Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 261: Don't stop the treatment!

Looking at the student token in his hand, Qin Shaofeng showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Everything is ready now, just wait for the game to start!

At that time, Zhao Yun'er looked at Qin Shaofeng, with a trace of puzzlement in her eyes.

Isn’t it just how many elite student tokens will be upgraded?

Is it worth so happy?

And does such a thing make sense?

Zhao Yuner was puzzled by Qin Shaofeng's request for his own affairs.

But seeing that Qin Shaofeng didn't mean to explain, she didn't ask, and she believed that Qin Shaofeng did this for a reason.

Of course, Zhao Yuner doesn't know what the status of a star student and an elite student mean to Qin Shaofeng.

The title of star student: The star student of Lianyang Academy is recognized by Lianyang State. Killing monsters in Lianyang State will get a five-fold bonus for gaining experience!

This was Qin Shaofeng's previous title, but now after Qin Shaofeng asked Zhao Yuner to help him, he went to the academy elder Gao Qifeng, Qin Shaofeng's status has been promoted from a star student to an elite student.

Gao Qifeng is not an ordinary college elder, but his status in Lianyang College is very high, ranking in the top ten among all elders.

Therefore, even if he is not in Lianyang Academy at this moment, he can also raise the level of Qin Shaofeng's student token.

As for the reason why Qin Shaofeng did this, naturally, the title of elite student is even more beneficial to him.

Title of Elite Student: Elite students of Lianyang Academy are recognized by Lianyang Country. Killing monsters in Lianyang Country will get an eightfold bonus for gaining experience!

Eight times!

That's right, compared with star students, elite students have three times the experience bonus!

This is even more beneficial to Qin Shaofeng's plan.

Not long after Qin Shaofeng got the elite student token, Du Meng returned.

Because just now Dumont's first game came.

The game was over quickly, even if the opponent's Silvermoon country student was a cultivation base of the Ninth Layer of Spirit Vessel, it was still not Du Meng's opponent.

At the beginning of the game, Du Meng ran "Nine Turns Overlord Body" and added golden light to his body. The opponent couldn't break his defense at all.

If it weren't for Qin Shaofeng, Du Meng would have resisted the opponent's attack for the first time, and then caught the opponent and beat him violently.

Because of Qin Shaofeng's words, Du Meng didn't make a cruel move in the end, but just blasted the opponent out of the ring.

This made all the people in Lianyangguo cheer instantly.

After all, speaking of it, this seems to be the first victory since Lian Yangguo has played more than a dozen games!

The only fly in the ointment is that Du Meng did not seriously injured the opponent.

In the eyes of all the Lianyang people on the scene, if Du Meng had his opponent also abolished his pubic pubic area, that would be a good thing and a happy heart!

The expression on Du Meng's face was very depressed when he came back. Victory is victory, but his true thoughts have destroyed the opponent.

This is called a pay for a report!

But because it was his boss' request, Du Meng finally complied with it.

Regarding this, the next few games, Tang Qijian's game, Tang Qijian is also the same.

Yijian smashed his opponent out of the ring, and Tang Qijian also came down.

At the scene, even the people from Yangguo cheered again, and even the people from the Black Martial Kingdom shouted hello.

The people of Yinyue Nation were naturally unwilling, and then they took aim. Du Meng and Tang Qijian didn't mean to hurt others. They clamored again and again, saying that even if you even win the Yangtze State, you dare not treat us Yinyue Nation. The people made ruthless things.

The people of Lianyang country naturally stopped doing it, and then there was another verbal abuse.

Zhao Yun'er appeared in this swearing sound.

Zhao Yun'er's opponent is a late stage player from Yinyue Kingdom, who is not low in strength.

It is a pity that he met Zhao Yuner.


On the ring, Zhao Yuner just waved his hand and shot a starlight at will, and then directly blasted the silveryue country player in the tenth stage of the spiritual vein from the ring.

That's not even counted. At the moment of being blasted off, the player of the Silver Moon Kingdom vomited blood, and after flying out of the ring, he was completely unconscious.

Taking a closer look, everyone was shocked to discover that the aura of the player of the Silver Moon Kingdom actually fell crazily, and the ten-fold aura of spiritual veins all over his body disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.


With Zhao Yun'er's hand in hand, this silveryue nation's tenth stage spiritual vein player in the late stage was turned into a waste by Zhao Yun'er.

The huge scene was quiet, and then there was a loud cheering. All the people from the Yang Kingdom, and even the people from the Black Martial Kingdom, were yelling frantically.

"It's great! Zhao Yuner!"

"Awesome, this is simply amazing, Zhao Yuner, you are my goddess!"

"The goddess hastened to show off her majesty and abolish all the grandchildren of Silver Moon Kingdom!"

"Haha, the tortoise grandchildren of Yinyue Kingdom, have you seen it? This is the strength of my goddess Lianyang, tremble!"


Faced with the triumphant cheers of Lian Yang, the people of Yinyue Kingdom were silent this time.

Obviously, Zhao Yuner's displayed strength shocked them all.

A person in the late tenth stage of spiritual veins was seriously injured by her, and even directly destroyed the person.

This strength is also terrible!

Is this Zhao Yun'er really a master of the legendary realm?

People in Yinyue Nation were shocked, and many people subconsciously looked at their little prince of Yinyue Nation.

I'm afraid that only the little prince can handle Zhao Yuner!

In the distance, where the purple moon night is,

At this moment, Zi Yueye saw what had happened, and her heart was very uneasy.

too strong!

This Zhao Yuner's strength is not lower than mine.


Her brow furrowed, and Zi Yueye felt a little more irritable in her heart, but then she remembered something and showed a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

Humph, what about the strength? As long as my plan goes on smoothly, a mere Zhao Yuner is not a concern.

Looking at Zhao Yun'er in the distance again, Zi Yueye sneered away from her gaze.

After Zi Yueye retracted her gaze, Zhao Yuner returned to Qin Shaofeng and sat down.

"Confiscate it!"

As soon as she sat down, before Qin Shaofeng could say something, Zhao Yuner said lightly, her face still calm.

What can Qin Shaofeng say about this?


Is this a reason?

is it?

Qin Shaofeng didn't believe it, and even extremely suspected that Zhao Yuner was deliberate.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about these soon.

After all, he also understood that Zhao Yuner's dissatisfaction with the players of Yinyue Kingdom, and venting his own anger, it was normal.

And it's just one person missing, which has little impact on my plan, and it's not a big deal.

So facing the calm Zhao Yun'er, Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to blame it.

This made Du Meng on the side see a movement in his heart and had a thought.

Ha, this is fine too?

Well, when it's my turn to play, um, I can't stop it, and Feng Ge will definitely not say anything about me.

Well, that's it!

With a decision in his mind, Du Meng smiled secretly and was very proud.

It's a pity that Du Meng didn't even know that he had no chance.

It seems that the trio of Zhao Yun'er's victory, especially Zhao Yun'er's victory, has given the people of Lianyang and Black Martial Kingdoms a little bit of confidence.

In the next few games, even the players from Yangguo and Heiwuguo have won.

However, even if they win, most of them are miserable wins.

And once they lose, those who lose are all seriously injured at the slightest level, and the serious ones are naturally being abandoned.

It even seems that because of Zhao Yuner's strength, deaths and injuries have already begun.

Finally, in this increasingly fierce competition, Qin Shaofeng ushered in his first game.

When it was his turn, Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly, and jumped to the arena.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng's opponent also appeared.

Now Qin Shaofeng knows that the match between himself and Zhao Yuner and others, as well as the seeded players from Lianyang Kingdom and Heiwu Kingdom, has undergone some adjustments.

Moreover, after some previous matches, Qin Shaofeng could be regarded as seeing that in the first match of his own and others, Yinyueguo had deliberately arranged an opponent with special strength.

Just like Du Meng, he, a person with eight levels of spiritual veins, was against the players of Yinyue Kingdom with nine levels of spiritual veins.

As for Tang Qijian, it seemed that Zi Yueye had taken special care of him. It was just the realm of the seventh spiritual vein, and it was also against the opponent of the nine spiritual veins.

It is a pity that Tang Qijian's "Sword Art of Seven Kills" has been cultivated to the realm of the fourth kill.

An opponent in the early stage of the Ninth Layer of Lingmai, he directly used the third kill, and the opponent was solved instantly.

On the contrary, I am afraid that Zi Yueye would have overlooked it!

Looking at his opponent, Qin Shaofeng chuckles slightly.

Eightfold Spirit Vessel!

The Yinyue Kingdom player who stood opposite Qin Shaofeng was not only inferior to Du Meng's and Tang Qijian's opponents, but was even in the middle stage of the eightfold spiritual vein.

According to the general situation, this time it seems that Qin Shaofeng will lose.

Qin Shaofeng didn't hide his aura right now, and everyone on the scene felt that Qin Shaofeng was only in the realm of the seventh spiritual vein cultivation.

"Oh, it's a pity, this kid is not lucky, the opponent is actually a master of the Eightfold Spirit Vessel!"

"That's right! He is the seventh realm of Lingmai, this is a defeat!"

"What is this idiot doing stupidly? Don't admit defeat yet!"

"Well, the opponent is from the Silver Moon Kingdom. It would be wise to admit defeat, otherwise it would not be so good!"


No one in the audience is optimistic about Qin Shaofeng, and the people from Yinyue Kingdom even took the opportunity to shout, abandoning Qin Shaofeng's words, and obviously looked down on Qin Shaofeng completely.

Seven spirit veins versus eight spirit veins?


The same is true of Qin Shaofeng's opponent, the player from the Silver Moon Kingdom.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng disdainfully, the player from Yinyue Kingdom sneered, "Boy, you're done!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't speak, but looked at each other quietly.

But the player from Yinyue Kingdom was even more proud. He thought that Qin Shaofeng was too scared to speak, so he sneered and warned: "Don't want to abstain, kid, I'll tell you the truth. The Zhao Yuner you followed With Tang Qijian, we have greatly offended our little prince. You will never have a good life with them."

"And even if you abstain now, the little prince still has the means to deal with you. Of course, if you do what I said, I can plead with the little prince and spare your life!"

As he said, he didn't care about Qin Shaofeng's answer, and he said directly: "Now you kneel here for me, and then shout that even the people from Yangguo are choppy, so I can keep you safe!"

Qin Shaofeng stayed!

He didn't know at all, where this guy was so confident that he dared to say such a thing in front of him.

Surprised, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help interrupting the other's complacency, and asked worriedly.

"I said, who is that! If you are sick, you must never stop the treatment!"

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