In fact, Qin Shaofeng's initial plan was not to use these thunderballs to kill these five spirit vein eight-fold opponents.


With Qin Shaofeng's violent wave of his hand, the hundreds of thunderballs blasted at the five people in a dense burst.

There was a panic in the hearts of the five people, and they circulated the spiritual energy in their bodies to condense the walls of internal energy.

Countless thunderballs fell, and the five of them were instantly swallowed by blue lightning. There was a burst of blue light on the entire arena, making it difficult to see what happened.

After the blue thunder and lightning dissipated, everyone found that the five men who had been aggressive the moment before had fallen to the ground in black, becoming five bodies.

What happened in this one fell to the ground?

It is estimated that no one knows this.

Unless there is a strong presence on the scene with a strong spiritual sense, who can ignore the violent thunder and lightning on the previous ring with the spiritual sense, and probe what happened in the ring, otherwise it is impossible for others to detect what happened in the ring just now.

In fact, it’s nothing. Just when the thunder ball exploded, Qin Shaofeng stepped into it, and with the help of the writing wheel, he broke open in an instant with a thunder cut. The five people’s inner gas wall casually gave them a fatal one. hit.

The wall of inner Qi broke, and the person died.

Therefore, the dead bodies of those five people couldn't stand it even when facing Qin Shaofeng at the lowest level of thunderball.

"Haha, invincible!"

"Idol! You are too good!"

"Qin Shaofeng, I will only marry you in this life!"


The stands are boiling again!

Although you can't see the process clearly, it doesn't matter, these audiences just look at the results.

Sixty nine million!

Taking a calm glance at his experience value at the moment, Qin Shaofeng smiled.

The five players with the eighth spirit veins just now have increased Qin Shaofeng's experience value by 200,000 points, and Qin Shaofeng now needs less than 10,000 experience points to be promoted to the eighth spirit veins.

Just so, kill a few more people and I can upgrade!

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and his right hand slightly lifted, but before he could speak this time, a figure beside Zi Yueye flashed on the ring and stood opposite Qin Shaofeng.


Take the initiative to come up?

Seeing the person who appeared suddenly, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved slightly, and his golden eyes opened instantly.

Character: Purple Night Eight

Level: the early tenth stage of Lingmai

Aura value: 100000/100000

Talented roots: medium wind roots

Skill: Ziyun Jue


He was another person with a spiritual aura worth 100,000, but this person named Zi Yeba gave Qin Shaofeng a dangerous aura far superior to the purple Santong before.

This person is not easy!

Qin Shaofeng came to such a conclusion in his heart just by looking at the other person.

And what Qin Shaofeng cared most was this Zi Yeba, with a blank expression on his face, extremely cold.

This kind of coldness is different from the coldness of Tang Qijian. Tang Qijian's coldness is due to his character, and his focus on the sword and his childhood experience.

It can be said that Tang Qijian's coldness is just a self-defense.

But Zi Yeba in front of him made Qin Shaofeng truly feel indifferent.

This is no longer the indifference that humans have. The first thing Qin Shaofeng thinks of this indifference is a weapon.

The indifference of weapons!

This person is no longer a real human!

This is the "Ziyun Jue" of the Zi Family?

Looking at the Zi Yeba in front of him, Qin Shaofeng felt a little more murderous towards the Zi family.

I don't know where the Zi Family got the "Zi Yun Jue". Not only did it squeeze its own potential and life to the limit after practicing, but even human emotions were wiped out.

But precisely because of this, Qin Shaofeng became extremely vigilant towards the Zi Yeba in front of him.

In the original plan, when he encountered the tenth-fold Lingmai opponent, it was at least after he was promoted to the eighth-fold Lingmai.

But now it seems that I have to face it in advance.

He sighed softly in his heart, but Qin Shaofeng didn't have the slightest fear, so he touched his nose again and swallowed a regular version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill. Qin Shaofeng sneered and said: "Oh, now it's Shang Lingmai Ten Heavy masters! I think you need to wait a while before you die!"

As soon as Qin Shaofeng's voice fell, the crowd on the side of Yinyue Nation was angry, especially those contestants, who could not wait to tear Qin Shaofeng in the next life.

But that Zi Yeba remained expressionless, just turned his head indifferently and looked at the referee, who was already a little sleepy on the side, coldly said: "Can I start?"


The referee was suddenly said by Zi Yeba, but he was very surprised and did not react at all.

However, he subconsciously opened his mouth and said: "Oh, let's start!"

As his words fell, that Zi Yeba moved instantly.


A majestic and heavy aura erupted from Zi Yeba's body, and Zi Yeba's whole body instantly turned into a lavender light, rushing towards Qin Shaofeng.

So fast!

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that Zi Yeba's move was so decisive that the referee nodded and started his move.

However, fortunately, Qin Shaofeng had the foresight, and when Zi Yeba spoke out, he secretly opened the eye of the writing wheel.


The eyes were scarlet and the pupils turned slightly, and the pupils shrank, and Qin Shaofeng could see Zi Yeba's movements clearly.

But after seeing it clearly, Qin Shaofeng was even more startled, because at this time, Zi Yeba's speed was not much slower than his Level 4 Dance Art.

After this discovery, Qin Shaofeng had an idea in his mind.

This battle requires a quick fight!

After making a decision, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and he whispered in a low voice: Thunder Guard!

Thunder Dunk Ninjutsu Thunder Dunk Bodyguard!

Although this trick directly consumed 30% of Qin Shaofeng's body's spiritual energy, Qin Shaofeng snorted coldly in his heart when he felt the layer of thunder and lightning, and did not actually dodge.

The thunder and lightning clothing of Lei Dun's body has two states, one is hidden state, only Qin Shaofeng can see it after hiding.

The other is a state that can be seen by everyone. At this moment, Qin Shaofeng chose the first hidden state. Outsiders didn't even notice that Qin Shaofeng was already covered with a light blue lightning clothing.

All this seems to happen a lot, but in fact it is only a momentary thing.

Everyone in the stands just saw that after the referee announced the start, that Zi Yeba turned into a purple light and rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng seemed to have no time to react, so he stood there blankly.

This shocked even the people of Yangguo, and even many people closed their eyes, as if they couldn't bear it. Then, Qin Shaofeng would be directly bombarded by an opponent with ten levels of spiritual veins.

It was the people of the Silver Moon Kingdom who had been silent, with the bright red blood in their eyes at this moment, and almost everyone was excited.

Haha, this time, Qin Shaofeng is finished!

Unable to withstand the tenth-fold spiritual master, Qin Shaofeng finally couldn't stand it.

kill him!

Kill him!

Although among the crowd of Yinyue Nation present, no one had any hatred with Qin Shaofeng, but at this moment, all the people of Yinyue Nation wished that Qin Shaofeng would die in Zi Yeba's hands for the next moment.

But in their excited look, a big surprise appeared.


With a loud sound, Zi Yeba, who rushed to Qin Shaofeng's side, blasted Qin Shaofeng's chest without any hindrance.

But what made people extremely surprised was that Zi Yeba's powerful fist full of spiritual energy was actually intercepted an inch away from Qin Shaofeng's chest, and he could no longer move forward.

It is indeed a humanoid weapon that has been obliterated from human emotions. Zi Yeba's face has not changed at all with his full force and no results, and his reaction is extremely fast.

Close your hand, return your fist, accumulate your strength, and break out the next attack again.

This time it was aimed directly at Qin Shaofeng's head, but Zi Yeba made a decision instantly.

Unfortunately, when he raised his head, he accidentally saw Qin Shaofeng's scarlet and strange eyes.

What kind of eye is this?

After seeing Qin Shaofeng's eyes, Rao Zi Yeba was surprised.

But at this moment, he saw a trace of sarcasm in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and his heart instantly became alert.

But although he reacted fast enough, in the eyes of Qin Shaofeng, he was not fast enough.


The blue light flashed, and Zi Yeba's pupils shrank suddenly, because he saw that Qin Shaofeng's right hand turned into a knife, and the entire palm of his hand came to him with dazzling lightning.

The speed was so fast, Zi Yeba felt that the blue light flashed in front of him, and he had no time to react. Then, the next moment, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

Looking down, Zi Yeba suddenly saw that Qin Shaofeng's right hand had penetrated his chest, and a powerful current struck him, shattering his heart.

Because he needed to improve his speed, and maybe he didn't care much, this Ziyueye didn't display the wall of inner energy.

So, nothing unexpected, Qin Shaofeng's Lei Che penetrated him instantly.


When the crowd in the stands hadn't reacted much, Qin Shaofeng gently withdrew his right hand, still falling back from Zi Yeba's body.

Lei Guang dissipated, Qin Shaofeng's right hand dripped blood.

The real murder will not see the blood!

The crowd was a sensation again!


"Ha, I won again, Idol, you are too strong!"

"Hahaha, what about the tenth spiritual vein, it's not the same, it's not our Shaofeng opponent!"


Lian Yangguo, who had been frightened and worried, was boiling again.

And the Yinyue Nation crowd, who were ready to watch the show, with excitement and anticipation in their hearts, seemed to be frightened, and the atmosphere wilted.

That is?

Seeing this scene on the ring and the Silver Moon Country under the stands, Zi Yueye narrowed her eyes slightly, and she was a little bit surprised.

To be honest, from beginning to end, he didn't pay attention to Qin Shaofeng.

It's just some people in the Eightfold Realm of Spiritual Vessels, which is nothing at all.

Even for him, even if it is a tenth-tiered opponent, he can easily kill.

But Qin Shaofeng's performance surprised him a bit.

Oh, interesting!

Looking at Qin Shaofeng on the ring, Zi Yueye smiled coldly in his heart, and he did not take a look at Zi Yeba's body on the ring.

Although Zi Yeba's strength is good, from the perspective of Zi Yueye, even Qin Shaofeng's **** can't deal with it, it's simply not a pity to die.

That's right, even Qin Shaofeng easily killed Zi Yueye.

In the eyes of Zi Yueye, it was still just a rubbish.

Kill ten spiritual veins?

Is it great?

If he personally boarded Zi Yueye, facing an opponent like Zi Yeba, he would be able to kill in seconds.

Having said that, Qin Shaofeng killed their players from the Silver Moon Kingdom one after another, which made Zi Yueye very angry.

It doesn't matter if the person is dead.

The important thing is that he feels that he has lost face!

This is the unforgivable thing.

Zi Yueye's eyes were full of anger, and her heart was already killing intent.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know how Zi Yueye was angry. At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was only surprised.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing an opponent in the tenth realm of Lingmai, gaining a leapfrog experience bonus, and title, bonus cards and other bonuses, gaining a total of 80,000 experience points!"

"System Tip: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully defeating one of the Ten Lingmai opponents and gaining 50,000 points of system reward experience!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for reaching the upgrade requirement, and his level is increased by one level. The current level is the eighth level of Lingmai!"

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