Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 274: Is this too easy?

Zi Taikang did not speak, but Zi Yueye, who had been silent after Zi Taikang appeared, suddenly spoke.

"Zhao Yun'er, what about my Zi family, it's not your turn to take care of it, you'd better take out the things in your hands now!"

Zi Taikang almost fainted when he heard it.

It's all like this, why are you going to provoke her?

But then subconsciously looked at Zhao Yun'er's hand, and after seeing what Zhao Yun'er was holding at the moment, Zi Taikang stopped instantly.

Because at this moment, what Zhao Yuner was holding was the Ziyun sword, a heavy treasure of the Zi family!

At this time, Zi Taikang was silent.

Ziyun sword must be taken back, and Zi Yueye is right to say so.

But after checking Qin Shaofeng's injury, after discovering that Qin Shaofeng was seriously injured, Zhao Yun'er, who was angry with her, said coldly, "I didn't ask you to settle the account. It's already pretty good. Now I dare to ask for something? "

With that said, Zhao Yuner held Qin Shaofeng in one hand and Ziyun sword in the other, and sneered disdainfully: "This sword is not bad, just take it as your price for breaking the game rules!"


Seeing Zhao Yun'er's cold and arrogant expression, Qin Shaofeng gave her a thumbs up in secret.

However, taking advantage of this time no one noticed, Qin Shaofeng secretly swallowed a pill.

It is still a first-grade nine-layer spirit pill, but it is a special version!

One-Rank Nine-fold Spirit Pill (Special Edition): After taking the first nine-fold pill, you can get an improvement in your cultivation under the Yuan Dan realm. The lower the realm, the more you can get more promotion. Each person can only take it once at most, and multiple doses are invalid.

This is the second time Qin Shaofeng has taken a special version of the First Grade Nine Layers Spirit Pill, so naturally he cannot improve his cultivation.

But this special version of the First Grade Nine Layer Spirit Pill, in addition to improving the cultivation base, it also has a strong effect on healing.

How strong is it?

Qin Shaofeng didn't know before, but this time, he finally understood what kind of powerful method the strong curative effect in the Nine Layers of Spirit Pill Recipe was.

As soon as the pill was swallowed, Qin Shaofeng felt a heat flow burst out of his body.

Then the heat flow instantly flowed through his whole body, which made Qin Shaofeng instantly feel a burst of comfort throughout his body, especially the severely injured internal organs, which recovered quickly under the nourishment of the heat flow.

This process made Qin Shaofeng almost groan comfortably, but fortunately Qin Shaofeng finally held back it, just hummed softly twice.

Qin Shaofeng hummed comfortably, but after hearing Zhao Yun'er's words, Zi Yueye's face changed completely.

"Zhao Yun'er, don't go too far!"

Zi Yueye was angry, and said in a bad tone: "I advise you to return the Ziyun sword, otherwise..."

"Or? Or what else can you do?"

Before Zi Yueye finished speaking, Zhao Yuner interrupted her with a sneer, her eyes full of disdain when she looked at Zi Yueye.

But Zhao Yuner's attitude, especially her extremely disdainful tone, was even more irritating Zi Yueye.

"Zhao Yun'er, don't you just rely on you to have a good father, and that dream..."

"All right!"

Before the rest was finished, Zi Yueye was interrupted again, but this time it was Zi Taikang who spoke.

Zi Yueye was angry again, Zhao Yuner was enough to make him angry, and now Zi Taikang dared to yell at him.

I think that Zi Yueye is now in the Zi family's position, but extremely high, although Zi Taikang is considered his clan uncle, but Zi Yueye will not give him any face.

But Zi Taikang's next sentence instantly made him turn off the flame.

In the meantime, Zi Taikang leaned to Zi Yueye's ear and reminded me very quietly: "Zi Yueye, please let me wake up. If you delay our Zi Family's plan, even your future Patriarch will be a felony!"

Zi Taikang's words reminded Zi Yueye abruptly that she and Zi Taikang's mission here.

Thinking of the importance of the task, Zi Yueye's anger disappeared instantly.

Because he remembered now that the players from his side of Silver Moon Nation seemed to have been wiped out.

As a result, the task may be difficult to complete successfully.

If at this juncture, there was a conflict with Zhao Yuner, leading to an early duel between the Zi family and Lianyang Academy, such a situation would be extremely unfavorable to the Zi family!


With a roar in her heart, Zi Yueye slammed, jumped off the ring in an instant, and left directly.

Upon seeing this, Zi Taikang was too embarrassed to stay any longer, and left in a flash.


Seeing this scene, Gao Qifeng's expression was astonished.

In his impression, when did Zi Taikang talk so easily?

"you guys……"

When Zi Yueye and Zi Taikang left, Zhao Yun'er didn't do it.

She didn't even find Zi Taikang to settle the account!

Actually hurt Shaofeng seriously, this is simply unforgivable!

But before she could say anything, Qin Shaofeng stepped forward and grabbed her hands, leaned close to her and said in a low voice, "Okay, that's it. Anyway, I'm fine!"

All right?

A suspicion flashed in Zhao Yun'er's eyes, and then she subconsciously sensed some conditions in Qin Shaofeng's body with the starlight in her body.

But after this induction, Zhao Yuner was shocked.

When she checked Qin Shaofeng before, Qin Shaofeng was seriously injured. The extent of the serious injury made her worry, but now Qin Shaofeng is completely fine. It seems that what she had noticed before was just an illusion.

Not only has the injury recovered, but even the aura has recovered to completion.

Is it a pill?

Zhao Yuner's heart moved slightly, and she immediately understood something.


At this time, the black army of the Black Martial Kingdom also came to the ring.

First glanced at Qin Shaofeng with admiration, and then the black army smiled bitterly at Gao Qifeng: "Brother Gao, this game still needs to go on?"

"Fart!" Gao Qifeng didn't care about the appearance of juniors, and directly exploded.

"The reason why we held this exchange match was entirely to trouble the Silver Moon Nation. Now they are all dead, and we are out of anger. There is no need for this exchange match to go on."

"Well, this is also true!"

The black army nodded slightly, but the bitter smile on his face, instead of disappearing, became more intense.

"However, the prizes of this exchange contest are very attractive. If they are cancelled now, they will probably arouse dissatisfaction among many people!" Black Army said worriedly.

"Uh, this..."

After the black army reminded him, Gao Qifeng's face was also embarrassed.

But at this time, Zhao Yuner stood up and said confidently: "This is easy to handle, just leave it to me!"

With that said, without giving her uncle and the black army time to react, Zhao Yuner took a few steps forward, facing the crowd in the stands, and violently shouted: "I, Zhao Yuner, announced that for this exchange match, I In the match with Qin Shaofeng, should I abstain directly?"


Gao Qifeng was instantly dumbfounded.

Sister-niece, what are you going to do?

On the contrary, the black army on the side understood something, and couldn't help but nodded slightly, looking at Zhao Yuner's gaze, full of appreciation.

At this moment, the crowd in the stands was suddenly come by Zhao Yuner, but they didn't react much!

At this moment, everyone was finally breaking out for Qin Shaofeng, almost slashing the purple moon night with a single sword, oh, it should be hacked, uh, it’s still wrong, should it be said that it was a smash?

However, the appearance of Zi Taikang in the back caused everyone to be greatly surprised.

However, it was Qin Shaofeng that surprised the owner the most.

Because everyone can see that Zi Taikang made a move without mercy, but even so, Qin Shaofeng is still alive now!

This bunker!

At this moment, everyone hadn't figured out the meaning of Zhao Yun'er's words very much, and another cold but somewhat cool voice sounded.

"My Tang Qijian is the same, choose to abstain!"

Obviously, Tang Qijian already understood Zhao Yuner's intentions.

Du Meng next to him, although his brain is not so flexible, there is one thing Du Meng still knows very well.

It's impossible for my sister-in-law and this ice cube third to be disadvantageous to Brother Feng, so...

"My Dumont also abstained!"

What's the situation?

Three people in a row, and also the three seeded players of Lian Yang Guo, chose to abstain. This situation made everyone unable to understand.

But what made everyone even more incredible was that at this time, Lianyangguo, especially the players of Lianyang Academy, began to chant.

"I, Zhang San, also abstained!"

"I, Li Si, gave up, and idols are invincible!"

"How could Wang Meimei fight with Brother Shaofeng? They gave up!"


At the beginning, he was still from the Lianyang Academy, but soon players from other forces also made their voices heard.

Even in the end, the people of the Black Martial Kingdom gave in aloud.

For a time, the whole scene was full of confessions.

Upon seeing this, everyone finally understood something.

Feelings, this is to directly let Qin Shaofeng win the championship!

But for such a result, everyone was extremely supportive, and many people suddenly shouted loudly.

"Haha, good! Good! Good! Is this right? The idol's strength is absolutely number one!"

"Haha, after watching such a wonderful game, the champion has already appeared and there is no need to continue!"

"It's better than anything! Even if it's better, who is my idol's opponent?"

"Qin Shaofeng is the first place!"

"Yes, it's Qin Shaofeng!"

"Qin Shaofeng!"

"Qin Shaofeng!"


Soon, the crowd at the scene began to chant Qin Shaofeng's name.

Seeing this scene before him, Qin Shaofeng was really dumbfounded.

I just want to fight monsters, gain experience, get promoted, this champion or something, I...


The reward for the champion is so rich, I am here for the champion!


This exchange match, is it over?

This champion is mine? Is this too easy?

Qin Shaofeng said he was helpless, and there was some pain.

If I had known this, I would not take a special version of the Yipin Nine Layer Spirit Pill.

That's a special edition!



The exchange game really ended, it ended so suddenly and so urgently!

But for this situation, none of those viewers complained, and most of them were still satisfied.

Because this time the exchange competition is really wonderful.

Can it be wonderful?

One person singled out a country's players, more than fifty people!

And in the end, all but one died.

People from Lianyang and Heiwu that have always had no liking for Yinyue Kingdom are very happy!

This is the brilliance in the eyes of most people, as for the remaining small part, but left a little dingy.

These are naturally the people of Yinyue Kingdom.

Can you not be dingy?

In my own country, it can be said that he is the strongest fifty-something of the younger generation of this generation.

But in the end?

There is not one left, oh, there is one left!

But in fact, if it weren't for the last moment, Zi Taikang had shot.

Can Zi Yueye survive?

The answer is yes!

So, isn't this dingy?

In addition to these people from Yinyue Country, there are still two people in a very bad mood at the moment!

These two are Zi Yueye and Zi Taikang!

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