Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 273: Fortunately, that kid is resistant to fights!

No need for that, because at this time a prompt sound from the system came, directly confirming Qin Shaofeng's conjecture.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for reaching the upgrade requirement, and his level is increased by one level. The current level is the tenth spiritual vein!"

Before Zi Yueye came to power, Qin Shaofeng had 640,000 points.

Then kill the three spirit vein ten-layer masters, Zi Ye San, Zi Ye Si, and Zi Ye Wu. The five times bonus card is just right, and there is one last minute.

So those three people gave Qin Shaofeng 210,000 experience points, plus Zi Yeyi's 54,000 points.

Experience value: 907500/900000

This is Qin Shaofeng's current experience value. Of course, after the system upgrade prompt sounded, Qin Shaofeng's experience value was only 7,500 points.


Ten layers of spiritual veins!

As soon as the system prompt sounded, Qin Shaofeng felt the spiritual energy in his body, with a thunderous surge, and all of it recovered.

And not only has it recovered, it has even made more.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Tenfold Spirit Vessel

Experience value: 7500/999999

Occupation: Devil

Aura value: 400000/400000 (the tenth layer of the spirit vein has 40,000 aura points, and the Yi Jin Jing is 10 times)

Talent roots: body of thunder, body of demon (unawakened), original world



Qin Shaofeng was excited just after a quick glance at his aura.

The aura is worth 400,000!

And not only that, as his strength increased a lot, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt that the profound iron heavy sword in his hand was more freely used.

Although I still can't regard it as a feather, the feeling that the profound iron heavy sword gives Qin Shaofeng at this moment is a little heavier at best.

You must know that the profound iron epee is under the weight at this moment, weighing one thousand and eighty catties!

After this feeling appeared, Qin Shaofeng felt a burst of joy.

Haha, this time, he was finally able to initially control the profound iron epee.


Just as Qin Shaofeng was excited, a purple light flashed in front of him, but it was that Zi Yueye that slashed a sword at herself.

This time, Qin Shaofeng did not choose to dodge or defend, but...

The corner of his mouth turned slightly, Qin Shaofeng showed a smile, and then shook his hands, suddenly raised the profound iron epee, and slashed so violently at the oncoming Zi Yueye.

Seeing this, the purple moon night on the opposite side became excited.

Qin Shaofeng either dodges or passively defends during the fight.

And because of the wideness of the profound iron epee, it was easy for Qin Shaofeng to escape the attack of Zi Yueye.

This made Zi Yueye very angry, and at this moment Qin Shaofeng took the initiative to attack.

Zi Yueye was very surprised, but it was more joyful, because in this way, there was no need to wait for Qin Shaofeng to exhaust before he could cut Qin Shaofeng under the Ziyun sword.

Because of Qin Shaofeng's counterattack, he saw the hope of killing Qin Shaofeng with a single sword.


Oh, I now have the strength of Legendary First Layer for the time being, head-to-head with me, I see how you Qin Shaofeng died.

There was a sneer in her heart, and a cold light flashed in Zi Yueye's eyes, and then the rolling strength in her body condensed on Ziyun sword.


In an instant, Ziyun Sword flashed a burst of purple light again.

"Qin Shaofeng go to death!"

"Zi Yao the world!"

At the moment when Zi Guang made the masterpiece, Zi Yueye slammed a sword and severely cut it at Qin Shaofeng, with a grinning smile on her face.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't panic at all, instead he smiled coldly, and blasted with a full blow.

"The epee has no edge!"


The purple sword and epee collided again, and a loud thunderous noise erupted.

But this time, Zi Yueye suddenly felt that a terrifying force came from that epee, which was several times stronger than the previous bombardment.

Suddenly by such a huge force, Zi Yueye's face changed drastically.

"What's going on? How come Qin Shaofeng's power has become so powerful this time?"

Zi Yueye was shocked, but soon his face turned pale.

Because of being hit by this huge force, Zi Yueye only felt that the Ziyun sword in her hand was suddenly cracked due to the huge force, and instantly let go and flew out.

not good!

As soon as Ziyun Jian let go, Zi Yueye saw a dark shadow hitting her head.

Moreover, what made Zi Yueye horrified was that he suddenly discovered at this moment that his body could not move for an instant under the pressure of a powerful breath.

how come?

Am I going to die here on Ziyueye?


Just as Qin Shaofeng's sword was about to photograph Zi Yueye's head, there was a sudden anger from the distant stands, but it was Zi Taikang who made the shot.


This Zi Taikang is a master of the legendary five-fold pinnacle realm, and his strength is natural.

When he just yelled out a word, his body turned into a ball of blue light, and he pounced on the ring.

Because Zi Taikang moved suddenly and the speed was also surprisingly fast, for a while, Gao Qifeng and others did not react.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng suddenly broke out, and they were somewhat surprised.

Naturally, it was no faster than Zi Taikang who was always worried about Zi Yueye.

Zi Taikang actually moved without shouting.

At the moment his voice fell, his people had already come to the ring.


With a wave of the big hand, a surging spiritual energy blasted out, and Zi Taikang immediately blasted the profound iron epee.

Even Qin Shaofeng was bombarded by this, feeling a power that he could not do, and he flew out with his sword and others.

"Dare to kill you? I'm so impatient!"

With a cold snort, after flying into Qin Shaofeng, Zi Taikang's eyes were horribly cold, and the murderous intent appeared on his body. With a big hand, he hit Qin Shaofeng directly.

Qin Shaofeng just felt a powerful force, attacking from all directions, and for a while, his body was the same as the previous Zi Yueye, unable to move at all, and could only be slaughtered.

Fuck, this old dog is so shameless!

I was angry, but the other party was a legendary master, and even if Qin Shaofeng was angry, he was helpless.

Lei Dun body protector!

In desperation, Qin Shaofeng could only choose to defend.

And not only that, Qin Shaofeng knew that the opponent's strength far surpassed him, and after using the Lei Dun Bodyguard, he struggled with the Xuan Tie Epee across his chest.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng finished this action, with a thud, Zi Taikang caught him.

Although the profound iron epee was defending, but Zi Taikang's grasp broke out an astonishing force.

Qin Shaofeng only supported it a little bit, his hands were soft, causing the profound iron heavy sword to hit the thunder and lightning clothing.


With a clear and crisp sound, Qin Shaofeng's thunder and lightning clothing just supported it, and it was blown away by the huge force.


Without the thunder and lightning clothing of the thunder-dance body, the profound iron heavy sword blasted directly to Qin Shaofeng's chest.


A big mouthful of blood spurted out, and Qin Shaofeng felt his five internal organs shifted, and instantly severely injured.

What's more, this old dog really wanted to kill me, and dealt with a junior with tenfold spiritual veins, and actually used such a heavy hand.


Seeing that Qin Shaofeng was not killed by his own move, Zi Taikang was very surprised.

He knew that he hadn't kept his hands at all!

But this Qin Shaofeng is not dead!

Under such circumstances, the murderous intent in Zi Taikang's heart became more intense.

This son is really powerful, and can withstand my full blow, so he can't keep him!

With a cruel heart, Zi Taikang made a move with his right hand and was ready to make another move.

But just when he was about to attack Qin Shaofeng for the second time, a roar suddenly came from his ear.

"Zi Taikang, dare you!"

Then, with a swish flash, a figure flew over.


At the moment when that figure appeared, Zi Taikang knew that he had missed the opportunity to kill Qin Shaofeng, and it was a pity in his heart.

This figure is naturally Gao Qifeng who has already reacted.

Before that, Qin Shaofeng suddenly broke out because of shock, and then for Zi Taikang's sudden shot, Gao Qifeng was also absolutely unexpected.

But when Zi Taikang shot Qin Shaofeng, Gao Qifeng finally reacted.

But even if he reacted, Zi Taikang had already shot, it was too late.

This made Gao Qifeng extremely angry, and it was also a pity.

What a pity a nice kid!

In Gao Qifeng's view, Qin Shaofeng was afraid that he would not survive once Zi Taikang shot.

But to Gao Qifeng's surprise, Qin Shaofeng was not dead.

But when it was discovered that Zi Taikang still dared to attack Qin Shaofeng for the second time, Gao Qifeng finally got angry.

He couldn't make it the first time, and if he couldn't make it the second time, then Gao Qifeng would be ashamed to be the elder of Lianyang Academy.


A black shadow flashed. At this moment, Qin Shaofeng noticed that there was another person in front of him. He took a closer look and found that Elder Gao Qifeng immediately relaxed in his heart.

But when this relaxed, Qin Shaofeng immediately felt a sharp pain in the internal organs, and with a clang, the profound iron heavy sword could no longer be held, and it fell to the ground.

After smashing to the ground, the weight of the profound iron epee dissipated, so this smash was really heavy!

The moment the profound iron heavy sword fell, the ground of the ring trembled slightly.

Gao Qifeng, who was standing in front of Qin Shaofeng, was even more secretly shocked.

Isn't this huge sword weighing thousands of pounds?

After the shock in his heart, Gao Qifeng was happy again.

Sure enough, he is a good kid!

But then when he saw Qin Shaofeng's pale and bloodless face, Gao Qifeng's face sank, he turned his head fiercely, and stared at Zi Taikang angrily: "Zi Taikang, you are too shameless, you dare to shoot at the junior?"

"Huh, but kill my young master of the Zi family, what if I kill him?" Zi Taikang replied without fear.

"You..." Gao Qifeng never expected that Zi Taikang would answer this way, suddenly angry, but before he opened his mouth to shout at Zi Taikang, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

"What if one kills him, the Zi family is really arrogant!"


Zi Taikang became angry when he heard the sound, and suddenly turned his head and glared at where the sound came from.

But when he saw that the speaker was a beautiful girl, Zi Taikang's face suddenly twitched, and he swallowed back when he was about to swear.


With a light flash, I don't know when, Qin Shaofeng has an exquisite figure in front of him, gently holding on to Qin Shaofeng, who is already a little unstable.

Needless to say, this Linglong Yao Man's figure is naturally Zhao Yuner.

Zi Taikang felt very painful when he discovered that it was Zhao Yun'er.

He naturally recognized Zhao Yun'er. After all, Zhao Yun'er's mother was a member of the Meng Family, but she did not dare to offend all the forces in the Meng Family Lianyang Three Kingdoms.

And let alone Zhao Yun'er's mother, who is Zhao Yun'er's father, it is enough to make Zi Taikang afraid to treat Zhao Yun'er.

When thinking of that person, Zi Taikang's heart was panic subconsciously, especially when she saw Zhao Yun'er's attitude towards Qin Shaofeng, Zi Taikang was really distressed.

Damn, how does this kid have to do with Zhao Yuner?

And looking at it like this, it seems that the relationship is pretty good!

At the same time, Zi Taikang had some fortunate in his heart, fortunately that Qin Shaofeng was not really killed just now.

Otherwise, Zi Taikang would panic for no reason at the thought of the person's love for his precious daughter.

Fortunately, that kid is resistant to fights!

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