layer wolf.

As for the inner alchemy of the gray wolf monster beasts that Qin Shaofeng had collected, Qin Shaofeng was generous once and took out two to three hundred.

If these things make a lot of people in the Three Kingdoms heart-stirring, then the last two things will completely make the Three Kingdoms powerhouses in the legendary realm, and they are all crazy.

Two corpses of the earth bear in the legendary tenth realm!

Ten legends!

With these four words alone, the powerhouses of the legendary realm are all moved.

Even if it is the inner pill of the monster beast without the bear of the earth, but it is the corpse of the bear of the earth, it is enough to make their hearts.

After entering the legendary realm, every step is very difficult.

Of course, there is a quick way too, one of which is taking pill and natural treasure.

And the corpse of the legendary ten-fold monster beast like the Earth Bear is a great treasure in the eyes of the legendary realm powerhouse.

This time, not only those innate martial arts masters and Lingmai masters, but also the powerhouses of the legendary realm, all began to rush to Nanyang City.

This is true not only for Lianyang Country, but also for the Black Martial Country, Yue Yinyue Country.

When the powerhouses of the three major powers all started to take action, the perpetrator Qin Shaofeng found an inn and began to fall asleep.

During this period of time, he was always bedded, and he finally had time to sleep on the soft big bed. Naturally, Qin Shaofeng would not miss it.

Qin Shaofeng had already planned to do nothing for these three days, so he had a good rest.


Three days later, the auction of Duobao Pavilion began.

Because there were so many people attending this time, Duobaoge increased the restriction on entering the auction venue.

Only the legendary realm can enter the auction venue. If the cultivation base is insufficient to the legendary realm, it is as simple as your possessions exceed one million gold tickets, or you are a representative of a big power, and furthermore, there is a legendary strong lead. To enter.

This disappointed many people, but there was no way, after all, too many people came.

And even if such restrictions were imposed, the auction venue of Duobao Pavilion was still full of people.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was staying in a luxurious box. This was the benefit brought by the golden VIP token in his hand.

In fact, without this token, with what Qin Shaofeng took out this time, it is estimated that Duobaoge would also prepare such a luxurious box for him.

There is a huge transparent wall on the front of the box, but this wall allows people in the box to see everything outside, especially on the auction stage.

But the people outside couldn't see Qin Shaofeng in the box.

This is to protect the privacy of guests and reduce unnecessary troubles.

For this, Qin Shaofeng was very satisfied.

And such boxes, Duobao Pavilion is also ten, are three kings and three academies, and there are several special rights of big families.

However, they were different from Qin Shaofeng in that they all directly lowered the transparent wall and appeared directly face to face in the eyes of other people.

Soon, the auction officially began.

The auctioneer appeared.

But at the moment when the auctioneer appeared, the whole venue suddenly fell silent.

When he saw the auctioneer, Qin Shaofeng was also a little dazed, a suspicion flashed in his eyes.

It was her!

Mo Qinglan!

That's right, the person who is the auctioneer today is Mo Qinglan.

His father's preliminary request could no longer satisfy Mo Qinglan.

She wanted to do better, so she decided to do it herself.

Mo Qinglan knew how attractive she looked to men, especially after she deliberately dressed.

Mo Qinglan is wearing a red outfit today, and the whole person seems to be a group of beating fire elves, very enchanting!

Compared with three days ago, Qin Shaofeng saw Mo Qinglan wearing a white gauze cloud suit. At this moment, Mo Qinglan is a little more charming, a little hot and enchanting, and looks even more charming and full of feminine temptation.

The black hair was scattered randomly, draped over his shoulders, and lightly scattered as he walked, giving Mo Qinglan a touch of charm.

Because of the tight-fitting clothes, the pair of jade rabbits on her chest stood tall, tall and sultry, and made people want to see it. They threw their heads up, even if they were smothered, it was worth it.

The slender waist is like a willow, and the jade buttocks are perfectly S-shaped. The front is convex and the back is warped, hot and moving, a pair of ecstasy and slender legs, which caused a burst of drool on the scene. .


It's dying!

This is simply a hot stunner!

At the moment, many of the men present looked at Mo Qinglan with fire in their eyes and drooling.

Even those powerhouses in the legendary realm are in a state of turmoil at this moment, and there is no longer a face of graceful mastery.

What an attractive beauty!

To be honest, even Qin Shaofeng was shocked by Mo Qinglan's outfit.

From a distance, Mo Qinglan deliberately or unintentionally glanced at the box where Qin Shaofeng was located, as if she really greeted Qin Shaofeng.

However, Mo Qinglan didn't pause either, she turned her gaze, looked around, and said, "Everyone, first of all, the little girl would like to thank you all for taking the time from your busy schedule and coming to participate in my Duobaoge auction this time. Therefore, I have specially selected some good things in Duobaoge, hoping to satisfy everyone!"

At this moment, while Mo Qinglan was speaking, there was no three days in the cold and indifferent tone to Qin Shaofeng, it was completely soft and soft, especially after speaking, Mo Qinglan still smiled slightly.

With this smile, the hearts of many men on the scene were melted, and the gazes that looked at Mo Qinglan were extremely hot.

Upon seeing this, Mo Qinglan's eyes showed a trace of satisfaction, but in the depths of this satisfaction, there was also a trace of disgust.

Men, they are all lustful!

The auction started, just as the so-called good things are behind, everyone understands this, so at this moment, the thoughts of many men on the scene are still on Mo Qinglan.

"Everyone, today's first auction item is a heavenly one-star pill!"

With that, Mo Qinglan flipped his right hand gently, and there was a white pill in his hand.

After all, it was a good start. Even if it wasn't the focus of today, Mo Qinglan still took out a heavenly one-star pill.

Raising the pill in his hand, Mo Qinglan smiled and said: "Xueluo Pill, a heaven-level one-star pill, has the powerful ability to activate meridians and repair damaged bones. It has great healing power for severely injured people. The reserve price is 100,000 gold tickets, and each bid price must not be less than 1,000 gold tickets!"

After the introduction, Mo Qinglan blinked her eyes slightly, and her voice became more delicate.

"Everyone, start bidding!"

Bloodline Pill?

Qin Shaofeng felt a little emotional when he saw that the first auction item was actually Xueluo Pill.

I remember that because of her injury, Zhao Yuner gave herself a bloodline pill to heal her injuries.

This made Qin Shaofeng involuntarily think of Zhao Yun'er, and suddenly felt a little miss in his heart.

I haven't seen Senior Sister Zhao for a long time, and I don't know it's useless after her retreat.

In her situation, I am afraid it is even more advantageous!

With a slight movement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng suddenly decided to take this bloodline pill if possible and give it to Senior Sister Zhao.

After making up his mind, Qin Shaofeng sat up straight, ready to participate.

But what happened next made Qin Shaofeng dizzy.

When Mo Qinglan finished speaking, someone shouted in the venue.

"I gave out two hundred thousand gold tickets!"

Two hundred thousand?

Doubled with one bid?

But well...

Qin Shaofeng smiled softly, his expression indifferent.

Two hundred thousand taels of gold is in line with the value of this bloodline pill.

Well, within the acceptable range.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng was no longer indifferent, but completely dumbfounded.

"Two hundred thousand? Hey, what is the name of the ghost! I'll give two hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Hmph, all are poor ghosts, I want 300,000!"

"You want a fart, labor and capital bid 330,000!"


I rub!

Seeing the excitement cry, Qin Shaofeng couldn't react.

This Xueluo Pill is only a healing pill. Although the effect is good, it is already very good if it can bid 200,000 taels of gold.

More than two hundred and fifty thousand, absolutely forced to die!

As for more than three hundred thousand, that is absolutely...

It's an evil pen!

But there are actually a lot of such evil pens, just a short time, this bloodline pill, worth up to 200,000 taels of gold, was actually carried to an extremely high price of 400,000 yuan.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly saw that on the auction stage, Mo Qinglan's eyes flashed slightly with pride, as if he understood something.

Alas, this is really a disaster!

In order to show a face in front of beauties, these shameless pens, uh, these people with considerable status have committed two acts.

"Congratulations to this heroic young master, who took the first auction item today with 560,000 gold tickets. Thank you for your support!"

Accompanied by Mo Qinglan's soft voice, this bloodline pill finally sold for a sky-high price of 560,000 yuan!

At this price, if you increase the price, you can already buy three blood collateral pills.

But watching, Qin Shaofeng was really drunk with the boy whose face was flushed with excitement after Mo Qinglan said with pride before and thanked the other.

After spending three times the price, I bought something, and in the end I was so excited and proud.

What kind of state has this shabi reached!

But what broke Qin Shaofeng most was that even so, there were still many people on the scene, looking at the young man very jealously.

Only then did Qin Shaofeng know that it was so special, this horrible pen is really contagious!

However, at the same time, Qin Shaofeng became more vigilant towards Mo Qinglan on the auction stage.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng thought of someone, Zhang Wuji, his wife.

Zhang Wuji's old lady once said that the more beautiful a woman is, the more deceiving she is.

Qin Shao Fengxin now.

Look at the beautiful and earth-shattering Mo Qinglan, this deceitful and deceitful person is so willing.


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