Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 264: The present report, the explosive Zi Taikang

Let the three of you go together!

What is domineering?

What is arrogance?

What is defiance?

Qin Shaofeng looks like this at the moment.

But this made the crowd on the live watching stage more boiling.

"Haha, domineering! Qin Shaofeng I have decided, you will be my idol from now on!"

"Handsome! Grandchildren of the Silver Moon Kingdom, now, do you dare to be arrogant?"

"Wow, amazing! Qin Shaofeng, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"


With a loud laugh, even the people of Yangguo were completely boiling.

Even many girls present cheered for Qin Shaofeng.

"I rub, Brother Feng is really awesome!"

In the stands, Du Meng looked at Qin Shaofeng on the arena with admiration.

But at this moment, Tang Qijian coldly reminded him.

"He is awesome, but there is nothing to do with us behind this!"

Tang Qijian had somewhat guessed Qin Shaofeng's intentions by now, but he couldn't believe it in his heart.

Does he really want to pick a group?

But when I thought of Qin Shaofeng's character, it was Tang Qijian's cold face, he couldn't help but twitch at this moment.

He believed it!

Zhao Yun'er, who was on the side, began to worry in her heart.

This guy is really messing up!

Although she has full confidence in Qin Shaofeng, girls, when certain moments come, they always worry inexplicably.

Zhao Yun'er and the three of them are in a bad mood for the time being, and the other three are aggrieved at this moment.

These three people were the ones named by Qin Shaofeng.

The moment Qin Shaofeng spotted them, the three of them looked dumbfounded, but after the laughter of those from Lian Yangguo not only impacted the hearing of the three of them, the three of them immediately burst into blood.

His face flushed, and without thinking about it, he rushed into the ring.

"I'm dizzy, I really go!"

"Haha, you deserve to be from the Silver Moon Kingdom, this skin is as thick as their tortoise shell!"

"Tsk tut, so to speak, they are really grandsons!"


Seeing that the three of them really rushed into the ring, the crowd in the stands made another mocking hiss.

As for the people of Yinyue Nation, it seems that they are a little lacking in confidence and have no more words to say.

There was another taunting sound, which made the trio's complexion more ruddy and even more excited.

They are completely outraged!

But at the same time, they hated Qin Shaofeng in front of them even more.

"Damn it, Qin Shaofeng right! You go to death for me!"

"I really can't help myself, dare to challenge the three of us at once, you are dead!"

"Hmph, Qin Shaofeng you are finished this time!"

The three screamed and rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

It's good now, the referee has completely become a decoration.

But the referee didn't say much about this, because he suddenly discovered that the situation at the scene seemed to be out of his control.

He didn't say anything anymore, just stayed quietly.

Let's hit it, let's hit it, anyway, there is no word on it, I just stayed like this to be a beautiful man, oh no, it's a good referee!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The three people who rushed up were all in the eightfold realm of spiritual veins.

However, Qin Shaofeng is not stupid, he deliberately selected three initial realms, but even so, the eighth spirit vein is the eighth spirit vein.

As soon as the three of them took action, they broke out with all their strength and displayed their own unique tricks.

Moreover, the three people seem to have good body skills. In this rage, the speed of the three is extremely fast.

It's a pity that no matter how fast it is, under Qin Shaofeng's writing wheel, all three of them are extremely slow.

Well, it is faster than the snail.

This time, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to make any small moves.

The bonus card is only an hour's effect.

And the five times experience bonus card cost 10,000 points!

Can't waste these little characters!

As soon as a decision was made in his heart, Qin Shaofeng waved his hand abruptly, and Xiao Li's flying knife broke out.

This time it was three combos of flying knives!

call out! call out! call out!

Qin Shaofeng shot extremely fast, and the speed of Level 4 Xiao Li Fei Dao was also extremely fast.

So even if the three Yinyue Kingdom players with eight levels of spiritual veins had already raised their speed to the limit, they still couldn't escape the example of Xiao Li Feida.

But for these three silver sword lights, these three players did not have a trace of fear, and even a sneer on their faces.

Qin Shaofeng's previous games had already made them understand that the silver light sword light Qin Shaofeng used was extremely powerful, so before they did it, they had already used the wall of inner energy to protect their body.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With three explosions, those three swiftly attacked Qin Shaofeng's figure, and they suddenly paused before being forced to stop.

But at the moment there was a smug smile on their faces.

It's okay!

The silver light knife mang broke through their inner Qi wall, but that was the end.

They were unscathed!


It turns out that this thing can only do this step!

The three of them laughed in their hearts and couldn't help looking up at Qin Shaofeng, with a trace of mockery in their eyes.

But when they raised their heads to look at Qin Shaofeng, the mockery in their eyes suddenly changed into panic.

Because the three of them discovered that three more silver blade lights were flying towards the three of them.

And this time there is no time to escape.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There were three more explosions, but after this explosion, there were three dull falling sounds on the ground.

Qin Shaofeng got three system prompts.

Well, this time three, the kills and missions combined, a total of 120,000 points of experience!

"Hahaha, I won again! Qin Shaofeng is good!"

"Awesome! Worthy of being my idol!"

"Hey, the tortoise grandchildren of Yinyue Nation, this is absolutely nothing to say!"

"Monkey! Qin Shaofeng, shall we give birth to monkeys together?"


Seeing three more corpses on the ring again, the people from Lian Yang and Heiwu again cheered.

At this time, the Silver Moon Nation side really seemed to have nothing to say.

At the organizer in the stands, Zi Taikang's face was completely gloomy at this moment.

Especially seeing the smiling face of Gao Qifeng in front of him, Zi Taikang was even more out of breath.

"Gao Qifeng, do you really plan to let this kid continue like this? If this continues, this exchange game will become completely nondescript!"

Thinking about his main purpose here, Zi Taikang couldn't help but speak out.

Because under this situation, once the players of their Silver Moon Kingdom were killed and injured too much, it would not be beneficial to their Silver Moon Kingdom.

If it is because of this, that delays the important affairs of the Zi family, then he is afraid that Zi Taikang will be completely finished.

Therefore, he wanted to start from Gao Qifeng, trying to persuade the opponent to stop this situation.

Unfortunately, Gao Qifeng is happy now.

Gao Qifeng could see that Qin Shaofeng's strength absolutely exceeded his expectations.

Not to mention the people of the eighth and ninth levels of spiritual veins, people with ten levels of spiritual veins are not necessarily Qin Shaofeng's opponents.

So when Zi Taikang said this to himself, Gao Qifeng smiled coldly and said, "Non-decent?"

After taking a faint look at Zi Taikang, Gao Qifeng's heart suddenly moved, and then said playfully: "Heh, Zi Taikang, don't you really think that we are hosting an exchange contest among the three parties?"

What is the current newspaper?

This is Gao Qifeng's trick.

Before this, Zi Taikang told him, but now Gao Qifeng has returned it to him.

Hearing Gao Qifeng's words, Zi Taikang almost exploded.

But in the end he didn't say much, but after taking a deep breath, Zi Taikang glanced at Zi Yueye in the distance.

At this moment, Zi Yueye seemed to have noticed something too. After looking up at Zi Taikang, she nodded slightly, then turned her gaze and fell on the person next to her.

Just when Zi Yueye wanted to say something to that person, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng on the ring suddenly shot.

"It's really weak! This is the elite of Silver Moon Kingdom?"

Turning his gaze over the few corpses on the ground, Qin Shaofeng's eyes were full of disdain, then raised his head and Qin Shaofeng's gaze swept away, making the Yinyue Kingdom players' angry right hand stretched out again, and then they nodded again.

"You, you, you, you and you, this time you will come up with five!"

The person who was spotted by Qin Shaofeng this time was still in the Eightfold Realm of Lingmai.

But this time, the five people were not the same as the three before, and they were immediately agitated by Qin Shaofeng.

The five of them looked at Zi Yueye at the same time, as if they were asking for instructions.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng touched his nose, and said disdainfully: "Heh, why are you afraid? If you are afraid, then don't come up!"

Before speaking, no one noticed that when Qin Shaofeng touched his nose with his right hand, he gently brushed his lips without leaving a trace.

Then, a pill was swallowed by him.

Before dealing with those three spirit vein eightfold players, Qin Shaofeng consumed more than half of the spirit energy value, plus the spirit energy value consumed in the previous two games, Qin Shaofeng's aura energy has been left in his body.

But now after taking a pill, Qin Shaofeng's aura instantly recovered to full.

Because what he just swallowed was a normal version of the first grade nine-layer spirit pill.

No one noticed Qin Shaofeng's small movements, and Zi Yueye didn't even notice it.

But at the moment, Zi Yueye narrowed her eyes slightly, and her body exuded extremely strong murderous intent.

With Zi Taikang's hint, Zi Yueye had already planned to send a capable subordinate to end this farce.

But what would happen to Qin Shaofeng's sudden arrival made him very angry.

But in the end, he nodded slightly to the five eight-tier spirit vein players.

Although nervous, the five people saw Zi Yueye nod their heads, and they could only go on.

Now even the stupid person knows that Qin Shaofeng has two brushes. They are only the realm of eight levels of spiritual veins, so how can they be Qin Shaofeng's opponent?

Seeing that the five of them are not high in fighting spirit, Zi Yueye said softly: "You can't kill Qin Shaofeng, so don't come back alive!"

The five of them shuddered by Zi Yueye's words.

In fact, the five people's minds are all the same. After entering the ring, they fool around a few times, and then pretend to be invincible and lose. This way, most of them can save their lives.

But Zi Yueye's words completely cut off their back.

Compared with Qin Shaofeng in the ring, they were more afraid of Zi Yueye.


The five shouted violently and went mad, rushed to the arena, summoned their strength, and attacked Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng was also taken aback by this situation, but he didn't panic, on the contrary, he smiled disdainfully.

Then, everyone saw Qin Shaofeng slam his hands with one hand, making a gesture of spreading his wings. Then, behind Qin Shaofeng a blue light flashed suddenly, and hundreds of blue thunderballs instantly condensed.

These thunderballs are only those with the lowest level of one hundred spiritual energy points, and Qin Shaofeng did not expect to be able to use these thunderballs to kill these five spirit vein eight-fold opponents.

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