Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 260: Incident Escalation

At the location where the organizer was on the side of the ring, Gao Qifeng's face was gloomy at this moment, obviously he was extremely angry.

The first time the seeded player in his academy was abandoned, Gao Qifeng questioned Zi Taikang angrily.

But Zi Taikang said a word without thinking, and then Gao Qifeng fell silent.

What Zi Taikang said was: "Heh, Gao Qifeng, don't you really think that we are hosting a communication competition among the three parties?"

Exchange contest?

Fart the exchange competition, this time the exchange competition is blunt, because on the day the alchemy mansion ended, after the Three Kingdoms war, it was an opportunity to vent the bad influence.

This is not really an exchange game anymore!

After that, Gao Qifeng has nothing to say.

This is the result of the above discussion. This so-called exchange competition is not a formal exchange competition at all, that is to say, there is no saying that there is no end to it.

In fact, Gao Qifeng also knew that they even had a lot of people from the Yang Kingdom and the Black Martial Kingdom. Because of that battle, they planned to take revenge on Yinyue Kingdom in this exchange match.

In the previous knockouts and the first round, the reason why nothing happened beyond that point was because their organizers deliberately classified the players into the competition, which is not really a ‘communication’!

But now it's the second round, and the previous point may end here.

In fact, Gao Qifeng is also very puzzled. This is a non-constrained exchange game. I am afraid that after the end, the hatred between the three countries will probably rise even more.

It can be seen from the precedent that Yinyue Kingdom has set now.

Alas, it seems to be getting more and more restless!

What do the adults above think!

He sighed softly in his heart and looked at the scolding audience stage, Gao Qifeng simply said nothing.


Seeing the scene on the stand in the distance, Qin Shaofeng narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering what he was thinking.

"Damn it, the people of Silver Moon Nation are so hateful, so **** it!" Du Meng snarled angrily on the side.

Du Meng couldn't understand this situation.

Not only him, but also Zhao Yuner and Tang Qijian. Although the two of them didn't speak much at this moment, their faces were not very good at this moment.

Even after winning the game, he didn't let his opponent go, and killed his dantian.

This is no longer a simple word that can be described as hateful, it is simply unforgivable.

"Hmph, don't let me meet him, or I will let him know what it's like to be abandoned."

Du Meng gritted his teeth and whispered angrily as he watched the Silver Moon Kingdom's tenth-tier spirit vein contestant who walked off the ring.

Tang Qijian didn't speak, but a sharp murderous sword aura burst out of his body, the meaning of which was self-evident.

There was constant scolding around, and the whole scene was noisy, just like the vegetable market.

But the next few consecutive games, what happened, made the whole scene even more popular.

Angry fire!


Because there are several games in a row, ten games no more, no less.

In these ten games, both the seeded players from the Yang Kingdom and the Black Martial Kingdom encountered powerful enemies. Except for two or three of them, some of the others were all abolished.

Even the two or three seeded players are all due to their good strengths, and they are all masters with ten levels of spiritual veins. They did not end up like that, but even so, they were seriously injured.

The reason for this is that all the people who played in the Silver Moon Kingdom in these ten games were all with the tenth level of spiritual veins, and the lowest of them was the realm of the middle tenth level of spiritual veins.

Even though the seed players from the Yang Kingdom and the Black Martial Kingdom have a good level of cultivation, this time Yinyue Kingdom clearly came prepared. Ten players who had performed mediocrely in the knockout and first round games, did not know. By what means hide the true cultivation.

As soon as it was revealed that the seeded players from Lianyang Country and Heiwu Country were completely caught off guard.

In the end, six of the ten people were abolished Dantian, three were seriously injured, and the last one was disbanded after being seriously injured.

This even angered the people of Lianyang and Heiwu, and there were verbal abuses everywhere.

As for the people of Yinyue Nation, not only did they not feel anything wrong at this moment, but they were getting more and more proud, and they were full of mockery in the anti-curse.

"Damn it, the people of Silver Moon Kingdom are so damned!"

Du Meng couldn't help it anymore and stood up directly with a look of anger, as if he was running up to hit someone right away.

The killing intent in Tang Qijian's eyes was not concealed at this moment.

Even Zhao Yuner was also angry at this moment.

On the contrary, Qin Shaofeng's face was calm at the moment, but secretly, Qin Shaofeng had already activated the sensational ability of fiery eyes and golden eyes to sense the situation of the players in Yinyue Kingdom.

He hadn't paid attention before, but what happened now made Qin Shaofeng feel a little uncomfortable, so he immediately opened the realm of perception with fiery eyes.

But after this perception, Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

There are still more than fifty players from the Silver Moon Kingdom who passed the first round of the competition this time, but among the fifty-plus players, ten of them are in the tenfold realm of spiritual veins, among them the masters with the highest cultivation He has reached the tenth peak of the spiritual veins, which is one step away from the legendary realm.

And not only that, among the fifty people of Yinyue Kingdom, there are 18 people with the nine-fold cultivation base of spiritual veins, 23 with eight-fold spiritual veins, and five with seven-fold spiritual veins.

As for the spiritual veins below the seventh level, there is no one at all.

I don't know if I don't feel it, Qin Shaofeng was shocked after he felt it.

This lineup is too exaggerated!

You must know that the players in Lianyang Kingdom at this moment, except for those seeded players who are in the tenfold realm of spiritual veins, the rest are eightfold and ninefold, and the most are the cultivation bases of the sevenfold spiritual realm.

There are even a few people in the sixth layer of Lingmai.

It can be said that the Lianyang Kingdom and the Black Martial Kingdom combined, although they have an advantage in number, they are slightly inferior in strength.

In addition to this, Qin Shaofeng learned from Xiaoqiuqiu, a very interesting discovery.

That's the people of the Silver Moon Kingdom, and most of the auras in their bodies are the same. Eight of them practice the same technique.

And this kind of exercise has great drawbacks, although it can quickly improve strength, but it is exhausting its own potential.

Like those ten spiritual veins and tenfold players, I am afraid that they can only stay in the spiritual veins in their entire life. The person with the ten spiritual veins peak, I am afraid that they have reached the limit, and there will be no improvement in the future. This is not to mention entering the legendary realm.

And not only that, the exercises these people practice not only squeeze their own potential, but also drain their life.

As long as one year, as short as three months, these people will die one by one without exception.

This also made Qin Shaofeng more certain that what the Zi family was playing.

Oh, although I don’t know what tricks you guys play, but...

His eyes narrowed slightly, Qin Shaofeng's eyes exuded a faint killing intent.

Obviously, the actions of the Zi Family had caused him to kill. Qin Shaofeng asked himself that although he was not a good person, Qin Shaofeng really couldn't pass the way the Zi Family had done.

No matter what plots and tricks you have, as long as you don't have these people in front of you, I see what your Zi family can do!

Qin Shaofeng silently made a decision in his heart.

Although Qin Shaofeng knew very well in his heart that this decision might make himself a must-killer in the Zi Family, but he didn't care.

And this time for myself, it might not be an opportunity!

A rare upgrade opportunity!

"I made a decision!"

Just as Qin Shaofeng had a certain decision in his heart, Du Meng, who was furious on the side, roared fiercely.

"Fuck, if I meet these bastards, I will never spare them lightly!"

"Count me in!"

A cold voice sounded, it wasn't Tang Qijian who else could have.

Qin Shaofeng felt anxious at the sight of the two men's murderous intent.

I'm dizzy, if those people are disabled by these two goods and can't continue the game, then my plan will not be so easy to proceed!

Thinking of his plan, but the players from Yinyue Kingdom are indispensable, Qin Shaofeng hurriedly said to the two of them: "No, you two don't be impulsive. Even if you meet them, if you can defeat each other, don't hurt them seriously. If you can't just give in!"


Suddenly hearing Qin Shaofeng say this, not only Du Meng and Tang Qijian were a little puzzled, but Zhao Yun'er was also confused.

However, neither Du Meng nor Tang Qijian yelled at Qin Shaofeng for being timid, because they believed in Qin Shaofeng.

But this time Qin Shaofeng didn't explain anything to them. He just smiled and said: "It's done as I said. Don't worry, you will understand my intentions soon!"

After speaking, Qin Shaofeng suddenly leaned to Zhao Yun'er and whispered a few times.

Zhao Yun'er, who was blushing a little by Qin Shaofeng's sudden ambiguous posture, had a hint of surprise in her eyes after hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, and she was still a little puzzled.

But in the end she nodded and promised Qin Shaofeng: "This matter is okay, I will go to Senior Master!"

After speaking, Zhao Yuner left in diameter.

At the moment, Gao Qifeng had left the grandstand of the organizer, because he was worried that he would stay any longer, so he could not help but directly attack Zi Taikang.

Too hateful!

This is really hateful!

Four of the six seeded players have been abolished. You must know that these seeded players are all extremely outstanding talents. If you lose one, the Academy will be extremely heartbroken.

Because if nothing happens, these seeded players will all be able to become legendary masters in the future, and even one or two of them can go further and become more powerful legendary masters.

But now, except for the lucky two, the other four have all been abolished and become a useless person.

And even those two people who were lucky enough are now seriously injured, and there is no possibility of fighting.

This is a serious blow to the reputation of Lianyang College.

Whenever he saw Zi Taikang's triumphant smiling face, Gao Qifeng couldn't help but want to make a move, punching hard.

But he knew that this was absolutely impossible, so he was blind when he came backstage.

"Uncle Gao!"

At this moment, Gao Qifeng suddenly heard a familiar soft voice, his originally a little angry face, he immediately loosened, showing a slight smile, and then smiled back: "Ha, it's Yun'er coming!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhao Yuner appeared in front of Gao Qifeng.

Zhao Yuner seemed to see the smile on her uncle's face, which was no more far-fetched than usual.

With a move in my heart, I hardly need to think about it, and Zhao Yun'er also understands why.

In fact, this time she was entrusted by Qin Shaofeng, she came for this.


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