Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 255: The Second Controversy

The next day, the knockout rounds continue

It seems that on the first day, most of the people under the four-level spiritual vein realm were eliminated.

But on this day, the opponents Qin Shaofeng met were still not very strong, most of them were of the fourth and fifth spiritual veins, and the chance of encountering the sixth spiritual vein was relatively small.

As for the spiritual veins above the sixth level, Qin Shaofeng only encountered an early opponent of the seventh spiritual level.

Qin Shaofeng didn't take much effort at this opponent with seven spirit veins, just three thunderballs could get the opponent.

The first one broke through the opponent's inner wall, the second hit the opponent, causing electric shock paralysis, and the third directly blasted the opponent out of the ring, ending the battle.

On the third day, the situation finally made Qin Shaofeng a little excited.

Because on this day, most of Qin Shaofeng's opponents were more than five-fold spiritual veins, and seven-fold spiritual veins were easy to meet.

However, it is always because in this exchange competition, too many people use the medicine to forcibly improve their strength in order to get good results.

These people are not for the rewards of the exchange competition, they are for the rewards given by the three countries.

As soon as the exchange competition was finalized, the three countries said that anyone who can enter the top 1,000 in the exchange competition will be able to obtain the position of officer among the three countries.

The better the grade, the higher the position. If you can enter the top 100, you can enter the royal city and become the royal guard.

Becoming a royal guard has a lot of benefits, not only is not less than the lord of some big cities, but also can enjoy many benefits.

The most obvious point is that you can enter the spiritual garden to practice.

The Spirit Garden not only has the Yang Academy, but the other two colleges also have their own Spirit Gardens.

As for the reason for this, I am afraid that only a few people know.

But everyone doesn't care about this, what makes them care about is the spiritual garden!

Cultivation in the Spirit Garden is several times faster than the outside world. Just this alone can make countless people want to join the royal guard.

Therefore, even if the hope is slim, many people spend a great price to purchase the medicine to improve the cultivation base to improve their strength.

But in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, such people are simply not strong enough.

Even if Qin Shaofeng had encountered an eight-fold late stage master with Spirit Veins, after the fight, Qin Shaofeng found that the strength of the opponent was not as good as the fourth elder of the Lu family.

No surprise, Qin Shaofeng didn't lose a game on the last day of this knockout round, and he advanced smoothly.

As soon as the knockout round was over, Qin Shaofeng gained more than 10,000 points of experience on the first day of the three-day knockout round, and less than 30,000 on the second day.

As for the last day, the situation has improved a lot, and Qin Shaofeng has gained more than 100,000 points of experience, and the three days added up to 150,000.

At this moment Qin Shaofeng's experience has reached more than 160,000.

After the knockout, Zhao Yuner and Du Meng and Tang Qijian finally came out.

After meeting three days ago, Qin Shaofeng gave Zhao Yuner and Du Meng a special version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill for each of them to improve their cultivation.

As for Tang Qijian, even though he had already taken the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill, Qin Shaofeng still used some precious medicinal materials and refined some pill to improve his strength.

Three days ago, Zhao Yun'er was in the tenth peak state of spiritual veins, Du Meng was in the late stage of five spiritual veins, and Tang Qijian was in the late stage of sixth spiritual veins.

just now……

Seeing the three people in front of him, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, his golden eyes opened instantly, and his eyes fell on Zhao Yun'er for the first time.

Character: Zhao Yuner

Level: Ten Peaks of Spirit Vessels

Aura value: 100000/100000 (twelve secret stars)

Talented Spiritual Root: Body of Stars

Talent skills: Nine Star Secret Technique


It's still the tenth pinnacle of Lingmai!

Just like three days ago, Zhao Yuner's realm has not been broken, and even her aura is still 100,000 points.

I remember that when Qin Shaofeng saw Zhao Yun'er's aura three days ago, he felt that his glaring eyes were in trouble.

How about Zhao Yuner's aura so possible?

But Xiaoqiuqiu told Qin Shaofeng that this was the reason for practicing "Nine Stars Secret Technique".

Although Zhao Yun'er had already obtained the "Ten Fang Xing Jing", as long as she practiced it, she could open up the star realms in her body and officially began to practice the "Ten Fang Xing Jing".

But the elderly alchemist once warned her that it is best to practice "Nine Stars Secret Art" first, condense the nine nebulae with the power of the stars in the body, and then open up the star realms in the body. This is of great benefit to her. In the future, it will be easier to cultivate the "Ten Fang Star Sutra".

Zhao Yuner remembered it and did so.

So if Zhao Yuner hadn't cultivated the "Nine Stars Secret Technique" to a certain level, it would not have been possible to raise the level of cultivation.

The realm of "Nine Star Secret Technique" cultivation is based on the secret stars condensed by the power of the stars in the body, and the realm is determined.

In fact, this secret star is similar to the cloud pill that Qin Shaofeng cultivated in the "Pill Sutra".

Well, this means that even if Zhao Yun'er's aura is worth 100,000 points at this moment, but if she adds her twelve secret stars, Zhao Yun'er's true aura is over one million.

In fact, this kind of inspiration is a special technique created by the old alchemist after reading the "Ten Fang Star Sutra".

It's just that "Nine Stars Secret Technique" is the original version. Although it is powerful, it is really powerful. It is the "Alchemy" created after the old alchemist's strength reaches a certain level.

Qin Shaofeng did not shock Qin Shaofeng with Zhao Yuner's true strength.

It was Du Meng's situation that surprised Qin Shaofeng.

Character: Dumont

Level: the early stage of the Eightfold Spirit Vessel

Aura value: 200000/200000

Spiritual root of talent: earth, gold

Talent Skill: Nine Turns Overlord Body


It was the first time to take the special version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill, which gave Du Meng this kid a great benefit. The realm was actually improved from the late stage of the fifth stage of the spiritual channel to the early stage of the eight stage of the spiritual channel.

And what surprised Qin Shaofeng was that Du Meng, the fierce boy, had a golden spiritual root.

If Qin Shaofeng remembered correctly, Du Meng himself only possessed an earth system spiritual root.

But Xiaoqiuqiu told Qin Shaofeng that Du Meng's spiritual roots were the five elements.

Du Meng's spiritual roots are pure, just a soil element, not one of the many spiritual roots such as thick soil spiritual roots and heavy soil spirits. He is soil.

According to Xiaoqiuqiu, this kind of pure spiritual root is called the five-element original spiritual root. If you practice a special technique, there is very little chance that the five-element spiritual root can grow into each other and eventually evolve into the spirit of the five elements.

Wood produces fire, fire produces soil, native gold, gold produces water, and aquatic wood!

The five elements grow together, this is the spirit of the five elements.

Don't look at Du Meng's current dual-system spiritual root, which is only a medium spiritual root close to a higher spiritual root, but once the five elements are born, the spiritual root of the spirit of the five elements is not weaker than the spirit of Tang Qijian sword soul.

It is also a very powerful saint spirit root!

As for what is a holy spirit root, it is a powerful spiritual root far better than the so-called inferior to super.

Possess the Holy Spirit Root, then has the potential to achieve the Holy Land.

Du Meng's situation made Xiaoqiuqiu very concerned. After finally discovering Du Meng's "Nine Turns Overlord Body", Xiaoqiuqiu realized that it was because of "Nine Turns Overlord" that Du Meng's spiritual roots Have such an evolution.

But for "Nine Revolutions", Xiaoqiuqiu just glanced at Du Meng, and then he scorned.

"It's just a crippled foundation chapter for cultivating, no matter how much you practice, you can't cultivate in the holy realm!"

Qin Shaofeng remembered this sentence secretly, and even planned to get Du Meng the full version of "Nine Revolutions"!

These Du Meng naturally don't know, this fierce boy only knows one thing now.

"Hahaha, Xiaojian! Now I have a higher cultivation base than you, so how about calling me brother!"

After the retreat, Du Meng found Tang Qijian immediately.

Then, when he found that Tang Qijian was only in the early stage of the Seventh Layer of Spirit Vessels, and his aura seemed to be behind him, he began to cry.

Since returning to Lianyang Academy and learning that Tang Qijian and Qin Shaofeng have become brothers, Du Meng, the fierce boy, was stunned to ask Tang Qijian to be behind him. Whatever he said, Du Meng is the second child, and Tang Qijian is naturally the third child. .

But who is Tang Qijian?

He was convinced of Qin Shaofeng, but Du Meng?

Fart, a defeated player is embarrassed to be ahead of him?

Then, because of this incident, the two have often discussed each other.

But Du Meng almost always loses because his realm is lower than Tang Qijian, but this fierce boy has a stubborn temper and froze.

Now with great difficulty, the cultivation base is much higher than Tang Qijian, naturally a little bit ready to move.

Because Tang Qijian had taken a first-grade nine-layer spirit pill before, this time even though he relied on Qin Shaofeng's several good pills, his strength had also improved.

But that is to say, he was promoted to the early stage of the Seventh Layer of Spirit Vessel, which was a whole level lower than Du Meng.

But he didn't care about Du Meng at all, and even a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he snorted coldly: "You foolish man, are you embarrassed to be ahead of me?"

"What about a reckless man? I am stronger than you!" Du Meng didn't care about Tang Qijian and said that he was a reckless man, but he was a little proud of him.

"Better than me? It's ridiculous, just you brat? There is a kind of fight once!"

"Hmph, hit and hit, who is afraid of anyone! This time I must hit you on the ground!"

The two of you say something to me, and they are about to fight.

This made Qin Shaofeng on the side a little speechless, and Zhao Yuner was even more straightforward laughing.

"Okay, okay, this exchange match is about to start, don't be so fussy, you two should go to the ring to fight other people!" Qin Shaofeng hurriedly persuaded.

When Tang Qijian and Du Meng heard it, they both stopped.

Tang Qijian frowned and said coldly: "Yes, the boss is right. If you want to fight, you can go to the ring to fight. If this is the case, do you dare to win more times with me than anyone else?"

"Huh, compare it!" Du Meng snorted coldly, "Just as the boss said, this time whoever wins more of us is the second brother!"

"Good!" Tang Qijian nodded.


"no problem!"


After watching the two high-five, Qin Shaofeng was completely dumbfounded.

What did I say?

This is just your own business, don't get involved with me!

But seeing that the two finally stopped arguing, Qin Shaofeng finally moved his mouth and said nothing.

However, Qin Shaofeng had a trace of doubt in his mind.

Isn't it just a second child? Need this?

That's the second child!



The playoffs were specially arranged by the three countries, and 100 of the three countries have advanced.

This plus the ten seeded players from the previous three academies, so in the end, there were three hundred and thirty people participating in the final exchange match.

Then this exchange contest is divided into three rounds, and now it is the first round, three-player battle!

The so-called three-person war is one hundred and ten people from the three powers, each of whom has to form a team with the other two countries.

Then the players who advance to the second round are selected from the three.

Teams of three, each group has two matches, only the winner advances, not one lose.

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