Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 263: Let the three of you go together

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing an opponent in the Ninth Level of Lingmai, and gaining a leapfrog experience bonus, plus title, bonus cards, etc., for a total of 40,000 experience points!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for surpassing one opponent who defeated Lingmai Nine-fold, and gained 30,000 points of system reward experience!"

Nine levels of spirit veins kill at two levels, and you can get ten times the experience bonus.

This time, after the Silver Moon Kingdom player of the Ninth Level of Spirit Vessel was killed, Qin Shaofeng gained 40,000 experience points.

And adding in the 30,000 points of experience rewards for defeating the opponent, this adds up to 70,000 points.

What Qin Shaofeng consumed was nothing more than Thunderball and Lingbo's microsteps, which consumed 1,000 points of aura, plus Xiao Li Feidao, who consumed 10,000 points of aura.

This is a bargain!

Qin Shaofeng was very satisfied with this.

But he was satisfied, but those people and players from Silver Moon Nation were very dissatisfied?


And died again?

All the people of Silver Moon Nation at the scene stunned, but then it broke out completely.

"Sneak attack! This is a despicable sneak attack!"

"It's just that this person is too despicable to carry out a sneak attack. Do you even shame the people from Yangguo?"

"Trash, is this the quality of your Lian Yang country?"


In an instant, countless verbal abuses rang from the stands.

Unfortunately, this had no effect on Qin Shaofeng at all, and it could even be said that Qin Shaofeng didn't care about it at all.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care, but even the people of Yangguo were different.

"Huh? Sneak attack? The tortoise grandchildren of Silvermoon, can you be more funny? This is also called a sneak attack?"

"Sneak attack, the referee has already announced the start of the game. This can also be called a sneak attack? It's an open attack!"

"Oh, it's good quality, you people from Silver Moon Nation are too shameless. If you can't beat them, you will call sneak attack, called despicable. You are so hungry, do your parents know?"


The people from the country of Yang and Yinyue on the scene began a war of words again.

Even the people from the Black Martial Kingdom joined in and began to help Lian Yang Guo scold the Yinyue Kingdom side.

After all, Qin Shaofeng killed the two players of Yinyue Nation in a row, which can be regarded as revenge for their Black Martial Nation, and he naturally supported Qin Shaofeng.

Without taking another look at the corpse on the ground, Qin Shaofeng raised his head to look at the group of players from Yinyue Kingdom, and said lightly, "Who is next?"

"Boy, don't be proud to let me meet you!"

As soon as Qin Shaofeng spoke, a figure suddenly jumped up.

This is a person in the middle stage of the Ninth Stage of Spirit Vein, and his cultivation is not as good as the previous moment.

But Qin Shaofeng was more vigilant in his heart, because just now, he saw that Zi Yueye cast a wink at this person, and then the other party rushed forward.

Qin Shaofeng immediately knew that the other party was definitely not easy.

The eyes flashed brightly, and the golden eyes opened instantly.

Then, Qin Shaofeng knew why this person was sent by Zi Yueye.

Character: Purple Santong

Level: Mid-Nine Spirit Vein

Aura value: 75000/75000

Talented roots: medium wind roots

Skill: Stormrage Palm


People from the Zi family still possess medium-level wind roots (ordinary wind roots), but although they are in the mid-ninth stage of spiritual veins, they can only have aura values ​​that are equivalent to the tenth stage of ordinary spiritual veins. Reiki value.

Under normal circumstances, the aura value of the Ninth Level of the Spirit Channel is more than 60,000 points, and the Tenth Level of the Spirit Channel is 100,000 points.

However, Qin Shaofeng was not surprised, after all, the other party was from the Zi family.

But after seeing the opponent's skills, Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised.

Just ordinary Feng Linggen, naturally there is no talent skills.

This Fury Palm should be the skill of the Zisan fellow practitioners.

Stormrage Palm: Earth-level two-star technique, wind system, after practice, you can burst out the aura of the body into a powerful palm. The more aura value consumed, the greater the power.

(Note: Once all the spiritual energy in the body is used to cast Stormrage Palm in an instant, the power of the stormy Palm can be increased by at least three times!)

After seeing the attributes of the Palm of Fury, Qin Shaofeng smiled.

He knew the intention of the other party.

Want to explode with all your strength to kill yourself?


Qin Shaofeng's guess was not wrong, and that's what Zi Yueye planned.

Zi Yueye couldn't be more clear about the strength of Zi Santong.

From Zi Yueye's perspective, even if Qin Shaofeng's strength was strong, it wouldn't be much stronger.

After all, it was a realm of seven spiritual veins.

Those two people before, probably because of their own carelessness, they were damaged by Qin Shaofeng.

However, this time Zi Yueye didn't believe it. With her own hint, Zi Santong would lose to Qin Shaofeng.

The only thing he worries about now is, don't let it happen, let Zi Santong directly kill Qin Shaofeng.

In this case, his Ziyun Ring could be completely lost.

But what made Zi Yueye helpless was that when Zi Santong almost got up and swept onto the ring, he attacked Qin Shaofeng.

And this shot was the palm of the storm with a full blow.

Although after this blow, he no longer has a trace of combat effectiveness.

But Zi Santong didn't believe that Qin Shaofeng could hide his palm.

"Despicable! A sneak attack!"

This time, after seeing the scene on the ring, it was the turn of the people from Lianyang Kingdom to shout.

And this time, Zi Santong was really despicable.

Because of this, the referee hasn't announced the official start of the game yet!

But that Zi Santong's attack was already about to fall on Qin Shaofeng.

"Hahaha, boy, I call you crazy, a mere seven-layered rubbish, dare to provoke our Yinyue Nation, it's really reckless!"

With laughter, Zi Santong seemed to see the scene where Qin Shaofeng had been shot to death by the palm of his hand, his face was full of hideousness, and a hint of joy!

He smiled, and Qin Shaofeng smiled.

And Qin Shaofeng smiled with such disdain and such playfulness.

Then, the next moment, Qin Shaofeng was lost in Zi Santong's eyes.

not good!

Seeing Qin Shaofeng disappear suddenly, Zi Santong panicked and hurriedly looked around.

And at this moment, he suddenly saw some blue light flashing out suddenly.

Under this circumstance, Zi Santong didn't even want to put the palm of the wind that he had displayed in an instant, and patted the blue light with one palm.


A light blue palm wind burst out instantly, and the blue was instantly torn apart.

But at this time, Zi Santong realized that the blue light he saw were just a few ball-shaped attacks of blue lightning from Qin Shaofeng.

be cheated!

This is the only thought in Zi Santong's heart at this moment.

But at this time, he had no time to take his hand, so he could only let his full-strength storm palm blast towards the ring ground.


A palm fell to the ground, a loud noise, violent vigor.

The crowd under the ring seemed to feel it. After Zi Santong's blow, the super ring trembled slightly.

After the energies dispersed, everyone looked up.

Two figures on the ring appeared in the eyes of everyone. One was panting, his face was pale, and the other looked overdone.

A calm face, rosy as usual, the wind is light and the clouds are pale.

The former is Zisantong, and the latter is naturally Qin Shaofeng.

However, if someone gets closer at this time, you will find that Qin Shaofeng's eyes seem a little strange at the moment.

Because at this moment Qin Shaofeng's eyes have become scarlet red, and the pupils of both eyes are surrounded by three mysterious symbols like commas.

That is Gouyu!

Gouyu who writes round eyes!

As early as after probing Zi Santong's strength, Qin Shaofeng instantly opened his eyes because of the vigilance in his heart.

Anyway, at present, writing round eyes only consumes one thousand spiritual energy points per minute, which is nothing to Qin Shaofeng, who has reached one hundred thousand spiritual energy points in total.

This was also the reason why Qin Shaofeng was able to easily avoid it at the moment when Zi Santong broke out in the palm of the wind.

Shao Lun Yan not only has a strong insight ability, and even a more enchanting predictive ability.

Can judge the opponent's next move based on the opponent's behavior.

Zi Santong is only the realm of the nine levels of spiritual veins, and cannot escape Qin Shaofeng's insights.

The moment Zi Santong started, Qin Shaofeng noticed it in advance.

However, thinking of the situation of the Stormrage Palm, Qin Shaofeng waited until Zi Santong completely broke out, then used Ling Bo to dodge slightly, and deceived Zi Santong with three thunderballs, making his Stormrage Palm empty. Up.

At this moment, looking at Zi Santong, who was pale and lacking in spirit, Qin Shaofeng sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the sneer at the corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth, Zi Santong was taken aback, thinking of what happened to the two people before.


Without even thinking about it, Zi Santong opened his mouth and prepared to shout out his voice of admitting defeat.

But just waiting for him to call me out, he suddenly heard a burst of air.

Then Zi Santong saw a silver light flashing towards him.

I am familiar with the Silver Light Sabre Light Purple Santong, because the two players from the Silver Moon Kingdom died under this silver light blade light twice.

At the moment when he saw the light of the silver sword, the purple three souls were flying out of the sky, subconsciously preparing to dodge.

But at this moment, the power in his body has been exhausted, and he can only watch the silver blade light, and flew past his neck with a flash.

After the silver light flashed, Zi Santong felt a chill in his neck, and then felt a stream of heat gushing out.

With his mouth open, he wanted to say something, but in the end, Zi Santong just screamed and fell backward.


Along with the sound of Zisan falling to the ground, Qin Shaofeng heard two system reminders of Ding Dong.

70,000 experience points are credited to the account again!


The people of Silver Moon Kingdom are dead again?

The scene was quiet, and then it boiled again.

"Haha, the tortoise grandchildren of the Silver Moon Kingdom have seen it, this is called despicable, but even if it is despicable, it is better or worse!"

"Yes, I actually wanted to do a sneak attack, but it was a pity that I killed myself. It's ridiculous."

"Hahaha, this is the quality, this is the strength, the evil pens of the Silver Moon Kingdom, have you taken it?"


Even the people of Yangguo were excited, and the people of Heiwuguo were refreshed.

As for the people of Silver Moon Kingdom...

Well, one face after another is extremely ugly.

Among the players of the Silver Moon Kingdom, Zi Yueye's expression was even more ugly.

A moment ago, he was worried that Qin Shaofeng would be killed by Zi Santong!

But now it's okay, not only did Qin Shaofeng not get killed by Zi Santong, he even managed to move Zi Santong in seconds.

If he said that, if Zi Yueye's heart was raging, then Qin Shaofeng's behavior made him completely angry!

I saw Qin Shaofeng on the ring. Before anyone came up, he recovered the body of Zi Santong, staring at the players of the Silver Moon Kingdom, and sneered: "Hey, this is the strength of the Silver Moon Kingdom? Really not enough!"


Qin Shaofeng's words instantly ignited the anger of all the players in Yinyue Kingdom.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng stretched out his hand and tapped three times, and said arrogantly: "You, you, and you, this time the three of you will come together!"

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