Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 249: Sky-high price

Mo Qinglan was also very satisfied with the good beginning of the gray wolf corpse auction.

However, Mo Qinglan also knew that this was all because the five gray wolves were complete, possessed the inner core of the monster beast, and even the small forces present knew that they had only won this battle.

Therefore, the price is naturally higher.

And the subsequent auctions of the gray wolf corpses without the inner alchemy of the monster beast also confirmed Mo Qinglan's expectations.

Without the inner alchemy of the monster beast, it is the legendary double gray wolf corpse, and the price is more than two hundred and less than three million.

Only a wolf with a legendary triple level or more can auction a high price of 3 million.

Qin Shaofeng was really satisfied with this result.

Because whether it was a gray wolf with a monster inner core or a gray wolf without a monster inner core, the final auction price exceeded Qin Shaofeng's estimated price.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng had already begun to consider whether he should buy more things after the auction was over.

Because according to this situation, I am afraid that the final transaction price of Earth Bear, as the finale, will be even more amazing.

With Mo Qinglan's tender and soft voice, the corpses of gray wolves were gradually put up for auction.

In fact, by this time, Mo Qinglan had already restrained the aura of temptation radiating from her body, because she no longer needed to stimulate her, and the crowd on the spot was already emotional.

Under such circumstances, each of the eight legendary seven guards of the Canglang King was auctioned for a huge sum of six or seven million.

After auctioning the last Cang Wolf King's guard, Mo Qinglan smiled and said softly: "Everyone now, this auction is still left. It has entered the final stage. Now we are going to the third from last. The auction item Cang Wolf King's auction!"

Mo Qinglan's voice fell. Four people walked out behind her. The four people carried a huge platform. On the platform was a behemoth. Although it was covered by a red cloth, everyone in the room understood that there was The dead wolf king's body is gone.

Suddenly, the entire auction hall suddenly fell silent. After Mo Qinglan lifted the red cloth and naturally saw the huge Cang Wolf King corpse, he suddenly started to breathe.

Good guys!

This is the legendary eight-fold Canglang King!

Almost no time for everyone to react, Mo Qinglan opened the red cloth and said softly: "Legendary Eightfold Blue Wolf King, the reserve price is 10 million, and the minimum price increase is 100,000!"

Mo Qinglan deliberately failed to explain that the inner alchemy of the Cang Wolf King had been dug away.

In fact, everyone present at the scene knew this beforehand, but at this moment, they all seemed to have forgotten this point. Not only were they not shocked by the super high price of 10 million yuan, but the first time, someone shouted the price. Up.

"Eleven million!"

The first time I directly added one million, but this is the beginning!

"I give out 11.5 million!"

"Madan, labor and capital are spared, 13 million!"

"Huh, it's a risk? I will add another two million, fifteen million!"



Qin Shaofeng was dumbfounded as he watched the crowd more crazy.

The Cang Wolf King is of great value, and Qin Shaofeng has already prepared for this.

But looking at the scene before him, I'm afraid this Cang Wolf King will give himself a great surprise.

Qin Shaofeng didn't even know that this Cang Wolf King was in the eighth realm of legend after all.

The corpse of a monster beast of this level is already very precious, but the corpse of a monster beast of a king like the Cang Wolf King is even more precious.

Soon, in just a short while, the price of Cang Wolf King soared to 20 million.

At this time, even if there is still a quotation, it will be hundreds of thousands at most, or even a 100,000 increase.

But Mo Qinglan on the auction stage was very clear in her heart that the Cang Wolf King auction had not really started yet.

"thirty million!"

Suddenly, when the price of the Blue Wolf King reached 23.7 million, one of the top ten boxes heard an indifferent price increase.


thirty million?

There was a gasp, everyone was frightened.

The few people in the crowd who were still raising prices suddenly smiled bitterly on their faces, and then were unable to sit down.

Because they all understand that from now on, the Cang Wolf King auction has nothing to do with them.

Because the real big power has shot.

"Thirty-one million!"

After the first voice appeared in the top ten boxes, the second voice soon appeared. Then, those big forces began to fight.

"Thirty-two million!"

"Thirty-three million!"

"Thirty-four million!"


The price increases time and time again, each time is an increase of one million to one million.

This allowed the small forces now to fully recognize the gap between themselves and the big forces.

This is thirty million!

It's deadly for a million!

"Hmph, my Zi family bid forty million, this Cang wolf king my Zi family wants!"

In one of the boxes, a middle-aged man stood up abruptly, his expression proud.

I rub, forty million?

Everyone looked at the middle-aged man, and their hearts were full of worship.

As expected to be the Zi family, too rich!

In the face of the admiration of the crowd, the arrogance of the middle-aged man from the Zi family became even stronger.

But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Forty-one million!"


How dare someone increase the price?

The middle-aged man from the Zi family was angry. He has already given the name of the Zi family, but there are still people who dare to increase the price. Isn't this going against their Zi family?

At this time, there were also many people on the scene, wondering if the person who bid the price had a problem in his mind.

But when they followed the sound and saw that it was a closed box, outsiders could not see the people in the box.

From the beginning, three of the ten boxes were closed.

But at this moment, people know who the voice was just shouting, because many people have already heard that the cold and sweet drink belongs to the young princess Lian Yufeng of Lianyang Country.

For a while, the atmosphere on the scene completely cooled down.

Some people who were hesitant in several boxes completely dispelled the idea of ​​continuing to bid.

The middle-aged man in the Zi family looked angry, but finally thought of even Yufeng's identity, he didn't say much, just shouted with an ugly face: "Forty-two million!"

"Fifty million!"

The voice of a few middle-aged men in Zi's house fell, and even Yufeng's cold voice rang again.

The scene became quieter, and the middle-aged man from the Zi family became even more angry.

But there was no way. When he came this time, the Patriarch had already given him a death order.

The Bear of the Earth can't be photographed, but the Cang Wolf King must not be missed.

Because this Cang Wolf King's attributes are the same as his Zi Yueye's spirit root attributes, which is of great help to Zi Yueye.

In this exchange competition, the Zi Family has decided to let Zi Yue Ye shine, and let Zi Family’s "Zi Yun Promise" regain its former reputation.

Therefore, no matter how high the price is, this Cang Wolf King Zi Family must take it.

"Fifty-five million!"

A little roar sounded, and the middle-aged man in the Zi family almost gritted his teeth.

And after shouting the 55 million, he looked at the box Lian Yufeng was in with a gloomy expression, and said with a trace of anger: "Little princess, don't be too much!"

But the little princess Lian Yufeng cares about him?

Thinking of what happened at the alchemy mansion that day, Lian Yufeng felt angry.

Ever since she was born, has Lian Yufeng ever had such an experience?

Too much?


At this moment, Lian Yufeng in the box gave a sneer, then, directly lowered the wall in front of him, and directly faced the middle-aged man from the Zi family, and said contemptuously: "Isn't it? This princess will tell you directly. There is no one hundred million. Don't want this Canglang King, Zi Family, this princess will just buy it back and rot, it's worth it!"

After that, even Yufeng didn't even look at the other party anymore, and directly shouted: "100 million!"


The scene was suddenly noisy.


This little princess from Lianyang Kingdom is really domineering!

However, the crowd at the scene didn't know that the legendary masters among the ten big boxes suddenly shrank their eyes and their hearts beat wildly after Lian Yufeng lowered the wall of her box.

I wiped, why did this old guy also come?

It was the old teacher from Lianyang that made everyone react like this.

Until this moment, everyone understood why Lian Yufeng had the courage to treat the former as money and kept increasing the price.

With the strong support of the old national teacher, how many people among the three countries dare to provoke Lian Yufeng?

At this time, the middle-aged man from the Zi family also saw the old national teacher. Although the old national teacher looked drowsy at this moment, he did not dare to say anything to Lian Yufeng.

A month ago, he could see with his own eyes how the old national teacher went to their Zi family, and then how much the Patriarch paid before letting the other party leave.


It's horrible!

The middle-aged man from the Zi family bowed his head slightly, a **** killing intent flashed in his eyes, and his heart kept roaring.

Even the family, even Yufeng, and you, the immortal, you all wait for me.

It won’t be long before you regret it.

Roaring in his heart, the middle-aged man from the Zi family took a deep breath and said coldly: "One hundred and one million!"

After this time, everyone at the scene was silent.

Zijia admits it's planted!

Everyone knew what happened to the middle-aged man's bid.

After being silent for a while, Lian Yufeng did not bid any more.

Until then, Mo Qinglan smiled and shouted: "No one has bid, right? Congratulations to this VIP for successfully photographing this Cang Wolf King at a price of 101 million!"

Hearing Mo Qinglan's voice, the middle-aged man from Zi's face twitched, but he was finally relieved.

But the next moment, after Mo Qinglan's voice sounded again, the middle-aged man's face was instantly ugly again.

"Oh, by the way, to remind this VIP, when the bill will be settled, please pay an extra 30 million gold tickets!"

Facing the middle-aged man’s full face of consternation, Mo Qinglan smiled and said: “Because you just broke the rules of our Duobao Pavilion auction venue, this is a small warning!”


Everyone was bewildered when they suddenly said such a sentence to Mo Qinglan.

But when Mo Qinglan said that he broke the rules of the Duobao Pavilion auction venue, everyone not only thought, it seemed that the former fellow of the Zi family, when he bid for 40 million yuan, he carried the name of the Zi family.

This clearly took the name of the Zi family and took the Cang Wolf King at a lower price!

Everyone hadn't reacted much before, but now after Mo Qinglan's appearance, everyone finally remembered.

What a special thing, this is Duobao Pavilion!

You are arrogant here, making it clear that you are dead!

Seeing the extremely ugly red and white expression on the face of the middle-aged man from the Zi family, everyone felt a little gloating in their hearts.


You think your Zijia is amazing!

There is a kind of smash with Duobaoge!

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