Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 248: Hot auction

After the first auction item went out, Mo Qinglan didn't pause, and immediately took out the second item.

"The second auction item is a sword that cuts iron like mud..."

Qin Shaofeng didn't listen to what Mo Qinglan said.

Because after looking at the so-called treasure knife, Qin Shaofeng rolled his eyes.

A treasure knife of wool, isn't it a prefecture-level three-star level?

Yes, this thing cuts iron like mud, but the iron block thing, any land-level, even a land-level one-star knife, can cut it happily, right?

After all, the iron nugget is at most only the material of the ordinary refiner!

However, the moment Mo Qinglan shouted the reserve price of 70,000, someone shouted 100,000.

Then a few guilty people jumped out.

In the end, this so-called "treasure knife" was called out a high price of 280,000 yuan.

Not to mention two hundred and eighty thousand, if this is outside, you can find a refiner and give an eighty thousand gold ticket, it will be exactly the same.

Unlike the sky-level pill, the same sky-level one-star pill can sell millions of gold tickets for those who upgrade their cultivation base, but the bloodline pill that heals wounds is at most 200,000 gold tickets.

The effect is different, the medicinal materials used for refining are also different, and the price is naturally different.

But the weapons are different.

Unless it is an extremely difficult weapon to refine, or else the same one-star sword, sword, and spear!

These price points are not much different, and weapons are generally cheaper than the pill.

Of course, this only refers to low-level weapons. If it's high-level weapons, the price is definitely not lower than the best pill of the same level.

It is a pity that such weapons will obviously not appear in this auction.

Therefore, in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, those excited Sao Nian are probably the fat sheep in Mo Qinglan's eyes.

Look, that charming smile on Mo Qinglan's face is basically a gleaming knife!

It is a pity that the truth is often in the hands of a few people. At this moment Qin Shaofeng can only look at it with sorrow, like that one by one, er, wrong, it should be a year of pure love that has stepped into the pit.

It's not that buddies didn't save you, but the enemy is too cunning, buddy I can't save you!

In the end, Qin Shaofeng was silent, and even started to doze off a little.

In this way, this piece of auction item, in Mo Qinglan's charming smile, was sold at double, double, triple or even several times the sky-high price.

But this is the average person, the person in the luxurious box, has never made any bids.

Finally at a certain moment, after Mo Qinglan had auctioned off a heavenly one-star pill, she suddenly stopped.

Looking around, Mo Qinglan smiled softly and said: "Okay, the auction of common things has ended, now we are starting to auction today's heavyweight auction items!"

With that said, Mo Qinglan waved back suddenly, and then walked into ten.

Each of the ten people carried a platform, lying on the corpse of a huge monster wolf, five together.

This is the corpse of those gray wolves.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flickered, and his gaze at Mo Qinglan showed a hint of admiration.

This Mo Qinglan is really smart 1

This gray wolf corpse could obviously be put into the storage ring in her hand, but she asked someone to carry it out.

Such an approach is undoubtedly to shock everyone at the scene.

In fact, Mo Qinglan really got it right, because Qin Shaofeng had already heard it at this moment, and there were some breathing noises in the already quiet auction venue.

Legendary monsters are not harder to see, but the corpse of legendary monsters is hard to see.

Even if someone had the ability to kill the monster beast of the legendary realm, it would definitely not be taken out, but to be enjoyed by themselves.

Unless it is a certain legendary master who is eager to lack money, otherwise it will be difficult for the body of a legendary monster beast on the market.

But at this moment, they saw the corpses of five legendary gray wolves at one time. Even if they knew it beforehand, many people were still shocked severely at this moment.

Upon seeing this, Mo Qinglan smiled in her heart, as if she didn't want to give everyone a digestive reaction, she yelled softly: "One more good news, these five gray wolves are only in the first level of the legend, but they are all complete. The monster inner alchemy is also among them!"

With that said, Mo Qinglan immediately threw out the reserve price of these gray wolf corpses.

"Everyone, these five complete gray wolf corpses are auctioned in five times, each with a reserve price of 1 million gold tickets, and each increase in price shall not be less than 10,000 gold tickets!"

One million, this is equivalent to a general heavenly two-star pill.

But for a complete legendary one-layer monster corpse, it was a lot lower.

Take these five gray wolves as an example, the sharp claws and skins can be used to refining weapons, and they are the refining materials for refining heavenly weapons.

Blood and bones, as well as special internal organs, are the treasures of medicine.

And even that meat can be used to cultivate war beasts.

The most important thing is the monster inner pill, a legendary monster inner pill, if you take a tenth-tiered spirit vein war beast, and add some medicine, it will definitely cultivate a legendary war beast. .

This is the biggest baby in a gray wolf!

It can be said that the corpses of these gray wolves are all useful.

Just a monster inner core is worth more than one million.

The base price of just one million is really low.

But Mo Qinglan is confident that this million reserve price is just the beginning.

In fact, it is exactly the same!

After Mo Qinglan said the reserve price, someone at the scene shouted the price.

"Two million!"

Someone doubled the price for the first time, which caused Qin Shaofeng in the box to stay for a moment.

The base price is not one hundred thousand, doubled, that would be one million!

Even Qin Shaofeng knew that the corpses of these gray wolves were very expensive, but in Qin Shaofeng's mind it was at most two million.

And now it's the first person to bid.

"Two hundred and one hundred thousand!"

Soon, the second bidding sound appeared, adding 100,000 yuan, and then the third person.

"Two million two million!"

"Two and five million!"

"Two thousand six hundred thousand!"


In the fierce bidding, those boxes were still very quiet.

In the box on Qin Shaofeng's right, a fifteen or six-year-old girl faintly watched. The excited crowd outside did not participate.

At this moment, a teenager who was a little bit older than a girl suddenly smiled at the girl: "Sister Yufeng, this gray wolf's corpse is not bad, let me take it for you!"


Lian Yufeng?

That's right, this fifteen-year-old girl was Lian Yufeng, the little princess of Lianyang Kingdom, and she rushed over as soon as she learned of the auction item of Duobaoge.

As for the young man, naturally Lian Chengjiang was interesting to Lian Yufeng.

It's a pity that even Yufeng has no good feelings about Lian Chengjiang, and even Yufeng is a little disgusted because Lian Chengjiang has appeared in front of him many times, saying this or that.

But no matter what, even Chengjiang is his elder brother's right-hand man, and even Yufeng is not easy to say anything.

An old man on the side seemed to see through Lian Yufeng's mind, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "Cheng Jiang, just forget these wolves. Our purpose is not these wolves. There is no need to mix it up." , We have to give other people some soup to eat meat!"

The old man's words were correct. In fact, it was precisely because of this that none of the forces in the box had made a move now.

These are all legendary gray wolves, and it is not difficult for a power like them to obtain them.

That being the case, it would be better to leave it to other forces.

This is almost a potential rule, and many forces outside the box also understand that these low-level legendary gray wolf corpses, those big forces don't care much, they can only fight for these little forces if they want to fight.

As for the legendary seven or eight gray wolves, and even the corpses of the gray wolf king, they probably couldn't fight for it.

One is, no money!

Second, there is no such strength!

Insufficient strength, no matter how many good things you have, I am afraid you can't keep it!

In fact, even Cheng Jiang knew this truth, but before his thoughts were on Lian Yufeng, he forgot this for a moment.

At this moment, he was reminded by the old man, he naturally woke up, and immediately replied respectfully: "Yes, the teacher is right, Cheng Jiang is confused!"

National Division?

This old man is actually the national teacher of Lianyang Kingdom?

If you let others know, I'm afraid it will cause a burst of exclamation.

The national teacher of Lianyang has been in the number for ten years. After three monarchs of Lianyang, he is a veritable veteran of the three dynasties.

In terms of identity, this old national teacher is probably much higher than the current monarch of Lianyang.

Although Lian Yufeng is the most beloved little princess of today's Lianyang monarch, I am afraid he will not ask the old teacher to protect his little daughter.

The reason why the old national teacher appeared here has another identity, that is, the old national teacher is the grandfather of the little princess Lian Yufeng, and he loves the little princess Lian Yufeng extremely.

This is all because Lian Yufeng resembles her grandmother, the only daughter of the old teacher.

The old teacher's daughter has died a long time ago, so the birth of Lian Yufeng made him seem to have seen his daughter, and he was naturally loved in every possible way.

It seems that it is precisely because of this relationship that Lian Yufeng's eldest brother Lian Yulong can become the prince of Lianyang Kingdom today, and Lian Yufeng has become the most favored little princess.

Knowing that his precious great-granddaughter had been chased by Zi Yueye, the old master went to the Zi family of Yinyue Country in person.

As for the result, outsiders don't know.

But after the old national teacher came back, in just one month, Lian Yufeng's cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds, and now he is in a realm with five spiritual veins.

It can be seen that the Zi family should have paid a considerable price to calm the anger of the old national teacher.

From this reaction, we can also see that the little princess Lian Yufeng's position in the heart of the old teacher.

Of course, when I came with Lian Yufeng this time, apart from taking care of my great-granddaughter, the most important purpose of the old master was to be the finale of the auction of Duobaoge, the two corpses of the earth bears. Up.

Similarly, among the other boxes, there are several strong men who have the same goals as the old national teacher.

These strong men are silent at the moment, they are all waiting for the final auction item.


Soon, the auction of the corpse of the first gray wolf ended.

The final transaction price exceeded 4 million gold tickets!

Even Mo Qinglan didn't expect this. Her heart's bottom price was only three million.

But now it is more than one million higher.

And the four gray wolf corpses after that were all sold for almost four million.

Especially the last one reached 5 million!

With such a hot price, Duobao Pavilion hasn't appeared in this three consecutive years.


It's completely hot!

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