Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 256: Abstained?

The first round was nothing but Qin Shaofeng felt something was wrong in the second round.

In the first round, a group of three was promoted to one person, and then in the second round, there were 110 people participating.

But in the second round of the game, every player had a match with everyone.

In other words, everyone has to go through 109 competitions.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel a little unbelievable, because in this way, even if everyone played ten games a day, it would take ten days to end!

Needless to say, there is still a third round to win the first place game.

How does it feel a bit like, deliberately extending the time of the game!

Qin Shaofeng suddenly had such a thought in his mind, but it didn't take long for him to throw away such a thought.

Because after the elimination round, the system released another task similar to the previous one.

The semi-finals of the exchange match: the special tasks released by the system, in the first and second rounds of the exchange match held by the three countries, each time an opponent is defeated, different experience points are obtained depending on the opponent's level.

Defeat opponents in the first realm of Lingmai, you can get 100 points of system reward experience!

Defeating opponents in the dual realm of Lingmai will get 200 points of system reward experience!


Defeat the opponent in the Seventh Realm of Lingmai and you will get 10,000 points of system reward experience!

Defeat the opponent in the Eightfold Realm of Lingmai, and get 20,000 points of system reward experience!

Defeating opponents in the Nine Realm of Lingmai will receive 30,000 points of system reward experience!

Defeat opponents in the tenth realm of Lingmai, and get 50,000 points of system reward experience!

This is the same as the previous knockout task, but replaced by the so-called rematch.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was very excited, because in this way, he would definitely be promoted.

Because in the first round, let's not talk about it. The more than 100 people in the second round are 90% of the three kingdoms, the strongest 100 people.

How can you say that you have the lowest level of spiritual veins and seven levels!

Then, don't you send it out?

Imagine that if one person brings 10,000 points of experience to oneself, then one hundred people is one million!

If this is a player who can have half of the spirit vein and eight layers, then...

I am afraid I will be promoted to the Ninth Level of Spirit Vessel in ten days!

Qin Shaofeng was excited.

In Qin Shaofeng's excitement, the first round of competition began.

The participating players all have numbers, from number one to number one hundred and ten, so the three-person match will soon be divided.

Qin Shaofeng's opponents were Heiwu Country's 97th and Yinyue Country's 64th.

As for who it was, Qin Shaofeng didn't know.

After getting their number and knowing the opponent's number, Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yuner returned to the waiting area.

There were a lot of people watching this exchange match, but a huge viewing platform was built around the super arena.

It's the waiting area for the players, which is naturally closer to the ring.

It is worth mentioning that the game in the Innate Zone has ended and the first place has come out.

Perhaps it was because there were too many people in the Spiritual Realm, which caused the Congenital Realm's exchange competition to not make people care much.

Therefore, in the three days of the Lingmai District Elimination Tournament, the exchange competition in the Innate District is over.

Fortunately, the first place in the Xiantian District is a person from Lianyang Kingdom. In the end, Lianyang Kingdom directly recruited the genius who was originally a small family into the royal guards, and even the monarch of Yang Kingdom made an order to reward that. The family of the genius is a town with a population of 100 people.

Such rewards caused the people in the Lingmai area to be extremely excited.

The first place in the congenital area is like this, so they still get the spirit vein area?

Even some people who knew their strengths were not good enough were extremely excited at this moment.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this.

Royal Guard?

This Qin Shaofeng really didn't take it seriously.

Special sister, the young master worked so hard to compete like this, you even let the young master be a servant?

Fart, as far as your thoughts are, let the little master roll as far as you can!


Can royal guards enter the spiritual garden to practice?

Sorry, the little master doesn't care about the spiritual aura of the spirit garden, and the little master cultivates experience points.

Do you know what experience points are?

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't take a fancy to these rewards.

If it weren't for the exchange of the top few, especially the first prize, it would be so rich, Qin Shaofeng would not even plan to participate.

Of course, now Qin Shaofeng has one more reason to participate, and that is the experience points.


The first round began.

The entire super arena was divided into twenty small arenas. Coincidentally, Du Meng was one of them in the first twenty games, and Tang Qijian was the same.

"Youngest, see how your second brother beats the opponent!"

Looking at Tang Qijian, Du Meng smiled triumphantly.

Tang Qijian ignored Du Meng, but just looked at him coldly, without saying a word, and rushed to the ring.

Dumont was immediately angry.

"Damn it, you Tang Qijian dare not listen to the second brother, you stop me!"

With a roar, Du Meng rushed forward.

Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er, who were sitting behind the two, looked at each other face to face, with helpless eyes.

When this time treasure encounters ice cubes, it can actually make a noise?

But for this situation, Zhao Yuner felt a little joyful in her heart.

Because Huobao and Ice Cube were not here, she and Qin Shaofeng were the only ones left.

Zhao Yun'er's face turned slightly ruddy, hesitated, and asked softly: "Shao Feng, what have you been doing during this time?"

Qin Shaofeng was startled slightly, she didn't expect Zhao Yun'er to ask this question at this moment, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Nothing to do, just go to the monster forest to practice!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to say directly that he had entered the depths of the Black Point Mountain Range.

Otherwise, how would Zhao Yuner preach to herself?

"oh, I see!"

With a soft response, Zhao Yuner didn't notice the guilty conscience on Qin Shaofeng's face at this moment, because she was completely out of mind at this moment.

But if she really wanted her to say something, Zhao Yuner found that she didn't even know what to say.

After struggling for a while, Zhao Yuner bit her silver teeth, and when she was about to say something in-depth, she was interrupted by a loud laugh.

"Hahaha, I'm back!"


With a burst of energy, a huge figure fell in front of Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er, but it was Du Meng's fierce boy.

Seeing the boy so excited, it must be the result of the game, and he must have won.

Sure enough, as soon as he came back, Du Meng shouted to Qin Shaofeng excitedly: "Brother Feng, I won, the opponent is too weak, I can get it done with one move."

Qin Shaofeng was not surprised by this. With Du Meng's current strength, most of the people on the scene were definitely not his opponents. As long as they were not opponents with some strength, it was normal to win with one move.

"Well, not bad!" Qin Shaofeng nodded.

Du Meng was excited, and then he rapped and talked to Qin Shaofeng. It was nothing more than this bet that he won, and Tang Qijian is definitely the life of the third child!

But Du Meng, who was excited, didn't notice. Although his little sister-in-law was smiling, his eyes flashed with danger.

Okay, Du Meng, I just had some brewing, so you ran to interrupt me.

You are deliberate!

Although I couldn't wait to blast a few punches into Du Meng's face at this moment, Zhao Yun'er kept smiling after looking at Qin Shaofeng beside him.

Don't be impulsive, Shaofeng is here.

My mother said that if you want to be a lady, men are good!

But having said that, Zhao Yuner sentenced Du Meng to death in his heart at this moment.

Du Meng still kept talking to Qin Shaofeng without knowing it.

At this moment, Du Meng suddenly saw a figure and floated over.

"Yo, the third child, why are you so slow! I've been over for a long time!"

After seeing Tang Qijian coming back, Du Meng smiled strangely.

"Hmph, so anxious, rush to reincarnation?"

Facing Du Meng's strange laughter, Tang Qijian replied coldly.

"You..." Du Meng was furious, but then he thought of something and smiled triumphantly, "Hmph, just say it if you can't do it, I can tell you, my opponent just now is the Seventh Spirit Vessel, and is in your realm. It's the same, but it's not that I got down with a punch."

After that, Du Meng was still winking at Tang Qijian, his expression seemed to be saying, "I see no one at the same level as you, I punched him down, and you are not much better."

But Tang Qijian didn't have the slightest anger on his face. He just glanced at Du Meng lightly, and said calmly: "In the late seventh stage, the other party abstained!"


When Tang Qijian spoke, Du Meng, who was about to ridicule him, was instantly stunned.

Although Tang Qijian said few things, and it was not clear, but after spending some time with him, whether it was Qin Shaofeng, Zhao Yun'er, or even Du Meng, they knew how Tang Qijian spoke.

Therefore, the three of them heard Tang Qijian's meaning.


And the other party is still in the late stage of the Seventh Stage Spirit Vessel?

Du Meng was dumbfounded, although there were 10,000 words in Du Meng's heart that he didn't want to believe Tang Qijian.

But he understood better that Tang Qijian never talked nonsense. In Tang Qijian's own words, it was Tang Qijian's disdain to lie.

So Du Meng knew that Tang Qijian's opponent had really abstained.

What the hell, where's the soft guy!

It's useless to give in to someone who is two levels lower than himself.

Du Meng was angry, angry at Tang Qijian's opponent.

But Du Meng didn't even know that the Silver Moon Kingdom's Seventh Stage Spirit Vein master was really frightened when he encountered Tang Qijian.

Because of Zi Yueye's sake, Tang Qijian didn't have a good impression of Yinyue Nation, so facing his opponents of Yinyue Nation, he subconsciously moved a bit of murderous intent.

After the start of the game, the sword intent vented, that sharp sword aura, mixed with cold killing intent, made the seven-level spiritual vein master of the Silver Moon Kingdom tremble in an instant, because he seemed to have an illusion, and his eyes When people fight against each other, they will be cut in half by the opponent.

Under such circumstances, he directly shouted to the referee without even thinking about it and abstained.

Then, Tang Qijian won like this.

Qin Shaofeng also paid attention to Tang Qijian's match a little bit. Although he didn't start the fight, he just thought about it and Qin Shaofeng understood.

Killing intent to withdraw from the enemy, although it sounds a bit exaggerated.

But Qin Shaofeng had personally experienced Tang Qijian's killing intent and sword aura, and naturally knew that with Tang Qijian's ability, it was not difficult to do this step.

Besides, Tang Qijian's opponent seemed to be a person who had been promoted as a pill and had not gone through any **** battle.

Such a soft abstention is not surprising.

"Hmph, what's the use of winning once, this bet will definitely be me winning in the end!"

In the end, it seemed that there was nothing to say, Du Meng suffocated such a sentence.

Tang Qijian glanced at him lightly, his face was calm, still calm.

Well, just looking at this attitude, it seems clear who is ahead, who is the brother, who is the first!

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