Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 254: The exchange game begins, the shadow in the dark

When Qin Shaofeng rushed to Guyun City, in Lianyang College far away in Lianyang City, a certain beautiful girl gritted her teeth at this moment and said: "Qin Shaofeng, you better not appear in the exchange competition, or you will be pretty!"

Behind the girl is a strong man like a wall, but at this moment, the face of this strong man is extremely inconsistent with his figure. Looking at the younger girl who is less than one-third of his body in front of him, the strong man’s eyes are full of fear. There is a hint of gloat.

Great, little sister-in-law is finally going to transfer her hatred, boss, please ask for more blessings!

Beside the strong man is a cold-faced teenager, carrying a sword.

At this moment, the young man was silent, but his eyes flashed through the aisles, and his body was exuding fierce sword intent all the time.

Except for the young man and the strong man, no one dared to get within three meters of his body.

Hearing the voice of the girl gnashing her teeth, there was a faint smile at the corner of the sword-backed youth's mouth, but a trace of murderous intent burst into his eyes soon.

Ziyueye, this time, I must return the humiliation you gave me that day ten times and one hundred times!


A day later, Qin Shaofeng rode Tiger Lord, and finally rushed to the destination of this exchange competition-Guyun City!

Guyun City is located at the junction of the Lianyang Three Kingdoms. It has a small area, that is, an average city with a population of one million.

But here is a place where casual cultivators gather, and many powerful casual cultivators live here.

Even in the Legendary Realm, there are many in this Guyun City, and there is a rumor that Guyun City has a super master of the Yuan Dan realm.

Of course, the specific situation is unknown.

However, it is precisely because this is a place where casual repairs gather, and even the three kingdoms of Lianyang have not paid attention to it. Even if a small-scale war occurs between the three countries, they are careful to avoid this place.

In history, there was once a large country that fought the attention of this Guyun City and sent troops out to conquer Guyun City's casual repairs.

But I don’t want this to be a forceful resistance from the casual cultivator. Such resistance is not only the Guyun City, but also the casual cultivator in other places. In the end, this great country was overthrown by countless casual cultivators. The current black country.

It is precisely because of this that for the Three Kingdoms of Guyun City, they have a laissez-faire attitude.

Perhaps a Guyun City is nothing, but if all the loose cultivators of the Three Kingdoms add up, it would be a very powerful force.

This is also the fact that the ruined great country was too greedy, and wanted to enslave the casual cultivator, so the casual cultivators naturally resisted.

This time, it is actually the most suitable place to place the three-nation exchange match in Guyun City.

Outside the Guyun city, with Master Tiger into the beast space, Qin Shaofeng walked towards the city gate.

But as soon as he arrived at the city gate, Qin Shaofeng saw a petite figure that appeared in front of him with a sigh.

"Hmph, Qin Shaofeng, you finally appeared!"

Qin Shaofeng suddenly raised his head to look up with a familiar squeaking sound. When he saw the familiar face, his expression was suddenly surprised.

"Sister Zhao!"

That's right, the person who suddenly appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng was naturally Zhao Yun'er.

Zhao Yun'er was angry about Qin Shaofeng, which had disappeared for two months, and even she had already thought about it. When we meet, she must give Qin Shaofeng a severe lesson.

No news for so long, don’t you know that people are worried?

But looking at Qin Shaofeng's expression of surprise at this moment, Zhao Yun'er's anger had long since disappeared.

It seems that he still cares about me.

With joy in her heart, Zhao Yun'er is completely gone, and she has the idea of ​​finding Qin Shaofeng to settle the account.

At this time, a voice of worship sounded.

"Boss, you deserve to be the boss, I haven't seen you for so long, you are still so good!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge black shadow pressed.

Qin Shaofeng was startled at first, and then looked at the dark shadow with surprise on his face.

"Mengzi, you are finally back!"

With a loud laugh, Qin Shaofeng violently gave the huge black shadow, Du Meng a bear hug.

It's a pity to find that this fierce boy seems to be longer, more than two meters, this hug made Qin Shaofeng a little embarrassed, and quickly loosened it.

I'm dizzy, what the kid ate with his master, his body actually developed again.

Du Meng didn't notice that Qin Shaofeng was surprised, touched his head with a silly smile on his face.

Well, I'm getting longer, but people are still like that!

Seeing Du Meng's silly smile, the familiar feeling in Qin Shaofeng's heart returned.

"You are good, now I can't see through your realm!"

Just when Qin Shaofeng was delighted, a cool sound came.

Qin Shaofeng didn't need to look back, he knew that this voice, apart from the ice cube of Tang Qijian, no one else had it.


Two days later, the exchange competition began.

Even if it was learned from Zhao Yun'er that this exchange competition was quite dynamic, but after Qin Shaofeng reached the scene of the exchange competition, he realized that he had underestimated the exchange competition.

In the northern area of ​​Guyun City, because the land is barren, there are not many people living.

However, as soon as the exchange competition was confirmed to be held here, the North District was started by the three major powers and a super ring was established.

The entire super ring is divided into two parts, one is the congenital area and the other is the spiritual vein area.

There is only one arena in the congenital area, but ten arena in the Lingmai area.

This time, because there are so many people who want to participate in the exchange competition, it was originally an exchange competition with representatives of the three major colleges, but now because the prizes are too attractive, others are dissatisfied.

Therefore, it is now an exchange competition for all forces in the three major countries.

Of course, no matter which power is on the bright side, after participating, it will represent its own country.

In this respect, this can be regarded as an exchange match between the three countries.

It is precisely because of this that more people participated.

Regardless of the congenital area, Qin Shaofeng alone learned from Zhao Yun'er that there are as many as two to three hundred elite students in the Lingmai Realm of Lianyang Academy participating in the Lingmai area.

This is too exaggerated. Originally, Qin Shaofeng was not an elite disciple in Lianyang Academy, so it is not very clear how many elite students in the academy are.

But now Qin Shaofeng already knows that there are many elite students of the Spirit Vein Realm in Lianyang Academy, but he doesn't know it.

From this it can be seen that there are many elite students from the other two colleges.

Of course, among these elite students, almost 90% of them are in the first to third level of the spiritual realm. These are all people who have quickly improved because of this exchange competition.

However, in any case, there are still some strong people.

The process of the exchange match is also very interesting. The first three days are considered as a knockout match. After all, there are too many people.

But what's interesting is that in the elimination round, any power and opponent of the three big countries can only be people from the other two big countries.

The knockout will never meet someone on your side.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was the only one who entered this Lingmai area to participate in the elimination round.

Although this exchange game has finally evolved into this way, the three major academies still have some so-called seed players. They don't need to participate in this so-called knockout, but will only enter the final exchange game.

For such a person, the three major colleges all have ten places. Unfortunately, Zhao Yuner, Du Meng and Tang Qijian are all one of these ten places.

Well, that means that the knockouts in the first three days have nothing to do with the three of them.

As for Qin Shaofeng, hehe, in Zhao Yun'er's words: "Who told you that you were not in the academy at that time, the quota will naturally be yours!"

However, Qin Shaofeng also knew very well that he was in the innate realm two months ago, and even if he was in the academy, he would not be able to get this quota, unless he showed his strength.

But Qin Shaofeng was also very excited about this so-called knockout, because after Zhao Yuner told herself about the general process of this exchange match, the system suddenly released one, which made Qin Shaofeng an unexpected task.

Knockout of the Exchange Tournament: A special task issued by the system. In the knockout session of the Tournament Tournament held by the three countries, every time an opponent is defeated, different experience points are obtained depending on the opponent's level.

Defeat opponents in the first realm of Lingmai, you can get 100 points of system reward experience!

Defeating opponents in the dual realm of Lingmai will get 200 points of system reward experience!


Defeat the opponent in the Seventh Realm of Lingmai and you will get 10,000 points of system reward experience!


It's really unexpected. The unexpected task is not based on the degree of completion to evaluate the final reward.

Instead, you can get rewards by defeating opponents, especially if you defeat an opponent in the same realm of the Seventh Realm of Spirit Vessels, you can actually get 10,000 points of experience, and after that, you will add 10,000 points for each increase.

If you defeat the tenth realm of Lingmai, you can gain 50,000 points of experience.

This gave Qin Shaofeng a very absurd illusion.


My little master, I look like a copy of experience!

But the accident was an accident, and Qin Shaofeng was more excited.

There are a lot of people in this knockout. If you can meet an opponent in the same realm as your own every time, then you can add 10,000 points of experience every time!

In this way, maybe after the elimination round is over, one's level will be raised to the eighth level of Lingmai.

Unfortunately, ideals are often full, but reality is very skinny.

Looking at his first opponent, Qin Shaofeng was completely speechless.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng stood in front of an opponent with the first realm of spiritual veins.

Yes, it is the first level of spiritual veins, and depending on the situation of the opponent, it seems that he should be someone who has just used the pill to forcibly break through the spiritual vein realm.

too weak!

So weak that Qin Shaofeng couldn't raise any interest at all.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng just leaked his breath a little, and the opponent who had just breached the spirit vein realm on the opposite side immediately gave in.


Qin Shaofeng's first match of the knockout round was over.

After a short break, the second battle began.

This time, Qin Shaofeng's opponent was stronger than the first one, but it was a little stronger.

Lingmai Double...

Not only was it the second game, but in the next day, the opponent Qin Shaofeng encountered was at most the four spirit veins.

This made Qin Shaofeng finally no longer expect any more points.


The night will be quiet. After the excitement of the elimination rounds during the day, the Guyun City at night will be much more lively than ever.

Maybe it's a lot of people, maybe it's a knockout game during the day, but it still doesn't make people happy.

But at this moment, a dark corner of Guyun City suddenly flashed in this quiet environment, and two more figures appeared.

"Are you ready over there?" In fact, as soon as a dark shadow appeared, he immediately asked.

Another dark figure replied faintly: "Go back and tell your Patriarch, there is no problem here, but there will be no problems with you, right?"

"Hey!" The shadow monster laughed before, and then said confidently: "You can rest assured, as long as there is no problem on your side, our Patriarch is absolutely foolproof!"

As he said, this dark shadow gradually walked out of the dark shadow's corner, revealing its face.

If Qin Shaofeng were here, he could find that this person was the middle-aged man from the Zi family who had appeared at the auction venue in Duobaoge for more than half a month.


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