Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 272: Careless!

The four people of Zi Ye who suddenly appeared, although the cultivation base was very good.

Not only are the four of them all at the tenth level of spiritual veins, but they are also at least in the middle of the tenth level of spiritual veins. The strongest Zi Yeyi is at the peak of the tenth level of spiritual veins.

It's a pity that they are not Ziyueye, and they have not practiced such a powerful technique as "Ziyun Promise".

Moreover, the enemy was Qin Shaofeng, and what made them even more helpless was that this violent vigor was Qin Shaofeng's full blow.

Therefore, even for the first time, the four of them burst out all their strength to attack the violent energy that came.

But the most they can do is to slightly weaken their violent energy.

In the end, the violent spirit was killed.

Faced with such a helpless situation, the four of them glanced at each other and seemed to have made a decision. Then, except for that Zi Yeyi, who stood in front of Zi Yueye, the other three actually flew up and used their bodies to block the violent aura that was blasted down.

With that vigorous rage, it is naturally not a mere human body that can be blocked.

Even if the human body has been strengthened after the spiritual vein realm, that won't work!

Therefore, the bodies of the three of them were torn apart by the violent vigor in an instant, and their flesh and blood spilled.

But they finally did a good deed and weakened their vigorous rage again.

At the last sight, Zi Yeyi burst out all the spiritual energy in his body, condensing a thick wall of inner Qi, and rushed up.


With a loud noise, the inner Qi wall on Zi Yeyi's body was instantly smashed, and then the whole person flew upside down suddenly.

However, compared with the previous three, the energy to break through Zi Yeyi's inner Qi wall was once again weakened.

As a result, the energy that hit Zi Yeyi's body was already less than one-tenth of the strength at the beginning.

But even so, the wall of inner qi was broken, and Zi Yeyi, who had exhausted the aura in his body, was seriously injured and flew out.

After falling to the ground in the distance and sliding for more than ten meters, there was no movement.

The air is hanging, although he is not dead, but it is the situation of hanging in one breath, not far from death.

Although Qin Shaofeng had no good feelings about the ten humanoid weapons of Zi Yeyi.

But at this moment, the performance of the four members of Zi Ye's protector still made Qin Shaofeng sigh with emotion.

What a loyal person!

Even if the loyalty of people like them is brainwashed through harsh conditions, loyalty means loyalty.

Nothing else, this made Qin Shaofeng respect.

But for all this, Zi Yueye didn't care at all, even Zi Yeyi didn't even look at it. Now Zi Yueye only saw Qin Shaofeng.


He was actually scared!

Recalling the vigor that Qin Shaofeng had just cut out, under that violent vigor, a trace of panic and fear flashed in Zi Yueye's heart at that moment.

This is the first time that Zi Yueye has such a mentality.

Panic and fear are all manifestations of weakness and incompetence in Zi Yueye's eyes. He himself looks down on such people.

But he just became the person who hated him in his eyes.


The appearance of that mentality made Zi Yueye feel a great shame.

With an anger in her heart, Zi Yueye's body shook. The innate purple cloud he had cultivated instantly radiated out of his body, and then it boiled and rolled in an incredible manner, and finally burned.

This kind of burning is not the actual purple flame of the purple moon night, but a kind of spiritual burning.

Purple Burn!

Burning the innate purple cloud of cultivation, a powerful combat force erupted.

This is a big forbidden move in "Ziyun Promise". Before today, Zi Yueye would never believe that he would use this move.

Because the price of this trick is too great.

Not only will it use up all the hard work to cultivate innate Ziyun, even after Zi Burn, he will be in a weak state for three months, unable to rashly use a trace of strength in his body, and even more unable to cultivate.

But the most serious thing is that this forbidden move needs to be launched at the expense of cultivation base before exhausting the innate Ziyun.

With the realm of Ziyueye, I am afraid that afterwards, he will not only fall out of the tenth peak of spiritual veins, he can even stay in the ninefold spiritual veins, which is already very good.

But in an angry state, Zi Yueye couldn't take care of that much anymore.

not good!

Zi Taikang in the stands turned green when he saw Zi Yueye's move.

Damn, he actually used this trick!

Is he trying to cut off his chance?

To know that big event will come in three months at most, he is too impulsive.

When thinking of something, Zi Taikang's face was very ugly at the moment, but he did not take action either.

As a member of the Zi family, although he did not practice "Ziyun Wuji", he knew a little bit about this exercise.

Once Zi Fen is triggered, it cannot be reversed.

Alas, the matter is over, he can only go with him.

With a light sigh in his heart, Zi Taikang was very helpless, but at the same time, when he looked at another person on the ring, Qin Shaofeng, a bit of killing intent erupted in his eyes.

Damn it!

All this Qin Shaofeng, this little **** is really damn!


On the arena, the sudden change in Zi Yueye's body shocked Qin Shaofeng.

Because at this moment, Zi Yueye's whole person seemed to be burning, billowing purple illusory flames, beating frantically.

What made Qin Shaofeng even more alarmed was that during this beating process, Zi Yueye's breath suddenly rose.

Originally, Zi Yueye was the realm of the tenth peak of spiritual veins. This skyrocketing, with a bang, seemed to have broken through some bottleneck, and Zi Yueye's aura was promoted to another level.

"Oh my God! What about this purple moon night?"

"I rub, this breath, can it be that Zi Yueye breaks through the legendary realm?"

"Impossible, what kind of secret technique should it be? How long did this Zi Yueye break through!"


In the stands, many people began to discuss the changes of Zi Yueye.

At this moment, the purple illusory flame on Zi Yueye's body violently shook, and instantly dispersed, revealing the figure of Zi Yueye.

A real legendary atmosphere!


At this moment, Zi Yueye raised her head to look at Qin Shaofeng, and said in a calm tone: "Qin Shaofeng, you can push me to this point, you are really amazing. In return for you, let me send you on the road!"

While speaking, Zi Yueye's figure flickered, and instantly disappeared before Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

So fast!

The speed of Zi Yueye shocked Qin Shaofeng immediately.

You must know that Qin Shaofeng has opened the writing wheel now, but even so, Qin Shaofeng's eyes are just a vague shadow.

Moreover, at such a fast speed, even if Qin Shaofeng can catch a bit, he himself can't keep up!

After all, it was the profound iron heavy sword, which affected me!

But facing an opponent like Zi Yueye, if he didn't use the profound iron heavy sword, he wouldn't be Zi Yueye's opponent at all.

Damn it, no way!

A trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, and finally Qin Shaofeng could barely lift it, and slammed the profound iron heavy sword across his chest.

Almost at the moment Qin Shaofeng blocked the profound iron heavy sword in front of his chest, Zi Yueye flashed in front of him and slashed with a sword.


Purple sword vs. Epee!

Slender to wide!

In the end, the magnanimous epee was defeated!

No, it should be said that Qin Shaofeng was down.

At the moment of the collision, Qin Shaofeng saw a burst of sparks, but before he could see clearly, he felt the profound iron heavy sword in his hand, suddenly sending a force that he could not match.

Then, Qin Shaofeng took off.

And not only that, during the process of flying backwards, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt a dullness in his chest, and the spiritual energy in his body was instantly chaotic.

Let me wipe it, let's open the plug-in for this purple moon night!

At this time, although he was not injured, he was already unwell.

Qin Shaofeng was shocked, but at this moment, a purple light flashed towards him when he caught his eyes, and Qin Shaofeng suddenly exclaimed.

I wipe it, come back?

Before he could adjust his breath to straighten out the aura in his body, Qin Shaofeng suddenly twisted his body in the air, with his numb right hand, he swung the profound iron heavy sword again.


There was another loud impact, and Qin Shaofeng slammed to the ground amidst the sparks.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng reacted quickly and blocked the blow in time. The last one turned over and landed on the ground smoothly with his feet on the ground.

Without waiting for Qin Shaofeng to stand still, a purple figure flashed, and Zi Yueye appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng.


Before a vulgar word broke out in his heart, Qin Shaofeng was greeted with a sword, so he could only hurriedly raise the profound iron heavy sword to block.


There was another impact with sparks, and after this blow, Zi Yueye's attack did not stop.

This was followed by successive attacks.

Facing Zi Yueye's attack, Qin Shaofeng's heart was extremely bitter.

I wiped it, why didn't I prepare two ordinary version of the first-grade nine-layer spirit pills before putting them in my mouth.

Qin Shaofeng, who had no choice but to defend himself passively, was full of regret at this moment.

Especially when he felt that there was not much spiritual energy left in his body, Qin Shaofeng's heart was full of bitterness.


Really careless this time!

When Qin Shaofeng screamed, Du Meng under the ring finally couldn't help it, he was about to rush forward.

As for permission, that is another story.

However, Dumont didn't care.

Especially, the Silver Moon Kingdom has swarmed up, so what rules do I need to say!

But there are people who are more anxious than Du Meng.

I can't wait any longer, even if he blames me afterwards, I can't wait any longer.

Zhao Yun'er under the ring was anxious, so she rushed to the ring.

But at the moment she was about to leave, Zhao Yun'er's expression was suddenly stunned, and she looked at Qin Shaofeng on the ring with shock in her eyes.

He broke through again?


"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing an opponent in the tenth realm of Lingmai, gaining the experience bonus of the leapfrog and title, and gaining a total of 4,000 experience points!"


this is……?

Qin Shaofeng, who was struggling to defend against Zi Yueye's attack, suddenly heard a ding-dong system reminder in his ear, and his face was slightly surprised.

When did I kill someone?

Wait, ten spiritual veins?


After hurriedly blocking another sword cut by Zi Yueye, Qin Shaofeng's fiery eyes and golden eyes moved slightly in the field of perception, and he moved towards the place not far away.


With this induction, Qin Shaofeng found that Zi Yeyi finally couldn't hold it up without receiving timely treatment and died.

Qin Shaofeng was delighted!

Although the one hour of the five times experience bonus card has passed, now Qin Shaofeng can get four thousand experience points at most by killing a ten-fold spiritual vein master.

But this time, in addition to killing experience, defeating the opponent can also be rewarded for the mission!

Defeat opponents in the tenth realm of Lingmai, and get 50,000 points of system reward experience!

"System Tip: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully defeating one of the Ten Lingmai opponents and gaining 50,000 points of system reward experience!"

Soon, the prompt sound of the system task completion sounded.

Fifty thousand points!

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed.

If I didn’t make a mistake, then Ziye Bayi’s death could bring me 54,000 points of experience. If I add my previous experience, then...

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